The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression

Hold that ain't seen a real ass kicking yet.

The only ass kicking will be directed at obama from those who use too support him.

If the GOP is stupid enough to run someone you people approve, you will get your ass kickes six ways from nothing. In fact, if the GOP continues to allow the fruitloops to speak as if they are the spokesmen for the party, we may see a Democrat House and Senate, with a filibuster proof majority.

I agree! The thing that's almost impossible to understand is how they keep shooting theirselves in the feet.
No obama benefited from the controlled implosion of the economy just so happens he was a junior senator at the time.

Okay, so you've changed your story. So Obama didn't have a hand in the Meltdown, he's just "benefiting" <?> from it. In the future, perhaps you can warn us when you're lying so that we don't have to chase you down to get you to admit it.

So, describe for us the following:

1. How this was a "controlled implosion"
2. Who is responsible
3. When the conspiracy to do this began

Details, details please. This is very educational. Thanks!


No I haven't changed anything I said in an earlier post the implosion of the economy was intentional and who was in control of the house and senate that would benefit from it?

In post #35, you said "The controlled implosion of the economy was too (sic) get a democrat in the white house obama has dirty fingers on this but you're to (sic) much the partisan to admit it." But hey, why quibble?

So, I'll try one more time. Please explain:

1. How this was a "controlled implosion"
2. Who is responsible
3. When the conspiracy to do this began

Full disclosure: I'm not really expecting a straight answer.

Okay, so you've changed your story. So Obama didn't have a hand in the Meltdown, he's just "benefiting" <?> from it. In the future, perhaps you can warn us when you're lying so that we don't have to chase you down to get you to admit it.

So, describe for us the following:

1. How this was a "controlled implosion"
2. Who is responsible
3. When the conspiracy to do this began

Details, details please. This is very educational. Thanks!


No I haven't changed anything I said in an earlier post the implosion of the economy was intentional and who was in control of the house and senate that would benefit from it?

In post #35, you said "The controlled implosion of the economy was too (sic) get a democrat in the white house obama has dirty fingers on this but you're to (sic) much the partisan to admit it." But hey, why quibble?

So, I'll try one more time. Please explain:

1. How this was a "controlled implosion"
2. Who is responsible
3. When the conspiracy to do this began

Full disclosure: I'm not really expecting a straight answer.


I don't have the time nor will to try and explain it too you.
If you want to remain stupid be my guess.
Obama is the one of the worst people we could have put behind the wheel of the car Bush drove into a ditch.

But face it. It was Bush that drove it into the ditch. He should have repealed the CFMA and the FSMA passed by the GOP Congress under Clinton. He should not have reduced the size of the SEC, and he sure as shit should not have let them remove capital reserve requirements for the Too Big To Fail firms on Wall Street.

Instead, it was cowboy time. Yeeeeeeeeee-haaaaawwwwwwww! Right off a fucking cliff.

No way!

See, Bigrebnc1775 says that the Meltdown was Obama's fault, and we all know how honest and knowledgeable he is.

I asked him to describe how this is so, but BigRebnc has opted not to enlighten us with his brilliance, and has instead opted to say high-minded things such as "back away from obama's asshole the shit fumes are fucking with what's left of your mind."

We can only hope that Bigrebnc will change his mind and provide us with the education that we all so clearly need. I'd love to know how Obama had a hand in bringing about the Meltdown, and I'm looking forward to his words of wisdom.

Unless Levin hasn't covered this yet.


No obama benefited from the controlled implosion of the economy just so happens he was a junior senator at the time.

Obama benefited from a backlash against Bush's $1,000,000,000,000 wars, dumbass. That's one trillion in case you can't count zeros. You seem to have a problem going back more than 2-3 years in American history.
No way!

See, Bigrebnc1775 says that the Meltdown was Obama's fault, and we all know how honest and knowledgeable he is.

I asked him to describe how this is so, but BigRebnc has opted not to enlighten us with his brilliance, and has instead opted to say high-minded things such as "back away from obama's asshole the shit fumes are fucking with what's left of your mind."

We can only hope that Bigrebnc will change his mind and provide us with the education that we all so clearly need. I'd love to know how Obama had a hand in bringing about the Meltdown, and I'm looking forward to his words of wisdom.

Unless Levin hasn't covered this yet.


No obama benefited from the controlled implosion of the economy just so happens he was a junior senator at the time.

Obama benefited from a backlash against Bush's $1,000,000,000,000 wars, dumbass. That's one trillion in case you can't count zeros. You seem to have a problem going back more than 2-3 years in American history.

obama leads all president with 18 trillion now.
No I haven't changed anything I said in an earlier post the implosion of the economy was intentional and who was in control of the house and senate that would benefit from it?

In post #35, you said "The controlled implosion of the economy was too (sic) get a democrat in the white house obama has dirty fingers on this but you're to (sic) much the partisan to admit it." But hey, why quibble?

So, I'll try one more time. Please explain:

1. How this was a "controlled implosion"
2. Who is responsible
3. When the conspiracy to do this began

Full disclosure: I'm not really expecting a straight answer.


I don't have the time nor will to try and explain it too you.
If you want to remain stupid be my guess.

Absolutely perfect, thanks.

You just regurgitate silly shit you hear on the radio and are completely unable to back it up. And how could you? Since your heroes are making this shit up in the FIRST place, they don't provide you with the information TO back it up. All they care about is that you lap up their silly shit like a kitten with cream.

Who are you trying to fool here? It isn't working.


See why GDP growth is anemic? It's being dragged down by negative growth (aka contraction) in government GDP.

Just what you conservatives supposedly wanted.
In post #35, you said "The controlled implosion of the economy was too (sic) get a democrat in the white house obama has dirty fingers on this but you're to (sic) much the partisan to admit it." But hey, why quibble?

So, I'll try one more time. Please explain:

1. How this was a "controlled implosion"
2. Who is responsible
3. When the conspiracy to do this began

Full disclosure: I'm not really expecting a straight answer.


I don't have the time nor will to try and explain it too you.
If you want to remain stupid be my guess.

Absolutely perfect, thanks.

You just regurgitate silly shit you hear on the radio and are completely unable to back it up. And how could you? Since your heroes are making this shit up in the FIRST place, they don't provide you with the information TO back it up. All they care about is that you lap up their silly shit like a kitten with cream.

Who are you trying to fool here? It isn't working.


OK dumb fuck why didn't the democrats regulate Freddie and Fannie when they were warned?
I don't have the time nor will to try and explain it too you.
If you want to remain stupid be my guess.

Absolutely perfect, thanks.

You just regurgitate silly shit you hear on the radio and are completely unable to back it up. And how could you? Since your heroes are making this shit up in the FIRST place, they don't provide you with the information TO back it up. All they care about is that you lap up their silly shit like a kitten with cream.

Who are you trying to fool here? It isn't working.


OK dumb fuck why didn't the democrats regulate Freddie and Fannie when they were warned?

It's a shame you're unable to communicate without resorting to personal insults and vulgarity. You're very emotional.

Let's see if I can make sense of this. Evidently you think the Meltdown happened because the Democrats didn't "regulate Freddie and Fannie when they were warned." Okay, two part answer (I actually give direct answers, unlike you):

First, there were regulations in place, but they were essentially worthless because (a) so little effort was placed on enforcing them, and (b) maximizing the amount of mortgages was evidently a higher priority than regulating them. As bad as the Republicans were in this area, the Democrats were worse (especially Dodd & Frank), pushing for the lowering of standards in their never-ending quest for the governmental creation of "fairness".

And by the way, blaming Obama for this is just silly.

Second, the Fannie/Freddie debacle was just one card in the house of cards. The meltdown was decades in the making and cultural in its DNA. Not only was corporate America leveraged beyond anything approaching reason, so too was the American consumer. Somewhere along the way we allowed ourselves to become convinced that it was somehow our birthright to buy and own as much shit as we could fit into our homes, and we used plastic to do it. The mortgage crisis would have been far, far less destructive had we chosen a different cultural and consumerism path, placing a higher priority on responsible finance than on how many goodies we own.

But I know you like to keep it simple, placing blame only on everyone and anyone with a (D) after their name.

I answered your question, and you avoided mine. Par for the course.

Absolutely perfect, thanks.

You just regurgitate silly shit you hear on the radio and are completely unable to back it up. And how could you? Since your heroes are making this shit up in the FIRST place, they don't provide you with the information TO back it up. All they care about is that you lap up their silly shit like a kitten with cream.

Who are you trying to fool here? It isn't working.


OK dumb fuck why didn't the democrats regulate Freddie and Fannie when they were warned?

It's a shame you're unable to communicate without resorting to personal insults and vulgarity. You're very emotional.

Let's see if I can make sense of this. Evidently you think the Meltdown happened because the Democrats didn't "regulate Freddie and Fannie when they were warned." Okay, two part answer (I actually give direct answers, unlike you):

First, there were regulations in place, but they were essentially worthless because (a) so little effort was placed on enforcing them, and (b) maximizing the amount of mortgages was evidently a higher priority than regulating them. As bad as the Republicans were in this area, the Democrats were worse (especially Dodd & Frank), pushing for the lowering of standards in their never-ending quest for the governmental creation of "fairness".

And by the way, blaming Obama for this is just silly.

Second, the Fannie/Freddie debacle was just one card in the house of cards. The meltdown was decades in the making and cultural in its DNA. Not only was corporate America leveraged beyond anything approaching reason, so too was the American consumer. Somewhere along the way we allowed ourselves to become convinced that it was somehow our birthright to buy and own as much shit as we could fit into our homes, and we used plastic to do it. The mortgage crisis would have been far, far less destructive had we chosen a different cultural and consumerism path, placing a higher priority on responsible finance than on how many goodies we own.

But I know you like to keep it simple, placing blame only on everyone and anyone with a (D) after their name.

I answered your question, and you avoided mine. Par for the course.


And by the way, blaming Obama for this is just silly.

It is what it is place the blame exactly where it belongs. As for the insult you fuck wits who support that son of a bitch deserves it.
No obama benefited from the controlled implosion of the economy just so happens he was a junior senator at the time.

Obama benefited from a backlash against Bush's $1,000,000,000,000 wars, dumbass. That's one trillion in case you can't count zeros. You seem to have a problem going back more than 2-3 years in American history.

obama leads all president with 18 trillion now.

You're saying he accrued a debt of $18,000,000,000,000 in the last 4 years, correct?
Absolutely perfect, thanks.

You just regurgitate silly shit you hear on the radio and are completely unable to back it up. And how could you? Since your heroes are making this shit up in the FIRST place, they don't provide you with the information TO back it up. All they care about is that you lap up their silly shit like a kitten with cream.

Who are you trying to fool here? It isn't working.


OK dumb fuck why didn't the democrats regulate Freddie and Fannie when they were warned?

It's a shame you're unable to communicate without resorting to personal insults and vulgarity. You're very emotional.

Let's see if I can make sense of this. Evidently you think the Meltdown happened because the Democrats didn't "regulate Freddie and Fannie when they were warned." Okay, two part answer (I actually give direct answers, unlike you):

First, there were regulations in place, but they were essentially worthless because (a) so little effort was placed on enforcing them, and (b) maximizing the amount of mortgages was evidently a higher priority than regulating them. As bad as the Republicans were in this area, the Democrats were worse (especially Dodd & Frank), pushing for the lowering of standards in their never-ending quest for the governmental creation of "fairness".

And by the way, blaming Obama for this is just silly.

Second, the Fannie/Freddie debacle was just one card in the house of cards. The meltdown was decades in the making and cultural in its DNA. Not only was corporate America leveraged beyond anything approaching reason, so too was the American consumer. Somewhere along the way we allowed ourselves to become convinced that it was somehow our birthright to buy and own as much shit as we could fit into our homes, and we used plastic to do it. The mortgage crisis would have been far, far less destructive had we chosen a different cultural and consumerism path, placing a higher priority on responsible finance than on how many goodies we own.

But I know you like to keep it simple, placing blame only on everyone and anyone with a (D) after their name.

I answered your question, and you avoided mine. Par for the course.


The Republicans are very good at getting their sheep to focus on Obama instead of the real culprits on Wall Street who have bought and paid off every member of Congress, in both parties.
OK dumb fuck why didn't the democrats regulate Freddie and Fannie when they were warned?

It's a shame you're unable to communicate without resorting to personal insults and vulgarity. You're very emotional.

Let's see if I can make sense of this. Evidently you think the Meltdown happened because the Democrats didn't "regulate Freddie and Fannie when they were warned." Okay, two part answer (I actually give direct answers, unlike you):

First, there were regulations in place, but they were essentially worthless because (a) so little effort was placed on enforcing them, and (b) maximizing the amount of mortgages was evidently a higher priority than regulating them. As bad as the Republicans were in this area, the Democrats were worse (especially Dodd & Frank), pushing for the lowering of standards in their never-ending quest for the governmental creation of "fairness".

And by the way, blaming Obama for this is just silly.

Second, the Fannie/Freddie debacle was just one card in the house of cards. The meltdown was decades in the making and cultural in its DNA. Not only was corporate America leveraged beyond anything approaching reason, so too was the American consumer. Somewhere along the way we allowed ourselves to become convinced that it was somehow our birthright to buy and own as much shit as we could fit into our homes, and we used plastic to do it. The mortgage crisis would have been far, far less destructive had we chosen a different cultural and consumerism path, placing a higher priority on responsible finance than on how many goodies we own.

But I know you like to keep it simple, placing blame only on everyone and anyone with a (D) after their name.

I answered your question, and you avoided mine. Par for the course.


And by the way, blaming Obama for this is just silly.

It is what it is place the blame exactly where it belongs. As for the insult you fuck wits who support that son of a bitch deserves it.

I really should know better than trying to hold an intelligent conversation with people like this.

It's a shame you're unable to communicate without resorting to personal insults and vulgarity. You're very emotional.

Let's see if I can make sense of this. Evidently you think the Meltdown happened because the Democrats didn't "regulate Freddie and Fannie when they were warned." Okay, two part answer (I actually give direct answers, unlike you):

First, there were regulations in place, but they were essentially worthless because (a) so little effort was placed on enforcing them, and (b) maximizing the amount of mortgages was evidently a higher priority than regulating them. As bad as the Republicans were in this area, the Democrats were worse (especially Dodd & Frank), pushing for the lowering of standards in their never-ending quest for the governmental creation of "fairness".

And by the way, blaming Obama for this is just silly.

Second, the Fannie/Freddie debacle was just one card in the house of cards. The meltdown was decades in the making and cultural in its DNA. Not only was corporate America leveraged beyond anything approaching reason, so too was the American consumer. Somewhere along the way we allowed ourselves to become convinced that it was somehow our birthright to buy and own as much shit as we could fit into our homes, and we used plastic to do it. The mortgage crisis would have been far, far less destructive had we chosen a different cultural and consumerism path, placing a higher priority on responsible finance than on how many goodies we own.

But I know you like to keep it simple, placing blame only on everyone and anyone with a (D) after their name.

I answered your question, and you avoided mine. Par for the course.


And by the way, blaming Obama for this is just silly.

It is what it is place the blame exactly where it belongs. As for the insult you fuck wits who support that son of a bitch deserves it.

I really should know better than trying to hold an intelligent conversation with people like this.


It's very civilized of you to refer to him as "people". "Neanderthal" is what comes to my mind.

Fortunately, there is only small group of goofy people who are pretending that widest, deepest and most complex domestic and international financial meltdown in history -- and its after-effects -- can be blamed on Barack Obama.

Sure, these people are amusing, I must admit. But it does make one respect the power of denial, and influence of radio talk show hosts on the subconscious.


There was no financial meltdown. That was averted through TARP. We went into a recession due to the housing collapse and the resultant dryup of credit. Now, four years later, we are still bumping along the bottom, and you loons are doing everything possible not to have to put the blame on your messiah.

The only thing amusing is watching you liberal/socialist dumbasses attempt to look like you know what you are talking about, as you regurgitate the nonsense that your leaders feed you.

We are not growing for two simple reasons. First, Keynesian economics is a fraud that has never worked, is not working now, and never will work. FDR tried it and this nation suffered for twelve long years. Obama has tried it and this nation has suffered for four long years and still counting. Second, is the flood of regulations that is strangling our businesses, and preventing new businesses from starting.
No obama benefited from the controlled implosion of the economy just so happens he was a junior senator at the time.

Obama benefited from a backlash against Bush's $1,000,000,000,000 wars, dumbass. That's one trillion in case you can't count zeros. You seem to have a problem going back more than 2-3 years in American history.

obama leads all president with 18 trillion now.

ROTFL!! I guess that's pretty close for a Republican. What it is is:

......PUBLICLY HELD.........INTER/GOVT........................TOTAL................
11,745,346,816,554.79 4,862,971,540,821.75 16,608,318,357,376.54

If you subtract the over a trillion and a half of interest which has been paid on the Reagan/Bushes debt it really isn't that bad. Spending under Obama is less than it was under Bush.....course I know how that shit you get from Fox sounds to you but it has nothing to do with the truth. Obama already has one less country with combat boots on the ground and he's working on the other. It always takes a Democrat to come along and clean up Republican messes.
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Fortunately, there is only small group of goofy people who are pretending that widest, deepest and most complex domestic and international financial meltdown in history -- and its after-effects -- can be blamed on Barack Obama.

Sure, these people are amusing, I must admit. But it does make one respect the power of denial, and influence of radio talk show hosts on the subconscious.


There was no financial meltdown. That was averted through TARP. We went into a recession due to the housing collapse and the resultant dryup of credit. Now, four years later, we are still bumping along the bottom, and you loons are doing everything possible not to have to put the blame on your messiah.

The only thing amusing is watching you liberal/socialist dumbasses attempt to look like you know what you are talking about, as you regurgitate the nonsense that your leaders feed you.

We are not growing for two simple reasons. First, Keynesian economics is a fraud that has never worked, is not working now, and never will work. FDR tried it and this nation suffered for twelve long years. Obama has tried it and this nation has suffered for four long years and still counting. Second, is the flood of regulations that is strangling our businesses, and preventing new businesses from starting.

I see.

Unfortunately, I'm not a "socialist/liberal", and I'm a financial advisor, CFP/ChFC/CLU. I'm neck deep in this stuff every day. And looking at your simplistic, boilerplate explanation, I suspect your get your "information" from YOUR leaders (Rush, Sean, Mark, Michael), and would also suggest that you back away from the radio for a while.

And of course only a small group of goofy people who are pretending that widest, deepest and most complex domestic and international financial meltdown in history -- and its after-effects would forget about whom controlled the house and senate with a junior senator obama when it all began

Yeah, but the democrats didn't really have control of congress for even a month. Kennedy was dying during half of the 24 working days that they had their technical supermajority of 60, and couldn't vote as he was homebound / in the hospital. So, you can put that myth to rest.

Oh, and before you go off on the source, the actual numbers were taken from the official government calendars for years 2009 & 2010.

Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left
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Yes, Bush crashed our economy in 2008.

It was worse than that:

Bush had the worst track record for job creation since the government began keeping records and job creation under his tenure was anemic long before the recession began. Bush's supply-side economics fostered the weakest jobs and income growth in more than six decades, along with sluggish business investment and weak gross domestic product growth.

Whether Republicans are really slow learners, or they are so ideologically driven that they are unable to step away from their disastrous right-wing ideology for one minute to deal with reality, doesn&#8217;t matter.

Reagan and the Bushes accomodated corporations and the wealthy and the chickens have come home to roost.
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