The Worst?? Move Over, Carter and Buchanan!!

We see, and will continue to see, more and more of essays such as the following.

First...the timeline.....then the indictment proving the title.... "America’s Worst President?"

1. "I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln.
America’s Worst President?

After Thursday’s terrorist slaughter of policemen in Dallas, it’s fair to say that Barack Obama might well be the worst president in U.S. history. Here’s why.

2. ...America’s domestic politics for the last 60 or 70 years—from sometime between the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v Board of Education school desegregation decision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—has been the nation’s effort to undo the heinous wrongs that slavery and Jim Crow perpetrated on black Americans...
[Both slavery and Jim Crow are the handiwork of the Democrat Party.]

3. .[but]..civil rights zeal turned into zealotry. We made the integration of our schools, and then the closing of the black-white achievement gap, our principal educational goal for half a century, with the unintended consequence that we neglected actual education and turned urban schools into machines for perpetuating black failure.

4. Judge-ordained busing in Boston, completely contrary to the terms of the Civil Rights Act, made the schools more segregated than ever. A judge-ordained Kansas City school-funding-equalization order, forcing local taxpayers to shell out $2 billion over a decade, including building a bizarrely unnecessary Olympic swimming pool, produced no educational gains whatsoever and proved to anyone with eyes to see that money was not the key to racial equality in education.

5. Then, the colleges turned to affirmative action in admissions, the ed schools taught their students not how to teach or what facts they needed to transmit but only “social-justice” ideology,.... They replaced Plato with Ta-Nehisi Coates.

6. Believing that welfare payments constituted well-deserved reparations for 300 years of slavery and oppression, we New Yorkers created a come-and-get-it dole that ended up with one in eight of our neighbors on the welfare rolls—paid for by the rest of us and resulting in a multi-generational underclass. ...

....the foolish [Liberal] notion that black crime was a manly revolt against oppression—that black criminals were only protesting against the closure of all avenues of honest advancement for their race, as well as against the daily humiliation heaped on African-Americans.

[Are you listening, Obama???]

7. The resulting depolicing of black neighborhoods and unwillingness of courts to punish black criminals drove crime to Hobbesian levels and turned minority neighborhoods into killing fields, where mothers put their kids to bed in the bathtub, trying to keep them safe from stray bullets."
America’s Worst President?

Every debilitating policy above is at the behest of Democrats/Liberals.

It is not credible to imagine that they did so out of the best of intentions.

The Dallas speech of the nation's worst President ever puts the problem in stark perspective.

Coming right up.....

More whites than blacks get welfare you idiot.
What % of blacks are population and what % are on the welfare?
You keep referring to all the souther atrocities committed upon Blacks and other minorities in the past and you say Democrats perpetrated all of that. I don't think the democratic party sanctioned any of that,but we do know that violence, bigotry and intolerance are the hallmarks of American conservatism.. That being said:the political color of Democrats is blue. Now, look at your political map and make notes of the locations where slavery was instituted, locate the states where Jim Crow flourished and note the states where Byrd, Wallace, Clinton and "Bull" Connor came from. Still with me? Looking at a modern political map, those states are mostly red states, which, for the mentally challenged, like you, means that territory is now Republican controlled. But don't stop there. There are myriad resources to consult. Countless libraries and books validate the reality of conservative Southern Democrats. I am not talking about the Dixiecrats, I am talking about the general southern Democratic electorate that brought their conservatism into the Republican Party starting way back in 1948 after Truman integrated the armed Forces.

Before that,however,this is the democratic powerhouse of 1948 geographically:

View attachment 82135



JQ said:
"You keep referring to all the souther atrocities committed upon Blacks and other minorities in the past and you say Democrats perpetrated all of that. I don't think the democratic party sanctioned any of that…."

Of course they I proved several times over.

Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist in a particular era is problematic because during the 1st half of the 20th Century most of the states were controlled by Democrats. Most of those Blue states were not slave states nor did they share the Southern conservative fervor in maintaining the peculiar institution of slavery. Those Democratic states sided with the Union during the Civil War against the Southern conservative confederacy. That is why I choose to make the crucial distinction between conservative Southern Democrats and liberal Northern Democrats. The Republicans would have been powerless without them.

PC said:
I'm really enjoying how uncomfortable, how embarrassed I've made you about your affiliation with the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship for minorities.

You are being delusional. There was no "party of slavery." Slavery was original sanctioned by the founding fathers before the Democrats or Republicans were even formed. If any ownership for slavery is to be bestowed upon a group of Americans, place that mantle on the shoulders of southern conservatives. Slavery was the tradition to be conserved, by them.

PC said:
Best part...your 'is not, isss noottttt!' posts have allowed me to point to exactly the sort of low level mythology that the truly been trained to accept.

Did you notice that you have been unable to deny any of the facts I've provided?

Bet readers have.

You've committed a inordinate amount of time addressing my "stupidity." That, in and of itself, is quite telling. But nothing is as telling as your need to have your pseudo-facts addressed despite my introduction of graphics to make my points clear.

Ignoring the two political maps I took the time to post, you posted this:

"Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
FDR disparaged minorities....blacks, Jews and Asians."

Look, I don't give a f—k about what FDR did. I wasn't even alive back then..perhaps YOU were. Today's political parties and who is in them now is the real issue. Blacks Asians , Jews and Hispanics plus liberal Whites of both sexes have come together to make America great for EVERYBODY under the auspices of the Democratic Party. BTW America was a bastion of slavery, does that mean blacks should abandon these shores because of that? And don't forget, Republicans AND democrats tolerated slavery in the South for several hundred years. Now go to bed and dream up more nonsense you silly curmudgeon!

"Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist blah blah blah...."

Who used the term 'Democrat'????

George Wallace, Al Gore, Sr., Lyndon Baines Johnson, Franklin Roosevelt, Oval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Hugo Black, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright, ..Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Every KKK member, too.

Every JIm Crow law.....Democrat provenance.

That's the policy basis for the group that you are tied to.
Change is a byatch, isn't it? Just like you!

Destroying your posts was a pleasure.

Proving you a liar....a bonus.
HAHAHAHA. You probably believe in the tooth fairy too. Just because you are such an obstinate c**t who refuses to acknowledge the conservative connection to the most blatant racism in this country doesn't make you a winner. It just shows you are a light weight with no formal education. No matter where conservatism raises it's ugly head, whether it be under the auspices of 20th century Democrats or 21str century Republicans, racism, sexism and general intolerance follows.
Of course they I proved several times over.

Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist in a particular era is problematic because during the 1st half of the 20th Century most of the states were controlled by Democrats. Most of those Blue states were not slave states nor did they share the Southern conservative fervor in maintaining the peculiar institution of slavery. Those Democratic states sided with the Union during the Civil War against the Southern conservative confederacy. That is why I choose to make the crucial distinction between conservative Southern Democrats and liberal Northern Democrats. The Republicans would have been powerless without them.

PC said:
I'm really enjoying how uncomfortable, how embarrassed I've made you about your affiliation with the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship for minorities.

You are being delusional. There was no "party of slavery." Slavery was original sanctioned by the founding fathers before the Democrats or Republicans were even formed. If any ownership for slavery is to be bestowed upon a group of Americans, place that mantle on the shoulders of southern conservatives. Slavery was the tradition to be conserved, by them.

PC said:
Best part...your 'is not, isss noottttt!' posts have allowed me to point to exactly the sort of low level mythology that the truly been trained to accept.

Did you notice that you have been unable to deny any of the facts I've provided?

Bet readers have.

You've committed a inordinate amount of time addressing my "stupidity." That, in and of itself, is quite telling. But nothing is as telling as your need to have your pseudo-facts addressed despite my introduction of graphics to make my points clear.

Ignoring the two political maps I took the time to post, you posted this:

"Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
FDR disparaged minorities....blacks, Jews and Asians."

Look, I don't give a f—k about what FDR did. I wasn't even alive back then..perhaps YOU were. Today's political parties and who is in them now is the real issue. Blacks Asians , Jews and Hispanics plus liberal Whites of both sexes have come together to make America great for EVERYBODY under the auspices of the Democratic Party. BTW America was a bastion of slavery, does that mean blacks should abandon these shores because of that? And don't forget, Republicans AND democrats tolerated slavery in the South for several hundred years. Now go to bed and dream up more nonsense you silly curmudgeon!

"Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist blah blah blah...."

Who used the term 'Democrat'????

George Wallace, Al Gore, Sr., Lyndon Baines Johnson, Franklin Roosevelt, Oval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Hugo Black, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright, ..Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Every KKK member, too.

Every JIm Crow law.....Democrat provenance.

That's the policy basis for the group that you are tied to.
Change is a byatch, isn't it? Just like you!

Destroying your posts was a pleasure.

Proving you a liar....a bonus.
HAHAHAHA. You probably believe in the tooth fairy too. Just because you are such an obstinate c**t who refuses to acknowledge the conservative connection to the most blatant racism in this country doesn't make you a winner. It just shows you are a light weight with no formal education. No matter where conservatism raises it's ugly head, whether it be under the auspices of 20th century Democrats or 21str century Republicans, racism, sexism and general intolerance follows.
Democrats are racist and play race card every election. How fucking blind are you?
Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist in a particular era is problematic because during the 1st half of the 20th Century most of the states were controlled by Democrats. Most of those Blue states were not slave states nor did they share the Southern conservative fervor in maintaining the peculiar institution of slavery. Those Democratic states sided with the Union during the Civil War against the Southern conservative confederacy. That is why I choose to make the crucial distinction between conservative Southern Democrats and liberal Northern Democrats. The Republicans would have been powerless without them.

You are being delusional. There was no "party of slavery." Slavery was original sanctioned by the founding fathers before the Democrats or Republicans were even formed. If any ownership for slavery is to be bestowed upon a group of Americans, place that mantle on the shoulders of southern conservatives. Slavery was the tradition to be conserved, by them.

You've committed a inordinate amount of time addressing my "stupidity." That, in and of itself, is quite telling. But nothing is as telling as your need to have your pseudo-facts addressed despite my introduction of graphics to make my points clear.

Ignoring the two political maps I took the time to post, you posted this:

"Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
FDR disparaged minorities....blacks, Jews and Asians."

Look, I don't give a f—k about what FDR did. I wasn't even alive back then..perhaps YOU were. Today's political parties and who is in them now is the real issue. Blacks Asians , Jews and Hispanics plus liberal Whites of both sexes have come together to make America great for EVERYBODY under the auspices of the Democratic Party. BTW America was a bastion of slavery, does that mean blacks should abandon these shores because of that? And don't forget, Republicans AND democrats tolerated slavery in the South for several hundred years. Now go to bed and dream up more nonsense you silly curmudgeon!

"Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist blah blah blah...."

Who used the term 'Democrat'????

George Wallace, Al Gore, Sr., Lyndon Baines Johnson, Franklin Roosevelt, Oval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Hugo Black, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright, ..Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Every KKK member, too.

Every JIm Crow law.....Democrat provenance.

That's the policy basis for the group that you are tied to.
Change is a byatch, isn't it? Just like you!

Destroying your posts was a pleasure.

Proving you a liar....a bonus.
HAHAHAHA. You probably believe in the tooth fairy too. Just because you are such an obstinate c**t who refuses to acknowledge the conservative connection to the most blatant racism in this country doesn't make you a winner. It just shows you are a light weight with no formal education. No matter where conservatism raises it's ugly head, whether it be under the auspices of 20th century Democrats or 21str century Republicans, racism, sexism and general intolerance follows.
Democrats are racist and play race card every election. How fucking blind are you?
Is that all you have? Gee you get a gold star for BS!
"Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist blah blah blah...."

Who used the term 'Democrat'????

George Wallace, Al Gore, Sr., Lyndon Baines Johnson, Franklin Roosevelt, Oval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Hugo Black, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright, ..Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Every KKK member, too.

Every JIm Crow law.....Democrat provenance.

That's the policy basis for the group that you are tied to.
Change is a byatch, isn't it? Just like you!

Destroying your posts was a pleasure.

Proving you a liar....a bonus.
HAHAHAHA. You probably believe in the tooth fairy too. Just because you are such an obstinate c**t who refuses to acknowledge the conservative connection to the most blatant racism in this country doesn't make you a winner. It just shows you are a light weight with no formal education. No matter where conservatism raises it's ugly head, whether it be under the auspices of 20th century Democrats or 21str century Republicans, racism, sexism and general intolerance follows.
Democrats are racist and play race card every election. How fucking blind are you?
Is that all you have? Gee you get a gold star for BS!
Thanks for admitting you were slammed!
Change is a byatch, isn't it? Just like you!

Destroying your posts was a pleasure.

Proving you a liar....a bonus.
HAHAHAHA. You probably believe in the tooth fairy too. Just because you are such an obstinate c**t who refuses to acknowledge the conservative connection to the most blatant racism in this country doesn't make you a winner. It just shows you are a light weight with no formal education. No matter where conservatism raises it's ugly head, whether it be under the auspices of 20th century Democrats or 21str century Republicans, racism, sexism and general intolerance follows.
Democrats are racist and play race card every election. How fucking blind are you?
Is that all you have? Gee you get a gold star for BS!
Thanks for admitting you were slammed!
Thanks for showing you are a delusional idiot. I'll bet you are just as conservative as those 20th century KKK democrats were. But wait… you are a Republican now… Oh OH!
Destroying your posts was a pleasure.

Proving you a liar....a bonus.
HAHAHAHA. You probably believe in the tooth fairy too. Just because you are such an obstinate c**t who refuses to acknowledge the conservative connection to the most blatant racism in this country doesn't make you a winner. It just shows you are a light weight with no formal education. No matter where conservatism raises it's ugly head, whether it be under the auspices of 20th century Democrats or 21str century Republicans, racism, sexism and general intolerance follows.
Democrats are racist and play race card every election. How fucking blind are you?
Is that all you have? Gee you get a gold star for BS!
Thanks for admitting you were slammed!
Thanks for showing you are a delusional idiot. I'll bet you are just as conservative as those 20th century KKK democrats were. But wait… you are a Republican now… Oh OH!
Racist are liberals who hate white people, who hate black conservatives, and who hate immigrants who came here legally.
HAHAHAHA. You probably believe in the tooth fairy too. Just because you are such an obstinate c**t who refuses to acknowledge the conservative connection to the most blatant racism in this country doesn't make you a winner. It just shows you are a light weight with no formal education. No matter where conservatism raises it's ugly head, whether it be under the auspices of 20th century Democrats or 21str century Republicans, racism, sexism and general intolerance follows.
Democrats are racist and play race card every election. How fucking blind are you?
Is that all you have? Gee you get a gold star for BS!
Thanks for admitting you were slammed!
Thanks for showing you are a delusional idiot. I'll bet you are just as conservative as those 20th century KKK democrats were. But wait… you are a Republican now… Oh OH!
Racist are liberals who hate white people, who hate black conservatives, and who hate immigrants who came here legally.
What study are you citing. I can't seem to find references to your assertions anywhere. Are you making this stuff up?
Democrats are racist and play race card every election. How fucking blind are you?
Is that all you have? Gee you get a gold star for BS!
Thanks for admitting you were slammed!
Thanks for showing you are a delusional idiot. I'll bet you are just as conservative as those 20th century KKK democrats were. But wait… you are a Republican now… Oh OH!
Racist are liberals who hate white people, who hate black conservatives, and who hate immigrants who came here legally.
What study are you citing. I can't seem to find references to your assertions anywhere. Are you making this stuff up?
It's common accepted fact. What the fuck is BLM but a front to elect Hillary. 98% of blacks vote Democrat blindly. Nuff said.
What a stupid interpretation of what Clinton said

But coming from a conservative, it is the best we can expect

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

Of course we now live in a pluralistic society, but even in such an environ, we still have our share of racists, bigots and all around evil assholes. Today they are not known as Democrats, and the Republican Party is no longer a progressive force in keeping to Jefferson's vision that "all men are created equal...."; it has become a small tent cabal looking to take America backwards to the late 19th Century, before women's suffrage, before the income tax, before the 17th Amendment, before the 24th Amendment and into the era before Affirmative Action which leveled the playing field and led to equal opportunities, as Jefferson and others who signed the Declaration of Independence fought for.

You are silly.

I am? You find factual truth to be "silly"?

The New Right (the Crazy Right Wing as I like to characterize them) is reactionary. They want a return to the Gilded Age, when all of the items noted in my "silly" post did not exist. Oh, and I forgot labor unions, and an electrified rural America and a strong and growing middle class. Yes, the good old days which weren't so good.

They're batshit insane. Deregulations caused the great depression(Harding, Hover) and Great recession, but they somehow think doing the same will have different results? Government regulations on air, water and food is why America has such high standards that these assholes can brag about the dirty water of mexico as they certainly do. Most of the world would kill for the clean air, water and food America enjoys because of government regs! Liberterians really are sick in the head.
I don't like the BLM either, but it is the height of idiocy to call a president that created over 10,000,000 private sector jobs and halved the unemployment rate one of the worse.
You are a fucking looney.
Is that all you have? Gee you get a gold star for BS!
Thanks for admitting you were slammed!
Thanks for showing you are a delusional idiot. I'll bet you are just as conservative as those 20th century KKK democrats were. But wait… you are a Republican now… Oh OH!
Racist are liberals who hate white people, who hate black conservatives, and who hate immigrants who came here legally.
What study are you citing. I can't seem to find references to your assertions anywhere. Are you making this stuff up?
It's common accepted fact. What the fuck is BLM but a front to elect Hillary. 98% of blacks vote Democrat blindly. Nuff said.
It may be a common accepted fact by RW White males but the rest of us don't accept it. wtf does BLM or the Blacks voting for Hilary have to do wth your last outrageous claim? Here is what you said:

"Racist are liberals who hate white people, who hate black conservatives, and who hate immigrants who came here legally."

Now, it seems, you are positing that BLM is a front to elect Hillary ( she is White) and that Blacks vote 98% Democrat ( whether the candidate is Black or White.). How can Liberals hate White people when Hillary is White and they LOVE her? See how ridiculous you sound?
Thanks for admitting you were slammed!
Thanks for showing you are a delusional idiot. I'll bet you are just as conservative as those 20th century KKK democrats were. But wait… you are a Republican now… Oh OH!
Racist are liberals who hate white people, who hate black conservatives, and who hate immigrants who came here legally.
What study are you citing. I can't seem to find references to your assertions anywhere. Are you making this stuff up?
It's common accepted fact. What the fuck is BLM but a front to elect Hillary. 98% of blacks vote Democrat blindly. Nuff said.
It may be a common accepted fact by RW White males but the rest of us don't accept it. wtf does BLM or the Blacks voting for Hilary have to do wth your last outrageous claim? Here is what you said:

"Racist are liberals who hate white people, who hate black conservatives, and who hate immigrants who came here legally."

Now, it seems, you are positing that BLM is a front to elect Hillary ( she is White) and that Blacks vote 98% Democrat ( whether the candidate is Black or White.). How can Liberals hate White people when Hillary is White and they LOVE her? See how ridiculous you sound?
Tell the the "hands up donut shoot lie...pile the police bodies high and try to elect Hillary."
“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

Of course we now live in a pluralistic society, but even in such an environ, we still have our share of racists, bigots and all around evil assholes. Today they are not known as Democrats, and the Republican Party is no longer a progressive force in keeping to Jefferson's vision that "all men are created equal...."; it has become a small tent cabal looking to take America backwards to the late 19th Century, before women's suffrage, before the income tax, before the 17th Amendment, before the 24th Amendment and into the era before Affirmative Action which leveled the playing field and led to equal opportunities, as Jefferson and others who signed the Declaration of Independence fought for.

You are silly.

I am? You find factual truth to be "silly"?

The New Right (the Crazy Right Wing as I like to characterize them) is reactionary. They want a return to the Gilded Age, when all of the items noted in my "silly" post did not exist. Oh, and I forgot labor unions, and an electrified rural America and a strong and growing middle class. Yes, the good old days which weren't so good.

They're batshit insane. Deregulations caused the great depression(Harding, Hover) and Great recession, but they somehow think doing the same will have different results? Government regulations on air, water and food is why America has such high standards that these assholes can brag about the dirty water of mexico as they certainly do. Most of the world would kill for the clean air, water and food America enjoys because of government regs! Liberterians really are sick in the head.
You are a fucking double looney.
Thanks for showing you are a delusional idiot. I'll bet you are just as conservative as those 20th century KKK democrats were. But wait… you are a Republican now… Oh OH!
Racist are liberals who hate white people, who hate black conservatives, and who hate immigrants who came here legally.
What study are you citing. I can't seem to find references to your assertions anywhere. Are you making this stuff up?
It's common accepted fact. What the fuck is BLM but a front to elect Hillary. 98% of blacks vote Democrat blindly. Nuff said.
It may be a common accepted fact by RW White males but the rest of us don't accept it. wtf does BLM or the Blacks voting for Hilary have to do wth your last outrageous claim? Here is what you said:

"Racist are liberals who hate white people, who hate black conservatives, and who hate immigrants who came here legally."

Now, it seems, you are positing that BLM is a front to elect Hillary ( she is White) and that Blacks vote 98% Democrat ( whether the candidate is Black or White.). How can Liberals hate White people when Hillary is White and they LOVE her? See how ridiculous you sound?
Tell the the "hands up donut shoot lie...pile the police bodies high and try to elect Hillary."
You are tired and confused…get some rest. You aren't making any sense now!
“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

Of course we now live in a pluralistic society, but even in such an environ, we still have our share of racists, bigots and all around evil assholes. Today they are not known as Democrats, and the Republican Party is no longer a progressive force in keeping to Jefferson's vision that "all men are created equal...."; it has become a small tent cabal looking to take America backwards to the late 19th Century, before women's suffrage, before the income tax, before the 17th Amendment, before the 24th Amendment and into the era before Affirmative Action which leveled the playing field and led to equal opportunities, as Jefferson and others who signed the Declaration of Independence fought for.

You are silly.

I am? You find factual truth to be "silly"?

The New Right (the Crazy Right Wing as I like to characterize them) is reactionary. They want a return to the Gilded Age, when all of the items noted in my "silly" post did not exist. Oh, and I forgot labor unions, and an electrified rural America and a strong and growing middle class. Yes, the good old days which weren't so good.

They're batshit insane. Deregulations caused the great depression(Harding, Hover) and Great recession, but they somehow think doing the same will have different results? Government regulations on air, water and food is why America has such high standards that these assholes can brag about the dirty water of mexico as they certainly do. Most of the world would kill for the clean air, water and food America enjoys because of government regs! Liberterians really are sick in the head.

I haven't heard anyone mention deregulating air, water and food. The regulations strangling startup businesses and industry are what hold down economic growth.
Of course they I proved several times over.

Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist in a particular era is problematic because during the 1st half of the 20th Century most of the states were controlled by Democrats. Most of those Blue states were not slave states nor did they share the Southern conservative fervor in maintaining the peculiar institution of slavery. Those Democratic states sided with the Union during the Civil War against the Southern conservative confederacy. That is why I choose to make the crucial distinction between conservative Southern Democrats and liberal Northern Democrats. The Republicans would have been powerless without them.

PC said:
I'm really enjoying how uncomfortable, how embarrassed I've made you about your affiliation with the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship for minorities.

You are being delusional. There was no "party of slavery." Slavery was original sanctioned by the founding fathers before the Democrats or Republicans were even formed. If any ownership for slavery is to be bestowed upon a group of Americans, place that mantle on the shoulders of southern conservatives. Slavery was the tradition to be conserved, by them.

PC said:
Best part...your 'is not, isss noottttt!' posts have allowed me to point to exactly the sort of low level mythology that the truly been trained to accept.

Did you notice that you have been unable to deny any of the facts I've provided?

Bet readers have.

You've committed a inordinate amount of time addressing my "stupidity." That, in and of itself, is quite telling. But nothing is as telling as your need to have your pseudo-facts addressed despite my introduction of graphics to make my points clear.

Ignoring the two political maps I took the time to post, you posted this:

"Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
FDR disparaged minorities....blacks, Jews and Asians."

Look, I don't give a f—k about what FDR did. I wasn't even alive back then..perhaps YOU were. Today's political parties and who is in them now is the real issue. Blacks Asians , Jews and Hispanics plus liberal Whites of both sexes have come together to make America great for EVERYBODY under the auspices of the Democratic Party. BTW America was a bastion of slavery, does that mean blacks should abandon these shores because of that? And don't forget, Republicans AND democrats tolerated slavery in the South for several hundred years. Now go to bed and dream up more nonsense you silly curmudgeon!

"Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist blah blah blah...."

Who used the term 'Democrat'????

George Wallace, Al Gore, Sr., Lyndon Baines Johnson, Franklin Roosevelt, Oval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Hugo Black, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright, ..Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Every KKK member, too.

Every JIm Crow law.....Democrat provenance.

That's the policy basis for the group that you are tied to.
Change is a byatch, isn't it? Just like you!

Destroying your posts was a pleasure.

Proving you a liar....a bonus.
HAHAHAHA. You probably believe in the tooth fairy too. Just because you are such an obstinate c**t who refuses to acknowledge the conservative connection to the most blatant racism in this country doesn't make you a winner. It just shows you are a light weight with no formal education. No matter where conservatism raises it's ugly head, whether it be under the auspices of 20th century Democrats or 21str century Republicans, racism, sexism and general intolerance follows.

Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, that they have no adequate response to truth that destroys their worldview, their most closely held beliefs, their language falls to the vulgar.

It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

This explains your post.

This also explains why I have never had to resort to that sort of language.
We see, and will continue to see, more and more of essays such as the following.

First...the timeline.....then the indictment proving the title.... "America’s Worst President?"

1. "I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln.
America’s Worst President?

After Thursday’s terrorist slaughter of policemen in Dallas, it’s fair to say that Barack Obama might well be the worst president in U.S. history. Here’s why.

2. ...America’s domestic politics for the last 60 or 70 years—from sometime between the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v Board of Education school desegregation decision and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—has been the nation’s effort to undo the heinous wrongs that slavery and Jim Crow perpetrated on black Americans...
[Both slavery and Jim Crow are the handiwork of the Democrat Party.]

3. .[but]..civil rights zeal turned into zealotry. We made the integration of our schools, and then the closing of the black-white achievement gap, our principal educational goal for half a century, with the unintended consequence that we neglected actual education and turned urban schools into machines for perpetuating black failure.

4. Judge-ordained busing in Boston, completely contrary to the terms of the Civil Rights Act, made the schools more segregated than ever. A judge-ordained Kansas City school-funding-equalization order, forcing local taxpayers to shell out $2 billion over a decade, including building a bizarrely unnecessary Olympic swimming pool, produced no educational gains whatsoever and proved to anyone with eyes to see that money was not the key to racial equality in education.

5. Then, the colleges turned to affirmative action in admissions, the ed schools taught their students not how to teach or what facts they needed to transmit but only “social-justice” ideology,.... They replaced Plato with Ta-Nehisi Coates.

6. Believing that welfare payments constituted well-deserved reparations for 300 years of slavery and oppression, we New Yorkers created a come-and-get-it dole that ended up with one in eight of our neighbors on the welfare rolls—paid for by the rest of us and resulting in a multi-generational underclass. ...

....the foolish [Liberal] notion that black crime was a manly revolt against oppression—that black criminals were only protesting against the closure of all avenues of honest advancement for their race, as well as against the daily humiliation heaped on African-Americans.

[Are you listening, Obama???]

7. The resulting depolicing of black neighborhoods and unwillingness of courts to punish black criminals drove crime to Hobbesian levels and turned minority neighborhoods into killing fields, where mothers put their kids to bed in the bathtub, trying to keep them safe from stray bullets."
America’s Worst President?

Every debilitating policy above is at the behest of Democrats/Liberals.

It is not credible to imagine that they did so out of the best of intentions.

The Dallas speech of the nation's worst President ever puts the problem in stark perspective.

Coming right up.....

Beyond doubt he's the worst. There isn't a single aspect of his administration that hasn't ruined something. His Justice Department is a racist joke, he has stymied the economy so much that it has taken 7 years to recover from the recession, he has set the Middle East on fire, he has alienated our only ally in the Middle East, he has driven a wedge between the races in this country, he supports BLM which is a domestic terrorist organization, he has demonized the police encouraging their murder, he lies continually about everything, and he hates this country and everything it stands for.

That said, I fear that Hillary will try to do worse.
It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

Of course we now live in a pluralistic society, but even in such an environ, we still have our share of racists, bigots and all around evil assholes. Today they are not known as Democrats, and the Republican Party is no longer a progressive force in keeping to Jefferson's vision that "all men are created equal...."; it has become a small tent cabal looking to take America backwards to the late 19th Century, before women's suffrage, before the income tax, before the 17th Amendment, before the 24th Amendment and into the era before Affirmative Action which leveled the playing field and led to equal opportunities, as Jefferson and others who signed the Declaration of Independence fought for.

You are silly.

I am? You find factual truth to be "silly"?

The New Right (the Crazy Right Wing as I like to characterize them) is reactionary. They want a return to the Gilded Age, when all of the items noted in my "silly" post did not exist. Oh, and I forgot labor unions, and an electrified rural America and a strong and growing middle class. Yes, the good old days which weren't so good.

They're batshit insane. Deregulations caused the great depression(Harding, Hover) and Great recession, but they somehow think doing the same will have different results? Government regulations on air, water and food is why America has such high standards that these assholes can brag about the dirty water of mexico as they certainly do. Most of the world would kill for the clean air, water and food America enjoys because of government regs! Liberterians really are sick in the head.

I haven't heard anyone mention deregulating air, water and food. The regulations strangling startup businesses and industry are what hold down economic growth.

"Obama Imposed 75,000 Pages of New Regulations in 2014
Just in the last few weeks, the Obama administration has proposed or imposed over 1,200 new regulations on the American people that will add even more to the already crushing $2 trillion per year cost burden of the federal regulatory machine. According to data compiled from the federal government’s website by the Daily Caller, most of the new regulatory schemes involve energy and the environment — 139 during a mere two-week period in December, to be precise. In all, the Obama administration foisted more than 75,000 pages of regulations on the United States in 2014, costing over $200 billion, on the low end, if new proposed rules are taken into account.."
Obama Imposed 75,000 Pages of New Regulations in 2014
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