The Worst?? Move Over, Carter and Buchanan!!

Yes, I do, and you are about to find out how much YOU DON"T KNOW! EGADS, WHAT AN IDIOT. Can anyone over 65, YOU, not know these elementary facts? I am truly amazed!

· The 13th Amendment to abolish slavery was voted for by 100% of the Republicans [LIBERALS} in congress and by 23% of the Democrats [Conservatives] in congress.

· Not one Democrat [Conservative] either in the House or the Senate voted for the 14th amendment declaring that former slaves were full citizens of the state in which they lived and were therefore entitled to all the rights and privileges of any other citizen in that state.

· Not a single one of the 56 Democrats [conservatives] in Congress voted for the 15th amendment that granted explicit voting rights to black Americans.

· In 1866 Democrats [conservatives] formed the Ku Klux Klan to pave the way for Democrats[conservatives] to regain control in the elections.

· George Wallace was a Conservative Democrat.

· Bull Connor was a Conservative Democrat.

· Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, grandfather clauses, Literacy tests, white only primaries, and physical violence all came from the Conservative Democratic Party.

Yep Liberals fought against lynching and conservatives fought to keep it alive.

Here is something even more amusing. You neo-conservatives try to distance yourselves from all the racism and bigotry and intolerance fomented by old time Conservative Democrats but you are one and the same. Sure, there are still some Conservative Democrats but Goldwater led many of the fold to the Republicans back in '64. And today, every White racist supremacy group in America is aligned with the GOP. How do you explain THAT, TOOTS?

It seems you have been inculcated with all sorts of anecdotal nonsense that keeps you constantly at variance with real historical facts such as:

AT the beginning of the 1960s conservatives were in a better position than at any time since the 1930s to challenge moderate Republicans for control of the party. But large obstacles remained. Not only were conservatives widely viewed as wild-eyed fanatics but they squabbled among themselves, had trouble articulating a positive program of reform, had few grassroots organizations, and lacked the funding to make the movement a serious political force.

The Conservative 1960s

The Dixiecrats were Conservative Democrats.

The muddle headed poor and middle class people who vote against their own interests have been exploited by conservatives for decades if not centuries.. The views of life long Conservatives is what concerns me, not party affiliation. Both parties have conservative elements but those in the GOP, consisting mostly of RW White males are the most intolerant and dangerous. That brand of conservatism is based in the hegemonic morass of intolerance and exclusion…just like your Muslim counterparts…Yes, they are conservatives too.

And since you are the DAWG ( Dumb Ass Western Gal) I suggest you lower your paws. You've been tamed!

And here you are proving exactly what I wrote: the fairy tale that somehow Democrats suddenly decided that they were pro-civil rights.....and Republicans decided that they were anti-civil rights.....

a tale so absurd that only folks as stupid as you would believe it.

· In 1866 Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan to pave the way for Democrats to regain control in the elections.

· George Wallace was a Democrat.

· Bull Connor was a Democrat.

Segregationists Lyndon Johnson, Al Gore, Sr., Orval Faubus, Lester Maddox (they supported Jimmy Carter), KKKer Hugo Black- appointed to the Supreme Court by Franklin Roosevelt, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright,....

...and, to bring it right up to today......Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Every one a Democrat.

Language is important, so in any discussion of who the segregationists were, liberals switch the word “Democrats” to “southerners” or 'conservative.

But it is a diaphanous lie.

The were always Democrats and remain so....just as you are a moron and will always remains so.

Remember, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was supported by all the Republicans in the Senate, but only 29 of 47 Democrats…and a number of the ‘segregationist’ Democrats were northern Dems (Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Wyoming). Not southerners: Democrats.
See chapter 12 of Coulter's book "Mugged"....if you ever read a book.

And you vote for them.

You are an incorrigible, obstinate fool. Your denial leads me to believe you are bereft of common sense and reading comprehension. Right here before God and everybody you are attempting to refute documented proof that Southern Democrats were conservatives. Look, babs, revising history isn't going to do much for anyone who can simply compare the red states of today with the Blue states of 1960. You are digging yourself a hole too deep to get out of.

How the South Became Republican: It’s About Race

Never happened.

Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

FDR disparaged minorities....blacks, Jews and Asians.

Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....honored and feted (did you look it up?) segregationists throughout his entire political life.

And you are,and will always be....a dunce.

You keep referring to all the souther atrocities committed upon Blacks and other minorities in the past and you say Democrats perpetrated all of that. I don't think the democratic party sanctioned any of that,but we do know that violence, bigotry and intolerance are the hallmarks of American conservatism.. That being said:the political color of Democrats is blue. Now, look at your political map and make notes of the locations where slavery was instituted, locate the states where Jim Crow flourished and note the states where Byrd, Wallace, Clinton and "Bull" Connor came from. Still with me? Looking at a modern political map, those states are mostly red states, which, for the mentally challenged, like you, means that territory is now Republican controlled. But don't stop there. There are myriad resources to consult. Countless libraries and books validate the reality of conservative Southern Democrats. I am not talking about the Dixiecrats, I am talking about the general southern Democratic electorate that brought their conservatism into the Republican Party starting way back in 1948 after Truman integrated the armed Forces.

Before that,however,this is the democratic powerhouse of 1948 geographically:

View attachment 82135



JQ said:
"You keep referring to all the souther atrocities committed upon Blacks and other minorities in the past and you say Democrats perpetrated all of that. I don't think the democratic party sanctioned any of that…."

Of course they I proved several times over.

Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist in a particular era is problematic because during the 1st half of the 20th Century most of the states were controlled by Democrats. Most of those Blue states were not slave states nor did they share the Southern conservative fervor in maintaining the peculiar institution of slavery. Those Democratic states sided with the Union during the Civil War against the Southern conservative confederacy. That is why I choose to make the crucial distinction between conservative Southern Democrats and liberal Northern Democrats. The Republicans would have been powerless without them.

PC said:
I'm really enjoying how uncomfortable, how embarrassed I've made you about your affiliation with the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship for minorities.

You are being delusional. There was no "party of slavery." Slavery was original sanctioned by the founding fathers before the Democrats or Republicans were even formed. If any ownership for slavery is to be bestowed upon a group of Americans, place that mantle on the shoulders of southern conservatives. Slavery was the tradition to be conserved, by them.

PC said:
Best part...your 'is not, isss noottttt!' posts have allowed me to point to exactly the sort of low level mythology that the truly been trained to accept.

Did you notice that you have been unable to deny any of the facts I've provided?

Bet readers have.

You've committed a inordinate amount of time addressing my "stupidity." That, in and of itself, is quite telling. But nothing is as telling as your need to have your pseudo-facts addressed despite my introduction of graphics to make my points clear.

Ignoring the two political maps I took the time to post, you posted this:

"Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
FDR disparaged minorities....blacks, Jews and Asians."

Look, I don't give a f—k about what FDR did. I wasn't even alive back then..perhaps YOU were. Today's political parties and who is in them now is the real issue. Blacks Asians , Jews and Hispanics plus liberal Whites of both sexes have come together to make America great for EVERYBODY under the auspices of the Democratic Party. BTW America was a bastion of slavery, does that mean blacks should abandon these shores because of that? And don't forget, Republicans AND democrats tolerated slavery in the South for several hundred years. Now go to bed and dream up more nonsense you silly curmudgeon!
Obama created:
A never ending recession
Stole car companies from their owners and nationalized banks
Surrendered two wars and started,several others
Passed one party obamacare behind closed doors
Gave bin laden a Muslim funeral in celebration of his achievements
Overturned the will of the people on gay marriage
Gave into communist dictators in Cuba
Gave Iran nukes.,,,
1. As you know....I never lie.

2. Your posts...because you're so dumb, prove useful in advancing my perspective.


"Pushing the lie that the Democratic Party of today is anything like the Democratic Party of the past..."

a. Some of the Left's lies are so transparent that it is hard to imagine any but the most committed simpletons believing them.

Yet they do....or claim they do.

Like this: "Well...yeah, everyone knows that early Democrats were the party of slavers...but then...around the 1960s the two parties flip-flopped their positions on slavery, segregation and black people....and it is the Republicans who decided to become the racists!!!

Yup.....that's it!"

(I left out all the 'duh's' that would be appropriate for said dialogue.)

Since their acolytes cannot deny that that the inception of the Republican Party was motivated by a hatred of slavery and segregation, while the Democrats were the party of Jim Crow laws and the KKK, they claim that circa 1960, while the Democrats suddenly had an epiphany, and saw the error of their ways.....the Republicans suddenly developed a hatred of blacks and a desire for segregation.

Yes....many of the dimwits actually claim that.

Hard to imagine that they believe it...but they claim it.

The pretense is eminently simple to disprove.

Ask a Leftist, Democrat supporter what the chances are that, after a lifetime of believing as he does, arguing DNC talking points, reading the NYTimes, and watching MSNBC, being, 'taught' in government schools, and watching Comedy Central for his news.....

.....what he thinks the chances would be that he woke up tomorrow praising George Bush's election and presidency, and voting Republican.

And that calculation represents the same chance that Republicans and conservatives suddenly decided to become racists.

b. If that's not enough....the most popular Democrat today, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, was a racist his entire political life....
This from 2008:

Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008
“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Yup....same Democrat party that created the KKK.

You're such a liar, and so unable to make a credible argument it is hard to suppress laughter. Why do you believe you have any influence over anyone but the rubes, racists, bigots and morons? You don't.

I'd provide a history lesson, but any effort to have a real discussion with you is tantamount to talking with a chatty cathy doll, pull the string and all 'she' has are pre programmed insults and magniloquent foolishness.

"I'd provide a history lesson....."

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

"Yup....same Democrat party that created the KKK."

Would you include these facts in your history lesson?

All but those unable to read critically understand what President Clinton meant by this comment. That you do not is both pitiful and hilarious.

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

Everybody know that....and anyone who has cast a critical eye on Democrat history, and especially Bill 'the rapist' Clinton's political history knows he spent it honoring segregationists, racists, and those that believe as he does.

And suck-ups like you pretend otherwise.

Your twelve-step should begin: "I ____________ am a liar and a low-life..."

Best of luck on your recovery.
What a stupid interpretation of what Clinton said

But coming from a conservative, it is the best we can expect

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!
And here you are proving exactly what I wrote: the fairy tale that somehow Democrats suddenly decided that they were pro-civil rights.....and Republicans decided that they were anti-civil rights.....

a tale so absurd that only folks as stupid as you would believe it.

· In 1866 Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan to pave the way for Democrats to regain control in the elections.

· George Wallace was a Democrat.

· Bull Connor was a Democrat.

Segregationists Lyndon Johnson, Al Gore, Sr., Orval Faubus, Lester Maddox (they supported Jimmy Carter), KKKer Hugo Black- appointed to the Supreme Court by Franklin Roosevelt, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright,....

...and, to bring it right up to today......Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Every one a Democrat.

Language is important, so in any discussion of who the segregationists were, liberals switch the word “Democrats” to “southerners” or 'conservative.

But it is a diaphanous lie.

The were always Democrats and remain so....just as you are a moron and will always remains so.

Remember, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was supported by all the Republicans in the Senate, but only 29 of 47 Democrats…and a number of the ‘segregationist’ Democrats were northern Dems (Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Wyoming). Not southerners: Democrats.
See chapter 12 of Coulter's book "Mugged"....if you ever read a book.

And you vote for them.

You are an incorrigible, obstinate fool. Your denial leads me to believe you are bereft of common sense and reading comprehension. Right here before God and everybody you are attempting to refute documented proof that Southern Democrats were conservatives. Look, babs, revising history isn't going to do much for anyone who can simply compare the red states of today with the Blue states of 1960. You are digging yourself a hole too deep to get out of.

How the South Became Republican: It’s About Race

Never happened.

Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

FDR disparaged minorities....blacks, Jews and Asians.

Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....honored and feted (did you look it up?) segregationists throughout his entire political life.

And you are,and will always be....a dunce.

You keep referring to all the souther atrocities committed upon Blacks and other minorities in the past and you say Democrats perpetrated all of that. I don't think the democratic party sanctioned any of that,but we do know that violence, bigotry and intolerance are the hallmarks of American conservatism.. That being said:the political color of Democrats is blue. Now, look at your political map and make notes of the locations where slavery was instituted, locate the states where Jim Crow flourished and note the states where Byrd, Wallace, Clinton and "Bull" Connor came from. Still with me? Looking at a modern political map, those states are mostly red states, which, for the mentally challenged, like you, means that territory is now Republican controlled. But don't stop there. There are myriad resources to consult. Countless libraries and books validate the reality of conservative Southern Democrats. I am not talking about the Dixiecrats, I am talking about the general southern Democratic electorate that brought their conservatism into the Republican Party starting way back in 1948 after Truman integrated the armed Forces.

Before that,however,this is the democratic powerhouse of 1948 geographically:

View attachment 82135



JQ said:
"You keep referring to all the souther atrocities committed upon Blacks and other minorities in the past and you say Democrats perpetrated all of that. I don't think the democratic party sanctioned any of that…."

Of course they I proved several times over.

Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist in a particular era is problematic because during the 1st half of the 20th Century most of the states were controlled by Democrats. Most of those Blue states were not slave states nor did they share the Southern conservative fervor in maintaining the peculiar institution of slavery. Those Democratic states sided with the Union during the Civil War against the Southern conservative confederacy. That is why I choose to make the crucial distinction between conservative Southern Democrats and liberal Northern Democrats. The Republicans would have been powerless without them.

PC said:
I'm really enjoying how uncomfortable, how embarrassed I've made you about your affiliation with the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship for minorities.

You are being delusional. There was no "party of slavery." Slavery was original sanctioned by the founding fathers before the Democrats or Republicans were even formed. If any ownership for slavery is to be bestowed upon a group of Americans, place that mantle on the shoulders of southern conservatives. Slavery was the tradition to be conserved, by them.

PC said:
Best part...your 'is not, isss noottttt!' posts have allowed me to point to exactly the sort of low level mythology that the truly been trained to accept.

Did you notice that you have been unable to deny any of the facts I've provided?

Bet readers have.

You've committed a inordinate amount of time addressing my "stupidity." That, in and of itself, is quite telling. But nothing is as telling as your need to have your pseudo-facts addressed despite my introduction of graphics to make my points clear.

Ignoring the two political maps I took the time to post, you posted this:

"Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
FDR disparaged minorities....blacks, Jews and Asians."

Look, I don't give a f—k about what FDR did. I wasn't even alive back then..perhaps YOU were. Today's political parties and who is in them now is the real issue. Blacks Asians , Jews and Hispanics plus liberal Whites of both sexes have come together to make America great for EVERYBODY under the auspices of the Democratic Party. BTW America was a bastion of slavery, does that mean blacks should abandon these shores because of that? And don't forget, Republicans AND democrats tolerated slavery in the South for several hundred years. Now go to bed and dream up more nonsense you silly curmudgeon!

"Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist blah blah blah...."

Who used the term 'Democrat'????

George Wallace, Al Gore, Sr., Lyndon Baines Johnson, Franklin Roosevelt, Oval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Hugo Black, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright, ..Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Every KKK member, too.

Every JIm Crow law.....Democrat provenance.

That's the policy basis for the group that you are tied to.
Last edited:
You're such a liar, and so unable to make a credible argument it is hard to suppress laughter. Why do you believe you have any influence over anyone but the rubes, racists, bigots and morons? You don't.

I'd provide a history lesson, but any effort to have a real discussion with you is tantamount to talking with a chatty cathy doll, pull the string and all 'she' has are pre programmed insults and magniloquent foolishness.

"I'd provide a history lesson....."

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

"Yup....same Democrat party that created the KKK."

Would you include these facts in your history lesson?

All but those unable to read critically understand what President Clinton meant by this comment. That you do not is both pitiful and hilarious.

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

Everybody know that....and anyone who has cast a critical eye on Democrat history, and especially Bill 'the rapist' Clinton's political history knows he spent it honoring segregationists, racists, and those that believe as he does.

And suck-ups like you pretend otherwise.

Your twelve-step should begin: "I ____________ am a liar and a low-life..."

Best of luck on your recovery.
What a stupid interpretation of what Clinton said

But coming from a conservative, it is the best we can expect

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was
"I'd provide a history lesson....."

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

"Yup....same Democrat party that created the KKK."

Would you include these facts in your history lesson?

All but those unable to read critically understand what President Clinton meant by this comment. That you do not is both pitiful and hilarious.

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

Everybody know that....and anyone who has cast a critical eye on Democrat history, and especially Bill 'the rapist' Clinton's political history knows he spent it honoring segregationists, racists, and those that believe as he does.

And suck-ups like you pretend otherwise.

Your twelve-step should begin: "I ____________ am a liar and a low-life..."

Best of luck on your recovery.
What a stupid interpretation of what Clinton said

But coming from a conservative, it is the best we can expect

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

.... it accurately reflects the sentiments of Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....

...and George Wallace, Al Gore, Sr., Lyndon Baines Johnson, Franklin Roosevelt, Oval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Hugo Black, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright,

Every KKK member, too.

Every JIm Crow law.sums up that sentiment.

Own up to it.....confession is good for the soul.
All but those unable to read critically understand what President Clinton meant by this comment. That you do not is both pitiful and hilarious.

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

Everybody know that....and anyone who has cast a critical eye on Democrat history, and especially Bill 'the rapist' Clinton's political history knows he spent it honoring segregationists, racists, and those that believe as he does.

And suck-ups like you pretend otherwise.

Your twelve-step should begin: "I ____________ am a liar and a low-life..."

Best of luck on your recovery.
What a stupid interpretation of what Clinton said

But coming from a conservative, it is the best we can expect

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

.... it accurately reflects the sentiments of Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....

...and George Wallace, Al Gore, Sr., Lyndon Baines Johnson, Franklin Roosevelt, Oval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Hugo Black, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright,

Every KKK member, too.

Every JIm Crow law.sums up that sentiment.

Own up to it.....confession is good for the soul.
Princess Hyperbole
"I'd provide a history lesson....."

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

"Yup....same Democrat party that created the KKK."

Would you include these facts in your history lesson?

All but those unable to read critically understand what President Clinton meant by this comment. That you do not is both pitiful and hilarious.

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

Everybody know that....and anyone who has cast a critical eye on Democrat history, and especially Bill 'the rapist' Clinton's political history knows he spent it honoring segregationists, racists, and those that believe as he does.

And suck-ups like you pretend otherwise.

Your twelve-step should begin: "I ____________ am a liar and a low-life..."

Best of luck on your recovery.
What a stupid interpretation of what Clinton said

But coming from a conservative, it is the best we can expect

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

Of course we now live in a pluralistic society, but even in such an environ, we still have our share of racists, bigots and all around evil assholes. Today they are not known as Democrats, and the Republican Party is no longer a progressive force in keeping to Jefferson's vision that "all men are created equal...."; it has become a small tent cabal looking to take America backwards to the late 19th Century, before women's suffrage, before the income tax, before the 17th Amendment, before the 24th Amendment and into the era before Affirmative Action which leveled the playing field and led to equal opportunities, as Jefferson and others who signed the Declaration of Independence fought for.
All but those unable to read critically understand what President Clinton meant by this comment. That you do not is both pitiful and hilarious.

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

Everybody know that....and anyone who has cast a critical eye on Democrat history, and especially Bill 'the rapist' Clinton's political history knows he spent it honoring segregationists, racists, and those that believe as he does.

And suck-ups like you pretend otherwise.

Your twelve-step should begin: "I ____________ am a liar and a low-life..."

Best of luck on your recovery.
What a stupid interpretation of what Clinton said

But coming from a conservative, it is the best we can expect

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

Of course we now live in a pluralistic society, but even in such an environ, we still have our share of racists, bigots and all around evil assholes. Today they are not known as Democrats, and the Republican Party is no longer a progressive force in keeping to Jefferson's vision that "all men are created equal...."; it has become a small tent cabal looking to take America backwards to the late 19th Century, before women's suffrage, before the income tax, before the 17th Amendment, before the 24th Amendment and into the era before Affirmative Action which leveled the playing field and led to equal opportunities, as Jefferson and others who signed the Declaration of Independence fought for.

As even the most virulent members of the crazy right wing haven't been able to respond my post above (maybe they took ill with cognitive dissonance?) all I can add is this:

Last edited:
You are an incorrigible, obstinate fool. Your denial leads me to believe you are bereft of common sense and reading comprehension. Right here before God and everybody you are attempting to refute documented proof that Southern Democrats were conservatives. Look, babs, revising history isn't going to do much for anyone who can simply compare the red states of today with the Blue states of 1960. You are digging yourself a hole too deep to get out of.

How the South Became Republican: It’s About Race

Never happened.

Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

FDR disparaged minorities....blacks, Jews and Asians.

Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....honored and feted (did you look it up?) segregationists throughout his entire political life.

And you are,and will always be....a dunce.

You keep referring to all the souther atrocities committed upon Blacks and other minorities in the past and you say Democrats perpetrated all of that. I don't think the democratic party sanctioned any of that,but we do know that violence, bigotry and intolerance are the hallmarks of American conservatism.. That being said:the political color of Democrats is blue. Now, look at your political map and make notes of the locations where slavery was instituted, locate the states where Jim Crow flourished and note the states where Byrd, Wallace, Clinton and "Bull" Connor came from. Still with me? Looking at a modern political map, those states are mostly red states, which, for the mentally challenged, like you, means that territory is now Republican controlled. But don't stop there. There are myriad resources to consult. Countless libraries and books validate the reality of conservative Southern Democrats. I am not talking about the Dixiecrats, I am talking about the general southern Democratic electorate that brought their conservatism into the Republican Party starting way back in 1948 after Truman integrated the armed Forces.

Before that,however,this is the democratic powerhouse of 1948 geographically:

View attachment 82135



JQ said:
"You keep referring to all the souther atrocities committed upon Blacks and other minorities in the past and you say Democrats perpetrated all of that. I don't think the democratic party sanctioned any of that…."

Of course they I proved several times over.

Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist in a particular era is problematic because during the 1st half of the 20th Century most of the states were controlled by Democrats. Most of those Blue states were not slave states nor did they share the Southern conservative fervor in maintaining the peculiar institution of slavery. Those Democratic states sided with the Union during the Civil War against the Southern conservative confederacy. That is why I choose to make the crucial distinction between conservative Southern Democrats and liberal Northern Democrats. The Republicans would have been powerless without them.

PC said:
I'm really enjoying how uncomfortable, how embarrassed I've made you about your affiliation with the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship for minorities.

You are being delusional. There was no "party of slavery." Slavery was original sanctioned by the founding fathers before the Democrats or Republicans were even formed. If any ownership for slavery is to be bestowed upon a group of Americans, place that mantle on the shoulders of southern conservatives. Slavery was the tradition to be conserved, by them.

PC said:
Best part...your 'is not, isss noottttt!' posts have allowed me to point to exactly the sort of low level mythology that the truly been trained to accept.

Did you notice that you have been unable to deny any of the facts I've provided?

Bet readers have.

You've committed a inordinate amount of time addressing my "stupidity." That, in and of itself, is quite telling. But nothing is as telling as your need to have your pseudo-facts addressed despite my introduction of graphics to make my points clear.

Ignoring the two political maps I took the time to post, you posted this:

"Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
FDR disparaged minorities....blacks, Jews and Asians."

Look, I don't give a f—k about what FDR did. I wasn't even alive back then..perhaps YOU were. Today's political parties and who is in them now is the real issue. Blacks Asians , Jews and Hispanics plus liberal Whites of both sexes have come together to make America great for EVERYBODY under the auspices of the Democratic Party. BTW America was a bastion of slavery, does that mean blacks should abandon these shores because of that? And don't forget, Republicans AND democrats tolerated slavery in the South for several hundred years. Now go to bed and dream up more nonsense you silly curmudgeon!

"Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist blah blah blah...."

Who used the term 'Democrat'????

George Wallace, Al Gore, Sr., Lyndon Baines Johnson, Franklin Roosevelt, Oval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Hugo Black, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright, ..Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Every KKK member, too.

Every JIm Crow law.....Democrat provenance.

That's the policy basis for the group that you are tied to.
Change is a byatch, isn't it? Just like you!
All but those unable to read critically understand what President Clinton meant by this comment. That you do not is both pitiful and hilarious.

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

Everybody know that....and anyone who has cast a critical eye on Democrat history, and especially Bill 'the rapist' Clinton's political history knows he spent it honoring segregationists, racists, and those that believe as he does.

And suck-ups like you pretend otherwise.

Your twelve-step should begin: "I ____________ am a liar and a low-life..."

Best of luck on your recovery.
What a stupid interpretation of what Clinton said

But coming from a conservative, it is the best we can expect

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

Of course we now live in a pluralistic society, but even in such an environ, we still have our share of racists, bigots and all around evil assholes. Today they are not known as Democrats, and the Republican Party is no longer a progressive force in keeping to Jefferson's vision that "all men are created equal...."; it has become a small tent cabal looking to take America backwards to the late 19th Century, before women's suffrage, before the income tax, before the 17th Amendment, before the 24th Amendment and into the era before Affirmative Action which leveled the playing field and led to equal opportunities, as Jefferson and others who signed the Declaration of Independence fought for.

You are silly.
“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

Everybody know that....and anyone who has cast a critical eye on Democrat history, and especially Bill 'the rapist' Clinton's political history knows he spent it honoring segregationists, racists, and those that believe as he does.

And suck-ups like you pretend otherwise.

Your twelve-step should begin: "I ____________ am a liar and a low-life..."

Best of luck on your recovery.
What a stupid interpretation of what Clinton said

But coming from a conservative, it is the best we can expect

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

Of course we now live in a pluralistic society, but even in such an environ, we still have our share of racists, bigots and all around evil assholes. Today they are not known as Democrats, and the Republican Party is no longer a progressive force in keeping to Jefferson's vision that "all men are created equal...."; it has become a small tent cabal looking to take America backwards to the late 19th Century, before women's suffrage, before the income tax, before the 17th Amendment, before the 24th Amendment and into the era before Affirmative Action which leveled the playing field and led to equal opportunities, as Jefferson and others who signed the Declaration of Independence fought for.

You are silly.

I am? You find factual truth to be "silly"?

The New Right (the Crazy Right Wing as I like to characterize them) is reactionary. They want a return to the Gilded Age, when all of the items noted in my "silly" post did not exist. Oh, and I forgot labor unions, and an electrified rural America and a strong and growing middle class. Yes, the good old days which weren't so good.
Never happened.

Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

FDR disparaged minorities....blacks, Jews and Asians.

Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....honored and feted (did you look it up?) segregationists throughout his entire political life.

And you are,and will always be....a dunce.

You keep referring to all the souther atrocities committed upon Blacks and other minorities in the past and you say Democrats perpetrated all of that. I don't think the democratic party sanctioned any of that,but we do know that violence, bigotry and intolerance are the hallmarks of American conservatism.. That being said:the political color of Democrats is blue. Now, look at your political map and make notes of the locations where slavery was instituted, locate the states where Jim Crow flourished and note the states where Byrd, Wallace, Clinton and "Bull" Connor came from. Still with me? Looking at a modern political map, those states are mostly red states, which, for the mentally challenged, like you, means that territory is now Republican controlled. But don't stop there. There are myriad resources to consult. Countless libraries and books validate the reality of conservative Southern Democrats. I am not talking about the Dixiecrats, I am talking about the general southern Democratic electorate that brought their conservatism into the Republican Party starting way back in 1948 after Truman integrated the armed Forces.

Before that,however,this is the democratic powerhouse of 1948 geographically:

View attachment 82135



JQ said:
"You keep referring to all the souther atrocities committed upon Blacks and other minorities in the past and you say Democrats perpetrated all of that. I don't think the democratic party sanctioned any of that…."

Of course they I proved several times over.

Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist in a particular era is problematic because during the 1st half of the 20th Century most of the states were controlled by Democrats. Most of those Blue states were not slave states nor did they share the Southern conservative fervor in maintaining the peculiar institution of slavery. Those Democratic states sided with the Union during the Civil War against the Southern conservative confederacy. That is why I choose to make the crucial distinction between conservative Southern Democrats and liberal Northern Democrats. The Republicans would have been powerless without them.

PC said:
I'm really enjoying how uncomfortable, how embarrassed I've made you about your affiliation with the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship for minorities.

You are being delusional. There was no "party of slavery." Slavery was original sanctioned by the founding fathers before the Democrats or Republicans were even formed. If any ownership for slavery is to be bestowed upon a group of Americans, place that mantle on the shoulders of southern conservatives. Slavery was the tradition to be conserved, by them.

PC said:
Best part...your 'is not, isss noottttt!' posts have allowed me to point to exactly the sort of low level mythology that the truly been trained to accept.

Did you notice that you have been unable to deny any of the facts I've provided?

Bet readers have.

You've committed a inordinate amount of time addressing my "stupidity." That, in and of itself, is quite telling. But nothing is as telling as your need to have your pseudo-facts addressed despite my introduction of graphics to make my points clear.

Ignoring the two political maps I took the time to post, you posted this:

"Democrats are and have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
FDR disparaged minorities....blacks, Jews and Asians."

Look, I don't give a f—k about what FDR did. I wasn't even alive back then..perhaps YOU were. Today's political parties and who is in them now is the real issue. Blacks Asians , Jews and Hispanics plus liberal Whites of both sexes have come together to make America great for EVERYBODY under the auspices of the Democratic Party. BTW America was a bastion of slavery, does that mean blacks should abandon these shores because of that? And don't forget, Republicans AND democrats tolerated slavery in the South for several hundred years. Now go to bed and dream up more nonsense you silly curmudgeon!

"Using the term "Democrat" to define the actions of a specific group of racist blah blah blah...."

Who used the term 'Democrat'????

George Wallace, Al Gore, Sr., Lyndon Baines Johnson, Franklin Roosevelt, Oval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Hugo Black, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright, ..Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Every KKK member, too.

Every JIm Crow law.....Democrat provenance.

That's the policy basis for the group that you are tied to.
Change is a byatch, isn't it? Just like you!

Destroying your posts was a pleasure.

Proving you a liar....a bonus.
“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

Everybody know that....and anyone who has cast a critical eye on Democrat history, and especially Bill 'the rapist' Clinton's political history knows he spent it honoring segregationists, racists, and those that believe as he does.

And suck-ups like you pretend otherwise.

Your twelve-step should begin: "I ____________ am a liar and a low-life..."

Best of luck on your recovery.
What a stupid interpretation of what Clinton said

But coming from a conservative, it is the best we can expect

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

Of course we now live in a pluralistic society, but even in such an environ, we still have our share of racists, bigots and all around evil assholes. Today they are not known as Democrats, and the Republican Party is no longer a progressive force in keeping to Jefferson's vision that "all men are created equal...."; it has become a small tent cabal looking to take America backwards to the late 19th Century, before women's suffrage, before the income tax, before the 17th Amendment, before the 24th Amendment and into the era before Affirmative Action which leveled the playing field and led to equal opportunities, as Jefferson and others who signed the Declaration of Independence fought for.

You are silly.

I believe 'slow-witted' is the more accurate term.
What a stupid interpretation of what Clinton said

But coming from a conservative, it is the best we can expect

“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

Of course we now live in a pluralistic society, but even in such an environ, we still have our share of racists, bigots and all around evil assholes. Today they are not known as Democrats, and the Republican Party is no longer a progressive force in keeping to Jefferson's vision that "all men are created equal...."; it has become a small tent cabal looking to take America backwards to the late 19th Century, before women's suffrage, before the income tax, before the 17th Amendment, before the 24th Amendment and into the era before Affirmative Action which leveled the playing field and led to equal opportunities, as Jefferson and others who signed the Declaration of Independence fought for.

You are silly.

I believe 'slow-witted' is the more accurate term.

only to half-witled rightwingnuts.
“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post

Everybody understands what Clinton mean: he was stating that those with dark skins must perform menial tasks for their masters.

And...he yearned for a return to those days.
After all....he's a Democrat.

And, yet again....I hit it out of the park!!!

It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

Of course we now live in a pluralistic society, but even in such an environ, we still have our share of racists, bigots and all around evil assholes. Today they are not known as Democrats, and the Republican Party is no longer a progressive force in keeping to Jefferson's vision that "all men are created equal...."; it has become a small tent cabal looking to take America backwards to the late 19th Century, before women's suffrage, before the income tax, before the 17th Amendment, before the 24th Amendment and into the era before Affirmative Action which leveled the playing field and led to equal opportunities, as Jefferson and others who signed the Declaration of Independence fought for.

You are silly.

I believe 'slow-witted' is the more accurate term.

only to half-witled rightwingnuts.

What a terrible mistake you've just made in providing a post, rather than your usual inarticulate hit-and-run emoticon!

Now I get to expose you as the low-level moron that most recognize you as.

Here goes:

I double dog dare you to find any quote of mine....and there are myriad (better look that up).....and try to refute or deny same.

Shall I wait...or continue with a multifaceted and adventurous life?
It is not insensitive, it accurately reflects the American society. It was not too long ago that blacks were relegated to menial tasks. The fact that Obama could rise from a child of mixed race parents to President of the United States reflects on how our society has changed and just how amazing Obamas victory was

Of course we now live in a pluralistic society, but even in such an environ, we still have our share of racists, bigots and all around evil assholes. Today they are not known as Democrats, and the Republican Party is no longer a progressive force in keeping to Jefferson's vision that "all men are created equal...."; it has become a small tent cabal looking to take America backwards to the late 19th Century, before women's suffrage, before the income tax, before the 17th Amendment, before the 24th Amendment and into the era before Affirmative Action which leveled the playing field and led to equal opportunities, as Jefferson and others who signed the Declaration of Independence fought for.

You are silly.

I believe 'slow-witted' is the more accurate term.

only to half-witled rightwingnuts.

What a terrible mistake you've just made in providing a post, rather than your usual inarticulate hit-and-run emoticon!

Now I get to expose you as the low-level moron that most recognize you as.

Here goes:

I double dog dare you to find any quote of mine....and there are myriad (better look that up).....and try to refute or deny same.

Shall I wait...or continue with a multifaceted and adventurous life?

Looks like I proved my point.
Electing Hillary will be more of the same
the majority of Americans believe the country is heading in the wrong direction


In what direction was our county headed in January 2009? Answer that question!

You clowns on the Right are either dishonest or psychotic - both seem to fit crazy right wingers.

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