Zone1 There is no "GOD", deal with it!

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Not really, it was perhaps for the sake of argument, I took the Jewish position vs Christianity to show Christians how even within their own bible, they don't have much evidence for their religious beliefs. I do the same with Jews and Muslims in their forums. Arguing within their religion, to expose their false beliefs. But anyways that's all irrelevant. Are you now resorting to an ad hominem attack? Let's assume that whatever you're now accusing me of is correct, how does that invalidate anything that I've said here on this thread? It doesn't. I can change my mind, through study and acquiring new information and whatever position I take now, stands or falls on its own merits, not on whether I held or didn't hold this view in the past.

Think if you can. Reflect.
I can change my mind,
only if a miracle occurs.
Who - specifically - has done that to you? And please don't say Christians. I want you to tell me how someone shoved it down your throat because I don't think it actually happened in reality. I think that you are exaggerating.
Post #199
I went to Catholic school. They tried to cram god down our throats. Did you know that boarding schools for Indians were in existence until the mid 1970's?
How did they try to cram it down your throat exactly? What exactly did they do that would make you say that?

I'm not surprised there were boarding schools for native Americans. Our treatment of them is a stain we must bear. It was shameful and inexcusable.
Wrong. It happened to me when I was a child.
And so now you lump every Christian into that group?

That would be like punishing every native American for the bad acts of a few.

Which wolf are you feeding?
How did they try to cram it down your throat exactly? What exactly did they do that would make you say that.
Forced us to pray to white Jesus every day. Cathecism classes. Sunday school.

I'm not surprised there were boarding schools for native Americans. Our treatment of them is a stain we must bear. It was shameful and inexcusable.
I forgive but I will never forget. This is why we don't trust white people.
Wrong. It happened to me when I was a child.
How, precisely, was it shoved down your throat? For example, is it in the same way students today complain about how math, grammar, and running the mile are being shoved down their throats today?
And so now you lump every Christian into that group?
I see no reason to trust Christians.
That would be like punishing every native American for the bad acts of a few.
Tell me what we did to deserve the wrath of the white man. What crime did we commit to draw a penalty of the attempted elimination of our culture?
Forced us to pray to white Jesus every day. Cathecism classes. Sunday school.
Who enrolled you in these classes?
I forgive but I will never forget. This is why we don't trust white people.
I, too, went to Catholic school. Our parents enrolled us. That does not mean that all who went to Catholic school remained Catholic once their education was complete. In fact, the estimate is only a quarter remained practicing Catholics. Probably less went on to become math, English, and PE teachers. (Other subjects that were "crammed down throats."

Everyone's experience is different. It sounds like perhaps schools were built in your community and that was the only school available to you/your parents? In my case, the school was freely chosen, and I recognize the great divide between those differences.
Forced us to pray to white Jesus every day. Cathecism classes. Sunday school.

I forgive but I will never forget. This is why we don't trust white people.
I feel your pain but I think you are holding on too tight. But that's your mistake to make.
Who enrolled you in these classes?
It was the only school I could attend.

I, too, went to Catholic school. Our parents enrolled us. That does not mean that all who went to Catholic school remained Catholic once their education was complete. In fact, the estimate is only a quarter remained practicing Catholics. Probably less went on to become math, English, and PE teachers. (Other subjects that were "crammed down throats."
You don't see how learning math and English are essential subjects and religion is not?

Everyone's experience is different. It sounds like perhaps schools were built in your community and that was the only school available to you/your parents? In my case, the school was freely chosen, and I recognize the great divide between those differences.
Exactly the case. 1 town 1 school. Learning about my culture was not an option. Only white culture. I learned about my culture from my family and private research.
I see no reason to trust Christians.

Tell me what we did to deserve the wrath of the white man. What crime did we commit to draw a penalty of the attempted elimination of our culture?
That doesn't seem like a very balanced view but that's your mistake to make.

Sometimes deserve has nothing to do with it. The Creator's power is not put forth to achieve certain results. The Creator's power is put forth to achieve certain results under certain conditions which affect change in the lives of those that experience it.

We are all being tested and pruned. That's life.
I feel your pain but I think you are holding on too tight. But that's your mistake to make.
It's not a mistake to honor your own culture. You guys say 'America first." I say "Turtle Island first."
Tell me. When you pray, what do you pray for?
"Here I am, Lord. Send me."

I pray to be of service to God, that I can discern and follow His will in the every day life of the very small part of the world in which I live.

I pray to serve Him better.

(In case you don't know my background, atheists have always been a part of my life. Never once proselytized anyone. That is not my call, firmly believing that is the work of the Holy Spirit, not the work of Meriweather.)
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