There is systemic racism we are unable to discuss calmly

Blacks don't want to talk about how racist they are towards White people.

And whites don't want to talk about this:

There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'" "Not once. Ever. So 'reverse racism' can truly never exist."

Alexia LaFata
As usual, the negroes prefer to dwell on the long gone past instead of dealing with current events and problems.
Blacks don't want to talk about how racist they are towards White people.

And whites don't want to talk about this:

There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'" "Not once. Ever. So 'reverse racism' can truly never exist."

Alexia LaFata
See? I told you that blacks don't want to talk about their own racism.

Because we don't have the racism you have been shown in that quote. Whites do and that's the problem because it continues. That's the racism we are talking about. You are talking about how terrible it is for someone to call you a white boy, Well you being called a white boy hasn't cost you anything. But that national system of laws or system has done that to us..
You all hate whites way more than there are whites who hate you. You should all pull your pants up and get that chip off your shoulders. I also come from serfs back in the old country, and I don't bitch about what happened to my ancestors 24/7. They came here, stayed in school and worked hard, you all should try it sometime and stop scapegoating whitey, nobody's even paying attention anymore.
Blacks don't want to talk about how racist they are towards White people.

And whites don't want to talk about this:

There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'" "Not once. Ever. So 'reverse racism' can truly never exist."

Alexia LaFata
See? I told you that blacks don't want to talk about their own racism.

Because we don't have the racism you have been shown in that quote. Whites do and that's the problem because it continues. That's the racism we are talking about. You are talking about how terrible it is for someone to call you a white boy, Well you being called a white boy hasn't cost you anything. But that national system of laws or system has done that to us..

Now that quote is truly hilarious. That isn't a definition; it's an altogether transparent excuse to whine and play the victim and blame your woes on things that happened to your distant ancestors. Exactly what laws or systems absolve you of responsibility for your own actions or lack thereof?

That quote is a fact. What actions absolve you of your responsibility to recognize the 241 years of continuing white racism and the damage it has caused? Because this quote has nothing to do with my long lost ancestors idiot given the fact I was born when blacks were fighting for civil rights. And YOU, well your ass was born during legalized racial discrimination. So that's not so distant pod nuh.
So you blame you failure in life on whites?
Blacks don't want to talk about how racist they are towards White people.

And whites don't want to talk about this:

There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'" "Not once. Ever. So 'reverse racism' can truly never exist."

Alexia LaFata
As usual, the negroes prefer to dwell on the long gone past instead of dealing with current events and problems.

Well since racism happens today and whites still have that system now, it appears that the negroes are very much dealing with current events and problems.
Blacks don't want to talk about how racist they are towards White people.

And whites don't want to talk about this:

There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'" "Not once. Ever. So 'reverse racism' can truly never exist."

Alexia LaFata
See? I told you that blacks don't want to talk about their own racism.

Because we don't have the racism you have been shown in that quote. Whites do and that's the problem because it continues. That's the racism we are talking about. You are talking about how terrible it is for someone to call you a white boy, Well you being called a white boy hasn't cost you anything. But that national system of laws or system has done that to us..
You all hate whites way more than there are whites who hate you. You should all pull your pants up and get that chip off your shoulders. I also come from serfs back in the old country, and I don't bitch about what happened to my ancestors 24/7. They came here, stayed in school and worked hard, you all should try it sometime and stop scapegoating whitey, nobody's even paying attention anymore.

There were no serfs here. But there were slaves. And there was American national apartheid. Bitch I've got a masters degree. There ain't no scapegoating whitey, there is holding whitey accountable for what he does. If there is any hate, whites made it happen. And whites like you keep it happening.
And whites don't want to talk about this:

There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'" "Not once. Ever. So 'reverse racism' can truly never exist."

Alexia LaFata
See? I told you that blacks don't want to talk about their own racism.

Because we don't have the racism you have been shown in that quote. Whites do and that's the problem because it continues. That's the racism we are talking about. You are talking about how terrible it is for someone to call you a white boy, Well you being called a white boy hasn't cost you anything. But that national system of laws or system has done that to us..

Now that quote is truly hilarious. That isn't a definition; it's an altogether transparent excuse to whine and play the victim and blame your woes on things that happened to your distant ancestors. Exactly what laws or systems absolve you of responsibility for your own actions or lack thereof?

That quote is a fact. What actions absolve you of your responsibility to recognize the 241 years of continuing white racism and the damage it has caused? Because this quote has nothing to do with my long lost ancestors idiot given the fact I was born when blacks were fighting for civil rights. And YOU, well your ass was born during legalized racial discrimination. So that's not so distant pod nuh.
So you blame you failure in life on whites?

What failure?
Blacks don't want to talk about how racist they are towards White people.

And whites don't want to talk about this:

There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'" "Not once. Ever. So 'reverse racism' can truly never exist."

Alexia LaFata
As usual, the negroes prefer to dwell on the long gone past instead of dealing with current events and problems.

Well since racism happens today and whites still have that system now, it appears that the negroes are very much dealing with current events and problems.
Now the negro is doing bait-and-switch, going from an apparently anti-negro "national set of laws" to "racism happens today."

Some people are racist. However, that's quite different from a national set of laws or a "system put in place."
Blacks don't want to talk about how racist they are towards White people.

And whites don't want to talk about this:

There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'" "Not once. Ever. So 'reverse racism' can truly never exist."

Alexia LaFata
As usual, the negroes prefer to dwell on the long gone past instead of dealing with current events and problems.

Well since racism happens today and whites still have that system now, it appears that the negroes are very much dealing with current events and problems.
Now the negro is doing bait-and-switch, going from an apparently anti-negro "national set of laws" to "racism happens today."

Some people are racist. However, that's quite different from a national set of laws or a "system put in place."

Now the white is doing the bait and switch. No, we live in a system that is racist. Some people have nothing to do with it.

So here’s the challenge, racism deniers. Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.

Blacks don't want to talk about how racist they are towards White people.

And whites don't want to talk about this:

There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'" "Not once. Ever. So 'reverse racism' can truly never exist."

Alexia LaFata
See? I told you that blacks don't want to talk about their own racism.

Because we don't have the racism you have been shown in that quote. Whites do and that's the problem because it continues. That's the racism we are talking about. You are talking about how terrible it is for someone to call you a white boy, Well you being called a white boy hasn't cost you anything. But that national system of laws or system has done that to us..
You all hate whites way more than there are whites who hate you. You should all pull your pants up and get that chip off your shoulders. I also come from serfs back in the old country, and I don't bitch about what happened to my ancestors 24/7. They came here, stayed in school and worked hard, you all should try it sometime and stop scapegoating whitey, nobody's even paying attention anymore.

Bitch I've got a masters degree. ....

What subject was that in again?
And whites don't want to talk about this:

There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'" "Not once. Ever. So 'reverse racism' can truly never exist."

Alexia LaFata
See? I told you that blacks don't want to talk about their own racism.

Because we don't have the racism you have been shown in that quote. Whites do and that's the problem because it continues. That's the racism we are talking about. You are talking about how terrible it is for someone to call you a white boy, Well you being called a white boy hasn't cost you anything. But that national system of laws or system has done that to us..
You all hate whites way more than there are whites who hate you. You should all pull your pants up and get that chip off your shoulders. I also come from serfs back in the old country, and I don't bitch about what happened to my ancestors 24/7. They came here, stayed in school and worked hard, you all should try it sometime and stop scapegoating whitey, nobody's even paying attention anymore.

Bitch I've got a masters degree. ....

What subject was that in again?

The subject you didn't get a masters in.
See? I told you that blacks don't want to talk about their own racism.

Because we don't have the racism you have been shown in that quote. Whites do and that's the problem because it continues. That's the racism we are talking about. You are talking about how terrible it is for someone to call you a white boy, Well you being called a white boy hasn't cost you anything. But that national system of laws or system has done that to us..
You all hate whites way more than there are whites who hate you. You should all pull your pants up and get that chip off your shoulders. I also come from serfs back in the old country, and I don't bitch about what happened to my ancestors 24/7. They came here, stayed in school and worked hard, you all should try it sometime and stop scapegoating whitey, nobody's even paying attention anymore.

Bitch I've got a masters degree. ....

What subject was that in again?

The subject you didn't get a masters in.

That could be a lot of things. Could you be more specific?
Last edited:
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.

I'd love to talk about it...I kind of feel like you're already heading down one hill of the mountain with no stopping.

Whatever advantage, tangible or non-tangible, you want to give to whites, there's plenty of individual choices among everything but white that adds up to be MUCH more than any advantage being white in this country means...whitey is no longer on top. Those one top nowadays are the Asian and southeast Asians. Some 30% of black males are committing felony crimes. Whatever oppression vs advantage you want to give to whitey is gone when you look at the real world. Millennial whitey lives in their parents basements, who the parents are paying for their parents while paying for their adult children...and now if you were living in development of houses that cost 600,000 or over in the's gonna be heavily consisted of the brown variety from across the pacific, not at all white. I'm talking one white family to every at least 10 Asians families, despite whites being the majority.

So how much is color and how much is personal choice?
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.

I'd love to talk about it...I kind of feel like you're already heading down one hill of the mountain with no stopping.

Whatever advantage, tangible or non-tangible, you want to give to whites, there's plenty of individual choices among everything but white that adds up to be MUCH more than any advantage being white in this country means...whitey is no longer on top. Those one top nowadays are the Asian and southeast Asians. Some 30% of black males are committing felony crimes. Whatever oppression vs advantage you want to give to whitey is gone when you look at the real world. Millennial whitey lives in their parents basements, who the parents are paying for their parents while paying for their adult children...and now if you were living in development of houses that cost 600,000 or over in the's gonna be heavily consisted of the brown variety from across the pacific, not at all white. I'm talking one white family to every at least 10 Asians families, despite whites being the majority.

So how much is color and how much is personal choice?

This is ignorance. None of this is right.
Because we don't have the racism you have been shown in that quote. Whites do and that's the problem because it continues. That's the racism we are talking about. You are talking about how terrible it is for someone to call you a white boy, Well you being called a white boy hasn't cost you anything. But that national system of laws or system has done that to us..
You all hate whites way more than there are whites who hate you. You should all pull your pants up and get that chip off your shoulders. I also come from serfs back in the old country, and I don't bitch about what happened to my ancestors 24/7. They came here, stayed in school and worked hard, you all should try it sometime and stop scapegoating whitey, nobody's even paying attention anymore.

Bitch I've got a masters degree. ....

What subject was that in again?

The subject you didn't get a masters in.

That could be a lot of things. Could you be more specific?

Yeah, it's the masters degree you did not get.
Blacks don't want to talk about how racist they are towards White people.

And whites don't want to talk about this:

There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'" "Not once. Ever. So 'reverse racism' can truly never exist."

Alexia LaFata
As usual, the negroes prefer to dwell on the long gone past instead of dealing with current events and problems.

Well since racism happens today and whites still have that system now, it appears that the negroes are very much dealing with current events and problems.
Now the negro is doing bait-and-switch, going from an apparently anti-negro "national set of laws" to "racism happens today."

Some people are racist. However, that's quite different from a national set of laws or a "system put in place."

Now the white is doing the bait and switch. No, we live in a system that is racist. Some people have nothing to do with it.

So here’s the challenge, racism deniers. Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
You keep doing bait and switch. Are you asking if racism ended (that is, there isn't a single racist alive) or are you asking that national anti-negro law sets ended?
And whites don't want to talk about this:

There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than,'" "Not once. Ever. So 'reverse racism' can truly never exist."

Alexia LaFata
As usual, the negroes prefer to dwell on the long gone past instead of dealing with current events and problems.

Well since racism happens today and whites still have that system now, it appears that the negroes are very much dealing with current events and problems.
Now the negro is doing bait-and-switch, going from an apparently anti-negro "national set of laws" to "racism happens today."

Some people are racist. However, that's quite different from a national set of laws or a "system put in place."

Now the white is doing the bait and switch. No, we live in a system that is racist. Some people have nothing to do with it.

So here’s the challenge, racism deniers. Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
You keep doing bait and switch. Are you asking if racism ended (that is, there isn't a single racist alive) or are you asking that national anti-negro law sets ended?

So here’s the challenge, racism deniers. Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
As usual, the negroes prefer to dwell on the long gone past instead of dealing with current events and problems.

Well since racism happens today and whites still have that system now, it appears that the negroes are very much dealing with current events and problems.
Now the negro is doing bait-and-switch, going from an apparently anti-negro "national set of laws" to "racism happens today."

Some people are racist. However, that's quite different from a national set of laws or a "system put in place."

Now the white is doing the bait and switch. No, we live in a system that is racist. Some people have nothing to do with it.

So here’s the challenge, racism deniers. Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
You keep doing bait and switch. Are you asking if racism ended (that is, there isn't a single racist alive) or are you asking that national anti-negro law sets ended?

So here’s the challenge, racism deniers. Prove when racism ended
OK. That's simple. It didn't end, because I'm racist.
You all hate whites way more than there are whites who hate you. You should all pull your pants up and get that chip off your shoulders. I also come from serfs back in the old country, and I don't bitch about what happened to my ancestors 24/7. They came here, stayed in school and worked hard, you all should try it sometime and stop scapegoating whitey, nobody's even paying attention anymore.

Bitch I've got a masters degree. ....

What subject was that in again?

The subject you didn't get a masters in.

That could be a lot of things. Could you be more specific?

Yeah, it's the masters degree you did not get.

What subject?
While you were a child of 7 I was in my 20s and actually paying attention and understanding what was going on. Yes, he demonstrated for civil rights but he was a strong voice for non-violence. It was the violent riots that stirred the pot and increased tensions. Again, educate yourself.

Well since I was a black child, I was part of what was going on and like I said you know nothing about King. He was about non violence but not non confrontation. Understand the difference and educate yourself. King was stabbed, in his marches people got beaten and killed. You apparently did not pay attention to this which are the types of things that created the riots and that is what increased the tensions. But in usual ignorant white fashion you ignore what whites did and try blaming blacks for how they retaliated basically in self defense.. So again King was murdered by a white person which shows just how much what he was doing was appreciated by whites such as yourself.

Your racist bullshit gets old really quick.
And if you want a discussion you really need to address what I actually write instead of what you imagine or wish I wrote. I did not say that he was non-confrontational. Or that there was never any violence surrounding his demonstrations. Nor did I attempt to assign blame for violence and riots.
And, no, our respective races neither earns any points or proves anything about either of us.
The fact that MLK was murdered by a white guy proves absolutely nothing about anything.
Before you go making wild assumptions based on race you apparently need to be reminded that whites also marched with blacks-and some died- for civil rights and that their support was critical in getting civil rights legislation passed. You slander their accomplishments along with MLK's. Educate yourself.

Ok. Lets look at what you said,

Insisting that minorities are not part of the "ruling class" is untrue and only serves to exacerbate this Nations' problems. You seek to further divide rather than unite. You belittle the efforts of great men like MLK when you deny their accomplishments. You increase the anger. You are not part of the solution; you are part of the problem.

Blacks aren't part of the ruling class. A black person talking about that is not trying to divide an already racially divided nation. The person you talk about is not belittling King, he is carrying on Kings tradition. The fact King was murdered by a white guy is evidence that what you say is completely wrong. The fact King got murdered shows he never got to finish his work.

I know what whites did. But you are white and like the other whites of your age you want to give yourself extra credit for being in a crowd marching. I don't need to educate myself on what I already know. What you need to do is understand that your opinion of King just doesn't matter all at much to me. Name me a time when this nation has ever been united on race. You can't. So then why in the hell are you telling a black person they are further dividing something by the mention of racism. The anger has never left, so what anger is this person creating? You make no sense. Maybe you need the education.

"Blacks aren't part of the ruling class"
I disagree.
"A black person talking about that is not trying to divide an already racially divided nation."
A black person but not a white person? And I said " serves to" not "trying".
"...divide an already racially divided nation."

Didn't claim that the Nation doesn't remain somewhat racially divided. However it should be obvious to anyone who cares to look that it is much less divided than it once was. The races unified as just people and just Americans was MLK's stated goal and he was well aware that that could not be accomplished through hate and violence.

“I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls.”
Martin Luther King Jr., I Have A Dream

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

You seem determined to judge me by the color of my skin but you can't fight bigotry by becoming a bigot.

The fact King was murdered by a white guy is evidence that what you say is completely wrong.
Untrue as I already pointed out.

"So then why in the hell are you telling a black person they are further dividing something by the mention of racism"
I'm not and I didn't and you are just off on another of your flights of fancy. Dr. King's support of the Civil Rights Act was largely responsible for it's adoption was a hugh accomplishment put blacks on an equal legal footing with everybody else.
.No proof or even evidence has been presented to show that blacks do not participate in whatever you imagine to be a "ruling class" (the existence of which is also unproven) or that racism is in any way involved.

I don't care what you don't agree with. I know I am right and you are not. Martin Luther Kings goals was to ensure equal rights for blacks. By doing that perhaps the nation would become more unified. Not what you say. Dr. King did not just not support the Civil Rights Act. Dr. King made the civil rights act and still today blacks do not have equal footing. There is no disputing this from a white man who doesn't have to live as a non white and never has.

Those like you are why we can't have this conversation. You are white and yet you think you cam tell us as blacks what our leaders stand for, what we experience, and how things are for something you've never been. The when we say not so, then we are the bigots.

The races never have unified at any time. This is why I tell you to educate yourself about Dr. King. You post up two lines from I have a dream, but there is a little more than that to things he has said.

The MLK White Supremacy Wanted Silenced

Don't try telling me shit about King. King was murdered by a white guy. King faced years of threats against his life by whites. Kings family faced threats. His children. And yet you sit on your white ass trying to give me your opinion.

This film shows you what happened after King was killed. His work was NEVER completed. He was murdered as he was planning a poor mans march on Washington.

This is the last speech he gave. I believe this was the night before he was killed. At that time he was planning a sanitation workers march in Memphis.

Martin Luther King's Last Speech that got him killed

There is plenty of proof blacks are not part of the ruling class and there is also plenty more proof that racism is the cause.

There is no bigotry here my man. None whatsoever. I am speaking the truth. You can't handle the truth.

So how do you feel about the way Obama tried to undo King's and the Civil Rights Movement's work? I think it's a damn shame, but Americans are resilient and things will be back to normal in a year or two.

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