This 6 minute video sums up the shocking facts of American wealth and inequality

Yes, everybody's job is difficult. I've come to the conclusion that if you get paid for it, it's gonna suck in some way. I would guess that you're more highly compensated than most however.

Yes but that comes with experience.
Folks these days want a "living wage" at age 19 when their first yard ape is born.
Out of college I did landscaping work, surveying, sold insurance, put up siding and inside sales. Then I started doing repo and bail bounty work, then as an investigator in a law firm and then in 1982 I went out on my own. The first year I made a profit of $7500 and that came to about maybe $3 a hour if that. The second year I made a profit of $12,000 and the third year $15K. Last year in this business after 31 years I made about $110,000 profit and put in an average of 55 hours a week.
That is what everyone that is self employed has to work to make good money.
And most new businesses fail and folks lose money.
We need to confront and call out all of these "people need a living wage" nuts. If you are making the minimum wage DO NOT HAVE KIDS and educate yourself or throw your shingle out there and take a risk but DO NOT HAVE KIDS until YOU CAN AFFORD THEM.
My first child was born when I was age 30.
But we know folks still that act irresponsibly and then expect others to bail them out when they fall flat on their face.
Inequality is more times than not a direct result of people over and over and over and over and over again making bad decisions expecting different results.

And they are more likely to continue doing that as inequality grows.
Doing what ? Being irresponsible even though as you say inequality is growing ? Doesn't sound like a wise strategy to me in which they have (or) maybe it's just good ole rebellion setting in, where as they will do anything they can to agitate and/or to aggravate the system in which they loath so much, and therefore they think it is so wrong that they just utterly hate it and will do anything to become a pimple upon it's butt, and therefore will drag anyone through the mud with them without any regard to what it is doing to those who are caught up in it with them.
Yes but that comes with experience.
Folks these days want a "living wage" at age 19 when their first yard ape is born.
Out of college I did landscaping work, surveying, sold insurance, put up siding and inside sales. Then I started doing repo and bail bounty work, then as an investigator in a law firm and then in 1982 I went out on my own. The first year I made a profit of $7500 and that came to about maybe $3 a hour if that. The second year I made a profit of $12,000 and the third year $15K. Last year in this business after 31 years I made about $110,000 profit and put in an average of 55 hours a week.
That is what everyone that is self employed has to work to make good money.
And most new businesses fail and folks lose money.
We need to confront and call out all of these "people need a living wage" nuts. If you are making the minimum wage DO NOT HAVE KIDS and educate yourself or throw your shingle out there and take a risk but DO NOT HAVE KIDS until YOU CAN AFFORD THEM.
My first child was born when I was age 30.
But we know folks still that act irresponsibly and then expect others to bail them out when they fall flat on their face.
Inequality is more times than not a direct result of people over and over and over and over and over again making bad decisions expecting different results.

And they are more likely to continue doing that as inequality grows.
Doing what ? Being irresponsible even though as you say inequality is growing ? Doesn't sound like a wise strategy to me in which they have (or) maybe it's just good ole rebellion setting in, where as they will do anything they can to agitate and/or to aggravate the system in which they loath so much, and therefore they think it is so wrong that they just utterly hate it and will do anything to become a pimple upon it's butt, and therefore will drag anyone through the mud with them without any regard to what it is doing to those who are caught up in it with them.

Well if we want more to graduate from high school we need less inequality. Too much inequality is probably the cause of everything your saying.


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I encourage you to watch the 6 minute video completely and keep an open mind.

I do understand this topic has been discussed thoroughly already, but I think it is interesting how it samples the perception of the issue by the American people.

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

This issue is crap. There is no such thing as the Zero Sum Game. There is no such thing as 'wealth inequality' because that notion presupposes the idea that wealth should be distributed equally. Marxism touts the idea of "from each according to his abilities. To each according to his needs."...We all know how that worked out.
The basis of this idea of the "wealth gap" is in its supporters belief that the best way to lift those at the bottom is accomplished by suppressing those at the top.

NAFTA is a great example of how this theory fails. Supporters of NAFTA believed that by pushing industry into smaller and poorer countries, those citizens would live better lives while the economies of those nations would grow. American business would benefit by having new sources of revenue and workers here in the States would benefit by having more to do. The opposite occurred. Those countries remain poor as the respective governments collect the bounty, the people get next to no benefit. Here in the US manufacturing and other related jobs were reduced as were labor rates. Again NAFTA was touted as lifting the bottom when it actually suppressed the top.

Hmmm, I think you meant to finish this by saying that Nafta was touted as lifting the bottom up, when actually it suppressed the bottom by way of the top (right) ?

Good job though as I agree with your analogy on this subject. The Clinton error comes back to haunt in a bad way, but somehow they are still in the lime light. Go figure!
I went door to door in a large trailer park interviewing witnesses, it rained twice.
Spoke with numerous people.
You always start off with them saying "I do not know anything, I did not see anything, I do not know any of the parties involved, I do not want to get involved".
And I have to go from there.
And you think that makes it easy for me to get people to tell me what happened?
Wow, what planet do you live on?
And it is Saturday.
This is hard work gaining the trust of people to come forward and tell the truth to help in a civil case.
Again, are you really so dense you do not understand the real world?
My work is extremely difficult as you have to follow leads, nights and weekends.
Today is Saturday, I spent 5 hours there and 4 more on the road on another case.
You are not very normal there Joe.
I always felt that canvassing for witnesses (and "helping" them remember) was the next best thing to selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door.

What you need to feel is between your ears to see if there is a brain there.
I was not and never "canvass" for witnesses.
That would be a waste of time you fool. We look for people that either were there or have knowledge of the event.
These folks have been interviewed by law enforcement and are listed as witnesses with addresses in the discovery given to the defense by the DA's office.
Stick to something you know something about.
After you determine if there is anything between your ears.
Does your mama know you are this stupid?
And they are more likely to continue doing that as inequality grows.
Doing what ? Being irresponsible even though as you say inequality is growing ? Doesn't sound like a wise strategy to me in which they have (or) maybe it's just good ole rebellion setting in, where as they will do anything they can to agitate and/or to aggravate the system in which they loath so much, and therefore they think it is so wrong that they just utterly hate it and will do anything to become a pimple upon it's butt, and therefore will drag anyone through the mud with them without any regard to what it is doing to those who are caught up in it with them.

Well if we want more to graduate from high school we need less inequality. Too much inequality is probably the cause of everything your saying.
Yes but robbing from the rich to then give to the poor is not the way to do it either, but what we can do is use government to shame the rich into doing the right thing finally, and that is to use the bill board system in America, and to use it to post the criminal faces or corrupt run corporations names all over America if they are doing wrong. Maybe even use them as a grading system, where as if a business, corporation, and manufacturer is doing a super job at hiring and supporting America in the ways in which we all think that they should, then they get a great grade and high marks upon the bill boards in which we pass by everyday in America. If they are not so good or down right bad, then we give them a grade also upon the board, and maybe even post their bad in which they are guilty of as well upon the board. There is nothing more that a business man or woman hates than bad publicity for him/her or their company, so I say get busy working on ending inequality in everyway that we can, and the bill board system could be a great start in the right direction. Hey it works for the restaurant industry, then why can't it work for the rest of our industries as well ? Restaurant's where I live have a grading system, and it is posted right on their door as you walk in, and trust me it works as they don't want that bad grade, because it affects their bottom lines in more ways than they want. To much exposure is a terrible thing in the minds of these people whom want to do wrong in secret or off of the grid so to speak, and that is one place things could become looked at in order to affect change in the right direction.
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Yes it is VERY BAD that there is income "inequality" which is a lame expression instead of defining the problem as what it really is.
The rise in single parent households that are uneducated, young, unskilled and dependent on government.
This segment of society is growing and has been rapidly for decades.
And the chance their offspring will also grow up this way is large.
You good folks turn your back on that fact and run with the PC "income inequality" as if there is something wrong with someone else that is not unskilled, uneducated, poor, with no father in the home and having children.
Much easier to pass blame on someone else with "income inequality" nonsense than to go out and help those in your community get a fair shake. They sit on their asses and allow their friends and family to remain unskilled, uneducated and poor so they can spout their blame on others with "income inequality" as if EVERYONE is entitled to the same income.
Yes it is VERY BAD that there is income "inequality" which is a lame expression instead of defining the problem as what it really is.
The rise in single parent households that are uneducated, young, unskilled and dependent on government.
This segment of society is growing and has been rapidly for decades.
And the chance their offspring will also grow up this way is large.
You good folks turn your back on that fact and run with the PC "income inequality" as if there is something wrong with someone else that is not unskilled, uneducated, poor, with no father in the home and having children.
Much easier to pass blame on someone else with "income inequality" nonsense than to go out and help those in your community get a fair shake. They sit on their asses and allow their friends and family to remain unskilled, uneducated and poor so they can spout their blame on others with "income inequality" as if EVERYONE is entitled to the same income.

You people on the right think you have poverty and welfare figured out but in reality you don't understand it. You are ignorant on the actual facts. I think it is easy for you assume there is an epidemic of moochers because it makes you feel superior. You either don't know the facts, or you choose to ignore them. It must be the latter because I've been saying them and over.
Yes it is VERY BAD that there is income "inequality" which is a lame expression instead of defining the problem as what it really is.
The rise in single parent households that are uneducated, young, unskilled and dependent on government.
This segment of society is growing and has been rapidly for decades.
And the chance their offspring will also grow up this way is large.
You good folks turn your back on that fact and run with the PC "income inequality" as if there is something wrong with someone else that is not unskilled, uneducated, poor, with no father in the home and having children.
Much easier to pass blame on someone else with "income inequality" nonsense than to go out and help those in your community get a fair shake. They sit on their asses and allow their friends and family to remain unskilled, uneducated and poor so they can spout their blame on others with "income inequality" as if EVERYONE is entitled to the same income.

You people on the right think you have poverty and welfare figured out but in reality you don't understand it. You are ignorant on the actual facts. I think it is easy for you assume there is an epidemic of moochers because it makes you feel superior. You either don't know the facts, or you choose to ignore them. It must be the latter because I've been saying them and over.

No, what we have figured out is that you keep telling us YOU have it figured out and government is your solution.
And we keep telling you that you are a damn fool.
What you are doing is a failure.
Instead of listening to another strategy to solve the problem you go back to what you always go with:
"I have it figured out and more government and higher taxes is the solution."
Man up and admit you are a failure and welcome our advice.
It will make you feel better and your mama will be proud of you.
Yes it is VERY BAD that there is income "inequality" which is a lame expression instead of defining the problem as what it really is.
The rise in single parent households that are uneducated, young, unskilled and dependent on government.
This segment of society is growing and has been rapidly for decades.
And the chance their offspring will also grow up this way is large.
You good folks turn your back on that fact and run with the PC "income inequality" as if there is something wrong with someone else that is not unskilled, uneducated, poor, with no father in the home and having children.
Much easier to pass blame on someone else with "income inequality" nonsense than to go out and help those in your community get a fair shake. They sit on their asses and allow their friends and family to remain unskilled, uneducated and poor so they can spout their blame on others with "income inequality" as if EVERYONE is entitled to the same income.

You people on the right think you have poverty and welfare figured out but in reality you don't understand it. You are ignorant on the actual facts. I think it is easy for you assume there is an epidemic of moochers because it makes you feel superior. You either don't know the facts, or you choose to ignore them. It must be the latter because I've been saying them and over.

No, what we have figured out is that you keep telling us YOU have it figured out and government is your solution.
And we keep telling you that you are a damn fool.
What you are doing is a failure.
Instead of listening to another strategy to solve the problem you go back to what you always go with:
"I have it figured out and more government and higher taxes is the solution."
Man up and admit you are a failure and welcome our advice.
It will make you feel better and your mama will be proud of you.

Man you are dense. :cuckoo:

I have said nothing about the government being the solution or anything about taxes especially.
Yes it is VERY BAD that there is income "inequality" which is a lame expression instead of defining the problem as what it really is.
The rise in single parent households that are uneducated, young, unskilled and dependent on government.
This segment of society is growing and has been rapidly for decades.
And the chance their offspring will also grow up this way is large.
You good folks turn your back on that fact and run with the PC "income inequality" as if there is something wrong with someone else that is not unskilled, uneducated, poor, with no father in the home and having children.
Much easier to pass blame on someone else with "income inequality" nonsense than to go out and help those in your community get a fair shake. They sit on their asses and allow their friends and family to remain unskilled, uneducated and poor so they can spout their blame on others with "income inequality" as if EVERYONE is entitled to the same income.
No, it isn't that anyone should be entitled to the same income what ever that income would be I agree, but only that they are treated fairly and good if they rise up and do the right thing in life for their company should they be compensated and treated properly for it at every level they work there at.

The company I think that still has a structured pay system (where as many have now since gotten away from that), is looked at to be desired best by anyone who has a chance at getting a job at such a company, then a person would know that they could work there and move up through the system properly by their merit and by their work ethic, and this instead of working in an environment that has none of these things offered anymore, and therefore they become stuck or find that they have made a huge mistake in life by not trying to go somewhere else. This leads to another problem that has been a situation over time now, where as there was this uniting in a trend type fashion of many new arrivals at the top, and this uniting in trend was joined together by them in order to deal differently with the employees of America than they had ever been dealt with before, thus creating this huge income inequality in which is being talked about now in this forum. It is real this issue, but what to do about it all is highly debatable in so many peoples minds.
I went door to door in a large trailer park interviewing witnesses, it rained twice.
Spoke with numerous people.
You always start off with them saying "I do not know anything, I did not see anything, I do not know any of the parties involved, I do not want to get involved".
And I have to go from there.
And you think that makes it easy for me to get people to tell me what happened?
Wow, what planet do you live on?
And it is Saturday.
This is hard work gaining the trust of people to come forward and tell the truth to help in a civil case.
Again, are you really so dense you do not understand the real world?
My work is extremely difficult as you have to follow leads, nights and weekends.
Today is Saturday, I spent 5 hours there and 4 more on the road on another case.
You are not very normal there Joe.
I always felt that canvassing for witnesses (and "helping" them remember) was the next best thing to selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door.

What you need to feel is between your ears to see if there is a brain there.
I was not and never "canvass" for witnesses.
That would be a waste of time you fool. We look for people that either were there or have knowledge of the event.
These folks have been interviewed by law enforcement and are listed as witnesses with addresses in the discovery given to the defense by the DA's office.
Stick to something you know something about.
After you determine if there is anything between your ears.
Does your mama know you are this stupid?
What you describe in your first sentence, "door-to-door," is called canvassing for witnesses in the investigative profession -- which I participated in for twenty-five years as a legal investigator for the Department of Law (Corporation Counsel) of a major northern municipality. My comment was not intended to offend but is merely an expression of my own feelings toward that aspect of the job.

If what you've outlined above is an example of your ability to submit reports one can only wonder who would pay you to investigate anything other than who is stealing toilet paper from a hick-town bus-station shithouse.

Georgia? I'm not surprised.
I always felt that canvassing for witnesses (and "helping" them remember) was the next best thing to selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door.

What you need to feel is between your ears to see if there is a brain there.
I was not and never "canvass" for witnesses.
That would be a waste of time you fool. We look for people that either were there or have knowledge of the event.
These folks have been interviewed by law enforcement and are listed as witnesses with addresses in the discovery given to the defense by the DA's office.
Stick to something you know something about.
After you determine if there is anything between your ears.
Does your mama know you are this stupid?
What you describe in your first sentence, "door-to-door," is called canvassing for witnesses in the investigative profession -- which I participated in for twenty-five years as a legal investigator for the Department of Law (Corporation Counsel) of a major northern municipality. My comment was not intended to offend but is merely an expression of my own feelings toward that aspect of the job.

If what you've outlined above is an example of your ability to submit reports one can only wonder who would pay you to investigate anything other than who is stealing toilet paper from a hick-town bus-station shithouse.

Georgia? I'm not surprised.

LOL, you claim your comments are not intended to offend?
LOL, we know you are a liar from the start then!
You are no investigator. Who are you trying to shit?
I have been working in Atlanta for 34 years and all over the country and overseas. Headed to Zurich Switzerland at the end of the month and Liberia, Guanacaste, Costa Rica in September. Phone rings off the hook.
What you need to feel is between your ears to see if there is a brain there.
I was not and never "canvass" for witnesses.
That would be a waste of time you fool. We look for people that either were there or have knowledge of the event.
These folks have been interviewed by law enforcement and are listed as witnesses with addresses in the discovery given to the defense by the DA's office.
Stick to something you know something about.
After you determine if there is anything between your ears.
Does your mama know you are this stupid?
What you describe in your first sentence, "door-to-door," is called canvassing for witnesses in the investigative profession -- which I participated in for twenty-five years as a legal investigator for the Department of Law (Corporation Counsel) of a major northern municipality. My comment was not intended to offend but is merely an expression of my own feelings toward that aspect of the job.

If what you've outlined above is an example of your ability to submit reports one can only wonder who would pay you to investigate anything other than who is stealing toilet paper from a hick-town bus-station shithouse.

Georgia? I'm not surprised.

LOL, you claim your comments are not intended to offend?
LOL, we know you are a liar from the start then!
You are no investigator. Who are you trying to shit?
I have been working in Atlanta for 34 years and all over the country and overseas. Headed to Zurich Switzerland at the end of the month and Liberia, Guanacaste, Costa Rica in September. Phone rings off the hook.
What you are is an ignorant bullshit artist who belongs on my Ignore list.
You people on the right think you have poverty and welfare figured out but in reality you don't understand it. You are ignorant on the actual facts. I think it is easy for you assume there is an epidemic of moochers because it makes you feel superior. You either don't know the facts, or you choose to ignore them. It must be the latter because I've been saying them and over.

No, what we have figured out is that you keep telling us YOU have it figured out and government is your solution.
And we keep telling you that you are a damn fool.
What you are doing is a failure.
Instead of listening to another strategy to solve the problem you go back to what you always go with:
"I have it figured out and more government and higher taxes is the solution."
Man up and admit you are a failure and welcome our advice.
It will make you feel better and your mama will be proud of you.

Man you are dense. :cuckoo:

I have said nothing about the government being the solution or anything about taxes especially.

I agree. All he does is ignore the facts and keep repeating himself. Notice nobody debates the facts on here? They just keep saying the same things and ignore that the facts point to inequality being the problem.
Social mobility goes down as income inequality goes up. If we want people to better themselves we need to fix the inequality.


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Bullshit. I don't care how savvy of a business man you are, I seriously doubt it. If it so easy as you suggest, then why do most small businesses go belly up regardless of how hard the owners work?
I did not say it's easy. Why do you assume if I can do it, anyone else can?

Working hard does not equal working smart. You can try all you want but you won't get to china by digging straight down.

Most small businesses go belly up because the owners did not know what they were doing. Bad idea, bad execution...

But the numbers just aren't there. Big corporations purposely lobby for laws for small businesses not to succeed. I mean is that really so hard to believe? Corporations are completley self interested. They will do anything for profit. Even at the expense of the country at large.

You should know that a successful business is also based on a blind luck to a small extent. Happy circumstances that fall into place that make it so smart business men can succeed.
>>> Big corporations purposely lobby for laws for small businesses not to succeed.

Correct. Our government, both parties, won't do their job. We'd have less unemployment and higher levels of income if this government would do it's job of breaking up the monopolies and oligarchs.

>>> I mean is that really so hard to believe? Corporations are completley self interested. They will do anything for profit. Even at the expense of the country at large.


>>> You should know that a successful business is also based on a blind luck to a small extent. Happy circumstances that fall into place that make it so smart business men can succeed.

Correct. And if you keep doing the "right" things, luck usually follows... eventually.
I did not say it's easy. Why do you assume if I can do it, anyone else can?

Working hard does not equal working smart. You can try all you want but you won't get to china by digging straight down.

Most small businesses go belly up because the owners did not know what they were doing. Bad idea, bad execution...

But the numbers just aren't there. Big corporations purposely lobby for laws for small businesses not to succeed. I mean is that really so hard to believe? Corporations are completley self interested. They will do anything for profit. Even at the expense of the country at large.

You should know that a successful business is also based on a blind luck to a small extent. Happy circumstances that fall into place that make it so smart business men can succeed.
>>> Big corporations purposely lobby for laws for small businesses not to succeed.

Correct. Our government, both parties, won't do their job. We'd have less unemployment and higher levels of income if this government would do it's job of breaking up the monopolies and oligarchs.

>>> I mean is that really so hard to believe? Corporations are completley self interested. They will do anything for profit. Even at the expense of the country at large.


>>> You should know that a successful business is also based on a blind luck to a small extent. Happy circumstances that fall into place that make it so smart business men can succeed.

Correct. And if you keep doing the "right" things, luck usually follows... eventually.
Small example, but here is an example of government being oppressive instead of helpful to the new wanta be small businessman or women in society. I built with my own two hands a nice sized produce shed on my property, and I put in a small parking lot by their stipulations and rules, and I also built a green house along with plenty of room for growing locally grown vegetables to sell, and then I filled out the proper permit forms for seasonal operations, but then shockingly I was denied the operational permits to therefore operate the thing. I went to some meetings about it all, and found out that I was really being denied because there was the promotion of a farmers market in the city in which the city wanted to drive all available participants and buyers to this market having no competition involved by way of doing this, so they engaged in stamping out the competition by use of government power in which they abused in the situation I thought. I made my observations clear to them, and later on they sent out some reps to my place, and began telling me how I could operate even with none of the necessary permits needed, because I was growing my own products to sell. I still don't know why they don't issue more licenses or permits to people whom want to start up a small business or why they don't support such a concept, but as I learned about all of this, it was as clear as the nose on ones face as to what was going in all of this sort of stuff. It's either they have their own interest in which they are protecting, for which usually is a conflict of interest to their office and duties or it is that they are protecting corporate interest in the area by means of oppressing another, and it all leads up to being anti-small business on their part, but no one can put their finger upon it because they use zoning codes and all sorts of other rules made up, and then the oppressive regulations to make the small guy think he cannot break into that world, while they end up with the other hand getting the kick backs from all of those whom he or she is protecting by way of that government office in which is being used and abused in these ways.
Small example, but here is an example of government being oppressive instead of helpful to the new wanta be small businessman or women in society. I built with my own two hands a nice sized produce shed on my property, and I put in a small parking lot by their stipulations and rules, and I also built a green house along with plenty of room for growing locally grown vegetables to sell, and then I filled out the proper permit forms for seasonal operations, but then shockingly I was denied the operational permits to therefore operate the thing. I went to some meetings about it all, and found out that I was really being denied because there was the promotion of a farmers market in the city in which the city wanted to drive all available participants and buyers to this market having no competition involved by way of doing this, so they engaged in stamping out the competition by use of government power in which they abused in the situation I thought. I made my observations clear to them, and later on they sent out some reps to my place, and began telling me how I could operate even with none of the necessary permits needed, because I was growing my own products to sell. I still don't know why they don't issue more licenses or permits to people whom want to start up a small business or why they don't support such a concept, but as I learned about all of this, it was as clear as the nose on ones face as to what was going in all of this sort of stuff. It's either they have their own interest in which they are protecting, for which usually is a conflict of interest to their office and duties or it is that they are protecting corporate interest in the area by means of oppressing another, and it all leads up to being anti-small business on their part, but no one can put their finger upon it because they use zoning codes and all sorts of other rules made up, and then the oppressive regulations to make the small guy think he cannot break into that world, while they end up with the other hand getting the kick backs from all of those whom he or she is protecting by way of that government office in which is being used and abused in these ways.

Sounds like you wanted to convert the zoned purpose of a plot of land from ag/rural to commercial and got stymied?

To change zoning usually requires some amount of convincing. Your neighbors need to approve for example. Commercial use of land carries all kinds of issues.

If it was not a zoning change, then my recommendation is to expose them in one of the local papers. Most papers eat that kind of stuff up.

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