This is what an AMERICAN hero looks like...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

"Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams disagrees so much with a gun bill making its way through the Colorado legislature that he's willing to go to jail rather than enforce it.

"It's a matter of doing what's right," he said.
He's not the only one who feels so strongly.

The controversial "red flag" bill aims to seize guns temporarily from people who are deemed to be a threat to themselves or others."

The law allows a (liberal) Judge to order a gun owner's weapons seized without a hearing ever being held proving the gun owner to be 'unfit' to own guns...

The basis for such a decision OBJECTIVE, completely left up to the (liberal) judge.

In fact, the burden of proof is NOT on the accuser but is on the ACUSED...AFTER their guns have been confiscated....

Anyone besides the Colorado sheriff see a problem with this?

64 counties officially oppose this Constitution-violating attempt by Colorado Libtard Socialists to seize American's guns while attempting to set precedence / a blueprint for Socialists throughout the US to follow.

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Law enforcement guys like this are idiots . I don’t what to here shit from this guy when one of his deputies gets gunned down from some barricaded mental case who everyone knew was too unstable to have a gun .
Law enforcement guys like this are idiots .
Yeah, Libtards think anyone who opposes the Socialist Constitution-destroying liberal agenda are 'idiots'.


Like the police give a shit about our rights . They are the worst offenders !

This law is pretty common and there’s all kinds of due process . If only the right gave a shit about our rights as much as they do the 2nd .
Like the police give a shit about our rights .
Wow, proving you are a delusional liberal / Socialist apologized and liar was easy (no pun intended)...the fact that this Sheriff is willing to go to jail rather than enforce Un-Constitutional Socialist laws proves you it...

"Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams disagrees so much with a gun bill making its way through the Colorado legislature that he's willing to go to jail rather than enforce it.

"It's a matter of doing what's right," he said.
He's not the only one who feels so strongly.

The controversial "red flag" bill aims to seize guns temporarily from people who are deemed to be a threat to themselves or others."

The law allows a (liberal) Judge to order a gun owner's weapons seized without a hearing ever being held proving the gun owner to be 'unfit' to own guns...

The basis for such a decision OBJECTIVE, completely left up to the (liberal) judge.

In fact, the burden of proof is NOT on the accuser but is on the ACUSED...AFTER their guns have been confiscated....

Anyone besides the Colorado sheriff see a problem with this?

64 counties officially oppose this Constitution-violating attempt by Colorado Libtard Socialists to seize American's guns while attempting to set precedence / a blueprint for Socialists throughout the US to follow.


This sort of thing is why our county voted to make ourselves a sanctuary county against overreaching gun laws passed by the state.

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"Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams disagrees so much with a gun bill making its way through the Colorado legislature that he's willing to go to jail rather than enforce it.

"It's a matter of doing what's right," he said.
He's not the only one who feels so strongly.

The controversial "red flag" bill aims to seize guns temporarily from people who are deemed to be a threat to themselves or others."

The law allows a (liberal) Judge to order a gun owner's weapons seized without a hearing ever being held proving the gun owner to be 'unfit' to own guns...

The basis for such a decision OBJECTIVE, completely left up to the (liberal) judge.

In fact, the burden of proof is NOT on the accuser but is on the ACUSED...AFTER their guns have been confiscated....

Anyone besides the Colorado sheriff see a problem with this?

64 counties officially oppose this Constitution-violating attempt by Colorado Libtard Socialists to seize American's guns while attempting to set precedence / a blueprint for Socialists throughout the US to follow.


This sort of thing is why our county voted to make ourselves a sanctuary county against overreaching gun laws passed by the state.

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The US Constitution already protects gun owner rights

"Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams disagrees so much with a gun bill making its way through the Colorado legislature that he's willing to go to jail rather than enforce it.

"It's a matter of doing what's right," he said.
He's not the only one who feels so strongly.

The controversial "red flag" bill aims to seize guns temporarily from people who are deemed to be a threat to themselves or others."

The law allows a (liberal) Judge to order a gun owner's weapons seized without a hearing ever being held proving the gun owner to be 'unfit' to own guns...

The basis for such a decision OBJECTIVE, completely left up to the (liberal) judge.

In fact, the burden of proof is NOT on the accuser but is on the ACUSED...AFTER their guns have been confiscated....

Anyone besides the Colorado sheriff see a problem with this?

64 counties officially oppose this Constitution-violating attempt by Colorado Libtard Socialists to seize American's guns while attempting to set precedence / a blueprint for Socialists throughout the US to follow.


This sort of thing is why our county voted to make ourselves a sanctuary county against overreaching gun laws passed by the state.

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The US Constitution already protects gun owner rights

Yet there are a thousands laws on the books limiting gun ownership rights.

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Like the police give a shit about our rights .
Wow, proving you are a delusional liberal / Socialist apologized and liar was easy (no pun intended)...the fact that this Sheriff is willing to go to jail rather than enforce Un-Constitutional Socialist laws proves you it...

It’s totally constitutional. Arrogant sheriff thinks he knows better than the Supreme Court . I wonder what he thinks of stop n frisk ? I’m sure he’s cool with it .
I don’t what to here shit from this guy when one of his deputies gets gunned down from some barricaded mental case who everyone knew was too unstable to have a gun .

Not the inanimate object's fault.
Firearms are designed to kill people.

I see no problem with Due Process to temporarily deprive a citizen of People-Killing Tools, if they have recent behavioral issues.

It's merely a temporary "impounding" rather than a permanent "seizure", correct?

However, I believe that the Impounding Authority should be obliged to pay for multiple psych-consults...

One psych-consult to confirm (or repudiate) the behavioral allegations found on the Impounding Warrant...

One psych-consult to confirm that the Owner has been sufficiently rehabilitated to once again possess such Killing Tools.

I also believe that the Impounding Authority should be subjected to periodic reviews to ensure equitable application of that law.

By a higher authority willing to bitch-slap the lower one, in the event of abuse or chronic or persistent overreach.

It's a good bet, however, that the little (D) wankers in the legislature didn't build such safeguards into their precious little bill.

Consequently, more work might be needed on the thing, to make it at least somewhat tolerable across the board.

But, as a concept...


Lovely idea.

It will probably save a considerable number of lives in its first decade or so of operation.

I also greatly enjoyed the mention of Gun Control Lobbies growing more aggressive and more powerful.

It's about time that the NRA had an organized Adversary big enough and tough enough to take them on.

The Adversary will also need careful watching, to avoid allowing them to push things too far, but, they, too, have a place at the table now.

The sheriff in question should know better... he is sworn to uphold the laws of the United States and the State of Colorado.

If he cannot execute his sworn office properly, he will need to step down, or face contempt-of-court, arrest, prosecution, etc.

Including forcible removal from office.

Let the games begin.
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...It’s totally constitutional. Arrogant sheriff thinks he knows better than the Supreme Court . I wonder what he thinks of stop n frisk ? I’m sure he’s cool with it .
Probably using the same logic that supportive law-enforcement leadership uses in Illegal Alien Sanctuary Cities, eh?
Like the police give a shit about our rights .
Wow, proving you are a delusional liberal / Socialist apologized and liar was easy (no pun intended)...the fact that this Sheriff is willing to go to jail rather than enforce Un-Constitutional Socialist laws proves you it...

It’s totally constitutional. Arrogant sheriff thinks he knows better than the Supreme Court . I wonder what he thinks of stop n frisk ? I’m sure he’s cool with it .
Like the police give a shit about our rights .
Wow, proving you are a delusional liberal / Socialist apologized and liar was easy (no pun intended)...the fact that this Sheriff is willing to go to jail rather than enforce Un-Constitutional Socialist laws proves you it...

It’s totally constitutional. Arrogant sheriff thinks he knows better than the Supreme Court . I wonder what he thinks of stop n frisk ? I’m sure he’s cool with it .

How about a law where I could accuse you of being a pedo and they'd pick you up and jail you without a trial?
Law enforcement guys like this are idiots . I don’t what to here shit from this guy when one of his deputies gets gunned down from some barricaded mental case who everyone knew was too unstable to have a gun .
We’ll file that under Law Enforcement Letting Illegals Free.
Like the police give a shit about our rights .
Wow, proving you are a delusional liberal / Socialist apologized and liar was easy (no pun intended)...the fact that this Sheriff is willing to go to jail rather than enforce Un-Constitutional Socialist laws proves you it...

It’s totally constitutional. Arrogant sheriff thinks he knows better than the Supreme Court . I wonder what he thinks of stop n frisk ? I’m sure he’s cool with it .
Court never ruled on, shitforbrains.
Firearms are designed to kill people.
Spoken like a true Libtard...

A gun is a 'tool', just like a knife, a hammer, etc... Like any tool it's owner decides what it is used for.

A gun is used for HUNTING, for example.

Guns are used for DEFENSE. It doesn't NEED to be used to KILL anyone. Put a sign on the side of a house stating the owner has a gun & would-be robbers will bypass the house!

So of course gun-grabbing Constitution-hating Socialists declare the ONLY use for a gun is to kill people....
...Spoken like a true Libtard... A gun is a 'tool', just like a knife, a hammer, etc... Like any tool it's owner decides what it is used for. A gun is used for HUNTING, for example. Guns are used for DEFENSE. It doesn't NEED to be used to KILL anyone. Put a sign on the side of a house stating the owner has a gun & would-be robbers will bypass the house! So of course gun-grabbing Constitution-hating Socialists declare the ONLY use for a gun is to kill people....
Firearms are designed to kill people.

Full stop.

The law-in-question is not seeking to seize firearms from normal citizens.

The law-in-question seeks to temporarily impound People Killing Tools from behaviorally unstable individuals.

Vetted by a court of law as part of Due Process.

Hopefully, the law will stand, when challenged.

Most do.

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