This Is Who Conservatives Worship

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I didn't even watch whatever Bullshit this particular Bolshevik TDS victim has put up.

I don't "worship" Don Trump. I voted for him with all his personality disorders on full display---because my other choice was pure Depravity.

And, I (We--the American people) got lucky in our choice.

I have never seen a man go through more shit to fulfill more campaign promises. Never seen a man fight harder for the people he represents---Americans.

To Hell with all you Bolsheviks who keep up this constant sniping and propaganda---most of it straight off the elementary school playground.

You aren't changing a single vote.
I didn't even watch whatever Bullshit this particular Bolshevik TDS victim has put up.

I don't "worship" Don Trump. I voted for him with all his personality disorders on full display---because my other choice was pure Depravity.

And, I (We--the American people) got lucky in our choice.

I have never seen a man go through more shit to fulfill more campaign promises. Never seen a man fight harder for the people he represents---Americans.

To Hell with all you Bolsheviks who keep up this constant sniping and propaganda---most of it straight off the elementary school playground.

You aren't changing a single vote.
Great post. Thank you.
I didn't even watch whatever Bullshit this particular Bolshevik TDS victim has put up.

I don't "worship" Don Trump. I voted for him with all his personality disorders on full display---because my other choice was pure Depravity.

And, I (We--the American people) got lucky in our choice.

I have never seen a man go through more shit to fulfill more campaign promises. Never seen a man fight harder for the people he represents---Americans.

To Hell with all you Bolsheviks who keep up this constant sniping and propaganda---most of it straight off the elementary school playground.

You aren't changing a single vote.
You people are way closer to being Nazis then the Democrats are to being Commies. You are all a joke , a real bad joke on this country.
We don't worship Donald Trump, we just recognize him as America's last hope.
You lick his boots, you all do, he's a dictator and that's Ok with you people, you sold out this country, you have to be forced back under the rock you came from

"be forced back under the rock you came from"

Himmler would have said this.

SWEET! Loved that! I'd rather have ten of Trump's Bings, than one of your Bongs.


We don't worship Donald Trump, we just recognize him as America's last hope.
That's really weak. That's all you've got? We're a cult? Sure you just stick with that and hang with the rest of the anti-Americans.
Well, let's face it, Bode is ALWAYS weak with her/his/its? replies. Most likely due to SEVERE brainwashing by our hideously biased media. It appears that his/her/its? once functioning brain has been turned into a quivering mindless lump of gelatin. VERY sad, but also QUITE preventable.
We don't worship Donald Trump, we just recognize him as America's last hope.
You lick his boots, you all do
If we lick his $900 custom leather boots, then you are the gum stuck to the underside of his heel.

you have to be forced back under the rock you came from
That rock is AMERICA. Glad you hate it. Can't wait to see you come and try.
Do it.

Do it.

We don't worship Donald Trump, we just recognize him as America's last hope.
You lick his boots, you all do, he's a dictator and that's Ok with you people, you sold out this country, you have to be forced back under the rock you came from
We don't worship Donald Trump, we just recognize him as America's last hope.
I didn't even watch whatever Bullshit this particular Bolshevik TDS victim has put up.

I don't "worship" Don Trump. I voted for him with all his personality disorders on full display---because my other choice was pure Depravity.

And, I (We--the American people) got lucky in our choice.

I have never seen a man go through more shit to fulfill more campaign promises. Never seen a man fight harder for the people he represents---Americans.

To Hell with all you Bolsheviks who keep up this constant sniping and propaganda---most of it straight off the elementary school playground.

You aren't changing a single vote.
You people are way closer to being Nazis then the Democrats are to being Commies. You are all a joke , a real bad joke on this country.
The president and his followers are the lowest form of humanity. They have to be disposed of.
I'd suggest you stop trying to 'CHANGE' America...Stop trying to morph this nation into the twisted filthy shithole you seek.
You stop that bullshit and you'll never get another Trump shoved up your filthy asses.

He admitted guilt in that civil court for his Foundation also, this piece of shit used the money for himself (fucking portraits of himself). and he just had a large fund promotion for needy veterans and he stole that straight out from these needy vets . This type of scum fits perfectly into the voices here that support this pig. He is what they believe in , they support what he says and does and he is less then pond scum. By the way, they took every dime of his foundation and fined him 2 million more. They are literally lined up on the white house steps for the day this country gets some pride in their country and instead of selling this country out , they will dump him . that dat they will fight over which state gets to charge him first. They can't wait, Two of the states are the two that hate this pile of shit the most New York and California.
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