This is Why Donald Trump Will Get My Vote

Nope. Not a "cultist." Nope. He's not "the lesser of two evils.". He is the ONLY man that stands between this country and the left's "fundamental transformation" of my country.

DeSantis 2028. But for now, Trump 2024

STRONG pick on your part. Trump's only weakness is his age. Do you view Gov. DeSantis as ineffective when compared to Trump? I l am backing Gov. DeSantis mainly because I fear Donald may not make it through a term(age/health related issues). Ten years younger & I'd have no doubts about Trump as he has proven himself effective. If Gov. DeSantis was Trumps pick for vp I would definitely be voting on the Trump ticket for sure.
Nope. Not a "cultist." Nope. He's not "the lesser of two evils.". He is the ONLY man that stands between this country and the left's "fundamental transformation" of my country.

DeSantis 2028. But for now, Trump 2024

And he will most certainly loose out - and therefore enable another 4 years of lefty&lib rule.
One can't fight a Lefty&Lib idiot with a human scumbag - and hope for the better. - it's simply illogical
Orange man good.jpg
It probably won't matter unless they announce the winner on Election night and not 5 days later. Trump is in a good position. We are under tyrannical censorship and thought control from a cabal of elites including WEF, WHO and their traitorous allies in the illegitimate US government.
We can't really vote anymore, we've been disenfranchised, meanwhile countless lemmings will repeat what they read on their phones through curated propaganda sites like parrots incapable of independent critical thought. You will see this in subsequent replies to this thread. Low-IQ groupthink leftists gorging themselves on propaganda, none of it original or insightful in the least.
The silver lining is there's plenty of sites cropping up to fight against corporate MSM brainwashing. Tucker is doing something interesting. We should avoid wasting time & energy arguing with kool-aid drinkers and seek out these fresh alternative sources of information, because they can't be any less truthful than MSM.
It probably won't matter unless they announce the winner on Election night and not 5 days later. Trump is in a good position. We are under tyrannical censorship and thought control from a cabal of elites including WEF, WHO and their traitorous allies in the illegitimate US government.
We can't really vote anymore, we've been disenfranchised, meanwhile countless lemmings will repeat what they read on their phones through curated propaganda sites like parrots incapable of independent critical thought. You will see this in subsequent replies to this thread. Low-IQ groupthink leftists gorging themselves on propaganda, none of it original or insightful in the least.
The silver lining is there's plenty of sites cropping up to fight against corporate MSM brainwashing. Tucker is doing something interesting. We should avoid wasting time & energy arguing with kool-aid drinkers and seek out these fresh alternative sources of information, because they can't be any less truthful than MSM.

Why can't you vote anymore?
Nope. Not a "cultist." Nope. He's not "the lesser of two evils.". He is the ONLY man that stands between this country and the left's "fundamental transformation" of my country.

DeSantis 2028. But for now, Trump 2024

It's not just the war, it's beyond that. Trump wants what's best for America as a whole. Everything he has done was for the good of America and Americans.

They called him a xenophobic for wanting the border wall, well we see what happens when the opposite happens. He wanted to break our dependence on china and see what happens with the opposite. He wanted out of other countries wars and see what happens with the opposite. He wanted out of the climate change crisis fad with over bearing rules and laws. He wanted more American energy dependence. And everything else he did, even when his bombastic personality and ego were involved was still for America.

Even desantis who I like a lot is too focused on some stuff and little proxy fights. Trump looked at the bigger picture. If we have a stronger nation, more independent, and focus on American values, pride, morals and standards we can be better.

Trump was literally keeping America America. That's why the instant he was gone our country began such a rapid change unlike any we had seen since ww2 and it's done nothing but gotten steadily worse the past 2 years since he has been gone
It probably won't matter unless they announce the winner on Election night and not 5 days later. Trump is in a good position. We are under tyrannical censorship and thought control from a cabal of elites including WEF, WHO and their traitorous allies in the illegitimate US government.
We can't really vote anymore, we've been disenfranchised, meanwhile countless lemmings will repeat what they read on their phones through curated propaganda sites like parrots incapable of independent critical thought. You will see this in subsequent replies to this thread. Low-IQ groupthink leftists gorging themselves on propaganda, none of it original or insightful in the least.
The silver lining is there's plenty of sites cropping up to fight against corporate MSM brainwashing. Tucker is doing something interesting. We should avoid wasting time & energy arguing with kool-aid drinkers and seek out these fresh alternative sources of information, because they can't be any less truthful than MSM.
Don't get demoralized despite you being partially correct about votes not counting as the electoral college can upset the popular vote. Then there is the possibility of a rigged vote since voting is now conducted via electronic computer, plus the ballot stuffing gimmick. Worse yet is the fact that the RNC/DNC are sleeping together in the same bed. I see that you are up to speed about the all important CRITICAL THINKING vs the brain dead groupthink(hive mentality) crowd. The critical thinking is one of the two advantages the right has @ current, the other is parents revolting against the pedophile lefties. It appears to me that the statist left is driving those sitting on the fence to the right side of the fence.

We on the right are fighting against a global degenerate that HEAVILY outnumber us. If we go down we go down swinging for a LOT more is @ stake than just this current existence we are now experiencing. Hang In There!
Don't get demoralized despite you being partially correct about votes not counting as the electoral college can upset the popular vote. Then there is the possibility of a rigged vote since voting is now conducted via electronic computer, plus the ballot stuffing gimmick. Worse yet is the fact that the RNC/DNC are sleeping together in the same bed. I see that you are up to speed about the all important CRITICAL THINKING vs the brain dead groupthink(hive mentality) crowd. The critical thinking is one of the two advantages the right has @ current, the other is parents revolting against the pedophile lefties. It appears to me that the statist left is driving those sitting on the fence to the right side of the fence.

We on the right are fighting against a global degenerate that HEAVILY outnumber us. If we go down we go down swinging for a LOT more is @ stake than just this current existence we are now experiencing. Hang In There!

Knowledge bomb.
Nope. Not a "cultist." Nope. He's not "the lesser of two evils.". He is the ONLY man that stands between this country and the left's "fundamental transformation" of my country.

DeSantis 2028. But for now, Trump 2024

Donald Trump is the fundamental transformation of the political party "the Republicans" into a 'royal' = anti-republican party. And Donald Trump will be - if he should win - the fundamental transformation of "the democracy" USA into "the loyalite" USA. Who is not loyal to the house Trump is no American for him and his useful idiots. This means very bad times for all non-voters, anti-voters and alternative-voters. The only way to be save from Trump seems to be to vote for him. But Trump on his onw knows no loyalite to someone else than Trump - while many autocrats in the world are his friends and he seems to be nothing else than an enemy of the democracies in the world.

I really never understood - and now again I do not understand - how it was possible that this man got more than one vote and will perhaps get in the next elections also more than one vote. Weird. Why do you do such a bullshit, "America"?
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I hope Tim Scott gets some traction, but the coming shit storm from the left on a Black man running as a Republican may turn some of the weak minded on the right away.
Donald Trump is the fundamental transformation of the political party "the Republicans" into a 'royal' = anti-republican party. And Donald Trump wuil be - if he should win - the fundamental transformation of "the democracy" USA into "the loyalite" USA. Who is not loyal to the house Trump is no American for him and his useful idiots.
Blah, blah, blah. The US has never been a Democracy. If your going to make comments about US politics at least know about our form of Government. It's a Constitutional Republic.

Stop listening to the morons who have been duped into thinking they are losing something the US has never been. I didn't vote for Trump before you start ranting about MAGA whatever's.
Blah, blah, blah. The US has never been a Democracy.
Then what's up with all those elections we've been having every 4 years?
Every two years for congress.
State elections?
County elections?
City elections?

LAWS being passed?
BY a MAJORITY of people.
If your going to make comments about US politics at least know about our form of Government.
Yeah, you should.
It's a Constitutional Republic.
The same thing as a democracy.

A constitutional republic is a type of government in which there is democratic voting, but individual power is limited by the existence of a constitution that protects certain rights. In a constitutional republic, people elect representatives, and those people generally vote to make decisions or laws.

SO...................HOW did people decide on this?
The majority voted FOR it.
Stop listening to the morons who have been duped into thinking they are losing something the US has never been. I didn't vote for Trump before you start ranting about MAGA whatever's.
Then what's up with all those elections we've been having every 4 years?
Every two years for congress.
State elections?
County elections?
City elections?

LAWS being passed?
BY a MAJORITY of people.

Yeah, you should.

The same thing as a democracy.

A constitutional republic is a type of government in which there is democratic voting, but individual power is limited by the existence of a constitution that protects certain rights. In a constitutional republic, people elect representatives, and those people generally vote to make decisions or laws.

SO...................HOW did people decide on this?
The majority voted FOR it.
  • Wow
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Nope. Not a "cultist." Nope. He's not "the lesser of two evils.". He is the ONLY man that stands between this country and the left's "fundamental transformation" of my country.

DeSantis 2028. But for now, Trump 2024

Good for you...

You would vote for a person who looks very much like a criminal who was incompetent at the job the last time. Trump handling of the COVID pandemic made US having one of the worst responses of a first world country in the world...

And you are doing all this because a fear that the center-right party (Democrats) are too left for you...

Don't question why US is one of two countries in the world with no Maternity Care, crippling healthcare costs, education costs that creates a youth class in debt (only first world country that does that to their kids),....
But answer this, How did Germany run a surplus for the 9 years running up to COVID? Germany has universal Healthcare and free third level college Their polices are very much to the left of Democrats policies?

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