This New Trump Ad Is MAGA Fire 🔥

And it's truthful and to the point. It exposes the blatant hypocrisy of the left. This hypocrisy will be met with defiance this upcoming election. It's the only way to make America great again.

Trump's PR team is knockin' it out the park! :aargh:

He had nothing this good in 2016.

If the media was not biased, all the charges against him would poof if they started asking the right questions to the right people.

Ofc I can't see that happening, they gotta go.

Even if Trump goes, they're going right behind him for being shitlords and not doing their jobs.

Well, what's supposed to be their jobs that they lie about about what is, anyway.
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A failed coup attempt – consistent with Trump’s other failures.

And unlike President Biden, Trump is a treasonous criminal who committed historic crimes, attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt peaceful transfer of power.
You wanna back that up with your life, motherfucker?

You're a lying sack of shit. Put your ass where your mouth is boy, cause it's probably coming.

1/6 was people trying to exercise their 1st Amendment rights. The coup was Democrats cheating the 2020 election.

Half or more of America is pissed off about that. Let's see how you explain that's going to work out well for your plans going forward.

I'm ready to back up what I say with my life, boy, because I know it's true.

You ain't got the balls nor the conviction; You're just a slandering little pussy ass liar. :blahblah:
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You wanna back that up with your life, motherfucker?

You're a lying sack of shit. Put your ass where your mouth is boy, cause it's probably coming.

1/6 was people trying to exercise their 1st Amendment rights. The coup was Democrats cheating the 2020 election.

Half or more of America is pissed off about that.
You’re in a cult.


a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing:

"a cult of personality surrounding the leaders"

…particularly to the exclusion of facts, evidence, and the truth.
And it's truthful and to the point. It exposes the blatant hypocrisy of the left. This hypocrisy will be met with defiance this upcoming election. It's the only way to make America great again.

This will appeal to Republicans.

It does not come close to appealing to anyone else.

THAT appeal is: is your life better under Trump? Economy? Gas prices? Border? Education? What is better?

Come out and say: they made my presidency problematic, but I made things better FOR YOU.

That might be a winning message. This? Not so much
The question of why they weren't prosecuted is simple. They didn't plan and attempt a coup.
/----/ Yes democRATs did. The fake Russia collusion scam, and the fake Jan 6 scam.
You wanna back that up with your life, motherfucker?

You're a lying sack of shit. Put your ass where your mouth is boy, cause it's probably coming.

1/6 was people trying to exercise their 1st Amendment rights. The coup was Democrats cheating the 2020 election.

Half or more of America is pissed off about that. Let's see how you explain that's going to work out well for your plans going forward.

I'm ready to back up what I say with my life, boy, because I know it's true.

You ain't got the balls nor the conviction; You're just a slandering little pussy ass liar. :blahblah:
We've backed it up with criminal charges Soy Boy. 😄 What are you going to do about it when he's convicted and hauled off to prison? :funnyface:
And it's truthful and to the point. It exposes the blatant hypocrisy of the left. This hypocrisy will be met with defiance this upcoming election. It's the only way to make America great again.

Da, Tvaritch... you tell 'em...

If the Republicans are stupid enough to run Trump again they will lose in November 2024...


They can whip themselves into a delusional froth amongst their own base...

But they do not have the numbers to win on their own...

They need Independents and Swing Voters in large numbers in order to win again...

They will not GET those Independents and Swing Voters to vote alongside them in 2024 if they run Trump again...


January 6, 2021.

It would be like voting Benedict Arnold into office after his betrayal of Washington at West Point.

Independents and Swing Voters will not vote in large numbers for someone burdened with that damning stigma.

The Republicans need to dump their present Orange Albatross and choose another while there is still time to do so.

Otherwise, they condemn the Republic to another four years of LibProg idiocy and giving-away the farm.

Democrats are (understandably) licking their chops at the prospect of the Republicans foolishly running Trump again.
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Da, Tvaritch... you tell 'em...

If the Republicans are stupid enough to run Trump again they will lose in November 2024...


They can whip themselves into a delusional froth amongst their own base...

But they do not have the numbers to win on their own...

They need Independents and Swing Voters in large numbers in order to win again...

They will not GET those Independents and Swing Voters to vote alongside them in 2024 if they run Trump again...


January 6, 2021.

It would be like voting Benedict Arnold into office after his betrayal of Washington at West Point.

Independents and Swing Voters will not vote in large numbers for someone burdened with that damning stigma.

The Republicans need to dump their present Orange Albatross and choose another while there is still time to do so.

Otherwise, they condemn the Republic to another four years of LibProg idiocy and giving-away the farm.

Democrats are (understandably) licking their chops at the prospect of the Republicans foolishly running Trump again.
/------/ Democrats are (understandably) scared shytless at the prospect of the Republicans running Trump again. There, I fixed it for you.
A failed coup attempt – consistent with Trump’s other failures.

And unlike President Biden, Trump is a treasonous criminal who committed historic crimes, attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt peaceful transfer of power.
We all consider Joe to be a Paradigm of Virtue. A monument of a man of the people. Sleaze has hit new lows even for D.C. standards.

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