Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans.

Those who have had covid have no reason to get vaccinated according to a new study:

"The study was conducted on 52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic."
"The scarcity of vaccines, coupled with the knowledge that vaccines do not provide additional protection to those who have already been infected, is the strongest argument for restricting vaccine administration to those who have not had the infection."

I had covid and I'm not getting the vaccine.


The article has not been peer reviewed YET...

Which means the study has not been duplicated by other scientists, to support the theory....yet.

So people having had covid don't have antibodies?

Too fking funny.

Of course they have antibodies developed from the Covid they had!

whether they hold up to NEW variants is another story! We don't even know how long these very effective vaccines will hold up to NEW variants coming out of the woodwork, without needing another boost!

y'all who have had covid, are way ahead of the game...if covid can be called a game....:(

Some day, you may need a booster....if your antibodies wane, or a bastard of a variant comes along...

The same seems to be true of the vaccine. I have just as much protection with my antibodies and see no need to take the vaccine.

I don't disagree, you very well could have full protection, including against the present variants of the virus...

And from what I have seen, as testing on covid antibodies present in covid survival patients continues, month after month, they have not waned...which is great, for those that survived it!
The vast majority of people who died from covid were the very old or those with preexisting conditions. Asking those people at risk to isolate themselves for their own safety makes sense but not the rest of the population. Saying I survived covid sounds a bit hysterical.

because there are 90 million seniors, disabled, and people with heart conditions, or diabetes who are at high risk in the USA.

that's no small change to be taken out of the workforce or economy....

I am not sure if 90 million is an accurate estimate but I will say that it would have been better for our economy if we had recognized who was at risk and allow the rest to remain productive.

I felt the same way early on, until I found out there were 60 million Boomers, and another 30 million of others with medical conditions that put them at higher risk of being killed by the virus.... Just way too many to lock up, and pull out of the workforce and the economy.

our problems began, when we didn't have enough covid we didn't know where the virus was spreading and on fire.....with massive testing, we could have identified hot spots, and lockdowned or rather taken precautions by region, instead of the entire nation, all at once.

As citizens, it was and is our duty to protect the vulnerable from being killed....
But the mindset of the trumpian deniers is...."It is all about me. I don't care if you or your family dies."

And they are being led by a man that went into a closet and secretly got his shot. Rather than encourage others to get the vaccine as all the other living President did, trump secretly got the shot. What a slug.
Those who have had covid have no reason to get vaccinated according to a new study:

"The study was conducted on 52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic."
"The scarcity of vaccines, coupled with the knowledge that vaccines do not provide additional protection to those who have already been infected, is the strongest argument for restricting vaccine administration to those who have not had the infection."

I had covid and I'm not getting the vaccine.


The article has not been peer reviewed YET...

Which means the study has not been duplicated by other scientists, to support the theory....yet.

So people having had covid don't have antibodies?

Too fking funny.

Of course they have antibodies developed from the Covid they had!

whether they hold up to NEW variants is another story! We don't even know how long these very effective vaccines will hold up to NEW variants coming out of the woodwork, without needing another boost!

y'all who have had covid, are way ahead of the game...if covid can be called a game....:(

Some day, you may need a booster....if your antibodies wane, or a bastard of a variant comes along...

The same seems to be true of the vaccine. I have just as much protection with my antibodies and see no need to take the vaccine.

I don't disagree, you very well could have full protection, including against the present variants of the virus...

And from what I have seen, as testing on covid antibodies present in covid survival patients continues, month after month, they have not waned...which is great, for those that survived it!
The vast majority of people who died from covid were the very old or those with preexisting conditions. Asking those people at risk to isolate themselves for their own safety makes sense but not the rest of the population. Saying I survived covid sounds a bit hysterical.

because there are 90 million seniors, disabled, and people with heart conditions, or diabetes who are at high risk in the USA.

that's no small change to be taken out of the workforce or economy....

I am not sure if 90 million is an accurate estimate but I will say that it would have been better for our economy if we had recognized who was at risk and allow the rest to remain productive.

I felt the same way early on, until I found out there were 60 million Boomers, and another 30 million of others with medical conditions that put them at higher risk of being killed by the virus.... Just way too many to lock up, and pull out of the workforce and the economy.

our problems began, when we didn't have enough covid we didn't know where the virus was spreading and on fire.....with massive testing, we could have identified hot spots, and lockdowned or rather taken precautions by region, instead of the entire nation, all at once.

As citizens, it was and is our duty to protect the vulnerable from being killed....

We have an obligation first and foremost to the next generation. Maintaining a stronger economy would minimize the costs they will have to pay. The most vulnerable are the young and should always be our priority.

Those who have had covid have no reason to get vaccinated according to a new study:

"The study was conducted on 52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic."
"The scarcity of vaccines, coupled with the knowledge that vaccines do not provide additional protection to those who have already been infected, is the strongest argument for restricting vaccine administration to those who have not had the infection."

I had covid and I'm not getting the vaccine.


The article has not been peer reviewed YET...

Which means the study has not been duplicated by other scientists, to support the theory....yet.

So people having had covid don't have antibodies?

Too fking funny.

Of course they have antibodies developed from the Covid they had!

whether they hold up to NEW variants is another story! We don't even know how long these very effective vaccines will hold up to NEW variants coming out of the woodwork, without needing another boost!

y'all who have had covid, are way ahead of the game...if covid can be called a game....:(

Some day, you may need a booster....if your antibodies wane, or a bastard of a variant comes along...

The same seems to be true of the vaccine. I have just as much protection with my antibodies and see no need to take the vaccine.

I don't disagree, you very well could have full protection, including against the present variants of the virus...

And from what I have seen, as testing on covid antibodies present in covid survival patients continues, month after month, they have not waned...which is great, for those that survived it!
The vast majority of people who died from covid were the very old or those with preexisting conditions. Asking those people at risk to isolate themselves for their own safety makes sense but not the rest of the population. Saying I survived covid sounds a bit hysterical.

because there are 90 million seniors, disabled, and people with heart conditions, or diabetes who are at high risk in the USA.

that's no small change to be taken out of the workforce or economy....

I am not sure if 90 million is an accurate estimate but I will say that it would have been better for our economy if we had recognized who was at risk and allow the rest to remain productive.

I felt the same way early on, until I found out there were 60 million Boomers, and another 30 million of others with medical conditions that put them at higher risk of being killed by the virus.... Just way too many to lock up, and pull out of the workforce and the economy.

our problems began, when we didn't have enough covid we didn't know where the virus was spreading and on fire.....with massive testing, we could have identified hot spots, and lockdowned or rather taken precautions by region, instead of the entire nation, all at once.

As citizens, it was and is our duty to protect the vulnerable from being killed....
But the mindset of the trumpian deniers is...."It is all about me. I don't care if you or your family dies."

And they are being led by a man that went into a closet and secretly got his shot. Rather than encourage others to get the vaccine as all the other living President did, trump secretly got the shot. What a slug.
Yep, he and Melania got their first and second shot behind closed doors....they both have had covid, but still got the shots, to boost their immunities even more... And did so, without showing his flock, how safe it was for them.

I truly believe he didn't want to show the world his chubby was merely for some vanity reason... Not the politics of it.... well, maybe a little bit of politics but the vanity played a big part.... Imho.
Those who have had covid have no reason to get vaccinated according to a new study:

"The study was conducted on 52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic."
"The scarcity of vaccines, coupled with the knowledge that vaccines do not provide additional protection to those who have already been infected, is the strongest argument for restricting vaccine administration to those who have not had the infection."

I had covid and I'm not getting the vaccine.


The article has not been peer reviewed YET...

Which means the study has not been duplicated by other scientists, to support the theory....yet.

So people having had covid don't have antibodies?

Too fking funny.

Of course they have antibodies developed from the Covid they had!

whether they hold up to NEW variants is another story! We don't even know how long these very effective vaccines will hold up to NEW variants coming out of the woodwork, without needing another boost!

y'all who have had covid, are way ahead of the game...if covid can be called a game....:(

Some day, you may need a booster....if your antibodies wane, or a bastard of a variant comes along...

The same seems to be true of the vaccine. I have just as much protection with my antibodies and see no need to take the vaccine.

I don't disagree, you very well could have full protection, including against the present variants of the virus...

And from what I have seen, as testing on covid antibodies present in covid survival patients continues, month after month, they have not waned...which is great, for those that survived it!
The vast majority of people who died from covid were the very old or those with preexisting conditions. Asking those people at risk to isolate themselves for their own safety makes sense but not the rest of the population. Saying I survived covid sounds a bit hysterical.

because there are 90 million seniors, disabled, and people with heart conditions, or diabetes who are at high risk in the USA.

that's no small change to be taken out of the workforce or economy....

I am not sure if 90 million is an accurate estimate but I will say that it would have been better for our economy if we had recognized who was at risk and allow the rest to remain productive.

I felt the same way early on, until I found out there were 60 million Boomers, and another 30 million of others with medical conditions that put them at higher risk of being killed by the virus.... Just way too many to lock up, and pull out of the workforce and the economy.

our problems began, when we didn't have enough covid we didn't know where the virus was spreading and on fire.....with massive testing, we could have identified hot spots, and lockdowned or rather taken precautions by region, instead of the entire nation, all at once.

As citizens, it was and is our duty to protect the vulnerable from being killed....

We have an obligation first and foremost to the next generation. Maintaining a stronger economy would minimize the costs they will have to pay. The most vulnerable are the young and should always be our priority.

How badly were the younger generation really economically hurt? Seriously. The younger working age teens are finally getting jobs that were never opened for them... A little older than teens lost those jobs during shutdowns but went to Amazon, Walmart, etc who hired millions of them at higher, steady pay....

But the younger kids did get hurt mentally, by schools being closed.

no one in the middle class on downward were spared from some, set back during the pandemic whether by death, or by losing a job, or losing daycare, or their home, or just plain companionship of family and friends.... It was and still is, just plain awful....
Those who have had covid have no reason to get vaccinated according to a new study:

"The study was conducted on 52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic."
"The scarcity of vaccines, coupled with the knowledge that vaccines do not provide additional protection to those who have already been infected, is the strongest argument for restricting vaccine administration to those who have not had the infection."

I had covid and I'm not getting the vaccine.


The article has not been peer reviewed YET...

Which means the study has not been duplicated by other scientists, to support the theory....yet.

So people having had covid don't have antibodies?

Too fking funny.

Of course they have antibodies developed from the Covid they had!

whether they hold up to NEW variants is another story! We don't even know how long these very effective vaccines will hold up to NEW variants coming out of the woodwork, without needing another boost!

y'all who have had covid, are way ahead of the game...if covid can be called a game....:(

Some day, you may need a booster....if your antibodies wane, or a bastard of a variant comes along...

The same seems to be true of the vaccine. I have just as much protection with my antibodies and see no need to take the vaccine.

I don't disagree, you very well could have full protection, including against the present variants of the virus...

And from what I have seen, as testing on covid antibodies present in covid survival patients continues, month after month, they have not waned...which is great, for those that survived it!
The vast majority of people who died from covid were the very old or those with preexisting conditions. Asking those people at risk to isolate themselves for their own safety makes sense but not the rest of the population. Saying I survived covid sounds a bit hysterical.

because there are 90 million seniors, disabled, and people with heart conditions, or diabetes who are at high risk in the USA.

that's no small change to be taken out of the workforce or economy....

I am not sure if 90 million is an accurate estimate but I will say that it would have been better for our economy if we had recognized who was at risk and allow the rest to remain productive.

I felt the same way early on, until I found out there were 60 million Boomers, and another 30 million of others with medical conditions that put them at higher risk of being killed by the virus.... Just way too many to lock up, and pull out of the workforce and the economy.

our problems began, when we didn't have enough covid we didn't know where the virus was spreading and on fire.....with massive testing, we could have identified hot spots, and lockdowned or rather taken precautions by region, instead of the entire nation, all at once.

As citizens, it was and is our duty to protect the vulnerable from being killed....

We have an obligation first and foremost to the next generation. Maintaining a stronger economy would minimize the costs they will have to pay. The most vulnerable are the young and should always be our priority.

Ask the "Former Guy." He doesn't think beyond the end of his orange nose.
Those who have had covid have no reason to get vaccinated according to a new study:

"The study was conducted on 52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic."
"The scarcity of vaccines, coupled with the knowledge that vaccines do not provide additional protection to those who have already been infected, is the strongest argument for restricting vaccine administration to those who have not had the infection."

I had covid and I'm not getting the vaccine.


The article has not been peer reviewed YET...

Which means the study has not been duplicated by other scientists, to support the theory....yet.

So people having had covid don't have antibodies?

Too fking funny.

Of course they have antibodies developed from the Covid they had!

whether they hold up to NEW variants is another story! We don't even know how long these very effective vaccines will hold up to NEW variants coming out of the woodwork, without needing another boost!

y'all who have had covid, are way ahead of the game...if covid can be called a game....:(

Some day, you may need a booster....if your antibodies wane, or a bastard of a variant comes along...

The same seems to be true of the vaccine. I have just as much protection with my antibodies and see no need to take the vaccine.

I don't disagree, you very well could have full protection, including against the present variants of the virus...

And from what I have seen, as testing on covid antibodies present in covid survival patients continues, month after month, they have not waned...which is great, for those that survived it!
The vast majority of people who died from covid were the very old or those with preexisting conditions. Asking those people at risk to isolate themselves for their own safety makes sense but not the rest of the population. Saying I survived covid sounds a bit hysterical.

because there are 90 million seniors, disabled, and people with heart conditions, or diabetes who are at high risk in the USA.

that's no small change to be taken out of the workforce or economy....

I am not sure if 90 million is an accurate estimate but I will say that it would have been better for our economy if we had recognized who was at risk and allow the rest to remain productive.

I felt the same way early on, until I found out there were 60 million Boomers, and another 30 million of others with medical conditions that put them at higher risk of being killed by the virus.... Just way too many to lock up, and pull out of the workforce and the economy.

our problems began, when we didn't have enough covid we didn't know where the virus was spreading and on fire.....with massive testing, we could have identified hot spots, and lockdowned or rather taken precautions by region, instead of the entire nation, all at once.

As citizens, it was and is our duty to protect the vulnerable from being killed....

We have an obligation first and foremost to the next generation. Maintaining a stronger economy would minimize the costs they will have to pay. The most vulnerable are the young and should always be our priority.

How badly were the younger generation really economically hurt? Seriously. The younger working age teens are finally getting jobs that were never opened for them... A little older than teens lost those jobs during shutdowns but went to Amazon, Walmart, etc who hired millions of them at higher, steady pay....

But the younger kids did get hurt mentally, by schools being closed.

no one in the middle class on downward were spared from some, set back during the pandemic whether by death, or by losing a job, or losing daycare, or their home, or just plain companionship of family and friends.... It was and still is, just plain awful....
The kids are going to have to pick up the pieces and the more productive we are the easier it will be for them. Young adults, not just school kids are finding it difficult (jobs, cost of tuition...) and projections continue to be that opportunities will be fewer than those their parents had. Young couples hoping to or just starting a family are faced by an uncertain future and increasing government spending is doing little to decrease that uncertainty.

So my belief is that the economy needs to move forward and those who continue to be at risk or feel that they may be at risk need to isolate themselves.

Here are just a few articles that speak to the problems younger people face and why they need to be our priority:

"A return to a strong economy would disproportionately help young workers. In particular, young workers would see faster wage growth than other workers."

Apparently California goes back to indoor masks. One reason is likely due to the Delta variant mutation L452R which mutation is also found in the California variant (B.1.427). The national proportion of this mutation is 7.6%, according to the CDC.
Apparently California goes back to indoor masks. One reason is likely due to the Delta variant mutation L452R which mutation is also found in the California variant (B.1.427). The national proportion of this mutation is 7.6%, according to the CDC.
Not quite true. It's not California. It's only Los Angeles County and the sheriff is refusing to enforce it.
Not quite true. It's not California. It's only Los Angeles County and the sheriff is refusing to enforce it.
It is good to have a competent man in the WH again. One that takes COVID seriously and doesn't suggest ingesting Clorox or sticking a flash light up your rectum.
It is good to have a competent man in the WH again. One that takes COVID seriously and doesn't suggest ingesting Clorox or sticking a flash light up your rectum.
Since those are lies you are nothing but another communist democrat showing your red black and green colors.
Lets get back to that 'threatening all Americans'. About 80% of the deaths have come from people over retirement age. The rest have other issues such as smoking 4 packs a day, 400 pounds overweight. You might need to explain again this 'threatening all Americans' since most Americans don't fit in the risk category.
Yeah, I think I'm good here.
Over the age of 85 is the most at risk and generally connected to preexisting medical conditions that don’t fare well with an overactive immune system trying to fight off the virus. The over 85 group is not separated out enough so reportedly an understudied group.
It is good to have a competent man in the WH again. One that takes COVID seriously and doesn't suggest ingesting Clorox or sticking a flash light up your rectum.
I am sure you found the flashlight uncomfortable.

The rest of us are laughing at you.
The proven risks are very low. Less than than having serious complications from COVID. Plus you are doing it for all of the USA. If we all take the little risk we can wipe this out and save lives and our economy. This is truly more than just about ourselves, it is our country. Pandemics through history have wiped out more people than wars. Just because it has not happened in our lifetime does not mean it cannot happen.
We have a silver bullet to stop it and too many are too scared or too stupid or both to win over a battle of something that can seriously damage our country,

You are ignoring the fact that the risk of serious COVID is much less for people below a certain age.

Ah the collective over the individual, typical socialist.
yawwwwwwwwwwwn...... BS.MS. PHD = Bullshit...More of Same....Piled Higher, Deeper.
Indeed,trollboy is getting desperate,he ignores the best doctors in the world have debunked the MSM bullshit and his lies and that it is the vaccine that is dangerous and not the virus. as always,i own his ass and checkmate him,a regular everyday happening here at this site. :auiqs.jpg:

Can covid or a varient be used to kill off democrats? Or at least something that looks like covid.
Jared Kushner alrleady tried that when the virus first hit. The bastard figured that it would only affect blue states in the northeast. But like everything else that fuck did like Trump, he was wrong.

There's just one example of the craven sons of bitches that people like you support.

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