Tim Scott Does Not Speak For Black People

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I agree he does not speak for black people (or any other people) who think like you do. He speaks for all people, including black ones, who love this country and what it was intended to be. The people you seem to think speak for you and systematically destroying it. But then Tim Scott isn't a racist but somebody who wants to make everybody's lives better. That makes him a pariah to most of those on the left.
He doesn't speak for people who love this country. If you beieve the country was intended to be white dominated and controlled, then I guess Scott speaks for you. But if you believe that the country is for all people, Scott doesn't speak for us. Scott is supporting a man who wil destroy this country. Tim Scott is a sellout who is only interested in power.
The fact here is that his politics create harm for people who look like me. And to be black supporting such things IS stupid. White comnsevatives do the same thing to white liberals so don't even try it. I am just supposed to support him because he's black? I am just supposed to agree with him because he's black? Whites can dsagree on politics and policy, but we can't?
I don’t care who does it it is dishonest, right, left, black, white,tall or short, it is what it is, you are the third left leaning person to play this game today, that I have seen. I didn’t say to or not to support anyone, it doesn’t matter but when you start out by saying you are against someone but not because they are liberal or conservative and then name conservative or liberal traits on why you dislike someone, that is purely political and that is exactly what you did.
Thomas Sowell is 93 yearsold. His black ass has had decades to create rhe solutions to eveythnig he says is wrong but he hasn't. So he doesn't speak for anybody but white racists who want to recite his bullshit to deny their own racsm

If there is one person who speaks best for blacks right now, It's William Barber.

  1. “I have never understood why it is ‘greed’ to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.”-Thomas Sowell
The fact here is that his politics create harm for people who look like me. And to be black supporting such things IS stupid. White comnsevatives do the same thing to white liberals so don't even try it. I am just supposed to support him because he's black? I am just supposed to agree with him because he's black? Whites can dsagree on politics and policy, but we can't?
Funny shit considering you claim any black who doesn’t agree with you isn’t black. :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo:

Even funnier when you factor in you really arent black, Rachel.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You are supposed to show the source of your material, forum rules.
Did you ask the guy who posted stuff from Sowell to do that?

You seem more at home bitching about things you read other than lived. You never provide any solutions you just post about race with no solutions. I think you sit at your kids soccer practice and larp as a black guy on the internet. Then you go home and put dinner on the table while you seeth about how white you are and how mad your privileged life upsets you saying nothing because divorce would be the end of your lifestyle. Those poor black people! You have one option available to vent really and it’s here. Otherwise you have to live your white suburban wife life.

A real black guy would have solutions. They would pay attention to the true issues. You don’t. You do nothing but race bait.

I think your buddy Marc is probably your best friend Becky and you trade compliments during the day to keep you from feeling so guilty about your own lives.

You’re two pathetic Karens. Living the dream but sure want to be revolutionaries. If only you had more power than just the board of the HOA.
The problem with your ignorant post is that I have suggested a solution. Blacks are not the ones who are responsibe for creating the solution to end white racism. Whites are. I have stated on numerous occasions to whites in this forum to get up and go work to erase the racsim in the white community. That is the solution.
"You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum."
Did you ask the guy who posted stuff from Sowell to do that?

The problem with your ignorant post is that I have suggested a solution. Blacks are not the ones who are responsibe for creating the solution to end white racism. Whites are. I have stated on numerous occasions to whites in this forum to get up and go work to erase the racsim in the white community. That is the solution.
I have read your opening post and your replies to my posts, no one else.
He doesn't speak for people who love this country. If you beieve the country was intended to be white dominated and controlled, then I guess Scott speaks for you. But if you believe that the country is for all people, Scott doesn't speak for us. Scott is supporting a man who wil destroy this country. Tim Scott is a sellout who is only interested in power.
Since you are going to recite the same old talking points and go ad hominem, I will re-implement my New Year's Resolution which I obviously should have done in the first place. Do have a pleasant evening.
Sowell is an idiot, pain and simple. So understand that nobody black who is sane listens to him.
  1. “People who pride themselves on their ‘complexity’ and deride others for being “simplistic” should realize that the truth is often not very complicated. What gets complex is evading the truth.”-Thomas Sowell
Life in general has never been even close to fair, so the pretense that the government can make it fair is a valuable and inexhaustible asset to politicians who want to expand government.

Thomas Sowell
He doesn't speak for people who love this country. If you beieve the country was intended to be white dominated and controlled, then I guess Scott speaks for you. But if you believe that the country is for all people, Scott doesn't speak for us. Scott is supporting a man who wil destroy this country. Tim Scott is a sellout who is only interested in power.
IM2 doesn’t speak for anyone.
Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests. Scott is an idiot. You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum.

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I look at Tim Scott and I see a mark. Not particularly bright, wears naivety like a badge of honor and has old school morals. He's black Mike Pence. Perfectly useful for an orange shit show administration (and a POC! So they totally cannot be called racists now, because they did a thing). :rolleyes:

The rub, as I see it, seems he's not particularly popular among any demographic, especially his own (ex: Mike Pence). But planet magaturd will praise him, they will ride their populism agenda because the orange bag O' shit commands it, and that's pretty much the brass tacks of it. :dunno:
Did you ask the guy who posted stuff from Sowell to do that?

The problem with your ignorant post is that I have suggested a solution. Blacks are not the ones who are responsibe for creating the solution to end white racism. Whites are. I have stated on numerous occasions to whites in this forum to get up and go work to erase the racsim in the white community. That is the solution.
You propose a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. REJECTED.
I look at Tim Scott and I see a mark. Not particularly bright, wears naivety like a badge of honor and has old school morals. He's black Mike Pence. Perfectly useful for an orange shit show administration (and a POC! So they totally cannot be called racists now, because they did a thing). :rolleyes:

The rub, as I see it, seems he's not particularly popular among any demographic, especially his own (ex: Mike Pence). But planet magaturd will praise him, they will ride their populism agenda because the orange bag O' shit commands it, and that's pretty much the brass tacks of it. :dunno:
Why don't you read up on Tim Scott's life before you toss him into the mud.
The problem with your ignorant post is that I have suggested a solution. Blacks are not the ones who are responsibe for creating the solution to end white racism. Whites are. I have stated on numerous occasions to whites in this forum to get up and go work to erase the racsim in the white community. That is the solution.
This is how I know you’re a white liberal woman.

Nobody but you gets up for work and thinks a damn thing about how others need to be doing those jobs.

I go to work and do the best job I possibly can. Just like your husband does. You sit at home thinking of how some random black guy should be doing your husband’s job while you pack up little Becky and Corey for school. Feeling guilty the entire time until you meet up with Marc at the salon to get your pedicures.

Nobody on the fucking planet goes to work thinking their priority that day is to fight your imaginary racism.

Only white liberal women think like that.
Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests. Scott is an idiot. You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum.

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He comes with the same defects as many other politicians, soin that respect he isnt special. But what about this would not help Black owned business or manufacturing?

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