Trayvon Martin Law in Alabama

You`d shoot your own child for eating Skittles? Cool!

I'd shoot him for taking a route other than the shortest, most direct route to and from the store. He'd get shot for putting himself in the position to be approached by Zimmerman. He'd get shot for the trying to turn the tables and follow Zimmerman. He'd also get shot for starting the fight. Lastly he'd get shot for failing to bring anything more than his fists to a gunfight.
Wow! Create your own version of reality. Hopefully your keeper doesn`t allow you to play with guns.
It was hilarious to watch T-bone's friend (available on Youtube) 'DD' fucking blow up the Pros. case. T-bone's family were sitting their with their fat tongues sticking out and eyes bulging as 'DD' told the jury she heard 'T-bone' say he was basically safe in front of his house but was not going to go inside. Instead he was going to [go back and beat the shit out of Zimmerman's White cracker ass".
poor dear Trayvon. they didn't think enough of him to plant a tree for him. Maybe they'll get around to a statue or something for the one who could have Obambams son

Michael Brown memorial tree destroyed by vandals just hours after it was planted in Ferguson park
  • Sapling was planted in January-Wabash Park in Ferguson, Missouri on Saturday but by Sunday, its trunk had been snapped in half
  • By Monday, it had been replanted and the Ferguson Police Department is investigating the incident as an act of vandalism(maybe they should call in HOLDER)

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You`d shoot your own child for eating Skittles? Cool!

I'd shoot him for taking a route other than the shortest, most direct route to and from the store. He'd get shot for putting himself in the position to be approached by Zimmerman. He'd get shot for the trying to turn the tables and follow Zimmerman. He'd also get shot for starting the fight. Lastly he'd get shot for failing to bring anything more than his fists to a gunfight.
you don't know that he tried to "turn the tables and follow Zimmerman" and you don't know who started the fight.
Anyone else notice:

the left craps all over our military men and women, and turns criminal/thugs into HEROS?

that's some twisted stuff.

We would have NEVER heard the name trayvon if not for the media with Obama poking his nose into a STATE MATTER.

You don't see how all this WAS planned to use, AGAINST you

now every WEEK we get protesting, lootings, riots, barging in on your free time having a meal in Restaurants, etc

Under this nasty progressive administration we haven't one day of PEACE without them stirring up some shit
Anyone else notice:

the left craps all over our military men and women, and turns criminal/thugs into HEROS?

that's some twisted stuff.

We would have NEVER heard the name trayvon if not for the media with Obama poking his nose into a STATE MATTER.

You don't see how all this WAS planned to use, AGAINST you

now every WEEK we get protesting, lootings, riots, barging in on your free time having a meal in Restaurants, etc

Under this nasty progressive administration we haven't one day of PEACE without them stirring up some shit
here's an idea. make up some bullshit, say "the left" does it, and then use that bullshit to play yourself up as a victim.

oops, seems you already had that idea.
You`d shoot your own child for eating Skittles? Cool!

I'd shoot him for taking a route other than the shortest, most direct route to and from the store. He'd get shot for putting himself in the position to be approached by Zimmerman. He'd get shot for the trying to turn the tables and follow Zimmerman. He'd also get shot for starting the fight. Lastly he'd get shot for failing to bring anything more than his fists to a gunfight.
you don't know that he tried to "turn the tables and follow Zimmerman" and you don't know who started the fight.
No indication of him stalking Zimmerman and it was Zimmerman, not Martin who was instructed to not get out of his SUV. Zimmy`s 7 run ins with the police since 2013 should give anyone with a measurable IQ some sort of idea of who was the trouble maker that night. That`s SEVEN (7) since 2013.
poor dear Trayvon. they didn't think enough of him to plant a tree for him. Maybe they'll get around to a statue or something for the one who could have Obambams son

Michael Brown memorial tree destroyed by vandals just hours after it was planted in Ferguson park
  • Sapling was planted in January-Wabash Park in Ferguson, Missouri on Saturday but by Sunday, its trunk had been snapped in half
  • By Monday, it had been replanted and the Ferguson Police Department is investigating the incident as an act of vandalism(maybe they should call in HOLDER)

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Sanford memorial dedicated for Trayvon Martin other families

They have a memorial in Stanford for him. At a museum.
Figures a dumb n*gger bitch would come up with this proposal. The Stand Your Ground Law was never used as a defense by Zimmerman and his attorneys.
You`d shoot your own child for eating Skittles? Cool!

I'd shoot him for taking a route other than the shortest, most direct route to and from the store. He'd get shot for putting himself in the position to be approached by Zimmerman. He'd get shot for the trying to turn the tables and follow Zimmerman. He'd also get shot for starting the fight. Lastly he'd get shot for failing to bring anything more than his fists to a gunfight.
you don't know that he tried to "turn the tables and follow Zimmerman" and you don't know who started the fight.
No indication of him stalking Zimmerman and it was Zimmerman, not Martin who was instructed to not get out of his SUV. Zimmy`s 7 run ins with the police since 2013 should give anyone with a measurable IQ some sort of idea of who was the trouble maker that night. That`s SEVEN (7) since 2013.
You hate the fact that Zimmerman is innocent of a crime here.
But he is.
poor dear Trayvon. they didn't think enough of him to plant a tree for him. Maybe they'll get around to a statue or something for the one who could have Obambams son

Michael Brown memorial tree destroyed by vandals just hours after it was planted in Ferguson park
  • Sapling was planted in January-Wabash Park in Ferguson, Missouri on Saturday but by Sunday, its trunk had been snapped in half
  • By Monday, it had been replanted and the Ferguson Police Department is investigating the incident as an act of vandalism(maybe they should call in HOLDER)

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Sanford memorial dedicated for Trayvon Martin other families

They have a memorial in Stanford for him. At a museum.
Ya the fucking 'musuem' is behind the trailer where the post office is. HAAA HAAAA
The tree planted for Big Mike won't last more than a couple of days before it's cut down. No tree will EVER survive that's planted to 'honor' a fucking simian negro thug.
My child when he was younger would've came home if some man was following him. He wouldn't of attacked him.

How can you go home when some one is holding on to you and not letting go.

Didn't happen. Why do you have to CREATE a narrative to justify your view? Could it be because the facts show that Martin was the aggressor? Nah, couldn't be that.
The facts absolutely never showed that.

IF you look back, I said that testimony said. I never claimed that "facts showed anything".
"Could it be because the facts show that Martin was the aggressor?"
your words - you did not say that "the testimony said."
and the facts never did show that.

I did ask that question which I notice you declined to answer. Further, in my initial post, I did say that "the testimony said...", so your lack of honesty is noted. Since you have tried to twist the truth, your assertion that the "facts never did show that" means nothing.

Sorry you've ruined your own credibility.
If i rob your house but am not convicted, that doesn't change that a crime was committed, or that i committed it. A jury's verdict does not change what happened.

Do you see? Zimmerman was not convicted. That does not mean that there was no crime - or that there was one.

Logic is difficult for you, isn't it? Do you believe that no innocent people are ever convicted?

A person is innocent until proven guilty. Zimmerman not guilty of all charges. Fact...Zimmerman innocent.
zimmerman was acquitted and is innocent in the eyes of the law.

that does not make him innocent.

it does make him not guilty as a matter of law.

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