Trouble in republican paradise

Giving money to the schools will go to the teachers retirement fund not the classroom. When will you idiots realize that?

A good education costs money. If our society is not willing to pay to educate the next generation, they'll end up dumber than your post indicates you are for taking such a short-sighted highly simplistic (not to mention partisan) view of the issue.

But then again, the uneducated students of today undoubtedly translates to the cheap labor of tomorrow. I wonder if that's the way those people look at it.

Liberals are supplying a limitless pool of cheap labor by absolutely refusing to secure the border. No need to look elsewhere.

Why make it worse by not educating our children??? Also, the border is a whole different argument that has little to do with educating our children.

"the border is a whole different argument that has little to do with educating our children"

Wrong! schools have limited budgets. Your kids are being shorted by the additional students that attend illegally...come on wake up!
Ronald Reagan was elected union president 6 times.

Then Ronald Reagan saw the light, became a Republican, was elected President of these United States., Then in 1981 he told the Air Traffic Controllers (PATCO) to end their strike bullshit...or ELSE. They didn't. And he fired every one of the SOBs. Never to be heard from again.

How Ronald Reagan Broke the Air Traffic Controllers Union--And Why That Fight Still Matters Alternet


Alan Greenspan described the 1981 destruction of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization as “perhaps most important” of all of Reagan’s domestic undertakings. The defeat of PATCO during the first summer of the Reagan administration “gave weight to the legal right of private employers, previously not fully exercised, to use their own discretion to both hire and discharge workers.” With employers’ “freedom to fire” renewed, entrepreneurial initiative could once again be unleashed. Reagan’s action thus inaugurated a miraculous era of “low unemployment and low inflation.” If we substitute Greenspan’s phrase “freedom to fire” with “break unions, strip them of the right to strike, redistribute wealth upward, and create massive economic insecurity,” then we have a story that is similarly satisfying to the Left. Indeed, the PATCO strike has become the pivotal event—both symbolically and substantively—in almost everyone’s understanding of the massive realignment of class power in the United States in the last few decades.
Giving money to the schools will go to the teachers retirement fund not the classroom. When will you idiots realize that?

A good education costs money. If our society is not willing to pay to educate the next generation, they'll end up dumber than your post indicates you are for taking such a short-sighted highly simplistic (not to mention partisan) view of the issue.

But then again, the uneducated students of today undoubtedly translates to the cheap labor of tomorrow. I wonder if that's the way those people look at it.

Liberals are supplying a limitless pool of cheap labor by absolutely refusing to secure the border. No need to look elsewhere.

Why make it worse by not educating our children??? Also, the border is a whole different argument that has little to do with educating our children.

Kansas students are getting a FANTASTIC education...fifth best in the nation! From Huffington Post in August of last year:

The ranking, from the personal finance site Wallethub, outlines the best and worst states for K-12 education, given the connection between one's education and future earning potential. The ranking was based on 12 factors, including student dropout rate, pupil/teacher ratio, test scores, rates of bullying and school safety measures.

The top scorers were New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and then Kansas. The site dubbed the areas with the worst school systems as Nevada, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and, lastly, the District of Columbia.

These Are The States With The Best And Worst School Systems According To New Rankings

Liberals like Jason-free-to-talk-out-of-his-ass and Bravo-didn't-do-his-actual-homework will say anything to score a political point.

And now they look like a couple of fucking moron, which is a reputation they richly deserve.
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Why not the republicans? Or don't you people do anything in our society anymore

Republicans make the economic engine work in can't do any good in our nation in education; healthcare; law enforcement; the environment; or anything else when our nation is broke. Money makes the world go around. Stop voting for people that prosper politically from a weak economy.
Giving money to the schools will go to the teachers retirement fund not the classroom. When will you idiots realize that?

A good education costs money. If our society is not willing to pay to educate the next generation, they'll end up dumber than your post indicates you are for taking such a short-sighted highly simplistic (not to mention partisan) view of the issue.

But then again, the uneducated students of today undoubtedly translates to the cheap labor of tomorrow. I wonder if that's the way those people look at it.

Liberals are supplying a limitless pool of cheap labor by absolutely refusing to secure the border. No need to look elsewhere.

Why make it worse by not educating our children??? Also, the border is a whole different argument that has little to do with educating our children.

Kansas students are getting a FANTASTIC education...fifth best in the nation! From Huffington Post in August of last year:

The ranking, from the personal finance site Wallethub, outlines the best and worst states for K-12 education, given the connection between one's education and future earning potential. The ranking was based on 12 factors, including student dropout rate, pupil/teacher ratio, test scores, rates of bullying and school safety measures.

The top scorers were New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and then Kansas. The site dubbed the areas with the worst school systems as Nevada, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and, lastly, the District of Columbia.

These Are The States With The Best And Worst School Systems According To New Rankings

Liberals like Bravo-didn't-do-his-actual-homework will say anything to score a political point.

And now he looks like a fucking moron, which is a reputation he richly deserves.

Well, that was very interesting.

I'd be curious to know what metrics are utilized for ranking the systems.
It is troubling to see the rise in poverty and a decline in education spending happen at the same time.

if this country had a true leader the above statement would be a one eighty, e.g.,
It is exciting to see the fall in poverty and a rise in education spending happen at the same time. <------<<<< THIS
That blind adherence to failed conservative fiscal dogma has adversely effected Kansas schools – and the people of Kansas overall – should come as no surprise, where a pragmatic approach is always best.
Well, that was very interesting.

I'd be curious to know what metrics are utilized for ranking the systems.

I'm sure there is link to the site in there somewhere...but I knew Kansas has first rate school systems and students get a quality education. We are in constant competition with them, and so far the contest has been pretty one sided.
Perhaps this waitress needs a remedial Kansas civics and government class.

do you suppose this is why she is still a waitress of how many years ? and always will be. <----------<<<< just my OPINION of course !!
That blind adherence to failed conservative fiscal dogma has adversely effected Kansas schools – and the people of Kansas overall – should come as no surprise, where a pragmatic approach is always best.

But the people of Kansas seem to want that.

Do you live there ?

I don't.

So, I don't feel so arrogant as to comment on what others have chosen for their state.
Screw this nations school systems. They're nothing but brainwashing labs for our children anyway.

We spend THE MOST PER STUDENT of any Country in the Civilized World

We have THE WORST testing grades by Students, per PISA, of any Country in the Civilized World.

U.S. Students Slide In Global Ranking On Math Reading Science The Two-Way NPR

U.S. scores stagnant other nations pass us by in latest international test EdSource

Top US students fare poorly in international PISA test scores Shanghai tops the world Finland slips Education By The Numbers

Unions have taken over and the product they've produced is the result.

Unions care about their members (as they should, frankly) and NOT about Students.

Unions need to be removed from the Public Sector. Period.

Our Schools are a joke.

dimocraps would fuck up a one car-funeral
So...let's set our schools up like those countries that beat us on those scores. Longer school years...longer school weeks, longer school days.................tracking...............only test those (about 1/3rd) that are on the college bound track................give more power to teachers, not less.........................

Let's do that.
Do you know the money spent on imprisonment per person and the amount of recidivism?

the poor poor left is so hard up

they have to go down to a state THEY don't even live in to put down Republicans.

that's some sad shit

Let's talk about Baltimore and Maryland, it' reported they are spending $18,000 a year per student....just how well is that working out? What is the result of this spending? Let me help them's money down the rabbit hole, no return, no investment. Public schools are a joke
"Let's talk about Baltimore and Maryland, it' reported they are spending $18,000 a year per student....just how well is that working out? What is the result of this spending? Let me help them's money down the rabbit hole, no return, no investment. Public schools are a joke"

Except Baltimore doesn't spend $18,000 per student and Maryland ranks #1 among public schools.

Sassy, do you just pull "facts" out of your ass?
Giving money to the schools will go to the teachers retirement fund not the classroom. When will you idiots realize that?

A good education costs money. If our society is not willing to pay to educate the next generation, they'll end up dumber than your post indicates you are for taking such a short-sighted highly simplistic (not to mention partisan) view of the issue.

But then again, the uneducated students of today undoubtedly translates to the cheap labor of tomorrow. I wonder if that's the way those people look at it.
Unfortunate. Since many of those jobs will be automated.
That blind adherence to failed conservative fiscal dogma has adversely effected Kansas schools – and the people of Kansas overall – should come as no surprise, where a pragmatic approach is always best.
^ that pretty much sums it up.

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