Trump baits a trap for Biden

American Thinker

Trump baits a trap for Biden
By Andrea Widburg
July 21, 2020


The big news from President Trump’s weekend interview with Fox’s Chris Wallace is that Wallace challenged Trump’s contention that Biden has agreed to defund the police. (Trump is right; Wallace is wrong. Just saying.) What got some press, although not as much, is Trump’s claim that the standard cognitive test he took was “very hard.” Wallace smugly countered this assertion, as did every Democrat. Trump, of course, will have the last laugh because he’s forcing Biden to take the test.

During the interview with Wallace, Trump pushed hard about Biden’s mental competence (emphasis mine):


What was strange (to Democrats) about Trump’s attack on Biden’s incompetency was the fact that, just a few minutes earlier in the interview, Trump had stated that the standard cognitive test for mental competency was “hard.” The subject came up when Wallace pointed to a Fox poll claiming that Biden had a “sounder” mind than Trump. Trump came out swinging about the cognitive test he’d just taken, and made sure to say how difficult it was (emphasis mine):

TRUMP: Well, I'll tell you what, let's take a test. Let's take a test right now. Let's go down, Joe and I will take a test. Let him take the same test that I took.
WALLACE: Incidentally, I took the test too when I heard that you passed it.
TRUMP: Yeah, how did you do?
WALLACE: It's not – well it's not that hardest test. They have a picture and it says “what’s that” and it’s an elephant.
TRUMP: No, no, no. . . .
TRUMP: You see, that's all misrepresentation.
WALLACE: Well, that's what it was on the web.
TRUMP: It's all misrepresentation. Because, yes, the first few questions are easy, but I'll bet you couldn't even answer the last five questions. I'll bet you couldn't, they get very hard, the last five questions.
WALLACE: Well, one of them was count back from 100 by seven.
TRUMP: Let me tell you. . . .
WALLACE: Ninety-three.
TRUMP: ... you couldn't answer -- you couldn't answer many of the questions.
WALLACE: Ok, what's the question?
TRUMP: I'll get you the test, I'd like to give it. I'll guarantee you that Joe Biden could not answer those questions.
TRUMP: OK. And I answered all 35 questions correctly.



Smart trap set up!
Lol, that s not a trap.

Joe hasn't said he's want to defund the police, quite the opposite in fact.

It's also more than slightly hilarious that tRump took a "cognitive test" and feels the need to brag about it.

Neither YOU or that liar watched the video, you don't even try to prove your claim at all, just deny and run.
I see that Slade3200 is going to lie about what Biden said in reply to the question by the interviewer.

Stop spreading lies. Biden has never said such things and Trump was caught red handed by Wallace trying to spread that narrative. Educate yourself so you don’t sound like such a fool.

I posted the link to his interview where he AGREED to move police funding elsewhere, that is defunding.

Here is the POST you avoided where I thoroughly prove Biden does support defunding the police.

In reply to busybee01, who has since run off.


"You are the one in denial since Biden from his own mouth agreed that police funding be directed elsewhere, that is DEFUNDING!

First the definition of the word Defunding, from Merriam-Webster

Definition of defund

transitive verb
: to withdraw funding from

Examples of defund in a Sentence

Recent Examples on the WebThe plan comes after a coalition of groups asked the City Council last week to defund the Seattle police department by at least 50 percent.


Now watch Biden agree to redirect police funding elsewhere:


You leftists are making fools of yourselves here."

Sorry man, Trump got caught in a lie and you’re trying to cover for him. I get it, it’s embarrassing. But you’re not doing a very good job. It’s clear what Biden is talking about and it’s clear what Trump was falsely accusing him of.


Go watch the Video, at about 2:30 Biden is saying yes he agrees to move police funding elsewhere.

That is straight from his mouth.

Stop lying!

Are you really that dense?! Ok Biden would redirect some funds... which funds and where did he say he would move them to? How would it effect the overall operations of the police force? Tell me about this devious plan of his. I dare you
American Thinker

Trump baits a trap for Biden
By Andrea Widburg
July 21, 2020


The big news from President Trump’s weekend interview with Fox’s Chris Wallace is that Wallace challenged Trump’s contention that Biden has agreed to defund the police. (Trump is right; Wallace is wrong. Just saying.) What got some press, although not as much, is Trump’s claim that the standard cognitive test he took was “very hard.” Wallace smugly countered this assertion, as did every Democrat. Trump, of course, will have the last laugh because he’s forcing Biden to take the test.

During the interview with Wallace, Trump pushed hard about Biden’s mental competence (emphasis mine):


What was strange (to Democrats) about Trump’s attack on Biden’s incompetency was the fact that, just a few minutes earlier in the interview, Trump had stated that the standard cognitive test for mental competency was “hard.” The subject came up when Wallace pointed to a Fox poll claiming that Biden had a “sounder” mind than Trump. Trump came out swinging about the cognitive test he’d just taken, and made sure to say how difficult it was (emphasis mine):

TRUMP: Well, I'll tell you what, let's take a test. Let's take a test right now. Let's go down, Joe and I will take a test. Let him take the same test that I took.
WALLACE: Incidentally, I took the test too when I heard that you passed it.
TRUMP: Yeah, how did you do?
WALLACE: It's not – well it's not that hardest test. They have a picture and it says “what’s that” and it’s an elephant.
TRUMP: No, no, no. . . .
TRUMP: You see, that's all misrepresentation.
WALLACE: Well, that's what it was on the web.
TRUMP: It's all misrepresentation. Because, yes, the first few questions are easy, but I'll bet you couldn't even answer the last five questions. I'll bet you couldn't, they get very hard, the last five questions.
WALLACE: Well, one of them was count back from 100 by seven.
TRUMP: Let me tell you. . . .
WALLACE: Ninety-three.
TRUMP: ... you couldn't answer -- you couldn't answer many of the questions.
WALLACE: Ok, what's the question?
TRUMP: I'll get you the test, I'd like to give it. I'll guarantee you that Joe Biden could not answer those questions.
TRUMP: OK. And I answered all 35 questions correctly.



Smart trap set up!
WOW! Who woulda thunk it? Trump the trapper.
Joe Biden did not call for defunding the police - AP News › afs:Content:9083703494

Jul 10, 2020 - Biden never suggested he wanted to completely defund the police, and his quote about police becoming “the enemy” is taken out of context.

And did you read some of those stupid, "hard" questions? Trump the trapper. Trump the conniver. Trump the divisive one. Trump the grifter.
Dumbass plenty of videos where Biden said that the police need to be defunded
Don’t lie. Biden was speaking to reform measures not the defund and abolish policy that Trump was accusing him of.
I don't lie
I call it as I hear from the horse's mouth
Biden said the police should be defunded
He also helped to create the laws that incarcerated thousands of blacks back in the 90"s
Trump accused Biden of wanting to defund and abolish the police. Biden specifically said he didn’t support that effort. He did suggest rerouting funds in a reform effort to shift responsibility for certain offenses from armed police to other civil servants. You trying to relate those two things is not honest. You are either mistaken or you are lying.
as with fake news controlled by leftists they always tweak what the president actually says I don't recall the president saying Biden said he wants to abolish the police even the political ads for Trumps don't say that
Biden wants to defund the police which is how the Presidents ads are showing
Rewatch the interview then it’s all on video. It sounds like you have selective hearing if you missed that whooper
Biden wants to defund the police why you find that funny I don't care and I don't care if the police are no more we'll have street justice until we clean up the thugs from all leftists cities
Stop spreading lies. Biden has never said such things and Trump was caught red handed by Wallace trying to spread that narrative. Educate yourself so you don’t sound like such a fool.
As I said I don't lie
Get your TDS checked

What in the word do you think that video is proving? Because it’s not proving that Biden wants to defund and abolish the police force like Trump claimed

TDS boy if you listen you can hear Biden calling the police the enemy and defunding the police.
what are you talking about?! He said police don’t need military armaments and he would be open to rerouting funds in reform efforts. Trump said Biden wants to defund and abolish the police force. Can you really not tell the difference? Is your TDS (Trump Denial Syndrome)preventing you from hearing the actual words being spoke ?

Well then. Biden has better clarify his position don’t you think? And no matter where he goes he is fucked. He can either placate you with the redirection of funding bullshit or he makes you a useful idiot for the BLM/Antifa crowd.

Thanks for your help in pinning him down. Trump appreciates it.
I see that Slade3200 is going to lie about what Biden said in reply to the question by the interviewer.

Stop spreading lies. Biden has never said such things and Trump was caught red handed by Wallace trying to spread that narrative. Educate yourself so you don’t sound like such a fool.

I posted the link to his interview where he AGREED to move police funding elsewhere, that is defunding.

Here is the POST you avoided where I thoroughly prove Biden does support defunding the police.

In reply to busybee01, who has since run off.


"You are the one in denial since Biden from his own mouth agreed that police funding be directed elsewhere, that is DEFUNDING!

First the definition of the word Defunding, from Merriam-Webster

Definition of defund

transitive verb
: to withdraw funding from

Examples of defund in a Sentence

Recent Examples on the WebThe plan comes after a coalition of groups asked the City Council last week to defund the Seattle police department by at least 50 percent.


Now watch Biden agree to redirect police funding elsewhere:


You leftists are making fools of yourselves here."

Sorry man, Trump got caught in a lie and you’re trying to cover for him. I get it, it’s embarrassing. But you’re not doing a very good job. It’s clear what Biden is talking about and it’s clear what Trump was falsely accusing him of.


Go watch the Video, at about 2:30 Biden is saying yes he agrees to move police funding elsewhere.

That is straight from his mouth.

Stop lying!

Are you really that dense?! Ok Biden would redirect some funds... which funds and where did he say he would move them to? How would it effect the overall operations of the police force? Tell me about this devious plan of his. I dare you

Finally a crack in your position shows up, here is the actual exchange from the video:


Barkan asked Biden, “The leaders of the movement for Black Lives believe that we have been trying to reform police departments for many decades and it is not working. Instead, they believe that the solution is to reduce the number of interactions that civilians have with the police. We can reduce the responsibilities assigned to the police and redirect some of the funding for police into social services, mental health counseling and affordable housing. So, for example, instead of sending two police officers with deadly weapons to that Wendy’s drive-through in Atlanta, we could have sent a wellness counselor and a tow truck and then Rayshard Brooks would still be alive today and his 3 daughters would still have their daddy. Are you open to that kind of reform?”

Biden replied, “Yes! I have proposed that kind of reform.”

Biden went on to provide some specific examples of police reform and funding for the types of social justice programs he supports

Barkan, asking for a specific affirmation of his initial question, again asked Biden, “Can we agree that we can redirect some of the funding?

To which Biden answered, “Yes! Absolutely!


That is defunding, already gave you the definition of the word, stop being dense.
I see that Slade3200 is going to lie about what Biden said in reply to the question by the interviewer.

Stop spreading lies. Biden has never said such things and Trump was caught red handed by Wallace trying to spread that narrative. Educate yourself so you don’t sound like such a fool.

I posted the link to his interview where he AGREED to move police funding elsewhere, that is defunding.

Here is the POST you avoided where I thoroughly prove Biden does support defunding the police.

In reply to busybee01, who has since run off.


"You are the one in denial since Biden from his own mouth agreed that police funding be directed elsewhere, that is DEFUNDING!

First the definition of the word Defunding, from Merriam-Webster

Definition of defund

transitive verb
: to withdraw funding from

Examples of defund in a Sentence

Recent Examples on the WebThe plan comes after a coalition of groups asked the City Council last week to defund the Seattle police department by at least 50 percent.


Now watch Biden agree to redirect police funding elsewhere:


You leftists are making fools of yourselves here."

Sorry man, Trump got caught in a lie and you’re trying to cover for him. I get it, it’s embarrassing. But you’re not doing a very good job. It’s clear what Biden is talking about and it’s clear what Trump was falsely accusing him of.


Go watch the Video, at about 2:30 Biden is saying yes he agrees to move police funding elsewhere.

That is straight from his mouth.

Stop lying!

Are you really that dense?! Ok Biden would redirect some funds... which funds and where did he say he would move them to? How would it effect the overall operations of the police force? Tell me about this devious plan of his. I dare you

Bwahahahahahaha, this is PROOF you didn't watch the video.

I dare you to watch the 3:05 minutes long video.
American Thinker

Trump baits a trap for Biden
By Andrea Widburg
July 21, 2020


The big news from President Trump’s weekend interview with Fox’s Chris Wallace is that Wallace challenged Trump’s contention that Biden has agreed to defund the police. (Trump is right; Wallace is wrong. Just saying.) What got some press, although not as much, is Trump’s claim that the standard cognitive test he took was “very hard.” Wallace smugly countered this assertion, as did every Democrat. Trump, of course, will have the last laugh because he’s forcing Biden to take the test.

During the interview with Wallace, Trump pushed hard about Biden’s mental competence (emphasis mine):


What was strange (to Democrats) about Trump’s attack on Biden’s incompetency was the fact that, just a few minutes earlier in the interview, Trump had stated that the standard cognitive test for mental competency was “hard.” The subject came up when Wallace pointed to a Fox poll claiming that Biden had a “sounder” mind than Trump. Trump came out swinging about the cognitive test he’d just taken, and made sure to say how difficult it was (emphasis mine):

TRUMP: Well, I'll tell you what, let's take a test. Let's take a test right now. Let's go down, Joe and I will take a test. Let him take the same test that I took.
WALLACE: Incidentally, I took the test too when I heard that you passed it.
TRUMP: Yeah, how did you do?
WALLACE: It's not – well it's not that hardest test. They have a picture and it says “what’s that” and it’s an elephant.
TRUMP: No, no, no. . . .
TRUMP: You see, that's all misrepresentation.
WALLACE: Well, that's what it was on the web.
TRUMP: It's all misrepresentation. Because, yes, the first few questions are easy, but I'll bet you couldn't even answer the last five questions. I'll bet you couldn't, they get very hard, the last five questions.
WALLACE: Well, one of them was count back from 100 by seven.
TRUMP: Let me tell you. . . .
WALLACE: Ninety-three.
TRUMP: ... you couldn't answer -- you couldn't answer many of the questions.
WALLACE: Ok, what's the question?
TRUMP: I'll get you the test, I'd like to give it. I'll guarantee you that Joe Biden could not answer those questions.
TRUMP: OK. And I answered all 35 questions correctly.



Smart trap set up!

So you don't think Biden hasn't gotten wind of this "trap" but you have?
You don't think Biden will be able to discern between an elephant and a camel?
Don't think he'll be able to draw the face of a clock showing ten past eleven?
I suggest you take the test, but unlike me, I think idiots like yourself WOULD FAIL. (emphasis mine)
You're such a fucking moron.


Last edited:
American Thinker

Trump baits a trap for Biden
By Andrea Widburg
July 21, 2020


The big news from President Trump’s weekend interview with Fox’s Chris Wallace is that Wallace challenged Trump’s contention that Biden has agreed to defund the police. (Trump is right; Wallace is wrong. Just saying.) What got some press, although not as much, is Trump’s claim that the standard cognitive test he took was “very hard.” Wallace smugly countered this assertion, as did every Democrat. Trump, of course, will have the last laugh because he’s forcing Biden to take the test.

During the interview with Wallace, Trump pushed hard about Biden’s mental competence (emphasis mine):


What was strange (to Democrats) about Trump’s attack on Biden’s incompetency was the fact that, just a few minutes earlier in the interview, Trump had stated that the standard cognitive test for mental competency was “hard.” The subject came up when Wallace pointed to a Fox poll claiming that Biden had a “sounder” mind than Trump. Trump came out swinging about the cognitive test he’d just taken, and made sure to say how difficult it was (emphasis mine):

TRUMP: Well, I'll tell you what, let's take a test. Let's take a test right now. Let's go down, Joe and I will take a test. Let him take the same test that I took.
WALLACE: Incidentally, I took the test too when I heard that you passed it.
TRUMP: Yeah, how did you do?
WALLACE: It's not – well it's not that hardest test. They have a picture and it says “what’s that” and it’s an elephant.
TRUMP: No, no, no. . . .
TRUMP: You see, that's all misrepresentation.
WALLACE: Well, that's what it was on the web.
TRUMP: It's all misrepresentation. Because, yes, the first few questions are easy, but I'll bet you couldn't even answer the last five questions. I'll bet you couldn't, they get very hard, the last five questions.
WALLACE: Well, one of them was count back from 100 by seven.
TRUMP: Let me tell you. . . .
WALLACE: Ninety-three.
TRUMP: ... you couldn't answer -- you couldn't answer many of the questions.
WALLACE: Ok, what's the question?
TRUMP: I'll get you the test, I'd like to give it. I'll guarantee you that Joe Biden could not answer those questions.
TRUMP: OK. And I answered all 35 questions correctly.



Smart trap set up!
WOW! Who woulda thunk it? Trump the trapper.
Joe Biden did not call for defunding the police - AP News › afs:Content:9083703494

Jul 10, 2020 - Biden never suggested he wanted to completely defund the police, and his quote about police becoming “the enemy” is taken out of context.

And did you read some of those stupid, "hard" questions? Trump the trapper. Trump the conniver. Trump the divisive one. Trump the grifter.
Dumbass plenty of videos where Biden said that the police need to be defunded
Don’t lie. Biden was speaking to reform measures not the defund and abolish policy that Trump was accusing him of.
I don't lie
I call it as I hear from the horse's mouth
Biden said the police should be defunded
He also helped to create the laws that incarcerated thousands of blacks back in the 90"s
Trump accused Biden of wanting to defund and abolish the police. Biden specifically said he didn’t support that effort. He did suggest rerouting funds in a reform effort to shift responsibility for certain offenses from armed police to other civil servants. You trying to relate those two things is not honest. You are either mistaken or you are lying.
as with fake news controlled by leftists they always tweak what the president actually says I don't recall the president saying Biden said he wants to abolish the police even the political ads for Trumps don't say that
Biden wants to defund the police which is how the Presidents ads are showing
Rewatch the interview then it’s all on video. It sounds like you have selective hearing if you missed that whooper
Biden wants to defund the police why you find that funny I don't care and I don't care if the police are no more we'll have street justice until we clean up the thugs from all leftists cities
Stop spreading lies. Biden has never said such things and Trump was caught red handed by Wallace trying to spread that narrative. Educate yourself so you don’t sound like such a fool.
As I said I don't lie
Get your TDS checked

What in the word do you think that video is proving? Because it’s not proving that Biden wants to defund and abolish the police force like Trump claimed

TDS boy if you listen you can hear Biden calling the police the enemy and defunding the police.
what are you talking about?! He said police don’t need military armaments and he would be open to rerouting funds in reform efforts. Trump said Biden wants to defund and abolish the police force. Can you really not tell the difference? Is your TDS (Trump Denial Syndrome)preventing you from hearing the actual words being spoke ?

Well then. Biden has better clarify his position don’t you think? And no matter where he goes he is fucked. He can either placate you with the redirection of funding bullshit or he makes you a useful idiot for the BLM/Antifa crowd.

Thanks for your help in pinning him down. Trump appreciates it.

No I don’t think there is much confusion besides all the Trumpsters trying to throw shade and distort the narrative. The trap y’all are trying to set is painfully obvious and Biden is best off by ignoring the trolls.
Trump accused Biden of wanting to defund the police, move that money to Communism and send the police to a deserted island!!
Yesterday Biden said Islam should be taught in public schools and the left never uttered a peep.

That's not what he said, fucking liar.

"I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith. I wish we talked about all the great confessional faiths."""

And guess what else, asshole?
It's not against the law to be a Muslim.
I see that Slade3200 is going to lie about what Biden said in reply to the question by the interviewer.

Stop spreading lies. Biden has never said such things and Trump was caught red handed by Wallace trying to spread that narrative. Educate yourself so you don’t sound like such a fool.

I posted the link to his interview where he AGREED to move police funding elsewhere, that is defunding.

Here is the POST you avoided where I thoroughly prove Biden does support defunding the police.

In reply to busybee01, who has since run off.


"You are the one in denial since Biden from his own mouth agreed that police funding be directed elsewhere, that is DEFUNDING!

First the definition of the word Defunding, from Merriam-Webster

Definition of defund

transitive verb
: to withdraw funding from

Examples of defund in a Sentence

Recent Examples on the WebThe plan comes after a coalition of groups asked the City Council last week to defund the Seattle police department by at least 50 percent.


Now watch Biden agree to redirect police funding elsewhere:


You leftists are making fools of yourselves here."

Sorry man, Trump got caught in a lie and you’re trying to cover for him. I get it, it’s embarrassing. But you’re not doing a very good job. It’s clear what Biden is talking about and it’s clear what Trump was falsely accusing him of.


Go watch the Video, at about 2:30 Biden is saying yes he agrees to move police funding elsewhere.

That is straight from his mouth.

Stop lying!

Are you really that dense?! Ok Biden would redirect some funds... which funds and where did he say he would move them to? How would it effect the overall operations of the police force? Tell me about this devious plan of his. I dare you

Finally a crack in your position shows up, here is the actual exchange from the video:


Barkan asked Biden, “The leaders of the movement for Black Lives believe that we have been trying to reform police departments for many decades and it is not working. Instead, they believe that the solution is to reduce the number of interactions that civilians have with the police. We can reduce the responsibilities assigned to the police and redirect some of the funding for police into social services, mental health counseling and affordable housing. So, for example, instead of sending two police officers with deadly weapons to that Wendy’s drive-through in Atlanta, we could have sent a wellness counselor and a tow truck and then Rayshard Brooks would still be alive today and his 3 daughters would still have their daddy. Are you open to that kind of reform?”

Biden replied, “Yes! I have proposed that kind of reform.”

Biden went on to provide some specific examples of police reform and funding for the types of social justice programs he supports

Barkan, asking for a specific affirmation of his initial question, again asked Biden, “Can we agree that we can redirect some of the funding?

To which Biden answered, “Yes! Absolutely!


That is defunding, already gave you the definition of the word, stop being dense.

I’m curious. Why didn’t you bold the full sentence? You left out this part... do you not find it significant?

We can reduce the responsibilities assigned to the police.... and redirect some of the funding for police into social services, mental health counseling and affordable housing
American Thinker

Trump baits a trap for Biden
By Andrea Widburg
July 21, 2020


The big news from President Trump’s weekend interview with Fox’s Chris Wallace is that Wallace challenged Trump’s contention that Biden has agreed to defund the police. (Trump is right; Wallace is wrong. Just saying.) What got some press, although not as much, is Trump’s claim that the standard cognitive test he took was “very hard.” Wallace smugly countered this assertion, as did every Democrat. Trump, of course, will have the last laugh because he’s forcing Biden to take the test.

During the interview with Wallace, Trump pushed hard about Biden’s mental competence (emphasis mine):


What was strange (to Democrats) about Trump’s attack on Biden’s incompetency was the fact that, just a few minutes earlier in the interview, Trump had stated that the standard cognitive test for mental competency was “hard.” The subject came up when Wallace pointed to a Fox poll claiming that Biden had a “sounder” mind than Trump. Trump came out swinging about the cognitive test he’d just taken, and made sure to say how difficult it was (emphasis mine):

TRUMP: Well, I'll tell you what, let's take a test. Let's take a test right now. Let's go down, Joe and I will take a test. Let him take the same test that I took.
WALLACE: Incidentally, I took the test too when I heard that you passed it.
TRUMP: Yeah, how did you do?
WALLACE: It's not – well it's not that hardest test. They have a picture and it says “what’s that” and it’s an elephant.
TRUMP: No, no, no. . . .
TRUMP: You see, that's all misrepresentation.
WALLACE: Well, that's what it was on the web.
TRUMP: It's all misrepresentation. Because, yes, the first few questions are easy, but I'll bet you couldn't even answer the last five questions. I'll bet you couldn't, they get very hard, the last five questions.
WALLACE: Well, one of them was count back from 100 by seven.
TRUMP: Let me tell you. . . .
WALLACE: Ninety-three.
TRUMP: ... you couldn't answer -- you couldn't answer many of the questions.
WALLACE: Ok, what's the question?
TRUMP: I'll get you the test, I'd like to give it. I'll guarantee you that Joe Biden could not answer those questions.
TRUMP: OK. And I answered all 35 questions correctly.



Smart trap set up!

So you don't think Biden hasn't gotten wind of this "trap" but you have?
You don't think Biden will be able to discern between an elephant and a camel?
Don't think he'll be able to draw the face of a clock showing ten past eleven?
I suggest you take the test, but unlike me, I think idiots like yourself WOULD FAIL. (emphasis mine)
You're such a fucking moron.


It is clear you didn't watch the entire interview, where Trump himself states the first few questions are easy, but the last few questions gets hard. Since Trump states he took that test, got ALL 35 correct, Biden can take the very same test and pass most or all to shut him up, but people like you cleary don't want Biden to take that test, that is why the hyperbolic attack on Trump comes out.

You KNOW it is a trap and you don't want him to take the test.

I see that Slade3200 is going to lie about what Biden said in reply to the question by the interviewer.

Stop spreading lies. Biden has never said such things and Trump was caught red handed by Wallace trying to spread that narrative. Educate yourself so you don’t sound like such a fool.

I posted the link to his interview where he AGREED to move police funding elsewhere, that is defunding.

Here is the POST you avoided where I thoroughly prove Biden does support defunding the police.

In reply to busybee01, who has since run off.


"You are the one in denial since Biden from his own mouth agreed that police funding be directed elsewhere, that is DEFUNDING!

First the definition of the word Defunding, from Merriam-Webster

Definition of defund

transitive verb
: to withdraw funding from

Examples of defund in a Sentence

Recent Examples on the WebThe plan comes after a coalition of groups asked the City Council last week to defund the Seattle police department by at least 50 percent.


Now watch Biden agree to redirect police funding elsewhere:


You leftists are making fools of yourselves here."

Sorry man, Trump got caught in a lie and you’re trying to cover for him. I get it, it’s embarrassing. But you’re not doing a very good job. It’s clear what Biden is talking about and it’s clear what Trump was falsely accusing him of.


Go watch the Video, at about 2:30 Biden is saying yes he agrees to move police funding elsewhere.

That is straight from his mouth.

Stop lying!

Are you really that dense?! Ok Biden would redirect some funds... which funds and where did he say he would move them to? How would it effect the overall operations of the police force? Tell me about this devious plan of his. I dare you

Bwahahahahahaha, this is PROOF you didn't watch the video.

I dare you to watch the 3:05 minutes long video.

Saw the video. Saw it prove my point not yours and trumps
I see that Slade3200 is going to lie about what Biden said in reply to the question by the interviewer.

Stop spreading lies. Biden has never said such things and Trump was caught red handed by Wallace trying to spread that narrative. Educate yourself so you don’t sound like such a fool.

I posted the link to his interview where he AGREED to move police funding elsewhere, that is defunding.

Here is the POST you avoided where I thoroughly prove Biden does support defunding the police.

In reply to busybee01, who has since run off.


"You are the one in denial since Biden from his own mouth agreed that police funding be directed elsewhere, that is DEFUNDING!

First the definition of the word Defunding, from Merriam-Webster

Definition of defund

transitive verb
: to withdraw funding from

Examples of defund in a Sentence

Recent Examples on the WebThe plan comes after a coalition of groups asked the City Council last week to defund the Seattle police department by at least 50 percent.


Now watch Biden agree to redirect police funding elsewhere:


You leftists are making fools of yourselves here."

Sorry man, Trump got caught in a lie and you’re trying to cover for him. I get it, it’s embarrassing. But you’re not doing a very good job. It’s clear what Biden is talking about and it’s clear what Trump was falsely accusing him of.


Go watch the Video, at about 2:30 Biden is saying yes he agrees to move police funding elsewhere.

That is straight from his mouth.

Stop lying!

Are you really that dense?! Ok Biden would redirect some funds... which funds and where did he say he would move them to? How would it effect the overall operations of the police force? Tell me about this devious plan of his. I dare you

Finally a crack in your position shows up, here is the actual exchange from the video:


Barkan asked Biden, “The leaders of the movement for Black Lives believe that we have been trying to reform police departments for many decades and it is not working. Instead, they believe that the solution is to reduce the number of interactions that civilians have with the police. We can reduce the responsibilities assigned to the police and redirect some of the funding for police into social services, mental health counseling and affordable housing. So, for example, instead of sending two police officers with deadly weapons to that Wendy’s drive-through in Atlanta, we could have sent a wellness counselor and a tow truck and then Rayshard Brooks would still be alive today and his 3 daughters would still have their daddy. Are you open to that kind of reform?”

Biden replied, “Yes! I have proposed that kind of reform.”

Biden went on to provide some specific examples of police reform and funding for the types of social justice programs he supports

Barkan, asking for a specific affirmation of his initial question, again asked Biden, “Can we agree that we can redirect some of the funding?

To which Biden answered, “Yes! Absolutely!


That is defunding, already gave you the definition of the word, stop being dense.

I’m curious. Why didn’t you bold the full sentence? You left out this part... do you not find it significant?

We can reduce the responsibilities assigned to the police.... and redirect some of the funding for police into social services, mental health counseling and affordable housing

You are getting dumber by the minute,

"redirect some of the funding for police into social services, mental health counseling and affordable housing"

That is moving some of the $$$ from police to other places. That is defunding activity.


Barkan asked Biden, “The leaders of the movement for Black Lives believe that we have been trying to reform police departments for many decades and it is not working. Instead, they believe that the solution is to reduce the number of interactions that civilians have with the police. We can reduce the responsibilities assigned to the police and redirect some of the funding for police into social services, mental health counseling and affordable housing. So, for example, instead of sending two police officers with deadly weapons to that Wendy’s drive-through in Atlanta, we could have sent a wellness counselor and a tow truck and then Rayshard Brooks would still be alive today and his 3 daughters would still have their daddy. Are you open to that kind of reform?”

Biden replied, “Yes! I have proposed that kind of reform.”

Biden went on to provide some specific examples of police reform and funding for the types of social justice programs he supports

Barkan, asking for a specific affirmation of his initial question, again asked Biden, “Can we agree that we can redirect some of the funding?

To which Biden answered, Yes! Absolutely!

Stop making tortured rationalizations, Biden agreed to have money moved OUT of the Police into other areas.
LOL..that has to b one of the dumbest theories I have ever read. So that I understand "the logic" that you are proposing. Trump acted like a senile and lost old man when he bragged about taking the Alzheimer's test because he was "baiting" Biden to take a test that Biden is too smart to ever admit taking if he did take the test.

Sorry hoss, but only Trump is dumb enough to brag he took not one, but TWO, tests because his doctors were worried about his mental decline.

With political strategist like you, Biden is a shoo into win in November.

But Joe can't even use a toilet, and he is weird around little kids. Be would turn the Whitehouse I to the Catholic rape club like back when slick Willy ran shit.
LOL..that has to b one of the dumbest theories I have ever read. So that I understand "the logic" that you are proposing. Ttump acted like a senile and lost old man when he bragged about taking the Alzheimer's test because he was "baiting" Biden to take a test that Biden is too smart to never admit taking if he did take the test.

Sorry hoss, but only Trump is dumb enough to brag he took not one, but TWO, tests becuase his doctors were worried about his mental decline.

With strategist like you, Biden is a shoo into win in November.

It was the media and leftists like YOU who brought up the Mental decline claims against Trump in the first place, now you act like a child when confronted by the President who took a Cognitive test to show he is still functioning mentally, by getting ALL 35 questions correctly.

Now the leftists responses have been that the test is easy, therefore why can't Biden take the test, that is the trap set for him....
Trump tried these Juvenile games with Obama and the birth certificate. It’s called the low road and Biden is best off not to take the bait and play his idiotic games. It’s a lose lose situation if he does. Y’all who try and egg it along are just as idiotic as Trump
Yesterday Biden said Islam should be taught in public schools. You okay with that?
Depends on what is being taught... but generally speaking of course I’m ok with teaching Islam in public schools. Being educated on world religions is a valuable thing for people to know. Why would you object to that?
I object for the same reason Christianity isn't taught. Separation of church and state.
LOL..that has to b one of the dumbest theories I have ever read. So that I understand "the logic" that you are proposing. Ttump acted like a senile and lost old man when he bragged about taking the Alzheimer's test because he was "baiting" Biden to take a test that Biden is too smart to never admit taking if he did take the test.

Sorry hoss, but only Trump is dumb enough to brag he took not one, but TWO, tests becuase his doctors were worried about his mental decline.

With strategist like you, Biden is a shoo into win in November.

It was the media and leftists like YOU who brought up the Mental decline claims against Trump in the first place, now you act like a child when confronted by the President who took a Cognitive test to show he is still functioning mentally, by getting ALL 35 questions correctly.

Now the leftists responses have been that the test is easy, therefore why can't Biden take the test, that is the trap set for him....
Trump tried these Juvenile games with Obama and the birth certificate. It’s called the low road and Biden is best off not to take the bait and play his idiotic games. It’s a lose lose situation if he does. Y’all who try and egg it along are just as idiotic as Trump
Yesterday Biden said Islam should be taught in public schools. You okay with that?
Depends on what is being taught... but generally speaking of course I’m ok with teaching Islam in public schools. Being educated on world religions is a valuable thing for people to know. Why would you object to that?
I object for the same reason Christianity isn't taught. Separation of church and state.
Religion shouldn’t be taught like it’s taught in church but teaching it like it’s taught in any religious studies class is fine with me. What problem do you have with that?

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