TRUMP! Because it might be the only way to get things Pubs.

Oh right, you brainwashed functional morons don't know what the real world is doing. That 's the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration bill, blocked by Boehner alone for 2 years, because it would pass and end the problem. And the Infrastructure Jobs Bank them, I'm not your gd mother.
Thank for the links and detailed discussion of the Bills Franco WTF.

Thread Fail. Again.
Little haterdupes only posts to whine and complain about conservatives, and call them names. :lalala: What did you expect?

BTW, we've had perfectly good immigration laws on the books for decades. Visas required, paths to citizenship available, work visas available, illegal aliens to be deported, employers who employ illegals get prosecuted, the whole works. We just don't obey or enforce them. You see the result.

We don't need to change our laws. We just need to start enforcing them.
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Oh right, you brainwashed functional morons don't know what the real world is doing. That 's the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration bill, blocked by Boehner alone for 2 years, because it would pass and end the problem. And the Infrastructure Jobs Bank them, I'm not your gd mother.
Dollars to donuts you have never read a bill in your life.
Thank for the links and detailed discussion of the Bills Franco WTF.

Thread Fail. Again.
Little haterdupes only posts to whine and complain about conservatives, and call them names. :lalala: What did you expect?

BTW, we've had perfectly good immigration laws on the books for decades. Visas required, paths to citizenship available, work visas available, illegal aliens to be deported, employers who employ illegals get prosecuted, the whole works. We just don't obey or enforce them. You see the result.

We don't need to change our laws. We just need to start enforcing them.
First we need a good ID card so Mexicans or whatever will know it won't work so they won't come. Trump knows his "plan" is impossible. But the hater dupes are easy to fool.

Calling me a hater dupe is a joke, fool. I pity your stupid politics, but I don't hate you. Don't hate, not duped DUH.

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