TRUMP! Because it might be the only way to get things Pubs.

There IS a fine immigration bill already, blocked for 2 years you know.
Immigration Reform = codeSpeak for Shamnesty.

Which is why the bill is never going to go anywhere.

Send the Illegal Aliens home; by establishing sufficiently harsh legal and economic conditions for them so that they return home on their own; Self-Deporting.

THEN undertake TRUE Immigration Reform, that is not tied to a so-called 'Path to Citizenship' (a.k.a. Shamnesty).
They are gassing Syrian "immigrants" in Europe and the idiot left wing Americans wouldn't even be talking about illegal immigration if it wasn't for Donald Trump.
ACTUALLY, we support the Schumer/Lindsay Graham bill that Boehner has blocked by himself for 2 years, and you ignorant dupes haven't heard of lol.

You support amnesty, in other words.

Go fuck yourself, asshole.
Clever and brilliant. lol. Your plan is impossible, unconstitutional hateful racist idiocy.

Even if it was impossible, there's no harm in trying. Those who insist we shouldn't even try are just open-borders assholes. Their support for controlling illegal immigration is purely for public relations purposes. What they actually propose to solve the problem is indistinguishable from doing nothing.
There IS a fine immigration bill already, blocked for 2 years you know.
Immigration Reform = codeSpeak for Shamnesty.

Which is why the bill is never going to go anywhere.

Send the Illegal Aliens home; by establishing sufficiently harsh legal and economic conditions for them so that they return home on their own; Self-Deporting.

THEN undertake TRUE Immigration Reform, that is not tied to a so-called 'Path to Citizenship' (a.k.a. Shamnesty).

Exactly. Our immigration laws don't need to be reformed. They need to be enforced.
You fools think a giant un-American wall will work when 50% ALREADY JUST OVERSTAY VISAS. PFFFFTT!!!!
calm down take 4 or 5 of these and dont call me in the morning....

It's more like 40% overstay their visas. We're are supposed to believe that solving 60% of the problem isn't worth the effort?

You're just another open-borders asshole making excuses for doing nothing.
you got that out of me offering frankie a couple of the Bills girls?....your good....
I didn't even notice they're Jills- very topical. They fired them this year for some stupid reason...
They are gassing Syrian "immigrants" in Europe and the idiot left wing Americans wouldn't even be talking about illegal immigration if it wasn't for Donald Trump.
ACTUALLY, we support the Schumer/Lindsay Graham bill that Boehner has blocked by himself for 2 years, and you ignorant dupes haven't heard of lol.

You support amnesty, in other words.

Go fuck yourself, asshole.
Clever and brilliant. lol. Your plan is impossible, unconstitutional hateful racist idiocy.

Even if it was impossible, there's no harm in trying. Those who insist we shouldn't even try are just open-borders assholes. Their support for controlling illegal immigration is purely for public relations purposes. What they actually propose to solve the problem is indistinguishable from doing nothing.
Plenty of harm. And show me ANYONE for open borders, hater dupe.
Ignorant hater dupes...
  1. Boehner refuses to act on immigration reform -...
  3. Cached
  4. Nov 05, 2014 · If you want to know how messed up the political dynamic is on immigration reform, just look at what House Speaker John Boehner said at his news conference ...
  5. Obama to Dems: Boehner will pass immigration ...
  6. ... Boehner will pass immigration reform in 2014 . ... Immigration reformers seize on ... The president is three senators away from being able to block the GOP from ...
  7. Mr. Boehner comes clean on immigration reform -...
  8. IN WASHINGTON, House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) peddles one line on immigration reform that is transparently false. In his district in Ohio, he becomes a truth ...
  9. Yes, You, Mr. Boehner, Are Blocking Immigration ...
  10. So why don’t the Republicans want to reform our immigration laws, which are so clearly failing almost everyone? It’s possible that preventing the legislation’s ...
  11. Why John Boehner’s excuse for blocking immigration...
  12. Feb 26, 2014 · House Speaker John Boehner’s most recent delay tactic in preventing passage of an immigration reform bill has been to state that Republicans have ...
  13. Me? Blocking?’: Boehner Confronted by Univision...
  14. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is maintaining that President Obama still hasn't proven that Congress can trust him enough to move an immigration bill forward.'Me?
  15. John Boehner's Immigration Dilemma - Businessweek
  16. May 28, 2014 · Speaker John Boehner, who’s repeatedly said he favors reform, ... “Why are you blocking immigration reform?” “Me? Blocking?” Boehner sputtered. ...
  17. John Boehner defends shutting down immigration...
  18. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Tuesday that Republicans will block an immigration-related amendment offered by one of its own members because it would be ...
  1. More Boehner Blocking Immigration Bill videos
There IS a fine immigration bill already, blocked for 2 years you know.

You're a fucking idiot, the reason the house won't take up that bullshit bill is it's unconstitutional. Revenue raising bills can not originate in the senate.
?????WTF? Revenue raising NOT. Read something.

Fines, fees and taxes included in the bill raise revenue, they can not originate in the senate. Read the freaking Constitution.
There IS a fine immigration bill already, blocked for 2 years you know.

You're a fucking idiot, the reason the house won't take up that bullshit bill is it's unconstitutional. Revenue raising bills can not originate in the senate.
?????WTF? Revenue raising NOT. Read something.

Fines, fees and taxes included in the bill raise revenue, they can not originate in the senate. Read the freaking Constitution.
The Senate passed it and Boehner has blocked it for a year and a half. What planet are you on?
There IS a fine immigration bill already, blocked for 2 years you know.

You're a fucking idiot, the reason the house won't take up that bullshit bill is it's unconstitutional. Revenue raising bills can not originate in the senate.
?????WTF? Revenue raising NOT. Read something.

Fines, fees and taxes included in the bill raise revenue, they can not originate in the senate. Read the freaking Constitution.
The Senate passed it and Boehner has blocked it for a year and a half. What planet are you on?

I just explained why they refused to take it up, it's unconstitutional. Damn you're one stupid individual.
They are gassing Syrian "immigrants" in Europe and the idiot left wing Americans wouldn't even be talking about illegal immigration if it wasn't for Donald Trump.
ACTUALLY, we support the Schumer/Lindsay Graham bill that Boehner has blocked by himself for 2 years, and you ignorant dupes haven't heard of lol.

You support amnesty, in other words.

Go fuck yourself, asshole.
Clever and brilliant. lol. Your plan is impossible, unconstitutional hateful racist idiocy.

And irresponsible. They do not even have a plan or lousy logistics how to get this done. I've said that many times. Ignorance is temporary but stupidity is permanent.
They are gassing Syrian "immigrants" in Europe and the idiot left wing Americans wouldn't even be talking about illegal immigration if it wasn't for Donald Trump.
ACTUALLY, we support the Schumer/Lindsay Graham bill that Boehner has blocked by himself for 2 years, and you ignorant dupes haven't heard of lol.

You support amnesty, in other words.

Go fuck yourself, asshole.
Clever and brilliant. lol. Your plan is impossible, unconstitutional hateful racist idiocy.

And irresponsible. They do not even have a plan or lousy logistics how to get this done. I've said that many times. Ignorance is temporary but stupidity is permanent.

First FrankoHFW says we have an impossible plan, and then you say we have no plan. Which is it?

Coming up with all the exact details isn't my job or even a candidate's job because he doesn't know what resources he has available until he gets into office. All we need to know is that someone is willing to try, and that traitors like you will do everything possible to prevent it.

One thing we know is that no Democrat will lift a finger to control the border or deport illegals. Just the opposite is the case. They are doing everything possible to open the floodgates. You're participating in that effort.
They are gassing Syrian "immigrants" in Europe and the idiot left wing Americans wouldn't even be talking about illegal immigration if it wasn't for Donald Trump.
ACTUALLY, we support the Schumer/Lindsay Graham bill that Boehner has blocked by himself for 2 years, and you ignorant dupes haven't heard of lol.

You support amnesty, in other words.

Go fuck yourself, asshole.
Clever and brilliant. lol. Your plan is impossible, unconstitutional hateful racist idiocy.

And irresponsible. They do not even have a plan or lousy logistics how to get this done. I've said that many times. Ignorance is temporary but stupidity is permanent.

First FrankoHFW says we have an impossible plan, and then you say we have no plan. Which is it?

Coming up with all the exact details isn't my job or even a candidate's job because he doesn't know what resources he has available until he gets into office. All we need to know is that someone is willing to try, and that traitors like you will do everything possible to prevent it.

One thing we know is that no Democrat will lift a finger to control the border or deport illegals. Just the opposite is the case. They are doing everything possible to open the floodgates. You're participating in that effort.

Franco said YOU YOU do not have any plan.
I said YOU YOU do not have any plan. Not we. Let me refresh your memory. I never said open the door for flood gates. I said Secure the border. Get that in your mind so you nor I will not keep repeating this stupid gate.
If you want people to believe your candidate. PLEASE give us some reasonable, logistics, constitutional, humane, realistic and responsible way of accomplishing your goal. Not just keep blanketly saying, Deport them all because that is all what I'm hearing.
Let me repeat again. There are no such thing as self deportation. None.
Let me give you an example and you can Google it. There are 39,000 Chinese citizens that federal govt. trying to deport this is after court legal process. They were quarantined but Chinese government doesn't want them. Benefits and jobs are all cut off. We released them to public. They did not self deport.
Chinese president Xi will be here this month. First stop at Seattle visit Boeing and Microsoft then to White House to discuss these Chinese citizens that we are trying to deport.
ACTUALLY, we support the Schumer/Lindsay Graham bill that Boehner has blocked by himself for 2 years, and you ignorant dupes haven't heard of lol.

You support amnesty, in other words.

Go fuck yourself, asshole.
Clever and brilliant. lol. Your plan is impossible, unconstitutional hateful racist idiocy.

And irresponsible. They do not even have a plan or lousy logistics how to get this done. I've said that many times. Ignorance is temporary but stupidity is permanent.

First FrankoHFW says we have an impossible plan, and then you say we have no plan. Which is it?

Coming up with all the exact details isn't my job or even a candidate's job because he doesn't know what resources he has available until he gets into office. All we need to know is that someone is willing to try, and that traitors like you will do everything possible to prevent it.

One thing we know is that no Democrat will lift a finger to control the border or deport illegals. Just the opposite is the case. They are doing everything possible to open the floodgates. You're participating in that effort.

Franco said YOU YOU do not have any plan.
I said YOU YOU do not have any plan. Not we. Let me refresh your memory. I never said open the door for flood gates. I said Secure the border. Get that in your mind so you nor I will not keep repeating this stupid gate.
If you want people to believe your candidate. PLEASE give us some reasonable, logistics, constitutional, humane, realistic and responsible way of accomplishing your goal. Not just keep blanketly saying, Deport them all because that is all what I'm hearing.
Let me repeat again. There are no such thing as self deportation. None.
Let me give you an example and you can Google it. There are 39,000 Chinese citizens that federal govt. trying to deport this is after court legal process. They were quarantined but Chinese government doesn't want them. Benefits and jobs are all cut off. We released them to public. They did not self deport.
Chinese president Xi will be here this month. First stop at Seattle visit Boeing and Microsoft then to White House to discuss these Chinese citizens that we are trying to deport.
I'm for the Schumer/lindsay Graham Bill with a good SS ID card, so you are misguided.
Does the bill include deportation of EVERY illegal AND their children? Building triple layer wall? If not its not good enough.

The solution is quite simple, it's just that nobody has the balls (maybe except Trump) to do it:

Five year minimum sentence for anybody caught here illegally. Expired Visa's, brought here by illegal parents, sneaking across our borders, all go to jail

If we had the guts to do that, we wouldn't need any Immigration Reform. We wouldn't need a wall because too many people would be afraid to come here. It would elevate our wages because illegals couldn't come here and do any work. Wages would have to increase to get the work done.

Problem solved. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.
It costs about 1.5 billion dollars to incarcerate the roughly 350,000 illegal immigrants in jail now. The data is about 4 years old so it's probably more. That would only make the problem worse unless you were a shareholder of Corrections Corporation of America.

If you passed such a law, most of them would leave on their own; self-deportation. Let's say we gave them to the end of October. Our borders would be flooded with people trying to get out of the states and go home to avoid prison.

Remember what happened a few years back when Arizona passed their own illegal immigrant laws? They scattered. The schools were empty, work crews down by 2/3. They left the state.

Of course Obama took it to court and had it stopped and they all came back, but it goes to show what the results of a strong deterrent can do. I guarantee we would get better results than anything we've tried in the past.

Yes they scattered and some went to California and Texas but they did not leave the country.
Arizona has the toughest immigration law called Bill 1070 but that did not make any difference illegals are still in Arizona.
They sue Sheriff Arpaio for $34 millions but settled for 8.4. Sheriff Arpaio is known to be the toughest sheriff but he does not agree with Trump (Google).
You can cut off the food supply or benefits but there is no such thing as self deportation. Remember there are no food or money on the other side but at least here someone will feed them.
Can you provide a link where Obama took them to court? How did you come up with that?
Last edited:
They are gassing Syrian "immigrants" in Europe and the idiot left wing Americans wouldn't even be talking about illegal immigration if it wasn't for Donald Trump.
ACTUALLY, we support the Schumer/Lindsay Graham bill that Boehner has blocked by himself for 2 years, and you ignorant dupes haven't heard of lol.

You support amnesty, in other words.

Go fuck yourself, asshole.
Clever and brilliant. lol. Your plan is impossible, unconstitutional hateful racist idiocy.

And irresponsible. They do not even have a plan or lousy logistics how to get this done. I've said that many times. Ignorance is temporary but stupidity is permanent.

First FrankoHFW says we have an impossible plan, and then you say we have no plan. Which is it?

Coming up with all the exact details isn't my job or even a candidate's job because he doesn't know what resources he has available until he gets into office. All we need to know is that someone is willing to try, and that traitors like you will do everything possible to prevent it.

One thing we know is that no Democrat will lift a finger to control the border or deport illegals. Just the opposite is the case. They are doing everything possible to open the floodgates. You're participating in that effort.
Absolute ignorant idiocy. We have a plan that will work and isn't racist drivel. Pass the GD bill with good SS ID card. Stop minors from drinking too...

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