Trump can be found innocent.


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Trump can be found innocent.
A “mens rea”, (state of mind) defense allows the criminal justice system to differentiate between someone who did not mean to commit a crime and someone who intentionally set out to commit a crime.

The legal defense of some, (if not most of those who pleaded or were found guilty of seditious conspiracy or lesser crimes in regard the the attack upon the Congressional building, was based upon their belief they were acting in support of then President Trump's publicly expressed wishes.
A jury can legally find Donald Trump innocent if they believe Trump was sufficiently unaware or not motivated to commit any criminal act, (i.e. Trump and his followers were sufficiently ignorant and/or stupid.
Respectfully, Supposn
He was told repeatedly that he lost the election by all sorts of respected and powerful people around him.

He admitted he lost

That defense isn’t gonna fly

File it with “and pigs can fly”
That defense is overturned when Trump tried to hide evidence from prosecutors ... he knew he was breaking the law, or he wouldn't have hid the boxes ... we have him on tape saying he knew the documents were still classified ... he lied to his own lawyers ...

Yeah ... prosecutors have that covered already ...
Trump can be found innocent.
A “mens rea”, (state of mind) defense allows the criminal justice system to differentiate between someone who did not mean to commit a crime and someone who intentionally set out to commit a crime.

The legal defense of some, (if not most of those who pleaded or were found guilty of seditious conspiracy or lesser crimes in regard the the attack upon the Congressional building, was based upon their belief they were acting in support of then President Trump's publicly expressed wishes.
A jury can legally find Donald Trump innocent if they believe Trump was sufficiently unaware or not motivated to commit any criminal act, (i.e. Trump and his followers were sufficiently ignorant and/or stupid.
Respectfully, Supposn
In other words... "Sure, I did the deed but did not know it was wrong... something along those lines? Sorry, won't fly.

In law, ignorantia juris non excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law excuses not"), or ignorantia legis neminem excusat ("ignorance of law excuses no one"), is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely by being unaware of its content.
He will NEVER be acquitted by a DC jury. EVER...
Esdraelon, if (as I expect) it's proven that Donald Trump while president of the United States did commit the criminal acts he'll be tried for, he shouldn't be acquitted by any jury serving in a court in the USA. However, a single juror can “hang” a jury.

Even wise people do foolish things. It's not too unlikely for a single juror to believe Trump acted stupidly. An entire jury may believe that Trump while president behaved sufficiently ignorant and/or stupidly and cannot be held criminally responsible for his actions.

It does lead us to speculate upon states of minds of the many voters who, in 2018 chose Donald Trump to be our president; in 2022 some of them did so again.
Respectfully, Supposn
Trump can be found innocent.
A “mens rea”, (state of mind) defense allows the criminal justice system to differentiate between someone who did not mean to commit a crime and someone who intentionally set out to commit a crime.

The legal defense of some, (if not most of those who pleaded or were found guilty of seditious conspiracy or lesser crimes in regard the the attack upon the Congressional building, was based upon their belief they were acting in support of then President Trump's publicly expressed wishes.
A jury can legally find Donald Trump innocent if they believe Trump was sufficiently unaware or not motivated to commit any criminal act, (i.e. Trump and his followers were sufficiently ignorant and/or stupid.
Respectfully, Supposn
All he needs to do is convince a jury of his peers not to believe their eyes or ears.
Trump can be found innocent.
A “mens rea”, (state of mind) defense allows the criminal justice system to differentiate between someone who did not mean to commit a crime and someone who intentionally set out to commit a crime.

The legal defense of some, (if not most of those who pleaded or were found guilty of seditious conspiracy or lesser crimes in regard the the attack upon the Congressional building, was based upon their belief they were acting in support of then President Trump's publicly expressed wishes.
A jury can legally find Donald Trump innocent if they believe Trump was sufficiently unaware or not motivated to commit any criminal act, (i.e. Trump and his followers were sufficiently ignorant and/or stupid.
Respectfully, Supposn
Yeah, he can beat it if you hold the trial in Montgomery, Alabama.
All he needs to do is convince a jury of his peers not to believe their eyes or ears.
Even trump supporters can’t sit in a jury room and deny facts. Fake news is not an option just because the truth convicts your boy.

If you think Hillary should have been locked up you must think trump needs to serve some jail time. Her one little thing to trumps 3 indictments and how many counts? 100?
Trump can be found innocent.
A “mens rea”, (state of mind) defense allows the criminal justice system to differentiate between someone who did not mean to commit a crime and someone who intentionally set out to commit a crime.

The legal defense of some, (if not most of those who pleaded or were found guilty of seditious conspiracy or lesser crimes in regard the the attack upon the Congressional building, was based upon their belief they were acting in support of then President Trump's publicly expressed wishes.
A jury can legally find Donald Trump innocent if they believe Trump was sufficiently unaware or not motivated to commit any criminal act, (i.e. Trump and his followers were sufficiently ignorant and/or stupid.
Respectfully, Supposn

Yes but if they told him to turn over those classified documents numerous time and he refused. If he had done that on the first request then at least this issue might have been resolved without an indictment. They had to raid his estate because he refused. Trumps lawyer even said that he had returned all the documents but didn't. So he had adequate legal advise that should have told him how this will end.

He told the protestors to be orderly but they become disorderly based on his rhetoric, is it still his fault. So he knew the consequences and tried to use a "but but I said orderly".

You seem to be alluding to the concept "ignorance of the law' but that is not a defense. that is just asking the judge for leniency. It is admitting guilt even if he says that he did not know it was a crime. He will still be found guilty but the court may impose minimum or no sentencing time if he or she wants to be lenient.
He was told repeatedly that he lost the election by all sorts of respected and powerful people around him.

He admitted he lost

That defense isn’t gonna fly

File it with “and pigs can fly”
Trump didn't break any laws.
All he did was give a speech.
That's it.
The rest of this crap is totally made up.
Trump can be found innocent.
A “mens rea”, (state of mind) defense allows the criminal justice system to differentiate between someone who did not mean to commit a crime and someone who intentionally set out to commit a crime.

The legal defense of some, (if not most of those who pleaded or were found guilty of seditious conspiracy or lesser crimes in regard the the attack upon the Congressional building, was based upon their belief they were acting in support of then President Trump's publicly expressed wishes.
A jury can legally find Donald Trump innocent if they believe Trump was sufficiently unaware or not motivated to commit any criminal act, (i.e. Trump and his followers were sufficiently ignorant and/or stupid.
Respectfully, Supposn
Trump can be found innocent because he is innocent. If these people were leftists, not a single one of them would have been arrested. These so-called crimes are all bullshit.

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