Trump cannot be Guilty of Obstruction concerning Comey

GOP talking point lie: the talking points memo disingenuously claims that “oth sides of the aisle have stated that Director Comey needed to step aside.” While it’s true that many Democrats took issue with Comey’s handling of the Clinton email case — handling which Trump applauded during the campaign — the RNC ignores the fact that whatever issues Democrats had with Comey were superseded by the fact he was overseeing an active investigation into Trump’s campaign at the time Trump fired him.
then why did Harry Reid ask for Comey's resignation. can't have it both ways bubba.

Harry Reid: ‘New Edgar Hoover’ FBI head Comey needs to resign and be investigated for hiding Russian hacks

"Saturday morning, outgoing Senate Minority leader Harry Reid said FBI Director James Comey should resign immediately and face a full Justice Department investigation for sitting on information that showed the Russians were interfering with the 2016 presidential election."

bear513, post: 17474465 Give me a link. You made the claim. You must not have anything.

I am not wasting my time with you if your to ignorant to know, hell you don't even have to use Google just search threads here on USMB.

Do you rwnj's think this administration is doing a good job?
I call bullshit.

Fucking retard JC just posted a link..
Another ignorant one.


Putin is mad because Hillary called him out for having rigged elections. She didn't interfere in Russia's election.

1,000 Paid Russian Trolls Spread Fake News On Hillary Clinton, Senate Intelligence Heads Told | HuffPost

Trump colluded.

What fake news?

Pizza gate ? That was flyns son

DNC rigging the election ? True Debbie had to step down

Hillary had illegal server ? True

What fake news?


The Republican Committee’s incoherent Comey talking points ignore the obvious

What lies are coming from the RNC?

The talking points also cite debunked claims about “Democrats and Republicans agree[ing] there is still no evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.” In fact, on May 23, former CIA Director John Brennan said the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s connections with Russia is “well founded.” He cited “information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals. On Wednesday, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper — who not long ago was Trump’s favorite authority on Russia — said that the scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon pales in comparison to President Trump’s connections with Russia.

What are you talking about Mark Warner and s bunch of Democrats agree their was no collusion... Stop making stuff up

Where’s The Beef?: Democrats And Republicans Agree There’s No There There


So you respect what Democrat Mark Warner has to say?

The top Democrat on the Senate panel that heard from fired FBI Director James Comey on Thursday said President Donald Trump appears to have violated post-Watergate guidelines meant to protect the independence of federal investigations.

Trump’s request that Comey “lift the cloud” of the Russia investigations in calls on March 30 and April 11, as Comey described in a statement released Wednesday, appeared to be an influence to co-opt the FBI director, Warner said.

He said Comey’s prepared testimony is “disturbing.”

Republicans said Comey “plays fast and loose with the truth.” Democrats said his opening remarks alone showed Trump had lied four times about his interactions with the former FBI director.

Warner also cited Comey’s descriptions of Trump telling Comey that he needed and expected loyalty, his urging Comey to go easy on former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and allegations Trump was pressuring senior intelligence community leaders to downplay the Russia investigation or intervene with Comey.

“This is not how a president of the United States behaves,” Warner said.
Call Sign Chaos, post: 17475181
That's not obstruction of justice, ongoing investigations don't suddenly stop when the FBI director is fired. No serious person is saying that there was obstruction anymore.

Do you think the only serous people are RWNJs with their heads up Trump's ass?

I did not say ongoing investigations stop when an FBI Director is fired. Who are you arguing against?

Why did Trump quit the original official White House reason for firing Comey?

"At first, the White House said Mr. Trump had fired Mr. Comey based on the recommendation of the Justice Department, and because of Mr. Comey’s handling of the F.B.I. investigation into Hillary Clinton last year. Officials said the move had nothing to do with the Russia investigation."

Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation

Then Trump explained to Russians:

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation

Why did Trump think firing Comey would take pressure off. You are out of sync with your orange skinned buffoon. Can't you people keep your lies straight?
again with the made up shit. it is amazing. even after the agony of defeat.

You're the one whose making stuff up.
quote one thing I made up? I have included links to everything I've posted in this thread where needed. so you are butt hurt again six months later is on you.

That firing the director of the FBI is obstruction and that Trump bragged about said obstruction to the Russians.
I am not wasting my time with you if your to ignorant to know, hell you don't even have to use Google just search threads here on USMB.

Do you rwnj's think this administration is doing a good job?
Fucking retard JC just posted a link..
Another ignorant one.


Putin is mad because Hillary called him out for having rigged elections. She didn't interfere in Russia's election.

1,000 Paid Russian Trolls Spread Fake News On Hillary Clinton, Senate Intelligence Heads Told | HuffPost

Trump colluded.

What fake news?

Pizza gate ? That was flyns son

DNC rigging the election ? True Debbie had to step down

Hillary had illegal server ? True

What fake news?


The Republican Committee’s incoherent Comey talking points ignore the obvious

What lies are coming from the RNC?

The talking points also cite debunked claims about “Democrats and Republicans agree[ing] there is still no evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.” In fact, on May 23, former CIA Director John Brennan said the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s connections with Russia is “well founded.” He cited “information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals. On Wednesday, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper — who not long ago was Trump’s favorite authority on Russia — said that the scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon pales in comparison to President Trump’s connections with Russia.

What are you talking about Mark Warner and s bunch of Democrats agree their was no collusion... Stop making stuff up

Where’s The Beef?: Democrats And Republicans Agree There’s No There There


So you respect what Democrat Mark Warner has to say?

The top Democrat on the Senate panel that heard from fired FBI Director James Comey on Thursday said President Donald Trump appears to have violated post-Watergate guidelines meant to protect the independence of federal investigations.

Trump’s request that Comey “lift the cloud” of the Russia investigations in calls on March 30 and April 11, as Comey described in a statement released Wednesday, appeared to be an influence to co-opt the FBI director, Warner said.

He said Comey’s prepared testimony is “disturbing.”

Republicans said Comey “plays fast and loose with the truth.” Democrats said his opening remarks alone showed Trump had lied four times about his interactions with the former FBI director.

Warner also cited Comey’s descriptions of Trump telling Comey that he needed and expected loyalty, his urging Comey to go easy on former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and allegations Trump was pressuring senior intelligence community leaders to downplay the Russia investigation or intervene with Comey.

“This is not how a president of the United States behaves,” Warner said.
not sure what you're looking for? Is that factual, Warner said that yes. It's in the transcript right? He's entitled to his opinion on what he thinks was meant by some of the material. doesn't make it accurate. It isn't a tape. Hear say isn't allowed in court.
I am not wasting my time with you if your to ignorant to know, hell you don't even have to use Google just search threads here on USMB.

Do you rwnj's think this administration is doing a good job?
Fucking retard JC just posted a link..
Another ignorant one.


Putin is mad because Hillary called him out for having rigged elections. She didn't interfere in Russia's election.

1,000 Paid Russian Trolls Spread Fake News On Hillary Clinton, Senate Intelligence Heads Told | HuffPost

Trump colluded.

What fake news?

Pizza gate ? That was flyns son

DNC rigging the election ? True Debbie had to step down

Hillary had illegal server ? True

What fake news?


The Republican Committee’s incoherent Comey talking points ignore the obvious

What lies are coming from the RNC?

The talking points also cite debunked claims about “Democrats and Republicans agree[ing] there is still no evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.” In fact, on May 23, former CIA Director John Brennan said the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s connections with Russia is “well founded.” He cited “information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals. On Wednesday, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper — who not long ago was Trump’s favorite authority on Russia — said that the scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon pales in comparison to President Trump’s connections with Russia.

What are you talking about Mark Warner and s bunch of Democrats agree their was no collusion... Stop making stuff up

Where’s The Beef?: Democrats And Republicans Agree There’s No There There


So you respect what Democrat Mark Warner has to say?

The top Democrat on the Senate panel that heard from fired FBI Director James Comey on Thursday said President Donald Trump appears to have violated post-Watergate guidelines meant to protect the independence of federal investigations.

Trump’s request that Comey “lift the cloud” of the Russia investigations in calls on March 30 and April 11, as Comey described in a statement released Wednesday, appeared to be an influence to co-opt the FBI director, Warner said.

He said Comey’s prepared testimony is “disturbing.”

Republicans said Comey “plays fast and loose with the truth.” Democrats said his opening remarks alone showed Trump had lied four times about his interactions with the former FBI director.

Warner also cited Comey’s descriptions of Trump telling Comey that he needed and expected loyalty, his urging Comey to go easy on former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and allegations Trump was pressuring senior intelligence community leaders to downplay the Russia investigation or intervene with Comey.

“This is not how a president of the United States behaves,” Warner said.

Why you changing the goal.posts we are talking about your assnine claim democrats think there was collusion...

again with the made up shit. it is amazing. even after the agony of defeat.

You're the one whose making stuff up.
quote one thing I made up? I have included links to everything I've posted in this thread where needed. so you are butt hurt again six months later is on you.

That firing the director of the FBI is obstruction and that Trump bragged about said obstruction to the Russians.
well it isn't. I'm sorry, but prove me wrong. Is trump under arrest?

just curious, have you read the transcript yet of the comey testimony and looked up the obstruction you wish to discuss? quote it here for me.
GOP talking point lie: the talking points memo disingenuously claims that “oth sides of the aisle have stated that Director Comey needed to step aside.” While it’s true that many Democrats took issue with Comey’s handling of the Clinton email case — handling which Trump applauded during the campaign — the RNC ignores the fact that whatever issues Democrats had with Comey were superseded by the fact he was overseeing an active investigation into Trump’s campaign at the time Trump fired him.
then why did Harry Reid ask for Comey's resignation. can't have it both ways bubba.

Harry Reid: ‘New Edgar Hoover’ FBI head Comey needs to resign and be investigated for hiding Russian hacks

"Saturday morning, outgoing Senate Minority leader Harry Reid said FBI Director James Comey should resign immediately and face a full Justice Department investigation for sitting on information that showed the Russians were interfering with the 2016 presidential election."


Let me repeat

While it’s true that many Democrats took issue with Comey’s handling of the Clinton email case — handling which Trump applauded during the campaign — the RNC ignores the fact that whatever issues Democrats had with Comey were superseded by the fact he was overseeing an active investigation into Trump’s campaign at the time Trump fired him.

We didn't want him to be fired because he wasn't treating Trump like a king. Us not liking how Comey handled the election does not mean Trump can fire him because he doesn't show favoritism to either side. If that's true I respect the man. I think the Republican in him sabotaged Hillary and hes he should have been fired for that but not for NOT giving Don his undying loyalty. That's cra cra.

Comey treated Trump like he wasn't above the law. I like that. He was treating Trump like he would any other citizen. He didn't give Trump his loyalty while investigating all the shady shinnanigans that went on betweenTrump's team and Russia.

Of course Trump Co. colluded with Russia. Oh yea, BENGHAZI!!!
again with the made up shit. it is amazing. even after the agony of defeat.

You're the one whose making stuff up.
quote one thing I made up? I have included links to everything I've posted in this thread where needed. so you are butt hurt again six months later is on you.

That firing the director of the FBI is obstruction and that Trump bragged about said obstruction to the Russians.
well it isn't. I'm sorry, but prove me wrong. Is trump under arrest?

just curious, have you read the transcript yet of the comey testimony and look up the obstruction you wish to discuss?
Have you or have you just listened to Fox and Friends this morning?

You have 2 hours to read the testimony? All of it? Did you also read Trumpcare before the House passed it? Really because they didn't.
GOP talking point lie: the talking points memo disingenuously claims that “oth sides of the aisle have stated that Director Comey needed to step aside.” While it’s true that many Democrats took issue with Comey’s handling of the Clinton email case — handling which Trump applauded during the campaign — the RNC ignores the fact that whatever issues Democrats had with Comey were superseded by the fact he was overseeing an active investigation into Trump’s campaign at the time Trump fired him.
then why did Harry Reid ask for Comey's resignation. can't have it both ways bubba.

Harry Reid: ‘New Edgar Hoover’ FBI head Comey needs to resign and be investigated for hiding Russian hacks

"Saturday morning, outgoing Senate Minority leader Harry Reid said FBI Director James Comey should resign immediately and face a full Justice Department investigation for sitting on information that showed the Russians were interfering with the 2016 presidential election."


Let me repeat

While it’s true that many Democrats took issue with Comey’s handling of the Clinton email case — handling which Trump applauded during the campaign — the RNC ignores the fact that whatever issues Democrats had with Comey were superseded by the fact he was overseeing an active investigation into Trump’s campaign at the time Trump fired him.

We didn't want him to be fired because he wasn't treating Trump like a king. Us not liking how Comey handled the election does not mean Trump can fire him because he doesn't show favoritism to either side. If that's true I respect the man. I think the Republican in him sabotaged Hillary and hes he should have been fired for that but not for NOT giving Don his undying loyalty. That's cra cra.

Comey treated Trump like he wasn't above the law. I like that. He was treating Trump like he would any other citizen. He didn't give Trump his loyalty while investigating all the shady shinnanigans that went on betweenTrump's team and Russia.

Of course Trump Co. colluded with Russia. Oh yea, BENGHAZI!!!
I guess you didn't read what I linked to. it was about russia stupid fk.
again with the made up shit. it is amazing. even after the agony of defeat.

You're the one whose making stuff up.
quote one thing I made up? I have included links to everything I've posted in this thread where needed. so you are butt hurt again six months later is on you.

That firing the director of the FBI is obstruction and that Trump bragged about said obstruction to the Russians.
well it isn't. I'm sorry, but prove me wrong. Is trump under arrest?

just curious, have you read the transcript yet of the comey testimony and look up the obstruction you wish to discuss?
Have you or have you just listened to Fox and Friends this morning?

You have 2 hours to read the testimony? All of it? Did you also read Trumpcare before the House passed it? Really because they didn't.
I don't have to read it all, I do searches for key words. Are you not smart enough to find quotable text? that's on you. I have quoted most all of my posts from the transcripts. are you sad? :itsok:
Do you think the only serous people are RWNJs with their heads up Trump's ass?

I did not say ongoing investigations stop when an FBI Director is fired. Who are you arguing against?

Then how in the hell is it obstruction?

Why did Trump quit the original official White House reason for firing Comey?

"At first, the White House said Mr. Trump had fired Mr. Comey based on the recommendation of the Justice Department, and because of Mr. Comey’s handling of the F.B.I. investigation into Hillary Clinton last year. Officials said the move had nothing to do with the Russia investigation."

Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation

Trump fired Comey because he refused to investigate the unmasking scandal. Trump was never even under investigation.

Then Trump explained to Russians:

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation

Why did Trump think firing Comey would take pressure off. You are out of sync with your orange skinned buffoon. Can't you people keep your lies straight?

Never happened just one of ten thousand anonymous sources and bullshit claims. No evidence as Comey confirmed yesterday.
again with the made up shit. it is amazing. even after the agony of defeat.

You're the one whose making stuff up.
quote one thing I made up? I have included links to everything I've posted in this thread where needed. so you are butt hurt again six months later is on you.

That firing the director of the FBI is obstruction and that Trump bragged about said obstruction to the Russians.
well it isn't. I'm sorry, but prove me wrong. Is trump under arrest?

just curious, have you read the transcript yet of the comey testimony and looked up the obstruction you wish to discuss? quote it here for me.

Yes, I read it hoping for something is not an order thus not obstruction.
Do you rwnj's think this administration is doing a good job?
Putin is mad because Hillary called him out for having rigged elections. She didn't interfere in Russia's election.

1,000 Paid Russian Trolls Spread Fake News On Hillary Clinton, Senate Intelligence Heads Told | HuffPost

Trump colluded.

What fake news?

Pizza gate ? That was flyns son

DNC rigging the election ? True Debbie had to step down

Hillary had illegal server ? True

What fake news?


The Republican Committee’s incoherent Comey talking points ignore the obvious

What lies are coming from the RNC?

The talking points also cite debunked claims about “Democrats and Republicans agree[ing] there is still no evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.” In fact, on May 23, former CIA Director John Brennan said the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s connections with Russia is “well founded.” He cited “information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals. On Wednesday, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper — who not long ago was Trump’s favorite authority on Russia — said that the scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon pales in comparison to President Trump’s connections with Russia.

What are you talking about Mark Warner and s bunch of Democrats agree their was no collusion... Stop making stuff up

Where’s The Beef?: Democrats And Republicans Agree There’s No There There


So you respect what Democrat Mark Warner has to say?

The top Democrat on the Senate panel that heard from fired FBI Director James Comey on Thursday said President Donald Trump appears to have violated post-Watergate guidelines meant to protect the independence of federal investigations.

Trump’s request that Comey “lift the cloud” of the Russia investigations in calls on March 30 and April 11, as Comey described in a statement released Wednesday, appeared to be an influence to co-opt the FBI director, Warner said.

He said Comey’s prepared testimony is “disturbing.”

Republicans said Comey “plays fast and loose with the truth.” Democrats said his opening remarks alone showed Trump had lied four times about his interactions with the former FBI director.

Warner also cited Comey’s descriptions of Trump telling Comey that he needed and expected loyalty, his urging Comey to go easy on former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and allegations Trump was pressuring senior intelligence community leaders to downplay the Russia investigation or intervene with Comey.

“This is not how a president of the United States behaves,” Warner said.

Why you changing the goal.posts we are talking about your assnine claim democrats think there was collusion...


I consider Michael Flynn evidence. What did he talk about with Russia? I wouldn't ask him because he's a liar. And Trump hired him and said he's a good guy. No he's not Don, he's a liar.
  • He potentially discussed sanctions with a Russian ambassador
  • He misrepresented or lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador
  • He was vulnerable to blackmail
And wait just a second!!!

Analysis | Did Trump just acknowledge (in a tweet, of course) that he told Comey to back off Michael Flynn?
What fake news?

Pizza gate ? That was flyns son

DNC rigging the election ? True Debbie had to step down

Hillary had illegal server ? True

What fake news?


The Republican Committee’s incoherent Comey talking points ignore the obvious

What lies are coming from the RNC?

The talking points also cite debunked claims about “Democrats and Republicans agree[ing] there is still no evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.” In fact, on May 23, former CIA Director John Brennan said the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s connections with Russia is “well founded.” He cited “information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals. On Wednesday, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper — who not long ago was Trump’s favorite authority on Russia — said that the scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon pales in comparison to President Trump’s connections with Russia.

What are you talking about Mark Warner and s bunch of Democrats agree their was no collusion... Stop making stuff up

Where’s The Beef?: Democrats And Republicans Agree There’s No There There


So you respect what Democrat Mark Warner has to say?

The top Democrat on the Senate panel that heard from fired FBI Director James Comey on Thursday said President Donald Trump appears to have violated post-Watergate guidelines meant to protect the independence of federal investigations.

Trump’s request that Comey “lift the cloud” of the Russia investigations in calls on March 30 and April 11, as Comey described in a statement released Wednesday, appeared to be an influence to co-opt the FBI director, Warner said.

He said Comey’s prepared testimony is “disturbing.”

Republicans said Comey “plays fast and loose with the truth.” Democrats said his opening remarks alone showed Trump had lied four times about his interactions with the former FBI director.

Warner also cited Comey’s descriptions of Trump telling Comey that he needed and expected loyalty, his urging Comey to go easy on former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and allegations Trump was pressuring senior intelligence community leaders to downplay the Russia investigation or intervene with Comey.

“This is not how a president of the United States behaves,” Warner said.

Why you changing the goal.posts we are talking about your assnine claim democrats think there was collusion...


I consider Michael Flynn evidence. What did he talk about with Russia? I wouldn't ask him because he's a liar. And Trump hired him and said he's a good guy. No he's not Don, he's a liar.
  • He potentially discussed sanctions with a Russian ambassador
  • He misrepresented or lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador
  • He was vulnerable to blackmail
And wait just a second!!!

Analysis | Did Trump just acknowledge (in a tweet, of course) that he told Comey to back off Michael Flynn?
dude, it doesn't matter. he's allowed to.
again with the made up shit. it is amazing. even after the agony of defeat.

You're the one whose making stuff up.
quote one thing I made up? I have included links to everything I've posted in this thread where needed. so you are butt hurt again six months later is on you.

That firing the director of the FBI is obstruction and that Trump bragged about said obstruction to the Russians.
well it isn't. I'm sorry, but prove me wrong. Is trump under arrest?

just curious, have you read the transcript yet of the comey testimony and looked up the obstruction you wish to discuss? quote it here for me.
When asked by ABC's Jonathan Karl whether he told Comey to back off the Flynn investigation, Trump said: "I didn't say that. I will tell you I didn't say that. And there'd be nothing wrong if I did say that, according to everything I read today."

In his second tweet before lunchtime Friday, President Trump potentially undermined his private lawyer's statements denying key parts of Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee the day before.

When The Washington Post reported that Russia-to-Russia communications claimed that presidential adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner tried to set up a back channel with the Russians, White House aides went on TV immediately to defend Kushner.

The next day, Trump tweeted a Fox News article (yet another pattern) that reported Kushner did not attempt to create such a back channel. Trump later deleted the tweet, according to FactBase, which archives his tweets and other communications.
This is actually a pattern for Trump. He often muddies the waters on negative news stories about him in a way that gives him mutually exclusive avenues of defense. Just a few examples off the top off my head:
The Republican Committee’s incoherent Comey talking points ignore the obvious

What lies are coming from the RNC?

The talking points also cite debunked claims about “Democrats and Republicans agree[ing] there is still no evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.” In fact, on May 23, former CIA Director John Brennan said the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s connections with Russia is “well founded.” He cited “information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals. On Wednesday, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper — who not long ago was Trump’s favorite authority on Russia — said that the scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon pales in comparison to President Trump’s connections with Russia.

What are you talking about Mark Warner and s bunch of Democrats agree their was no collusion... Stop making stuff up

Where’s The Beef?: Democrats And Republicans Agree There’s No There There


So you respect what Democrat Mark Warner has to say?

The top Democrat on the Senate panel that heard from fired FBI Director James Comey on Thursday said President Donald Trump appears to have violated post-Watergate guidelines meant to protect the independence of federal investigations.

Trump’s request that Comey “lift the cloud” of the Russia investigations in calls on March 30 and April 11, as Comey described in a statement released Wednesday, appeared to be an influence to co-opt the FBI director, Warner said.

He said Comey’s prepared testimony is “disturbing.”

Republicans said Comey “plays fast and loose with the truth.” Democrats said his opening remarks alone showed Trump had lied four times about his interactions with the former FBI director.

Warner also cited Comey’s descriptions of Trump telling Comey that he needed and expected loyalty, his urging Comey to go easy on former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and allegations Trump was pressuring senior intelligence community leaders to downplay the Russia investigation or intervene with Comey.

“This is not how a president of the United States behaves,” Warner said.

Why you changing the goal.posts we are talking about your assnine claim democrats think there was collusion...


I consider Michael Flynn evidence. What did he talk about with Russia? I wouldn't ask him because he's a liar. And Trump hired him and said he's a good guy. No he's not Don, he's a liar.
  • He potentially discussed sanctions with a Russian ambassador
  • He misrepresented or lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador
  • He was vulnerable to blackmail
And wait just a second!!!

Analysis | Did Trump just acknowledge (in a tweet, of course) that he told Comey to back off Michael Flynn?
dude, it doesn't matter. he's allowed to.

Would it have been ok for Obama to tell the FBI to drop the case on Hillary? You will say yes now that Trump did it so really I can't even stand talking to you incredible losers and liars. Trump was right. He could murder someone on TV and you'd defend him. Sad.
Call Sign Chaos, post: 17475341
That firing the director of the FBI is obstruction and that Trump bragged about said obstruction to the Russians.

Trump did brag to the Russians about firing nutjob Comey and Trump told them he thought that firing would relieve the pressure of the investigation.

Firing an FBI Director is not obstruction when there is a reason to do it other than wanting loyalty from Coney and Comey to ease up on Flynn and lift the cloud on Trump personally and to take pressure off the investigation.

Then Trump declares Comey handled Clinton emails poorly to be the reason for the firing, then Trump counters his own spokespeople saying that it was to ease the pressure of the investigation by the nut job Comey.

Your orange buffon can't handle the job. Can't keep his own mouth shut about the real improper reason he fired Comey.

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