Trump catches a break with Halloween terrorist attack

In summation:

"On September 19, 2012,[120] the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz publicly released a 471-page report[1] detailing the results of the Justice Department's own internal investigations. The Inspector General's report, which had access to evidence and interviews with witnesses not permitted in previous Congressional reports, recommended 14 federal officials for disciplinary action, ranging from ATF agents to federal prosecutors involved in the Fast and Furious operation.[120] It found "no evidence" that Attorney General Holder knew about Fast and Furious before early 2011.[121] It found no evidence that previous Attorneys General had been advised about gunwalking in Operation Wide Receiver.[1]"

Not Obama, not Holder, not Bush nor Bush's AGs. And so ends that.
All you need now is the gun that killed him? It wasn't from F and F.

That's funny. The DOJ admits it did.
Ah, no. They did find two F and F guns at the scene but no one knows what gun killed Terry.

umm, wrong again.

" But U.S. officials have not produced evidence proving that Terry was killed with either of those guns."

Just because they haven't produced evidence, does not mean they don't know.

Might be interesting to force them to release what evidence they have.
If they knew which gun killed Terry it would have been made known. No one knows.

think, little girl

ballistics would have proven which gun at the scene killed the agent.
It would had the gun still been there and something left over enough in his body to work it out but they couldn't and still can't. What a hoot you would have had with that had it been a F and F gun but, nope.
In summation:

"On September 19, 2012,[120] the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz publicly released a 471-page report[1] detailing the results of the Justice Department's own internal investigations. The Inspector General's report, which had access to evidence and interviews with witnesses not permitted in previous Congressional reports, recommended 14 federal officials for disciplinary action, ranging from ATF agents to federal prosecutors involved in the Fast and Furious operation.[120] It found "no evidence" that Attorney General Holder knew about Fast and Furious before early 2011.[121] It found no evidence that previous Attorneys General had been advised about gunwalking in Operation Wide Receiver.[1]"

Not Obama, not Holder, not Bush nor Bush's AGs. And so ends that.

This is why you shouldn't use wiki as your source material. It is shit as anyone with a brain knows.

Here you go, from cnn, you know a "trusted" news source. Notice who got cited for contempt... Now if he wasn't involved and actively lying about his involvement why would he get cited by Congress for contempt? Hmmm sweet cheeks?

"During the Fast and Furious investigation, nearly 2,000 firearms were illegally purchased for $1.5 million, according to a DOJ inspector General report. Hundreds of guns were later recovered in the US and Mexico.
In 2010, two of the weapons linked to Fast and Furious turned up near the scene where US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was gunned down in the Arizona desert.
Whistleblowing led to investigations by the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. During the House investigation, Attorney General Eric Holder was cited for contempt.
Fast and Furious was one of the operations under Project Gunrunner, part of the Department of Justice's broader National Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy."

Operation Fast and Furious Fast Facts - CNN
In summation:

"On September 19, 2012,[120] the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz publicly released a 471-page report[1] detailing the results of the Justice Department's own internal investigations. The Inspector General's report, which had access to evidence and interviews with witnesses not permitted in previous Congressional reports, recommended 14 federal officials for disciplinary action, ranging from ATF agents to federal prosecutors involved in the Fast and Furious operation.[120] It found "no evidence" that Attorney General Holder knew about Fast and Furious before early 2011.[121] It found no evidence that previous Attorneys General had been advised about gunwalking in Operation Wide Receiver.[1]"

Not Obama, not Holder, not Bush nor Bush's AGs. And so ends that.


The DOJ, investigating it self, did not find it's current boss, nor it's previous ones, culpable...

who would have guessed?

I'm tired of this lame parrot.
In summation:

"On September 19, 2012,[120] the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz publicly released a 471-page report[1] detailing the results of the Justice Department's own internal investigations. The Inspector General's report, which had access to evidence and interviews with witnesses not permitted in previous Congressional reports, recommended 14 federal officials for disciplinary action, ranging from ATF agents to federal prosecutors involved in the Fast and Furious operation.[120] It found "no evidence" that Attorney General Holder knew about Fast and Furious before early 2011.[121] It found no evidence that previous Attorneys General had been advised about gunwalking in Operation Wide Receiver.[1]"

Not Obama, not Holder, not Bush nor Bush's AGs. And so ends that.

This is why you shouldn't use wiki as your source material. It is shit as anyone with a brain knows.

Here you go, from cnn, you know a "trusted" news source. Notice who got cited for contempt... Now if he wasn't involved and actively lying about his involvement why would he get cited by Congress for contempt? Hmmm sweet cheeks?

"During the Fast and Furious investigation, nearly 2,000 firearms were illegally purchased for $1.5 million, according to a DOJ inspector General report. Hundreds of guns were later recovered in the US and Mexico.
In 2010, two of the weapons linked to Fast and Furious turned up near the scene where US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was gunned down in the Arizona desert.
Whistleblowing led to investigations by the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. During the House investigation, Attorney General Eric Holder was cited for contempt.
Fast and Furious was one of the operations under Project Gunrunner, part of the Department of Justice's broader National Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy."

Operation Fast and Furious Fast Facts - CNN
Near the scene doesn't mean either gun killed Terry. That is unknown. And what does being cited for contempt have to do with the price of tea in China? Nothing. The AG/DOJ and Congress having a fight? It must be Tuesday.
In summation:

"On September 19, 2012,[120] the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz publicly released a 471-page report[1] detailing the results of the Justice Department's own internal investigations. The Inspector General's report, which had access to evidence and interviews with witnesses not permitted in previous Congressional reports, recommended 14 federal officials for disciplinary action, ranging from ATF agents to federal prosecutors involved in the Fast and Furious operation.[120] It found "no evidence" that Attorney General Holder knew about Fast and Furious before early 2011.[121] It found no evidence that previous Attorneys General had been advised about gunwalking in Operation Wide Receiver.[1]"

Not Obama, not Holder, not Bush nor Bush's AGs. And so ends that.

This is why you shouldn't use wiki as your source material. It is shit as anyone with a brain knows.

Here you go, from cnn, you know a "trusted" news source. Notice who got cited for contempt... Now if he wasn't involved and actively lying about his involvement why would he get cited by Congress for contempt? Hmmm sweet cheeks?

"During the Fast and Furious investigation, nearly 2,000 firearms were illegally purchased for $1.5 million, according to a DOJ inspector General report. Hundreds of guns were later recovered in the US and Mexico.
In 2010, two of the weapons linked to Fast and Furious turned up near the scene where US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was gunned down in the Arizona desert.
Whistleblowing led to investigations by the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. During the House investigation, Attorney General Eric Holder was cited for contempt.
Fast and Furious was one of the operations under Project Gunrunner, part of the Department of Justice's broader National Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy."

Operation Fast and Furious Fast Facts - CNN
Near the scene doesn't mean either gun killed Terry. That is unknown. And what does being cited for contempt have to do with the price of tea in China? Nothing. The AG/DOJ and Congress having a fight? It must be Tuesday.

He was cited for contempt for lying to Congress about the ATF involvement in the case.
In summation:

"On September 19, 2012,[120] the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz publicly released a 471-page report[1] detailing the results of the Justice Department's own internal investigations. The Inspector General's report, which had access to evidence and interviews with witnesses not permitted in previous Congressional reports, recommended 14 federal officials for disciplinary action, ranging from ATF agents to federal prosecutors involved in the Fast and Furious operation.[120] It found "no evidence" that Attorney General Holder knew about Fast and Furious before early 2011.[121] It found no evidence that previous Attorneys General had been advised about gunwalking in Operation Wide Receiver.[1]"

Not Obama, not Holder, not Bush nor Bush's AGs. And so ends that.

This is why you shouldn't use wiki as your source material. It is shit as anyone with a brain knows.

Here you go, from cnn, you know a "trusted" news source. Notice who got cited for contempt... Now if he wasn't involved and actively lying about his involvement why would he get cited by Congress for contempt? Hmmm sweet cheeks?

"During the Fast and Furious investigation, nearly 2,000 firearms were illegally purchased for $1.5 million, according to a DOJ inspector General report. Hundreds of guns were later recovered in the US and Mexico.
In 2010, two of the weapons linked to Fast and Furious turned up near the scene where US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was gunned down in the Arizona desert.
Whistleblowing led to investigations by the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. During the House investigation, Attorney General Eric Holder was cited for contempt.
Fast and Furious was one of the operations under Project Gunrunner, part of the Department of Justice's broader National Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy."

Operation Fast and Furious Fast Facts - CNN
Near the scene doesn't mean either gun killed Terry. That is unknown. And what does being cited for contempt have to do with the price of tea in China? Nothing. The AG/DOJ and Congress having a fight? It must be Tuesday.

He was cited for contempt for lying to Congress about the ATF involvement in the case.
How could he lie about the ATF being involved when the ATF created all the gun-walking/running programs in the first place? Nonsense.

And you mean this? Holder held in contempt
That's funny. The DOJ admits it did.
Ah, no. They did find two F and F guns at the scene but no one knows what gun killed Terry.
People kill people not firearms. Shit for brains
The gun was invented to kill people. Easily and efficiently. Still its only true purpose today. Even the NRA doesn't fight that one.
I thought for food. Hunt?
No. That came later.
In summation:

"On September 19, 2012,[120] the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz publicly released a 471-page report[1] detailing the results of the Justice Department's own internal investigations. The Inspector General's report, which had access to evidence and interviews with witnesses not permitted in previous Congressional reports, recommended 14 federal officials for disciplinary action, ranging from ATF agents to federal prosecutors involved in the Fast and Furious operation.[120] It found "no evidence" that Attorney General Holder knew about Fast and Furious before early 2011.[121] It found no evidence that previous Attorneys General had been advised about gunwalking in Operation Wide Receiver.[1]"

Not Obama, not Holder, not Bush nor Bush's AGs. And so ends that.

This is why you shouldn't use wiki as your source material. It is shit as anyone with a brain knows.

Here you go, from cnn, you know a "trusted" news source. Notice who got cited for contempt... Now if he wasn't involved and actively lying about his involvement why would he get cited by Congress for contempt? Hmmm sweet cheeks?

"During the Fast and Furious investigation, nearly 2,000 firearms were illegally purchased for $1.5 million, according to a DOJ inspector General report. Hundreds of guns were later recovered in the US and Mexico.
In 2010, two of the weapons linked to Fast and Furious turned up near the scene where US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was gunned down in the Arizona desert.
Whistleblowing led to investigations by the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. During the House investigation, Attorney General Eric Holder was cited for contempt.
Fast and Furious was one of the operations under Project Gunrunner, part of the Department of Justice's broader National Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy."

Operation Fast and Furious Fast Facts - CNN
Near the scene doesn't mean either gun killed Terry. That is unknown. And what does being cited for contempt have to do with the price of tea in China? Nothing. The AG/DOJ and Congress having a fight? It must be Tuesday.

He was cited for contempt for lying to Congress about the ATF involvement in the case.
How could he lie about the ATF being involved when the ATF created all the gun-walking/running programs in the first place? Nonsense.

And you mean this? Holder held in contempt

Yeppers. Take a look at that!

"The House has voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress over his failure to turn over documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal, the first time Congress has taken such a dramatic move against a sitting Cabinet official.

The vote was 255-67, with 17 Democrats voting in support of a criminal contempt resolution, which authorizes Republicans leaders to seek criminal charges against Holder. This Democratic support came despite a round of behind-the-scenes lobbying by senior White House and Justice officials - as well as pressure from party leaders - to support Holder."
And they got what they wanted in the end:

"On July 31, 2012, the first part of a new three-part report, Fast and Furious: The Anatomy of a Failed Operation,[37] was released by Republican lawmakers. The report singled out five ATF supervisors for responsibility in Fast and Furious, all of whom had been previously reassigned. The report also said that Fast and Furious resulted from a change in strategy by the Obama Administration. The Justice Department was dismissive of the report, saying that it contained "distortions" and "debunked conspiracy theories," and that "gunwalking" tactics dated back to 2006.[114] DOJ spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler, while critical of the report, did credit it for acknowledging that the idea for "gun walking"—allowing illegal sales of weapons on the border—originated under the Republican administration before Eric Holder took office in 2009. Schmaler noted that Holder moved swiftly to replace the ATF's management and instill reforms.[115]"
Trump catches a break with Halloween terrorist attack

What kind of break have you in mind? The "Russia" probes haven't abated. No major legislation has been passed. Puerto Rico is still in ruins. Social and political discord suffuse the polity. Trump's character is still turpitudinous. The presidency is still a 24/7 job at which Trump is singularly inept. Nobody has forgotten any of those things. What exactly is your idea of "catching a break?"
And they got what they wanted in the end:

"On July 31, 2012, the first part of a new three-part report, Fast and Furious: The Anatomy of a Failed Operation,[37] was released by Republican lawmakers. The report singled out five ATF supervisors for responsibility in Fast and Furious, all of whom had been previously reassigned. The report also said that Fast and Furious resulted from a change in strategy by the Obama Administration. The Justice Department was dismissive of the report, saying that it contained "distortions" and "debunked conspiracy theories," and that "gunwalking" tactics dated back to 2006.[114] DOJ spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler, while critical of the report, did credit it for acknowledging that the idea for "gun walking"—allowing illegal sales of weapons on the border—originated under the Republican administration before Eric Holder took office in 2009. Schmaler noted that Holder moved swiftly to replace the ATF's management and instill reforms.[115]"

So....did you read the report you cited? I doubt it...Here's the operative part

"The report also said that Fast and Furious resulted from a change in strategy by the Obama Administration."

You are truly an imbecile.
Trump catches a break with Halloween terrorist attack

What kind of break have you in mind? The "Russia" probes haven't abated. No major legislation has been passed. Puerto Rico is stilDl in ruins. Social and political discord suffuse the polity. Trump's character is still turpitudinous. The presidency is still a 24/7 job at which Trump is singularly inept. Nobody has forgotten any of those things. What exactly is your idea of "catching a break?"
Politicizing the Manhattan tragedy to take a swipe at Trump is simply not good form.

The investigation continues.

Mueller is a bulldog.

DC is still dysfunctional.

We should be supporting our fellow Americans in Manhattan, not taking cheap shots.
But it won't help for long as his administration is still going down like a lead balloon. You reap what you sow.

Trump catches a break with Halloween terrorist attack

If you think The Donald or anyone else is happy when there is a Terrorist Attack that slaughters and maims innocent people, well then you are a perverted and twisted POS who needs professional psychiatric help.

I would tell you to fuck off but I just notice you are no longer with us.

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