Trump catches a break with Halloween terrorist attack

It was ENDED under bush. This is well known. Gillespie is as lefty as you can get and he reads rachel the riot act on what obummers admin did. You are flat assed wrong and are either too stupid to figure it out or are too dishonest to admit it.
Lying doesn't help you. Wide Receiver happened under Bush. F and F under Obama. Neither knew of them. Not their job.

Never call someone a liar who's not lying. Watch the Gillespie video and learn something. Like I said sweetcheeks, either you're too stupid to understand the basics or it is you who is lying. The facts are WELL KNOWN. And they don't agree with the crap that you're peddling.
The facts are well known, and you have them wrong so therefore you are lying.

For example:

"Project Gunrunner is a project of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico, in an attempt to deprive the Mexican drug cartels of weapons.[1]

The primary tactic of Project Gunrunner is interdiction of straw purchasers and unlicensed dealers to prevent legal guns from entering the black market; between 2005 and 2008, 650 such cases involving 1,400 offenders and 12,000 firearms were referred for prosecution.[2] However, other tactics ("gunwalking" and "controlled delivery") have led to controversy.

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007) and Operation Fast and Furious (2009–2010) had allowed guns to "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.[3][4]"
Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia

You might want to take a look at your link:

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007)
At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded. As of October 4, 2011, nine people had been charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms.[23] As of November, charges against one defendant had been dropped; five of them had pleaded guilty, and one had been sentenced to one year and one day in prison. Two of them remained fugitives.[31]
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama

"At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded. As of October 4, 2011, nine people had been charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms.[23] As of November, charges against one defendant had been dropped; five of them had pleaded guilty, and one had been sentenced to one year and one day in prison. Two of them remained fugitives.[31]
It was ENDED under bush. This is well known. Gillespie is as lefty as you can get and he reads rachel the riot act on what obummers admin did. You are flat assed wrong and are either too stupid to figure it out or are too dishonest to admit it.
Lying doesn't help you. Wide Receiver happened under Bush. F and F under Obama. Neither knew of them. Not their job.

Never call someone a liar who's not lying. Watch the Gillespie video and learn something. Like I said sweetcheeks, either you're too stupid to understand the basics or it is you who is lying. The facts are WELL KNOWN. And they don't agree with the crap that you're peddling.
The facts are well known, and you have them wrong so therefore you are lying.

For example:

"Project Gunrunner is a project of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico, in an attempt to deprive the Mexican drug cartels of weapons.[1]

The primary tactic of Project Gunrunner is interdiction of straw purchasers and unlicensed dealers to prevent legal guns from entering the black market; between 2005 and 2008, 650 such cases involving 1,400 offenders and 12,000 firearms were referred for prosecution.[2] However, other tactics ("gunwalking" and "controlled delivery") have led to controversy.

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007) and Operation Fast and Furious (2009–2010) had allowed guns to "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.[3][4]"
Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia

You might want to take a look at your link:

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007)
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama

It was a new program but the Phoenix ATF loves their gun-running stings. So what? Obama didn't know. Bush didn't know. Not their job to know.

Backtrack thy middle name is katie k. What a loser...

Never call someone a liar who's not lying. Watch the Gillespie video and learn something. Like I said sweetcheeks, either you're too stupid to understand the basics or it is you who is lying. The facts are WELL KNOWN. And they don't agree with the crap that you're peddling.
The facts are well known, and you have them wrong so therefore you are lying.

"I know you are, but what am I" went out with the third year olds. Either back up your claim (as I have) or piss off.
You haven't backed up anything but I have. See ya. You have some reading to do.

Do you miss The Hag?

View attachment 157854 View attachment 157855
No. I miss the partial decency that used to be the U.S.A.

I am sure the 50s were a great time for you bruh.

The 2000s will be here waiting when you are ready cuzzy.
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama
It was a new program but the Phoenix ATF loves their gun-running stings. So what? Obama didn't know. Bush didn't know. Not their job to know.
Man gets 30 years in 'Fast and Furious' death of agent Brian Terry - CNN

"A Mexican man was sentenced Monday to 30 years' imprisonment in a border agent's 2010 shooting death linked to the federal government's "Fast and Furious" gun-tracking operation, according to a spokesperson for the U.S. District Court in Tucson."

Find better sources, or learn to read
Lying doesn't help you. Wide Receiver happened under Bush. F and F under Obama. Neither knew of them. Not their job.

Never call someone a liar who's not lying. Watch the Gillespie video and learn something. Like I said sweetcheeks, either you're too stupid to understand the basics or it is you who is lying. The facts are WELL KNOWN. And they don't agree with the crap that you're peddling.
The facts are well known, and you have them wrong so therefore you are lying.

For example:

"Project Gunrunner is a project of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico, in an attempt to deprive the Mexican drug cartels of weapons.[1]

The primary tactic of Project Gunrunner is interdiction of straw purchasers and unlicensed dealers to prevent legal guns from entering the black market; between 2005 and 2008, 650 such cases involving 1,400 offenders and 12,000 firearms were referred for prosecution.[2] However, other tactics ("gunwalking" and "controlled delivery") have led to controversy.

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007) and Operation Fast and Furious (2009–2010) had allowed guns to "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.[3][4]"
Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia

You might want to take a look at your link:

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007)
At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded. As of October 4, 2011, nine people had been charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms.[23] As of November, charges against one defendant had been dropped; five of them had pleaded guilty, and one had been sentenced to one year and one day in prison. Two of them remained fugitives.[31]
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama

"At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded. As of October 4, 2011, nine people had been charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms.[23] As of November, charges against one defendant had been dropped; five of them had pleaded guilty, and one had been sentenced to one year and one day in prison. Two of them remained fugitives.[31]
Lying doesn't help you. Wide Receiver happened under Bush. F and F under Obama. Neither knew of them. Not their job.

Never call someone a liar who's not lying. Watch the Gillespie video and learn something. Like I said sweetcheeks, either you're too stupid to understand the basics or it is you who is lying. The facts are WELL KNOWN. And they don't agree with the crap that you're peddling.
The facts are well known, and you have them wrong so therefore you are lying.

For example:

"Project Gunrunner is a project of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico, in an attempt to deprive the Mexican drug cartels of weapons.[1]

The primary tactic of Project Gunrunner is interdiction of straw purchasers and unlicensed dealers to prevent legal guns from entering the black market; between 2005 and 2008, 650 such cases involving 1,400 offenders and 12,000 firearms were referred for prosecution.[2] However, other tactics ("gunwalking" and "controlled delivery") have led to controversy.

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007) and Operation Fast and Furious (2009–2010) had allowed guns to "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.[3][4]"
Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia

You might want to take a look at your link:

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007)
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama

It was a new program but the Phoenix ATF loves their gun-running stings. So what? Obama didn't know. Bush didn't know. Not their job to know.

Backtrack thy middle name is katie k. What a loser...

I haven't backtracked on a thing. Do try again.
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama
It was a new program but the Phoenix ATF loves their gun-running stings. So what? Obama didn't know. Bush didn't know. Not their job to know.
Man gets 30 years in 'Fast and Furious' death of agent Brian Terry - CNN

"A Mexican man was sentenced Monday to 30 years' imprisonment in a border agent's 2010 shooting death linked to the federal government's "Fast and Furious" gun-tracking operation, according to a spokesperson for the U.S. District Court in Tucson."

Find better sources, or learn to read
All you need now is the gun that killed him? It wasn't from F and F.
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama
It was a new program but the Phoenix ATF loves their gun-running stings. So what? Obama didn't know. Bush didn't know. Not their job to know.
Man gets 30 years in 'Fast and Furious' death of agent Brian Terry - CNN

"A Mexican man was sentenced Monday to 30 years' imprisonment in a border agent's 2010 shooting death linked to the federal government's "Fast and Furious" gun-tracking operation, according to a spokesperson for the U.S. District Court in Tucson."

Find better sources, or learn to read
All you need now is the gun that killed him? It wasn't from F and F.

"The Terry case has been controversial because two rifles from the "Fast and Furious" operation were found at the scene of his death."

You lose again
Are liberals trying to re-write their history again?
The history of the gun-walking stings out of the Phoenix ATF office is well documented.

Indeed it is. The bush admin stopped it, and obummer and co. fired it up again.

The ATF started such a thing under Bush. It continued under Obama. It's actually Obama who ended such things.

The ATF started such a thing under Bush.
It also ended under Bush

It continued under Obama.

No, it restarted under Obama

It's actually Obama who ended such things.

Only after a couple of Border Agents made front page news by being shot.

Guns kill people. This is news to you? And we still don't know what gun killed Agent Terry.

People kill people not firearms. Shit for brains
But it won't help for long as his administration is still going down like a lead balloon. You reap what you sow.
Such a shitbag loser troll. Those poor people reaped nothing but Muslim hate.

Saddens me that scum like you don't even try to be likeable when you first join.

And congrats on Queen Loser status. Nearly 900 posts since you joined THREE DAYS AGO....pathetic
Never call someone a liar who's not lying. Watch the Gillespie video and learn something. Like I said sweetcheeks, either you're too stupid to understand the basics or it is you who is lying. The facts are WELL KNOWN. And they don't agree with the crap that you're peddling.
The facts are well known, and you have them wrong so therefore you are lying.

For example:

"Project Gunrunner is a project of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico, in an attempt to deprive the Mexican drug cartels of weapons.[1]

The primary tactic of Project Gunrunner is interdiction of straw purchasers and unlicensed dealers to prevent legal guns from entering the black market; between 2005 and 2008, 650 such cases involving 1,400 offenders and 12,000 firearms were referred for prosecution.[2] However, other tactics ("gunwalking" and "controlled delivery") have led to controversy.

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007) and Operation Fast and Furious (2009–2010) had allowed guns to "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.[3][4]"
Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia

You might want to take a look at your link:

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007)
At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded. As of October 4, 2011, nine people had been charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms.[23] As of November, charges against one defendant had been dropped; five of them had pleaded guilty, and one had been sentenced to one year and one day in prison. Two of them remained fugitives.[31]
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama

"At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded. As of October 4, 2011, nine people had been charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms.[23] As of November, charges against one defendant had been dropped; five of them had pleaded guilty, and one had been sentenced to one year and one day in prison. Two of them remained fugitives.[31]
Never call someone a liar who's not lying. Watch the Gillespie video and learn something. Like I said sweetcheeks, either you're too stupid to understand the basics or it is you who is lying. The facts are WELL KNOWN. And they don't agree with the crap that you're peddling.
The facts are well known, and you have them wrong so therefore you are lying.

For example:

"Project Gunrunner is a project of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico, in an attempt to deprive the Mexican drug cartels of weapons.[1]

The primary tactic of Project Gunrunner is interdiction of straw purchasers and unlicensed dealers to prevent legal guns from entering the black market; between 2005 and 2008, 650 such cases involving 1,400 offenders and 12,000 firearms were referred for prosecution.[2] However, other tactics ("gunwalking" and "controlled delivery") have led to controversy.

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007) and Operation Fast and Furious (2009–2010) had allowed guns to "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.[3][4]"
Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia

You might want to take a look at your link:

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007)
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama

It was a new program but the Phoenix ATF loves their gun-running stings. So what? Obama didn't know. Bush didn't know. Not their job to know.

Backtrack thy middle name is katie k. What a loser...

I haven't backtracked on a thing. Do try again.

Sure you haven't sweet cheeks.. Sure you haven't. It's funny your cognitive dissonance is so pronounced. Makes it easy for us.
But it won't help for long as his administration is still going down like a lead balloon. You reap what you sow.
Such a shitbag loser troll. Those poor people reaped nothing but Muslim hate.

Saddens me that scum like you don't even try to be likeable when you first join.

And congrats on Queen Loser status. Nearly 900 posts since you joined THREE DAYS AGO....pathetic

Professional sock troll. We're closing in. Tick tock, tick tock....
The facts are well known, and you have them wrong so therefore you are lying.

For example:

"Project Gunrunner is a project of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico, in an attempt to deprive the Mexican drug cartels of weapons.[1]

The primary tactic of Project Gunrunner is interdiction of straw purchasers and unlicensed dealers to prevent legal guns from entering the black market; between 2005 and 2008, 650 such cases involving 1,400 offenders and 12,000 firearms were referred for prosecution.[2] However, other tactics ("gunwalking" and "controlled delivery") have led to controversy.

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007) and Operation Fast and Furious (2009–2010) had allowed guns to "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.[3][4]"
Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia

You might want to take a look at your link:

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007)
At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded. As of October 4, 2011, nine people had been charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms.[23] As of November, charges against one defendant had been dropped; five of them had pleaded guilty, and one had been sentenced to one year and one day in prison. Two of them remained fugitives.[31]
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama

"At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded. As of October 4, 2011, nine people had been charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms.[23] As of November, charges against one defendant had been dropped; five of them had pleaded guilty, and one had been sentenced to one year and one day in prison. Two of them remained fugitives.[31]
The facts are well known, and you have them wrong so therefore you are lying.

For example:

"Project Gunrunner is a project of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico, in an attempt to deprive the Mexican drug cartels of weapons.[1]

The primary tactic of Project Gunrunner is interdiction of straw purchasers and unlicensed dealers to prevent legal guns from entering the black market; between 2005 and 2008, 650 such cases involving 1,400 offenders and 12,000 firearms were referred for prosecution.[2] However, other tactics ("gunwalking" and "controlled delivery") have led to controversy.

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007) and Operation Fast and Furious (2009–2010) had allowed guns to "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.[3][4]"
Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia

You might want to take a look at your link:

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007)
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama

It was a new program but the Phoenix ATF loves their gun-running stings. So what? Obama didn't know. Bush didn't know. Not their job to know.

Backtrack thy middle name is katie k. What a loser...

I haven't backtracked on a thing. Do try again.

Sure you haven't sweet cheeks.. Sure you haven't. It's funny your cognitive dissonance is so pronounced. Makes it easy for us.
You are free to use copy and paste. Most here can do little else.
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama
It was a new program but the Phoenix ATF loves their gun-running stings. So what? Obama didn't know. Bush didn't know. Not their job to know.
Man gets 30 years in 'Fast and Furious' death of agent Brian Terry - CNN

"A Mexican man was sentenced Monday to 30 years' imprisonment in a border agent's 2010 shooting death linked to the federal government's "Fast and Furious" gun-tracking operation, according to a spokesperson for the U.S. District Court in Tucson."

Find better sources, or learn to read
All you need now is the gun that killed him? It wasn't from F and F.

That's funny. The DOJ admits it did.
Never call someone a liar who's not lying. Watch the Gillespie video and learn something. Like I said sweetcheeks, either you're too stupid to understand the basics or it is you who is lying. The facts are WELL KNOWN. And they don't agree with the crap that you're peddling.
The facts are well known, and you have them wrong so therefore you are lying.

"I know you are, but what am I" went out with the third year olds. Either back up your claim (as I have) or piss off.
You haven't backed up anything but I have. See ya. You have some reading to do.

Do you miss The Hag?

View attachment 157854 View attachment 157855
No. I miss the partial decency that used to be the U.S.A.
Political correctness destroyed any decency this country had
ended under Bush

restarted under Obama
It was a new program but the Phoenix ATF loves their gun-running stings. So what? Obama didn't know. Bush didn't know. Not their job to know.
Man gets 30 years in 'Fast and Furious' death of agent Brian Terry - CNN

"A Mexican man was sentenced Monday to 30 years' imprisonment in a border agent's 2010 shooting death linked to the federal government's "Fast and Furious" gun-tracking operation, according to a spokesperson for the U.S. District Court in Tucson."

Find better sources, or learn to read
All you need now is the gun that killed him? It wasn't from F and F.

That's funny. The DOJ admits it did.
Ah, no. They did find two F and F guns at the scene but no one knows what gun killed Terry.
The facts are well known, and you have them wrong so therefore you are lying.

"I know you are, but what am I" went out with the third year olds. Either back up your claim (as I have) or piss off.
You haven't backed up anything but I have. See ya. You have some reading to do.

Do you miss The Hag?

View attachment 157854 View attachment 157855
No. I miss the partial decency that used to be the U.S.A.
Political correctness destroyed any decency this country had
That would ave been the opposite result.

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