Trump catches a break with Halloween terrorist attack

Because it never happened.

No, it provably happened. You're just too dishonest to admit it.
Nope. The POTUS doesn't run the Phoenix ATF.

Who did the deed at the behest of holder, who likewise was following obummers orders.
The ATF wasn't controlled by either man.

UUUhhh, yeah, they are. The DOJ controls the ATF. Always has, always will. Holder as head of the DOJ was their CEO.
Great, only he didn't know about the program nor was it his job to know what Phoenix was doing in their sting operations.
Because it never happened.

No, it provably happened. You're just too dishonest to admit it.
Nope. The POTUS doesn't run the Phoenix ATF.

Who did the deed at the behest of holder, who likewise was following obummers orders.
The ATF wasn't controlled by either man.

UUUhhh, yeah, they are. The DOJ controls the ATF. Always has, always will. Holder as head of the DOJ was their CEO.

Are liberals trying to re-write their history again?
No, it provably happened. You're just too dishonest to admit it.
Nope. The POTUS doesn't run the Phoenix ATF.

Who did the deed at the behest of holder, who likewise was following obummers orders.
The ATF wasn't controlled by either man.

UUUhhh, yeah, they are. The DOJ controls the ATF. Always has, always will. Holder as head of the DOJ was their CEO.

Are liberals trying to re-write their history again?
The history of the gun-walking stings out of the Phoenix ATF office is well documented.
Another terrorist attac
But it won't help for long as his administration is still going down like a lead balloon. You reap what you sow.

The Liberals are pissed that yet another "Ali al-Akbar" terrorist attack added to the growing number right at the time they are celebrating the indictment of one who did not register himself as a foreign representative agent years before he worked with Trump
But it won't help for long as his administration is still going down like a lead balloon. You reap what you sow.
Please go buy a gun to protect yourself and accidentally shoot your self with it.

You sound like a terrorist. This Jihadi invited here by Liberal Policies, and scub bag politicians who only care about getting federal dollars for illegals and refugees, simply tried to outdo your Last Liberal hero Paddock when he shot a gathering of deplorables at a Country Music Concert in Las Vegas.

Please get the fuck out of my country and go join ISIS.

Fuck Islam.
Fuck allah the Child Rapist and Homosexual god of Mooslims but most of all Fuck you.

You are a disgusting piece of garbage that should be aborted, so do us a favor and quit exhaling CO2 tonight and forever!

You’ll be saving the planet and saving us from having to read your calloused hatred filled worthless posts!
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Nope. The POTUS doesn't run the Phoenix ATF.

Who did the deed at the behest of holder, who likewise was following obummers orders.
The ATF wasn't controlled by either man.

UUUhhh, yeah, they are. The DOJ controls the ATF. Always has, always will. Holder as head of the DOJ was their CEO.

Are liberals trying to re-write their history again?
The history of the gun-walking stings out of the Phoenix ATF office is well documented.

Indeed it is. The bush admin stopped it, and obummer and co. fired it up again.

No, it provably happened. You're just too dishonest to admit it.
Nope. The POTUS doesn't run the Phoenix ATF.

Who did the deed at the behest of holder, who likewise was following obummers orders.
The ATF wasn't controlled by either man.

UUUhhh, yeah, they are. The DOJ controls the ATF. Always has, always will. Holder as head of the DOJ was their CEO.

Are liberals trying to re-write their history again?

Don't they always? They are the masters of revisionist history after all.
Trump proven right again and liberals wrong, how many Americans must die before the left concede they have been wrong?

Progressives can't ever do that. And, they don't give a crap how many die. They worship death.
Who did the deed at the behest of holder, who likewise was following obummers orders.
The ATF wasn't controlled by either man.

UUUhhh, yeah, they are. The DOJ controls the ATF. Always has, always will. Holder as head of the DOJ was their CEO.

Are liberals trying to re-write their history again?
The history of the gun-walking stings out of the Phoenix ATF office is well documented.

Indeed it is. The bush admin stopped it, and obummer and co. fired it up again.

The ATF started such a thing under Bush. It continued under Obama. It's actually Obama who ended such things.
Nope. The POTUS doesn't run the Phoenix ATF.

Who did the deed at the behest of holder, who likewise was following obummers orders.
The ATF wasn't controlled by either man.

UUUhhh, yeah, they are. The DOJ controls the ATF. Always has, always will. Holder as head of the DOJ was their CEO.

Are liberals trying to re-write their history again?

Don't they always? They are the masters of revisionist history after all.

If the liberal media wasn't a biased corrupt bunch of liars they wouldn't get away with it.
The ATF wasn't controlled by either man.

UUUhhh, yeah, they are. The DOJ controls the ATF. Always has, always will. Holder as head of the DOJ was their CEO.

Are liberals trying to re-write their history again?
The history of the gun-walking stings out of the Phoenix ATF office is well documented.

Indeed it is. The bush admin stopped it, and obummer and co. fired it up again.

The ATF started such a thing under Bush. It continued under Obama. It's actually Obama who ended such things.

It was ENDED under bush. This is well known. Gillespie is as lefty as you can get and he reads rachel the riot act on what obummers admin did. You are flat assed wrong and are either too stupid to figure it out or are too dishonest to admit it.
But it won't help for long as his administration is still going down like a lead balloon. You reap what you sow.
Please go buy a gun tonoritect yourself and accidentally shoot your self with it.

You sound like a terrorist. This Jihadi invited here by Liberal Policies, simply tried to outdo your liberal hero Paddock when he shot a gathering of deplorables at a Coubtey Music Concert in Las Vegas.

Please get the fuck out of my country and go join ISIS.

Fuck Islam.
Fuck allah the Child Rapist and Homosexual god of Mooslims but most of all Fuck you.

You are a disgusting piece of garbage that should be aborted, do us a favor and quit exhaling CO2 tonight and forever!
I will let Moses and Jesus, two prophets in Islam, know of your concerns.
Nope. The POTUS doesn't run the Phoenix ATF.

Who did the deed at the behest of holder, who likewise was following obummers orders.
The ATF wasn't controlled by either man.

UUUhhh, yeah, they are. The DOJ controls the ATF. Always has, always will. Holder as head of the DOJ was their CEO.

Are liberals trying to re-write their history again?
The history of the gun-walking stings out of the Phoenix ATF office is well documented.

So is the chain of command
I thought Trump was going to stop terrorism in America. He said he would.
Oh yes he did. When I heard him say that I turned to my wife and said “ that’s the dumbest thing he’s ever said... since the last dumb thing he said.”
My wife just shook her head. She had enough of his insanity a year ago.

So there’s another failed campaign promise.
“Stopping terrorism in America”
But it won't help for long as his administration is still going down like a lead balloon. You reap what you sow.

So if you encourage mass immigration of a people who refuse to integrate, who’s ideology dictates that rape, murder, lying are virtues in the cause of Jihad, that isn’t reaping what you sow?

And when the Left encourages hate, division, intolerance, and hatred of America, our Constitution and Individual Liberties and oppose freedom of speech, and freedom of association, and freedom of thought....THAT is not reaping what you sow?

The Left created The Las Vegas Massacre.
The Left Created San Bernardino
The Left Created The Pulse Nightclub Massacre
And The Left Created this.

And sadly The Left Created you...a liar and a murderer.

Judgment day can not come soon enough for Scum like you.
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I thought Trump was going to stop terrorism in America. He said he would.
Oh yes he did. When I heard him say that I turned to my wife and said “ that’s the dumbest thing he’s ever said... since the last dumb thing he said.”
My wife just shook her head. She had enough of his insanity a year ago.

So there’s another failed campaign promise.
“Stopping terrorism in America”

Liberal sanctuary cities and AG's have fought president Trump tooth and nail on this, admit it.

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