Trump Claims He Has Every Right To Prosecute His Enemies

Trump Claims He Has Every Right To Persecute His Enemies​

What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.
Really? A line from a horrible movie. See post # 5.

Even if politically motivated prosecutions ultimately fail, just bringing charges would be enough to tilt the playing field. If the public can be convinced that all prosecutors are corrupt partisan actors, then their work may be disregarded as mere political gamesmanship, and Trump’s convictions and impeachments will no longer matter. The result is to give Trump — and other political actors — license to commit all manner of crimes in the future.
Willing, ready and able
Can you think of any other candidate over your voting life you would vote for if he stole money from a charity, was convicted of what is tantamount to election interference, was found to have cheated on his taxes, raped a woman, orchestrated a violent attempt to block the elected prez's certification, and tried to use fake electors to steal an election?
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‘I Would Have Every Right To Go After Them’

Surveying the news of the past 24 hours, we’re presented with a particularly sobering reflection of our current state of affairs. I will lay it out brick by brick in the items below, but first I want to circle back to Donald Trump’s appearance two nights ago on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program.

Hannity asked a leading question, clearly trying to throw Trump a softball that will let him deny his intention to use the office of the presidency to exact retribution against his political foes – even though Trump has spent many months now promising to do precisely that.

At first, Trump took the easy swing and suggested that he won’t perpetuate what he implies is a cycle of retribution he’s already been victimized by. But then he launched into an extended justification of doing exactly what he had just disclaimed and asserting that he has “every right to go after them”:

Trump Claims He Has Every Right To Prosecute His Enemies

This could be one of the better cons he's invented in a while. Setting up a win-win scenario by which should he be re-elected he can claim righteousness and excite the base for going after his proclaimed enemies, or get credit with the minions if he does not. Because if he goes after those who have held him accountable for his many crimes he'll say he's justified. If he doesn't he'll say he is showing great restraint. The Following will love him either way. This guy is a genius in a manipulative, malevolent kind of way.

Same thing with the hush money trial. Win or lose he set up a construct by which he was being unfairly treated by the system. Acquittal.......the charges were made up. Conviction.......the charges were made up. Amazingly, the rubes fell for it AGAIN.

He does. They committed crimes. Serious crimes, like treason, insurrection, and election interference.
Nothing he has said or done indicates an intention to do so. He is making a point. He is being treated unfairly and would be justified in retaliating.

But in his last term, the people he appointed as AG had the balls to tell him, NO, when he wanted to do something untoward. He will do so again. He will appoint someone with integrity in the mold of Bill Barr, and that person will not pursue a political vendetta for the President.
Trump gets rid of anybody who tells him no.
‘I Would Have Every Right To Go After Them’

Surveying the news of the past 24 hours, we’re presented with a particularly sobering reflection of our current state of affairs. I will lay it out brick by brick in the items below, but first I want to circle back to Donald Trump’s appearance two nights ago on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program.

Hannity asked a leading question, clearly trying to throw Trump a softball that will let him deny his intention to use the office of the presidency to exact retribution against his political foes – even though Trump has spent many months now promising to do precisely that.

At first, Trump took the easy swing and suggested that he won’t perpetuate what he implies is a cycle of retribution he’s already been victimized by. But then he launched into an extended justification of doing exactly what he had just disclaimed and asserting that he has “every right to go after them”:

Trump Claims He Has Every Right To Prosecute His Enemies

This could be one of the better cons he's invented in a while. Setting up a win-win scenario by which should he be re-elected he can claim righteousness and excite the base for going after his proclaimed enemies, or get credit with the minions if he does not. Because if he goes after those who have held him accountable for his many crimes he'll say he's justified. If he doesn't he'll say he is showing great restraint. The Following will love him either way. This guy is a genius in a manipulative, malevolent kind of way.

Same thing with the hush money trial. Win or lose he set up a construct by which he was being unfairly treated by the system. Acquittal.......the charges were made up. Conviction.......the charges were made up. Amazingly, the rubes fell for it AGAIN.
Trump won't be prosecuting them. You forget how the presidency works. The DOJ will be prosecuting them, not Trump.
Trump won't be prosecuting them. You forget how the presidency works. The DOJ will be prosecuting them, not Trump.
In a Trump admin they are one in the same. Trump's AG's do what he tells them to do or they get fired. Ask Jeff Sessions.
In a Trump admin they are one in the same. Trump's AG's do what he tells them to do or they get fired. Ask Jeff Sessions.
In the Biden administration they are one in the same. Biden doesn't even need to give directions, the Borg collective already knows what to do, get Trump. I was just sitting here waiting to see which one of you lefty clowns would make that post and you won. Congratulations for admitting that the DOJ does the president's bidding, whether directed to or not.

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