Trump confuses Mexico with Morocco

Cue the Same Thing Fairy...where RW'ers claim that everything is like any other thing.

Morrocco or Mexico? Who cares?!?!? Same thing!
15,000 attended Trump's rally in South Carolina.
Crowd size is another thing Jihadi Don and his followers lie about. 3,000 gets exaggerated into 15,000.

There is nothing the pathological liars don't lie about!
It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.

Call me when he talks about 58 states.
It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.
hey they are brown and they all look the same....honest mistake :badgrin:
Trumps ad points out even though it's not the Mexican border but that's what our country will look like if we don't end up doing anything about it. The message can't be more clear than that.
The ad points out no such thing. That is the spin Jihadi Don put on his lie AFTER he was caught lying.

Yeah the ad points that out exactly. You loons will get no traction out of this as Trump keeps moving on. Give it up
No it doesn't, and you know it!
The ad actually says, "He will stop illegal immigration across our southern border that Mexico WILL pay for." And the blurb on the screen as the announcer says those words in "Stop Illegal Immigration."

This is the problem with the Right, they are pathological liars just like the people they support, so there is no way to reason with them, they just keep on lying.

Yes it does and cease trying to tell me what I know and don't know ya crazy fecking loon
Trumpeteers, like their pathological lying leader, just can't stop themselves from lying!

Clearly the ad is saying "This is what our borders will look like if we continue under Obama's open-border policies."
There is no such "QUOTE" in the lying Jihadi Don ad.
Clearly that is what the ad says.
You want to totally ignore the context of the ad, but you only look like an idiot in the process.

Asked about the footage, Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s campaign manager, told NBC News: “No shit it’s not the Mexican border but that’s what our country is going to look like. This was 1,000 percent on purpose.”
Trump Camp On Border Ad Fact Check: ‘No Sh*t’ That’s Not Mexico

Do you really think anyone but a hack would buy what you're selling? The ad doesn’t even attempt to claim the border in the video was Mexico....and anyone with half a God Damned brain knows that.
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It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.

This is so apropos. A bugwit like trump, who is playing to a constituency of bugwits, puts up fake video to scare them and, right on cue, they are scared, of immigrants in Morocco!!

Make note, this IS what conservatives do now. They lie in everything. They have no footage of people crossing into the US, which shoots down trump's whole argument, so they lie by using this video from Morocco.

trump and his followers have no moral compass.
From the person who supported wiping servers, hiding emails, shovel-ready jobs that didn't exist, open borders and Amnesty, along with BLM cop-killers, arming drug cartels and terrorists groups.....your words mean squat. Not even worth the bandwidth needed to debate.

I think people who vote for criminals and facilitate corruption in our government should be ignored.

You think I'm Barack Obama?

You have a screw loose Binky, rethink and try again. And of course try it without the Red Herrings and Strawmen. I know those are THE goto fallacies for cons but at least TRY to come up with something original.
I've read enough of your posts to know what you support.

I'm just trying to bring some reality to the discussion. You want to stay in fantasyland.

trump uses fake video to scare people. You defend this fantasy.

WTF junior.
Liar. The video is real.
Clearly the ad is saying "This is what our borders will look like if we continue under Obama's open-border policies."
There is no such "QUOTE" in the lying Jihadi Don ad.
Clearly that is what the ad says.
You want to totally ignore the context of the ad, but you only look like an idiot in the process.

Do you really think anyone but a hack would buy what you're selling?
Again we see the Right, when caught lying, just keep on lying.

The ad says Jihadi Don will build a wall "across our southern border" and then EMPHASIZES that Mexico "WILL" pay for it.

Donald Trump, the most prolific liar in US politics, just released an ad telling voters that he wants to stop illegals crossing into USA. The ad shows people crossing the border illegally. Turns out that's not even America.

The one big screw-up in Donald Trump’s first ad

three threads on this already, did you just wake up?
Plus it's all over facebook. The basement dwellers have been busy.
15,000 attended Trump's rally in South Carolina.
Crowd size is another thing Jihadi Don and his followers lie about. 3,000 gets exaggerated into 15,000.

There is nothing the pathological liars don't lie about!
Prove it, dipshit.
I notice you never proved your 15,000 lie!!!!
Prove there were 12,000 "waiting outside."

HILTON HEAD ISLAND, S.C. — Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump pulled no punches Wednesday, repeatedly blasting leading Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and his GOP rivals during a campaign stop on Hilton Head Island.

Speaking to a capacity crowd of more than 3,000 people at the Westin Hilton Head Island Resort & Spa, with many others waiting outside, Trump disputed a recent remark by Clinton that he has “a penchant for sexism.”
15,000 attended Trump's rally in South Carolina.
Crowd size is another thing Jihadi Don and his followers lie about. 3,000 gets exaggerated into 15,000.

There is nothing the pathological liars don't lie about!
Prove it, dipshit.
I notice you never proved your 15,000 lie!!!!
Prove there were 12,000 "waiting outside."

HILTON HEAD ISLAND, S.C. — Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump pulled no punches Wednesday, repeatedly blasting leading Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and his GOP rivals during a campaign stop on Hilton Head Island.

Speaking to a capacity crowd of more than 3,000 people at the Westin Hilton Head Island Resort & Spa, with many others waiting outside, Trump disputed a recent remark by Clinton that he has “a penchant for sexism.”
That's another event last week dumbass.
15,000 attended Trump's rally in South Carolina.
Crowd size is another thing Jihadi Don and his followers lie about. 3,000 gets exaggerated into 15,000.

There is nothing the pathological liars don't lie about!
Prove it, dipshit.
I notice you never proved your 15,000 lie!!!!
Prove there were 12,000 "waiting outside."

HILTON HEAD ISLAND, S.C. — Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump pulled no punches Wednesday, repeatedly blasting leading Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and his GOP rivals during a campaign stop on Hilton Head Island.

Speaking to a capacity crowd of more than 3,000 people at the Westin Hilton Head Island Resort & Spa, with many others waiting outside, Trump disputed a recent remark by Clinton that he has “a penchant for sexism.”
That's another event last week dumbass.
Sure liar. That was Jihadi Don's most recent visit to SC.

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