Trump confuses Mexico with Morocco

It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.
And Obama thinks there are 57 states so what's your point that people make mistakes

WOW fucking news flash
Remember when Obama said something about "57 states", and he misspoke because he'd been thinking about the 50 states and the related territories? Right wingers STILL bring that up as a talking point against Obama, even though it was a one time thing.

Donald the Chump is using the wrong footage from the wrong country, and right wingers say "it doesn't matter, we still have an immigration problem".

Sorry, but outsourcing your clothing line to China and your political ads to Morocco, don't really sound like good presidential material.
Looks like you're just taking your cues from the Hillary campaign. Doesn't matter what the content of the ad was, only the spin.

Clearly the ad is saying "This is what our borders will look like if we continue under Obama's open-border policies." You can't figure out that they were pointing out a border in another country and using it as a worst case scenario. Never-mind that real events in other countries portend something that could be happening here in the near future.
It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.

This is so apropos. A bugwit like trump, who is playing to a constituency of bugwits, puts up fake video to scare them and, right on cue, they are scared, of immigrants in Morocco!!

Make note, this IS what conservatives do now. They lie in everything. They have no footage of people crossing into the US, which shoots down trump's whole argument, so they lie by using this video from Morocco.

trump and his followers have no moral compass.
Remember when Obama said something about "57 states", and he misspoke because he'd been thinking about the 50 states and the related territories? Right wingers STILL bring that up as a talking point against Obama, even though it was a one time thing.

Donald the Chump is using the wrong footage from the wrong country, and right wingers say "it doesn't matter, we still have an immigration problem".

Sorry, but outsourcing your clothing line to China and your political ads to Morocco, don't really sound like good presidential material.

Do we have an immigration problem or not? Next week only you and few other loons will be harping on stock footage. Give it up

I already answered your question further up the thread Bitchy Irish Ass. But, since you need it repeated, yes. Yes, we do have a problem with immigration. And, the way to fix it needs to be worked out, but it would take both parties working together, and I don't think that the GOP is willing to work with the Dems.

But if Trump makes simple mistakes like this, what else do you think he would screw up or outsource if he was president?

You really need to grow up. You think you have this huge "gotcha" moment on Trump and the truth is it's nothing. Trump can't possibly screw up anymore or any worse than your failed Messiah. The man is a phucking disaster

Now forget about your stock's nothing but something a childish little runt would make an entire thread over. Loser
It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.

This is so apropos. A bugwit like trump, who is playing to a constituency of bugwits, puts up fake video to scare them and, right on cue, they are scared, of immigrants in Morocco!!

Make note, this IS what conservatives do now. They lie in everything. They have no footage of people crossing into the US, which shoots down trump's whole argument, so they lie by using this video from Morocco.

trump and his followers have no moral compass.

It's nothing Newt and you'r all setting yourself up for when Cankle's campaign makes a gaffe....and they will. It'e inevitable. But of course that will be different...right? You hypocrites are hilarious

Meanwhile Trump keeps steam rolling and a video isn't going to bring him down.
It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.

This is so apropos. A bugwit like trump, who is playing to a constituency of bugwits, puts up fake video to scare them and, right on cue, they are scared, of immigrants in Morocco!!

Make note, this IS what conservatives do now. They lie in everything. They have no footage of people crossing into the US, which shoots down trump's whole argument, so they lie by using this video from Morocco.

trump and his followers have no moral compass.

It's nothing Newt and you'r all setting yourself up for when Cankle's campaign makes a gaffe....and they will. It'e inevitable. But of course that will be different...right? You hypocrites are hilarious

Meanwhile Trump keeps steam rolling and a video isn't going to bring him down.

In other words you don't care if he lies, he's your man. You have a mancrush on him and love is thicker than truth.
It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.

This is so apropos. A bugwit like trump, who is playing to a constituency of bugwits, puts up fake video to scare them and, right on cue, they are scared, of immigrants in Morocco!!

Make note, this IS what conservatives do now. They lie in everything. They have no footage of people crossing into the US, which shoots down trump's whole argument, so they lie by using this video from Morocco.

trump and his followers have no moral compass.

It's nothing Newt and you'r all setting yourself up for when Cankle's campaign makes a gaffe....and they will. It'e inevitable. But of course that will be different...right? You hypocrites are hilarious

Meanwhile Trump keeps steam rolling and a video isn't going to bring him down.

In other words you don't care if he lies, he's your man. You have a mancrush on him and love is thicker than truth.

You think Hillary is the pillar of truth? Really? AHAHA Sit down you're a hypocrite
Newt sits there, tangled in his own web. LOL NEVER bring up lying about a candidate while you're running the Hildabeast. You're going to get shellacked, count on it
It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.

How do you know that it's Morocco?
If it is, then you should also be upset with the Dem's commercials because they have been lying in theirs ever since we have had TV Political Ads.
But then lets go back all the way to the beginning our our country, where even in the newspapers and brochures they put out during elections years.
All of them lied about their opponents, even way back them. They were also even nastier than the ones put out today.
It is up to voters to educate themselves about that.
It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.

This is so apropos. A bugwit like trump, who is playing to a constituency of bugwits, puts up fake video to scare them and, right on cue, they are scared, of immigrants in Morocco!!

Make note, this IS what conservatives do now. They lie in everything. They have no footage of people crossing into the US, which shoots down trump's whole argument, so they lie by using this video from Morocco.

trump and his followers have no moral compass.
From the person who supported wiping servers, hiding emails, shovel-ready jobs that didn't exist, open borders and Amnesty, along with BLM cop-killers, arming drug cartels and terrorists groups.....your words mean squat. Not even worth the bandwidth needed to debate.

I think people who vote for criminals and facilitate corruption in our government should be ignored.
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It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.

This is so apropos. A bugwit like trump, who is playing to a constituency of bugwits, puts up fake video to scare them and, right on cue, they are scared, of immigrants in Morocco!!

Make note, this IS what conservatives do now. They lie in everything. They have no footage of people crossing into the US, which shoots down trump's whole argument, so they lie by using this video from Morocco.

trump and his followers have no moral compass.
From the person who supported wiping servers, hiding emails, shovel-ready jobs that didn't exist, open borders and Amnesty, along with BLM cop-killers, arming drug cartels and terrorists groups.....your words mean squat. Not even worth the bandwidth needed to debate.

I think people who vote for criminals and facilitate corruption in our government should be ignored.

You think I'm Barack Obama?

You have a screw loose Binky, rethink and try again. And of course try it without the Red Herrings and Strawmen. I know those are THE goto fallacies for cons but at least TRY to come up with something original.
Oh look another thread on this. The libs got their new talking points sheet this morning apparently.
It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.

i just watched the ad and i am still laughing.

trump "will quickly cut off the head of isis and take their oil".....
It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.

How do you know that it's Morocco?
If it is, then you should also be upset with the Dem's commercials because they have been lying in theirs ever since we have had TV Political Ads.
But then lets go back all the way to the beginning our our country, where even in the newspapers and brochures they put out during elections years.
All of them lied about their opponents, even way back them. They were also even nastier than the ones put out today.
It is up to voters to educate themselves about that.
It seems that Donald the Chump has a hard time with telling the truth, even in his political ads.

In one section of his ad, he's talking about how illegals are coming into the country, and then the ad shows people streaming across a border crossing by the dozens. I guess the ad was to scare people into supporting his building of a wall.

Only trouble is, if the wall is built where the ad says that people are streaming over the border, it will do no good for us, because it's all the way across the Atlantic in Morocco.

Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco

But, I guess Trump followers will believe anything. Especially if it looks scary enough.

This is so apropos. A bugwit like trump, who is playing to a constituency of bugwits, puts up fake video to scare them and, right on cue, they are scared, of immigrants in Morocco!!

Make note, this IS what conservatives do now. They lie in everything. They have no footage of people crossing into the US, which shoots down trump's whole argument, so they lie by using this video from Morocco.

trump and his followers have no moral compass.

It's nothing Newt and you'r all setting yourself up for when Cankle's campaign makes a gaffe....and they will. It'e inevitable. But of course that will be different...right? You hypocrites are hilarious

Meanwhile Trump keeps steam rolling and a video isn't going to bring him down.

In other words you don't care if he lies, he's your man. You have a mancrush on him and love is thicker than truth.
Who lied?

It appears like the only lie here is the misinformation being released every time he says something. The point of this ad isn't lost on you bullshit artists. You just repeat bogus talking-points released by a corrupt media in the tank for Hillary. That makes you the liar. You could choose to use your own mind, but that's too much to ask. You support this cereal fabricator Hillary Clinton, and you have to make anyone who is a threat to her an even worse fabricator. It's the only tactic you think can work on Trump. Well you bought this bill of goods, lock, stock, and barrel, but will enough of America buy it? It has to be believable for it to work....but instead you libs over reached once again.

Well......the only way it can work is if enough people like Hillary......and judging by the crowds.....I think it will fail. 15,000 attended Trump's rally in South Carolina. Hillary's event was maybe 200...and she wasn't even there. Her husband was the speaker. She's at home sitting on her ass.

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