Trump cons the base, again

See? They don't mind.

Why do you care?

I have never donated to Trump nor voted for him and never will... I also do not care what his base does with their own money nor should you...
You have posted to me twice now. YOU should not care.

But thanks for jumping in to illustrate my point for me. You guys sure love doing that.
Are you too stupid to see he's basically agreeing with you, it's just he doesn't mind if the rest of us support who we want? Or is it just impossible for anyone to deviate in any way whatsoever from your point of view? I thought you all were the party of inclusion & diversity? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
There's another one.

As the other poster pointed out your are not intelligent enough to see the reality and are just fixated on just trolling everyone that you deem the enemy...

You are just like Trump and should donate to his cause...
I know, I'm definitely not as smart as you obedient Trumpsters 'n stuff. Stipulated.

Wow, this news story sure triggered you guys. You're more upset about it than I am.

No, you are not smart seeing you are trolling for attacks against you by accusing someone that voted for Biden being a Trump voting base!
See? They don't mind.

Why do you care?

I have never donated to Trump nor voted for him and never will... I also do not care what his base does with their own money nor should you...
You have posted to me twice now. YOU should not care.

But thanks for jumping in to illustrate my point for me. You guys sure love doing that.
Are you too stupid to see he's basically agreeing with you, it's just he doesn't mind if the rest of us support who we want? Or is it just impossible for anyone to deviate in any way whatsoever from your point of view? I thought you all were the party of inclusion & diversity? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
There's another one.
Yep, here I am. Got something more to say or is that the extent of your perceptions when someone laughs at you? Please enlighten me with more of your "deep thinker" wisdom about how any of us should choose to spend OUR money?
I know, as a prog, you think we should give it all to you so you can play Santa & we'll all pretend this makes you moral
I wish you guys could just all your emotion out in one post instead of dragging it on like this.

Another trolling response by you while never offering any true reason why you care what Trump voting base does with their money...

All you can do is call everyone that tell you that you are trolling they must be Trumpsters...
As Trump's sad "I WON - BY A LOT!" delusion continues in broad daylight, he's asking/begging his flock to help fund his embarrassing effort to prove it in the courts.

Well, kind of.

As it turns out, 60% of each donation goes to "Save America", the PAC he has set up for later and a couple other GOP sources. The money isn't going to his insane delusion.

So he's soaking his flock, again, to fund things other than what he's claiming. Here in the real world, that would be known as "lying", but the flock won't care. When they learn of the con, they'll say, "that's okay, I'm proud the money I thought was going to A is actually going to B".

I can't believe so many Americans have fallen so hard for this obvious con man.'re being soaked and brainwashed by the MSM..YOU have been duped
A dupe is someone who supports a grifter who bilked folks out of their savings at a bogus university. Or believes a lifelong thief and liar will pay their bills...

Yeah, those would be the dupes!
I wish you guys could just all your emotion out in one post instead of dragging it on like this.
And I wish you could stop deflecting. I notice you don't really like to debate actual issues. I don't blame you, facts are not kind to you.
A lefty talking about emos is precious!
The meltdowns will be hilarious when you all get exposed
I wish you guys could just all your emotion out in one post instead of dragging it on like this.
And I wish you could stop deflecting. I notice you don't really like to debate actual issues. I don't blame you, facts are not kind to you.
A lefty talking about emos is precious!
The meltdowns will be hilarious when you all get exposed

Biden is going to be President and no matter how much someone donates it will not stop this at all.

Look, you want to donate so be it but do not be bitter when the outcome does not fit into what you believe it should be...

Trump is using his base like a Preacher would but let be truthful and admit the only difference between a Preacher and Politician is one uses God to steal from you and another uses the Government to steal from you...


Again it is your money, so waste it all you want!
I wish you guys could just all your emotion out in one post instead of dragging it on like this.
And I wish you could stop deflecting. I notice you don't really like to debate actual issues. I don't blame you, facts are not kind to you.
A lefty talking about emos is precious!
The meltdowns will be hilarious when you all get exposed

Biden is going to be President and no matter how much someone donates it will not stop this at all.

Look, you want to donate so be it but do not be bitter when the outcome does not fit into what you believe it should be...

Trump is using his base like a Preacher would but let be truthful and admit the only difference between a Preacher and Politician is one uses God to steal from you and another uses the Government to steal from you...


Again it is your money, so waste it all you want!
I beg to disagree. Unlike past elections, the margin was becoming so great in favor of DT the Dems had to overdue it just to catch up. There are giant red flags everywhere you look into it.
They made obvious mistakes in batch security, massive vote drops in the middle of the night on the 4th, ignored laws, rules & court orders all over the country once it was determined it was not feasible they could catch up legitimately. They made statistically impossible mistakes & they will be exposed in court.
This doesn't even touch on the vote tallying software "glitches" by Dominion, a software company covertly run by the Dems & used in 30 states or the use of govt resources like Hammer & Scorecard to change the voting totals at the transfer points. This will be exposed as well.
If you have a preacher stealing from you, sounds like you're going to the wrong church. There are plenty of good churches out there doing good things across the world.
Trump’s base is like abused spouses. They know they are being mistreated, think they deserve the abuse and that the abusive spouse cares for them. They are in need of serious therapy to break the chain of abuse and denialism.
So what?

Let’em donate and let’em support Trump all they want... People need something to believe in and if Donald words bring them comfort and they pay him for his show in the Political Realm, so be it...

Why do you care so much?

Are you truly upset you have no one you can believe in like Donald base believe in him?
You mistake caring for mocking....

But most cult followers do
I wish you guys could just all your emotion out in one post instead of dragging it on like this.
And I wish you could stop deflecting. I notice you don't really like to debate actual issues. I don't blame you, facts are not kind to you.
A lefty talking about emos is precious!
The meltdowns will be hilarious when you all get exposed
Correct. Debating with nutters on either end of the spectrum here is pointless, so I no longer try.

If you don't like that, tough shit. You whine too much.
Trump’s base is like abused spouses. They know they are being mistreated, think they deserve the abuse and that the abusive spouse cares for them. They are in need of serious therapy to break the chain of abuse and denialism.
We've seen this before in world history. I just never thought we'd see it HERE.
I wish you guys could just all your emotion out in one post instead of dragging it on like this.
And I wish you could stop deflecting. I notice you don't really like to debate actual issues. I don't blame you, facts are not kind to you.
A lefty talking about emos is precious!
The meltdowns will be hilarious when you all get exposed
Correct. Debating with nutters on either end of the spectrum here is pointless, so I no longer try.

If you don't like that, tough shit. You whine too much.
And you come across as a petulant child but I'm sure that's the result of an entitlement and participation trophy mentality. I'm looking forward to your emo breakdown once you all get pantsed in court
I wish you guys could just all your emotion out in one post instead of dragging it on like this.
And I wish you could stop deflecting. I notice you don't really like to debate actual issues. I don't blame you, facts are not kind to you.
A lefty talking about emos is precious!
The meltdowns will be hilarious when you all get exposed
Correct. Debating with nutters on either end of the spectrum here is pointless, so I no longer try.

If you don't like that, tough shit. You whine too much.
And you come across as a petulant child but I'm sure that's the result of an entitlement and participation trophy mentality. I'm looking forward to your emo breakdown once you all get pantsed in court
Okie dokie.
Correct. Debating with nutters on either end of the spectrum here is pointless, so I no longer try.
Your definition of a nutter is anyone who disagrees with biden voters like yourself

and that group numbers 71 million people
I wish you guys could just all your emotion out in one post instead of dragging it on like this.
And I wish you could stop deflecting. I notice you don't really like to debate actual issues. I don't blame you, facts are not kind to you.
A lefty talking about emos is precious!
The meltdowns will be hilarious when you all get exposed
Correct. Debating with nutters on either end of the spectrum here is pointless, so I no longer try.

If you don't like that, tough shit. You whine too much.
And you come across as a petulant child but I'm sure that's the result of an entitlement and participation trophy mentality. I'm looking forward to your emo breakdown once you all get pantsed in court
If biden wins Mac1958 will have to start erasing the fact that he voted for Old Joe so that he wont have to defend Joe’s stupid remarks and policies
Last edited:
I can't believe so many Americans have fallen so hard for this obvious con man.
We support trump because his policies are best for America

you hate trump based on emotion and your bruised ego
Trump’s base is like abused spouses. They know they are being mistreated, think they deserve the abuse and that the abusive spouse cares for them. They are in need of serious therapy to break the chain of abuse and denialism.

We know where are money comes from and it's not you sitting under a bridge
See? They don't mind.

Why do you care?

I have never donated to Trump nor voted for him and never will... I also do not care what his base does with their own money nor should you...
You have posted to me twice now. YOU should not care.

But thanks for jumping in to illustrate my point for me. You guys sure love doing that.
Are you too stupid to see he's basically agreeing with you, it's just he doesn't mind if the rest of us support who we want? Or is it just impossible for anyone to deviate in any way whatsoever from your point of view? I thought you all were the party of inclusion & diversity? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
There's another one.

As the other poster pointed out your are not intelligent enough to see the reality and are just fixated on just trolling everyone that you deem the enemy...

You are just like Trump and should donate to his cause...
I know, I'm definitely not as smart as you obedient Trumpsters 'n stuff. Stipulated.

Wow, this news story sure triggered you guys. You're more upset about it than I am.

This is fish in a barrel stuff. Bon Appetit.

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