Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

The media never demanded Bush release his records- his Yale records were illegally leaked- and he never released his Harvard records.

The voters clearly didn't care whether Obama or for that matter, Romney released their college records.

And Obama has no reason to humor some nuts on the internet who just hope to find some dirt on him.

If there is no dirt to find, then why pay lawyers over a million dollars to keep them sealed (Perkins Coie LLP of Seattle was paid to keep obama's college records sealed)

Just another Birther lie.

Perkins Cole was the Obama campaign law firm- they were paid for handling the legal affairs of the campaign.

What I find particularly funny about your claim is that Stevie the racist claimed in another thread that it was over 3 million- Birthers can't even keep their own lies straight.

nope, they were hired to keep his records from being discovered by any of the lawsuits requesting them. they were successful, they earned their money.

Now, once again. Why was it worth a million dollars to keep the voters from seeing obama's college records?

The president's college records were confidential from the get-go.

Why? Why don't we have the right to know how he paid for a very expensive education? Why don't we have the right to know what kind of grades he got?

If you say we don't have those rights, Then STFU about Walker and Rand Paul's college records.

But we know that you won't STFU because you libs are the most hypocritical creatures on earth.

What BS.

I have said repeatedly that Walker's college records and his lack of a college degree are irrelevant.
I also have said that Rand Paul's odd false claim about having a biology degree really isn't relevant either- he has a medical degree.

I don't think any candidates college records are relevant- I am consistent on this- I didn't expect to see- nor did I see Mitt Romney's college records, or McCain's records, or all of George Bush's records, or Clinton's records.

All irrelevant.

The hypocrite is you.

You expect to see from President Obama what you don't care about from Walker, didn't ask from Romney, didn't ask from McCain, are satisfied with partial records from George Bush- even as you demand every record from President Obama.

No President has ever shown us how he has paid for 'his very expensive' education. But the only one you care about is Barack Obama. What a hypocrite- what BS.

And as noted- no President has voluntarily ever shown us his college records- why would you imagine that suddenly with Barack Obama in his second term as President you have any right to see his?
What is more dangerous now than it was in January of 2009?

Whatever you come up with, prove that Obama is to blame.

the national debt
public lack of confidence in government
weak dollar internationally

The president is responsible for what happens during his term. Thats they way it has always been. Unless you are willing to admit that Clinton was responsible for 9/11-----------------------------

So Bush is to blame for 9/11, the unbalancing of the budget, the disaster of Iraq, the bungling of Afghanistan, the real estate meltdown, the financial crisis, and the recession (for starters).

Let's see how many of your conservative pals will agree with you.

You lefties hold Bush responsible for those things. YOU have said so many times. So, we agree that a president is responsible for what happens on his watch--------------------except for obama, right?

Don't lie about what I believe.

then tell us. Are presidents responsible for what happens during their terms or not? Does that apply to all presidents?

Why would you suddenly start applying the same standard to all presidents- when you consistently have only held President Obama to any of your self proclaimed standards?

President Obama is the only President or candidate that you care about the college records of.

Why don't you apply that to all presidents?
The media never demanded Bush release his records- his Yale records were illegally leaked- and he never released his Harvard records.

The voters clearly didn't care whether Obama or for that matter, Romney released their college records.

And Obama has no reason to humor some nuts on the internet who just hope to find some dirt on him.

If there is no dirt to find, then why pay lawyers over a million dollars to keep them sealed (Perkins Coie LLP of Seattle was paid to keep obama's college records sealed)

Just another Birther lie.

Perkins Cole was the Obama campaign law firm- they were paid for handling the legal affairs of the campaign.

What I find particularly funny about your claim is that Stevie the racist claimed in another thread that it was over 3 million- Birthers can't even keep their own lies straight.

nope, they were hired to keep his records from being discovered by any of the lawsuits requesting them. they were successful, they earned their money.

Now, once again. Why was it worth a million dollars to keep the voters from seeing obama's college records?

The president's college records were confidential from the get-go.

Why? Why don't we have the right to know how he paid for a very expensive education? Why don't we have the right to know what kind of grades he got?

If you say we don't have those rights, Then STFU about Walker and Rand Paul's college records.

But we know that you won't STFU because you libs are the most hypocritical creatures on earth.

So all the RWnuts who insisted that Obama publicize his college records who are now claiming that college records are nobody else's business,

THEY are NOT being inconsistent??????
Walkers records have been released
Bushs records were released
McCains records were released
Clintons records were released

Obamas records are sealed from view.


And i support the right of anyone to keep their records sealed. The problem is the media is not our there demanding obama release his records like they did with bush.

The media never demanded Bush release his records- his Yale records were illegally leaked- and he never released his Harvard records.

The voters clearly didn't care whether Obama or for that matter, Romney released their college records.

And Obama has no reason to humor some nuts on the internet who just hope to find some dirt on him.

If there is no dirt to find, then why pay lawyers over a million dollars to keep them sealed (Perkins Coie LLP of Seattle was paid to keep obama's college records sealed)

Just another Birther lie.

Perkins Cole was the Obama campaign law firm- they were paid for handling the legal affairs of the campaign.

What I find particularly funny about your claim is that Stevie the racist claimed in another thread that it was over 3 million- Birthers can't even keep their own lies straight.

nope, they were hired to keep his records from being discovered by any of the lawsuits requesting them. they were successful, they earned their money.

Now, once again. Why was it worth a million dollars to keep the voters from seeing obama's college records?

No- just another Birther lie.

Obama's college records are protected by law- just like everyone else's are.

As usual- Birthers have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo.
Nope, if it was a fact checking mistake ( wasn't), and all those nationally syndicated papers stated he was born in Hawaii as you claim, then the error should have been noticed and corrected. But it wasn't for 16 years and several revisions. Logic dictates that common sense be applied and conclude Obama told her he was born in Kenya. Goderich fell on her sword for Obama when the news broke and pulled a Brian Williams out of her ass for damage control, just as your commie ass is doing. You're pathetic.

Yep - it's smoking gun which makes me ask why didn't the leading birthers like trump and zullo and arpaio and taitz jump on this story.? They ignored it which tells me they are controlled opposition hired by obozo.

Because Goderich is by far the most credible, knowledgeable source on the topic. And she utterly destroyed your entire batshit conspiracy narrative.

We'd literally have to ignore the woman who edited the very pamphlet in question, and instead believe you citing yourself?

And only a Birther would be that fucking stupid.
If she was the most credible, she would have caught the mistake early on. So would Obama. Again, your bat guano bullshit is pathetic just like that of fogbow homosexual foreign talking commie Surannis.

Stevie the racist- you won't consider anyone credible so long as they don't say what you want them to say about Obama.

You just can't stand that American's rejected your racism and legally elected an African American President.
President Obama is the only President or candidate that you care about the college records of.

Name a presidential candidate suspected of getting into college and graduating thanks to affirmative action. Maybe - ben carson.
So Obama can claim he was born in Kenya, and that doesn't make him a "birfer," but if I remember he claimed that, it does make me one? Liberal logic, an oxymoron.

I think he was born in Hawaii, I just think he is a pretentious idiot who liked the way it sounded to be born in Kenya.

I also think if he was born in Kenya, he was still born an American and eligible to be President. This whole having to be born in our borders is stupid. I also remember Democrats did it first, with McCain.

Facts aren't going your way, are they Skippy...
Due to citizenship laws at the time of his alleged birth in 1961, if born in Kenya, his mom was to young to pass citzenship to him. She had to be 19. She was less than 3 months shy of her 19th birthday. So no, he would have not been eligible.

The Standard is not the "citizenship laws" the standard is the Constitution. If you are born to an American Citizen, you are born an American. It makes no sense that if a child of Americans was born overseas they meant they were not qualified to be President. If Jefferson had a kid in Paris, they didn't think he should be President? That's ridiculous. They didn't want people to grow up, move here, then become President.
It's about having sole allegiance to America. Born and raised in another country jeopardizes that allegiance.

being totally oblivious to facts because partisanship blocks clear judgment jeopardizes America.

ponder that.

You mean like when Democrats raise McCain's qualification to be President because he was born on a military base in Panama then turn around and go bat shit over wanting Obama to show his birth certificate when the source of the claim he was born in Kenya was ... Obama?

Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Just another Birther lie- thats all Birthers have- lies, speculation and innuendo.

Oh and Senator Obama (D) was one of the Senators who cosponsored the Senate resolution that recognized that Senator McCain was a natural born citizen.

Mrs. McCaskill (for herself, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Obama, Mr. Coburn, Mrs. Clinton, and Mr. Webb) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

April 24, 2008

Reported by Mr. Leahy, without amendment

April 30, 2008

Considered and agreed to


Recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen.
Who gives a shit what some crazy birfer says?

You mean Obama or another birfer?

Right. Obozo is the original birther. He claimed foreign status to get a scholarship at harvard.
I agree.

Wow. Birthers agreeing with each other.


Since neither of you had a thing to do with the writing, editing or distribution of that pamphlet in the early 90s, why would any rational person give a shit what you think?

Or ignore Miriam Goderich, who edited the pamphlet herself?

Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy, take liberal reading, the course I'm setting up for liberals who are blinded by Partisanship and aren't even up to a remedial reading course.

Wow your stupid.

You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Birthers- taking stupidity to new levels since 2008.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?
View attachment 36860

And where is the proof that President Obama was born in Kenya?

First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review -

BOSTON, Feb. 5— The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.
You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Of course obozo said he was born in kenya. Why else would his own literary agency publish a brochure saying he was.? He must have told them that. THINK
So you are beating on that dead birther horse again. I suppose this radical left wing organization is the same one who planted those fake birth announcements all the way back in 1961. You really think they started laying the groundwork for his presidency 53 years ago? You know that's crazy don't you?

Knocking down straw men again, i see. Still waiting for you to explain why obama's own literary agency published a brochure that said he was born in kenya. Even super-lib Snopes admits to that.

You mean the this one ?

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Born in Kenya Obama s Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

Everything that birthers try to hang their hat on has been shot down repeatedly. The issue has long been dropped by all but the most rabid crazies. What happened to those investigations by trump and sheriff pink panties?
Miriam Godrich left the Born In Kenya dossier about Obama for 16 years and two book revisions.

Um....Obama was let go as a client the year after the pamphlet was written. That obscure little pamphlet was for publishers specifically to encourage them to buy books from the literary agencies authors. Not the general public. They make a new one every year. Why would Miriam Goderich give a shit about a bio on an author that her agency no longer represented?

The entire premise of your argument is blithering nonsense.

She only changed it when he decided to run for president in 2007 and it was no fact checking error of hers.

Wow. You really are clueless. Miriam Goderich didn't change shit in 2007. She was a full partner by then, and didn't copyedit or fact check promotional pamphlets. That's what assistants are for. Second, she didn't even work for Acton and Dystel, Inc. in 2007. But left to found her own agency in 1995.

So why would she be editing some obscure pamphlet in 2007 for an agency she hadn't worked for for more than a decade?

You're literally just making this shit up as you go along. And you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

If you have a better source on the content of that pamphlet than Miriam Goderich, show us. But you don't. You're citing yourself, telling us that you know better than she does. And as you just demonstrated for us with your idiocy about 2007, you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
Sorry my commie pro-homosexual un-American friend, Obama told Godrich he was born in Kenya. No question about it.

No question from the racist point of view.

Rational people don't give a shirt what racists like yourself think about President Obama or anything else. Even less than they care about what David Duke says.
Just out of curiosity, what specifically do you think the answers to those questions would prove? Are you still beating that dead Birther horse, or is there something else you expect to find?

If he got grants or scholarships reserved for foreign students then he either committed fraud or he lied about being born in Hawaii.

If he got money from some radical left wing organization or person it could explain why he has done some of the stupid things he has done. Do you want a president who is owned by any person or group?

Why did his Columbia ID card say he was a foreign student? Why did his biographer say that he was born in Kenya? Lies or truth?

As I said, we have the right to know everything about the person we entrust with the future of our nation.

The FACT that he hired a law firm to keep his records from public view has to raise questions.

So you are beating on that dead birther horse again. I suppose this radical left wing organization is the same one who planted those fake birth announcements all the way back in 1961. You really think they started laying the groundwork for his presidency 53 years ago? You know that's crazy don't you?
The birth announcements aren't legal documents. .

Birth Certificates are- and the State of Arizona has already accepted President Obama's eligiblity.

Used Car saleman Mike Zullo has done nothing but hold press conferences.
Ken Bennett accepted it because of media scrutiny only after Hawaii was stalling him for several weeks with legal pressure forcing him to change his request details. Now get your facts straight. Zullo has not been in the car business for over 7 years. He is lead investigator of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office CCP with all available law enforcement resources available to him from said office.

Ken Bennett accepted the confirmation from the State of Hawaii- and unlike Mike Zullo's press conferences, Ken Bennett actually has legal authority.

So Mike Zullo is no longer selling used cars? So what business is he in? Who is paying him?

Does he receive a paycheck from Maricopa County? From anyone?

Or does he survive on his book deal with Birther Jerome Corsi? Or the $10K he got from a Birther supporter?
You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Of course obozo said he was born in kenya. Why else would his own literary agency publish a brochure saying he was.? He must have told them that. THINK

I THINK you are an idiot. And you keep proving what a racist idiot you are each time you post.

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Read more at Promotional Booklet
Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy, take liberal reading, the course I'm setting up for liberals who are blinded by Partisanship and aren't even up to a remedial reading course.

Wow your stupid.

You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Birthers- taking stupidity to new levels since 2008.

LOL, the one time spelling and grammar points are legit. You call me stupid and demonstrate a lack of grasp of the English language in that very sentence. Liberals do that all the time, LOL.

It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

And I'm not a birther, I think he was born in Hawaii. He's just a pompous, arrogant ass who liked the way it sounded. Further I think if he was born in Kenya, he's still eligible, his mother was American, he was natural born.

Stupidity, thy name is liberal...
Who gives a shit what some crazy birfer says?

You mean Obama or another birfer?
you just made the list bu

So Obama can claim he was born in Kenya, and that doesn't make him a "birfer," but if I remember he claimed that, it does make me one? Liberal logic, an oxymoron.

I think he was born in Hawaii, I just think he is a pretentious idiot who liked the way it sounded to be born in Kenya.

Then why was he telling interviewers in mass markets that he was born in Hawaii?
First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review -
Published: February 6, 199
Correction Appended
BOSTON, Feb. 5— The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Activist In Chicago Now Heads Harvard Law Review - Chicago Tribune

Activist In Chicago Now Heads Harvard Law Review
February 07, 1990|By Michael J. Ybarra.

Just a few years ago, Barack Obama was helping residents of the Altgeld Gardens housing development challenge the Chicago Housing Authority over asbestos in their apartments.

Born in Hawaii to the late Barack Obama, once a finance minister in Kenya, and Ann Dunham, an American anthropologist, Obama went to Columbia University before moving to Chicago to work as a community organizer.
Wow you're stupid. None of us said Obama was born in Kenya, we said Obama was the first to say he was. Again, literacy, take liberal reading, the course I'm setting up for liberals who are blinded by Partisanship and aren't even up to a remedial reading course.

Wow your stupid.

You said Obama was the first to say he was born in Kenya, but Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Birthers- taking stupidity to new levels since 2008.

It was his autobiography, Buckwheat, no one makes up where someone is born.

Stupidity, thy name is liberal...

Stupidity thy name is Kaz.

His autobiography. which was not published until 1995- said he was born in Hawaii.

Every interview with him prior to that which mentions his birthplace states he was born in Hawaii.

Only Birthers like you are claiming that Obama wrote that article- which you lie about being an autobiography. The author of the article herself said it was her error

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Read more at Promotional Booklet
If there is no dirt to find, then why pay lawyers over a million dollars to keep them sealed (Perkins Coie LLP of Seattle was paid to keep obama's college records sealed)

Just another Birther lie.

Perkins Cole was the Obama campaign law firm- they were paid for handling the legal affairs of the campaign.

What I find particularly funny about your claim is that Stevie the racist claimed in another thread that it was over 3 million- Birthers can't even keep their own lies straight.

nope, they were hired to keep his records from being discovered by any of the lawsuits requesting them. they were successful, they earned their money.

Now, once again. Why was it worth a million dollars to keep the voters from seeing obama's college records?

The president's college records were confidential from the get-go.

Why? Why don't we have the right to know how he paid for a very expensive education? Why don't we have the right to know what kind of grades he got?

If you say we don't have those rights, Then STFU about Walker and Rand Paul's college records.

But we know that you won't STFU because you libs are the most hypocritical creatures on earth.

What BS.

I have said repeatedly that Walker's college records and his lack of a college degree are irrelevant.
I also have said that Rand Paul's odd false claim about having a biology degree really isn't relevant either- he has a medical degree.

I don't think any candidates college records are relevant- I am consistent on this- I didn't expect to see- nor did I see Mitt Romney's college records, or McCain's records, or all of George Bush's records, or Clinton's records.

All irrelevant.

The hypocrite is you.

You expect to see from President Obama what you don't care about from Walker, didn't ask from Romney, didn't ask from McCain, are satisfied with partial records from George Bush- even as you demand every record from President Obama.

No President has ever shown us how he has paid for 'his very expensive' education. But the only one you care about is Barack Obama. What a hypocrite- what BS.

And as noted- no President has voluntarily ever shown us his college records- why would you imagine that suddenly with Barack Obama in his second term as President you have any right to see his?

wrong, I have consistently said that the american voters are entitled to know everything about the person we put in charge of the nuclear trigger and our nation's futute-------regardless of party.

The difference is that no other presidential candidate has paid lawyers to keep his records, and his past, from view.
In that case, you better put that tinfoil hat back on and head for the compound. The black helicopters will probably be after you next.

When a very prominent opponent of the White House dies of unnatural causes, and then the coroner dies of arsenic poisoning, only an idiot wouldn't ask questions.

the kenyan messiah is above all questioning, the sheep worship him blindly. He could shit in their soup and they would say, ummmmmmmm good.

The Birther sheep follow the Birther lies blindly and stupidly.

If it isn't a transparent lie, innuendo or speculation- Birthers reject it- because they can't handle the truth.

then give us the truth. Tell us how obama financed his harvard tuition. Tell us what scholarships and grants he got. Tell us about his Columbia ID card that shows him as a foreign student.

You dont' give a shit about the 'truth'- you reject the truth- you just want dirt.

You demand that Obama be treated differently than every other President and candidate

We don't know how any candidate or President financed their college educations- you demand that of Obama.
We don't know what scholarships or grants they got- at least not all of them- you demand only that of Obama.

And you are an idiot and a liar- that Columbia ID card was a fake- a lie- which you keep repeating.


Worth posting again.

Just to show what a worthless POS Redfish Bullshitfish is.

He spews crap out, lies low for a day or so, and then just spews out more crap.
Due to citizenship laws at the time of his alleged birth in 1961, if born in Kenya, his mom was to young to pass citzenship to him. She had to be 19. She was less than 3 months shy of her 19th birthday. So no, he would have not been eligible.

The Standard is not the "citizenship laws" the standard is the Constitution. If you are born to an American Citizen, you are born an American. It makes no sense that if a child of Americans was born overseas they meant they were not qualified to be President. If Jefferson had a kid in Paris, they didn't think he should be President? That's ridiculous. They didn't want people to grow up, move here, then become President.
It's about having sole allegiance to America. Born and raised in another country jeopardizes that allegiance.

being totally oblivious to facts because partisanship blocks clear judgment jeopardizes America.

ponder that.

You mean like when Democrats raise McCain's qualification to be President because he was born on a military base in Panama then turn around and go bat shit over wanting Obama to show his birth certificate when the source of the claim he was born in Kenya was ... Obama?

Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Just another Birther lie- thats all Birthers have- lies, speculation and innuendo.

Oh and Senator Obama (D) was one of the Senators who cosponsored the Senate resolution that recognized that Senator McCain was a natural born citizen.

Mrs. McCaskill (for herself, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Obama, Mr. Coburn, Mrs. Clinton, and Mr. Webb) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

April 24, 2008

Reported by Mr. Leahy, without amendment

April 30, 2008

Considered and agreed to


Recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen.

his publisher said it and he did nothing to correct it.

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