Trump Dissolves Voter Fraud Commission

Just reported on CNN by Wolf Blitzer. So, apparently Trump finally realized his "voter fraud" claims are bullshit. Most of us already knew that.

An undeclared admittance of defeat. That’s the closest he’ll ever get in admitting he lied.
And next, he will dissolve voter fraud.

The first step: Build that wall.
Trump signs order disbanding voter fraud commission

Trump dissolves voter fraud commission

"White House: Trump signs order dissolving controversial election fraud commission after states buck information requests."

The White House announced Wednesday that President Trump is dissolving his voter fraud commission after states failed to hand over requested information.

“Despite substantial evidence of voter fraud, many states have refused to provide the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity with basic information relevant to its inquiry,” Trump said in a statement released by the White House.

“Rather than engage in endless legal battles at taxpayer expense, today I signed an executive order to dissolve the Commission, and have asked the Department of Homeland Security to review these issues and determine next courses of action.”
Trump created the bipartisan commission by executive order in May. The president has claimed without evidence that thousands of people voted illegally in the 2016 election.

More winning, right?
Wait, aren't the progressives always claiming there is no voter fraud?
Actually, everyone who knows anything about anything claims there is no significant, in-person voter fraud. This commission was a sham and was never intended to find fraud. It was intended to purge voter rolls and intimidate voters.
Wait, aren't the progressives always claiming there is no voter fraud?

Anyone with a brain knows there is no widespread voter fraud. Very few issues have been researched more than voter fraud and not a single instance of any widespread fraud has been found.
And next, he will dissolve voter fraud.

The first step: Build that wall.
That Mexico will pay for. Lol
You idiots just never learn when you’ve been taken advantage of.

The wall will pay for itself and beyond. No more illegals. People get to keep their tax cuts as leftists are not elected as they can't get people from foreign nations to vote for them.

The wall will be glorious.
American patriots will be dissolving Trump in 2018 and 2020.

And he does it as a major blizzard his ravaging the US so it get buried.

Who'd a thunk it.

The Commission was not able to do its job due to stonewalling and constant frivolous law suits. The mark of Dems, at their usual tricks. It had nothing to do with not finding anything.
The Commission was not able to do its job due to stonewalling and frivolous law suits. The mark of Dems, at their usual tricks. It had nothing to do with not finding anything.
Haha, yes, so frivolous that they won out. And Governors were telling the commission to fuck off. Good stuff.
The verdict is in from every corner [except Trump's under informed one] that voter fraud is sufficiently rare that it simply could not and does not happen at the rate even approaching that which would be required to “rig” an election. Electoral integrity is key to our democracy, and politicians who genuinely care about protecting our elections should focus not on phantom fraud concerns, but on those abuses that actually threaten election security. (Source)
  • Studies Agree: Impersonation Fraud by Voters Very Rarely Happens
  • Courts Agree: Fraud by Voters at the Polls is Nearly Non-Existent
  • Government Investigations Agree: Voter Fraud Is Rare
Just released by the White House.

Statement by the Press Secretary on the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity

“Despite substantial evidence of voter fraud, many states have refused to provide the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity with basic information relevant to its inquiry. Rather than engage in endless legal battles at taxpayer expense, today I signed an executive order to dissolve the Commission, and have asked the Department of Homeland Security to review these issues and determine next courses of action.”

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