Trump forced off stage by SS

Dems have no idea who Trump is because the Media has presented them a lie. They deserve everything she will do to America. ~Shakes head and walks away~
The "assasin's" name appears 7 times in the emails released by wikileaks. He is almost certainly a plant. The whole story oozes of Clinton campaign involvement. Just like the disabled beating...
Do you have a link to that?
Dems have no idea who Trump is because the Media has presented them a lie. They deserve everything she will do to America. ~Shakes head and walks away~
While I agree that the media is biased, NO candidate has EVER given the Left more material to work with than Trump. And it's not even close.

From sparkling gems like talking about the size of his DICK in a nationally-televised debate to insulting POWs to saying "I know more about ISIS than the generals, believe me", much of what the media has done is simply and gleefully point at him and say "hey, look at that".

Has the press taken it and run with it in a partisan way? Yes. But he put it there in the first place. A gift for Democrats everywhere, especially given the incredibly flawed candidate they ran.

Unless you're claiming that the media has somehow made him say those insane things, or that they have somehow dubbed stupid things in Milli Vanilli-style, the fact remains that he has indeed said what he has said. And you can't blame the media for that.
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Right, and because you're a member of the "special" class, we on the right are just fucking second-rate citizens based on your opinions and feelings. It's some kind of twisted fucking pleasure to beat us down and punish us as racists.

You know what happened last time this country did that? Guess what, it's happening again. And you dip shits don't even know it's coming when your own people scream it at the camera.

we beat you down once, we will beat you down again ... when you hear republicans make racist remarks well if the shoe fits??? they fact that we point these things out to you righties and you whine about it instead of correcting it ... I was raised in a racist family ... my father would say hey n word you can't sit next to me ... a raise all kind of hell if a black person was near ... so I know what racism looks like ...i wasn't raised among a bunch of tree hugger I was raised by a racist ... you on the right say we are nothing but a bunch of moochers on welfare and food stamps want a bees... I've never been on food stamps or welfare but thats what you call us ... second rate welfare recipients ... the only reason people who are on food stamps and welfare vote for dems were not the ones who degrade them ... where not the ones who say we want to take it away, you republicans are ... so when they vote for dems you become so incensed ...
... The media is AWOL buddy. As is biased and dishonest as fuck, it's so blatant that even folks who hate Trump are getting pissed. It's driving a rage into this country. you want to talk about who started the "dire" trend of "end of the world" shit- it's the media because the Right no longer feels represented and the LEFT controlled media ignores everything bad that the Dems are doing. The Right no longer has a public voice. period.
that's your opinion not mind ... here trump makes statements .... then when he has them thrown back into his face, its now a biased press... by you right wing moon bats ... thats what you moron just can't seem to get ... trump is his own worst enemy .... do you see the press being biased over hillary ??? or is it only when they repeat what trump said makes them biased

No, it really is despicable, they are supposed to report things objectively and without bias. That's not what they are doing. To twist this incident into Trump's son lying as a headline, that's just criminally biased.
what's despicable,is your inability to distinguish biased press ... you don't want anything negative about trump even though he said it, you don't want that printed it ... you don't like it when they print what he said and now your trying to say its criminally biased ??? you do fit the mold...
Dems have no idea who Trump is because the Media has presented them a lie. They deserve everything she will do to America. ~Shakes head and walks away~
While I agree that the media is biased, NO candidate has EVER given the Left more material to work with than Trump. And it's not even close.

From sparkling gems like talking about the size of his DICK in a nationally-televised debate to insulting POWs to saying "I know more about ISIS than the generals, believe me", much of what the media has done is simply and gleefully point at him and say "hey, look at that". Have they taken it and run with it? Yes. But he put it there in the first place.

Unless you're claiming that the media has somehow made him say those insane things, or that they have somehow dubbed stupid things in Milli Vanilli-style, the fact remains that no one can deny he has indeed said what he has said. And you can't blame the media for that.
oooooooooh no its a biased press if they print what trump says
I predicted that the violence from the fascist left would be escalating. The rallies I have attended all had metal detectors. But I am thinking that if a person really wanted to they could easily get a gun in.
actually if you go and read the article you will find it wasn't a lefty as you say here ... the secret service looked in to him and released him... what they said was he was a republican who held up a sign that said "republicans against" trump where the deplorables attacked him then shouted gun ... like always you're wrong once again
... The media is AWOL buddy. As is biased and dishonest as fuck, it's so blatant that even folks who hate Trump are getting pissed. It's driving a rage into this country. you want to talk about who started the "dire" trend of "end of the world" shit- it's the media because the Right no longer feels represented and the LEFT controlled media ignores everything bad that the Dems are doing. The Right no longer has a public voice. period.
that's your opinion not mind ... here trump makes statements .... then when he has them thrown back into his face, its now a biased press... by you right wing moon bats ... thats what you moron just can't seem to get ... trump is his own worst enemy .... do you see the press being biased over hillary ??? or is it only when they repeat what trump said makes them biased

No, it really is despicable, they are supposed to report things objectively and without bias. That's not what they are doing. To twist this incident into Trump's son lying as a headline, that's just criminally biased.
what's despicable,is your inability to distinguish biased press ... you don't want anything negative about trump even though he said it, you don't want that printed it ... you don't like it when they print what he said and now your trying to say its criminally biased ??? you do fit the mold...

Bullshit. I know objectivity when I see it. The Clinton News Network has abandoned all standards.

No surprise that debate questions end up on her hands, coming from these guys. You on the other hand, are full of shit.
they don't know yet what happened. but there is a history of trump goons beating on protestors. and protestors being removed from dumb donald's rallies.
What makes you think free speech rights should be guaranteed inside a private campaign rally? You take a shit in my yard, you're gonna end up eating it.
Just happened in Nevada. Not sure what happened but SS was jumping into the crowd so obviously some tolerant leftist is doing Hillary's bidding or at least trying to! He is back on stage now.

what happened? did his thugs try to beat up a protester?

Are you willfully ignorant? Show me videos of Trump supporters beating up protesters. I have a over a dozen where Trump supporters are attacked, some severely, by your side.

Again, leftists always scream victim and say the right is violent. Such a easily disproven lie.

no trumpster has the right to ask normal people if they're willfully ignorant.

they don't know yet what happened. but there is a history of trump goons beating on protestors. and protestors being removed from dumb donald's rallies.

Show me the videos. You make the claim PROVE IT. You are either dumb or a liar--quite possibly both.

We are going to deport these illegal beaners when Mr Trump wiins and round up the violent ones remaining for an all expense paid stay in an American prison. The PC Age is coming to an abrupt end.
I predicted that the violence from the fascist left would be escalating. The rallies I have attended all had metal detectors. But I am thinking that if a person really wanted to they could easily get a gun in.

You are thinking about bringing a gun or just inciting?

Neither just relaying how a democrat fascist would be able to get a gun into a rally. It appears that the democrat fascist don't need incited, they are already incited by the lies coming from the left.
Laughing so hard reading these posts...
This would be assassin held up a cardboard sign....

A sign for God's sake.
Wouldn't surprise me if we found out that this was a scheme cooked up by
Rudy g and Steve Bannon....

I have seen better stuff from the wrestlers with the WWE....

Good lord the Trumpsters are trying to make the Donald out to be some tough guy
who stood toe to toe with a cardboard sign....
Wouldn't surprise me if we found out that this was a scheme cooked up by
Rudy g and Steve Bannon....

I have seen better stuff from the wrestlers with the WWE....

Good lord the Trumpsters are trying to make the Donald out to be some tough guy
who stood toe to toe with a cardboard sign....
They just release you?
After reading the article with the up date nothing I said was wrong. The guy might not have been there with a gun but he did incite violence. Which is what he wanted in the first place. Now he has a national stage to project his fascist views.

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