Trump has created the Deep State

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They all do 'the same sh*t' IM2.....

No they don't. It's time we stopped telling ourselves the both sides lie too.

you belong to a party that doesn't lie IM2....?


All parties consist of humans. Humans lie. So, all parties lie. There is, however, just one party that has mounted an all-out assault on truth itself, up to, and including, an all-out assault on every institution of truth-seeking there is. That difference is crucial, and really, really hard to miss, as it takes enormous determination to do so.
So this will be the excuse when the Barr indictments are handed down for the real deep state?
Trumps deep state going after the real deep state?
lay off the crack
Most dumbassed thing I ever heard. How fucking brain dead do have to be in order to miss the fact that establishment liberal media, the professoriate on campuses and entire Democratic Party is out to stop Trump. Why? Because he rails against the machine! Trump is the true outsider they fear because all of us supposed “ignorant bumpkins” in flyover country (that would be us who feed the United States and fight our wars) support him. Heartlanders don't go to Starbucks for caffe lattes and have spas. We don’t have “gay pride” parades down our streets either.
What wars did donny fight in ?

the wars he had with fidelity, having decent hair plugs, & keeping his soul & humanity.

with all 3, he lost bigley.
They all do 'the same sh*t' IM2.....

No they don't. It's time we stopped telling ourselves the both sides lie too.

you belong to a party that doesn't lie IM2....?


All parties consist of humans. Humans lie. So, all parties lie. There is, however, just one party that has mounted an all-out assault on truth itself, up to, and including, an all-out assault on every institution of truth-seeking there is. That difference is crucial, and really, really hard to miss, as it takes enormous determination to do so.

False equivalence is a logical fallacy in which two completely opposing arguments appear to be logically equivalent when in fact they are not. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency.[1]

A common way for this fallacy to be perpetuated is one shared trait between two subjects is assumed to show equivalence, especially in order of magnitude, when equivalence is not necessarily the logical result.[2] False equivalence is a common result when an anecdotal similarity is pointed out as equal, but the claim of equivalence doesn't bear because the similarity is based on oversimplification or ignorance of additional factors. The pattern of the fallacy is often as such: "If A is the set of c and d, and B is the set of d and e, then since they both contain d, A and B are equal". d is not required to exist in both sets; only a passing similarity is required to cause this fallacy to be used.

False equivalence arguments are often used in journalism[3][4] and in politics, where the minor flaws of one candidate may be compared to major flaws of another.[5][6]

~ wiki
State Department
Published 2 days ago
Judge orders State Department to produce Ukraine documents

A U.S. district judge on Wednesday ordered the State Department to comply with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents regarding Ukraine and the Trump administration.

The records, requested by ethics watchdog American Oversight, must be produced within 30 days, District Judge Christopher Cooper said, agreeing with the watchdog that the documents were of public importance.
The organization sued the State Department on Oct. 1 for documents relating to President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and Ukraine. The government has said it doesn't know how many records exist.

Rudy Giuliani is looking for a defense attorney, sources say
By Erica Orden, Katelyn Polantz and Evan Perez, CNN

(CNN)Rudy Giuliani has been approaching defense attorneys for possible representation, according to three sources familiar with the matter.
The move by Giuliani, who is President Donald Trump's personal attorney, is notable because last week he said he would not be seeking a new lawyer unless he felt one was needed. His previous lawyer, John Sale, was helping him deal with congressional inquiries.

Rudy Giuliani is looking for a defense attorney, sources say - CNNPolitics

Because the world needs more of this nonsense...
Sad Lena Dunham: White Women with 'Violent Privilege' Voted Trump
So this will be the excuse when the Barr indictments are handed down for the real deep state?
Trumps deep state going after the real deep state?
lay off the crack
If Barr had a single iota of anything, grand juries would have been convening.
News broke last night that John Durham was in the process of impaneling a grand jury after McCabe turned down his pre-indictment plea agreement offer. Be patient!
The truth will get out...but who will carry it.
/———/ “The truth will get out...but who will carry it.”
State Department
Published 2 days ago
Judge orders State Department to produce Ukraine documents

A U.S. district judge on Wednesday ordered the State Department to comply with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents regarding Ukraine and the Trump administration.

The records, requested by ethics watchdog American Oversight, must be produced within 30 days, District Judge Christopher Cooper said, agreeing with the watchdog that the documents were of public importance.
The organization sued the State Department on Oct. 1 for documents relating to President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and Ukraine. The government has said it doesn't know how many records exist.

Rudy Giuliani is looking for a defense attorney, sources say
By Erica Orden, Katelyn Polantz and Evan Perez, CNN

(CNN)Rudy Giuliani has been approaching defense attorneys for possible representation, according to three sources familiar with the matter.
The move by Giuliani, who is President Donald Trump's personal attorney, is notable because last week he said he would not be seeking a new lawyer unless he felt one was needed. His previous lawyer, John Sale, was helping him deal with congressional inquiries.

Rudy Giuliani is looking for a defense attorney, sources say - CNNPolitics

Because the world needs more of this nonsense...
Sad Lena Dunham: White Women with 'Violent Privilege' Voted Trump


worst non sequitur

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You investigate tramp or anything to do with him, you will get Barr on your arse and he will do all to indict you, smear your name, reputation, and ruin you.
One would think those who bought the Russiagate Hoax, would hide their heads in shame.
When it comes to these things I look upon Trump and Giuliani as harmless amateurs. Of all the numerous Trump associates dating back to the start of his candidacy the one truly dangerous one has been Paul Manafort.

Interesting. I wouldn't underestimate Cohen in that department, for everyone with the connections to set "muscle" in march, might be physically dangerous.

What do you think sets Manafort apart?

Trump and Giuliana were outsiders to Washington before Trump's election. On the other hand Manafort was an insider from way back who among other things:

Former President Viktor F. Yanukovych committed treason by inviting Russia to invade Ukraine and reverse a pro-Western revolution that ousted him from power, a court in Kiev ruled on Thursday, sentencing Mr. Yanukovych to 13 years in prison.

The former president is a widely reviled figure in Ukraine for his over-the-top corruption — he lived in a palace with a private zoo — and because the police shot dozens of antigovernment demonstrators during an uprising in 2014. He has also been widely characterized in Ukraine and the West as pro-Russia — and even as a puppet of the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin.

The court’s ruling was the first to formally determine that Mr. Yanukovych was serving Russian interests while president of Ukraine.

Mr. Yanukovych and his political party, the Party of Regions, were the primary clients of Mr. Manafort’s political consulting business for a decade before Mr. Manafort became chairman of the Trump campaign.

Mr. Manafort continued working for wealthy Ukrainians affiliated with the Party of Regions after Mr. Yanukovych’s downfall and last visited Kiev in 2015.

Ukraine’s Ex-President Is Convicted of Treason

A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.
This is like the rapist accusing the victim of forcing them to commit rapes.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.
What an absolutely dumb fucking assertion. You are either a political hack or ignorant of history. The fucking liberals have been imbedded in Washington DC since Vietnam, the Great Society and the 1960’s. Try to find a media outlet that is not a mouthpiece of the Democratic Party? They all stay in their “Boshwash Bubble” and attempt to run the country from the east coast with help from their fucking left coast shills. You are one simple motherfucker. Trump is the outsider they don’t want and don’t like. Continue with your brainwashing by your college profs and eat up that bullshit propaganda fed to you by fake news NYC-Boston-DC Deep State Establishment you mindless simpleton! :321:

The media is not controlled by democrats. Your dumb ass watches, listens to and reads shit from the media. And the right wing media tells you all the media is controlled by liberals and you actually believe it. That's how dumb you right wingers are. Trump has never been an outsider. He endorsed Romney, he's contributed and raised funds for both political parties. The motherfucker has been part of the political establishment in one party or the other for over 40 years.

Newt Gingrich told your asses that college professors were all liberals, but Gingrich was a college professor. This is how dumb you right wingers are. Trump lives in NYC and was part of the NYC wealthy elite. But you think he for the average citizen. This is how dumb you right wingers are.

The motherfucker passed a permanent tax cut for the rich, while everyone elses cut runs out either next year or 2021 right in your face and you swear the crumbs he gave you are the greatest in US history. This is how dumb you right wingers are. So now he enlisted a buddy and some cronies to go into a country to force a government to find dirt on a political opponent, acting outside of official US foreign policy, nominates an attorney general who does not do his job, but instead works on Trumps command, who is now launching a criminal investigation with no charges, and you are too dumb to see a problem with this.

You are a sucker.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.
This is like the rapist accusing the victim of forcing them to commit rapes.

Only to the brain damaged.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

The truth is once all the facts come out about what the Progs have done in DC this is going to look like tiddlywinks, and you know it.

The truth is coming out in this inquiry and that's what we all know.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.


Nice try. However, reality is far more damning, as the Mob Boss has created his own kneecap-crushing team of goons operating outside of, and subverting, U.S. foreign policy for his personal gains. If anything, the "Deep State" - the guardians of the law, the Constitution, of proper procedures - are on to the goon squad, and picking them off, one by one.


We see the same thing but are using different descriptions. The constitutionally proper performance of our government in regards to this matter, you're calling the deep state while I call it good governance. Same thing. Trump has created a shadow government and these guys are too dumb to see it.
A shadow foreign policy with Rudy Giuliani appointed by Trump to go into other countries to find dirt on political opposition. Selection of an Attorney General who upon Trumps command uses the department of justice to investigate and potentially detain political opposition. This is the deep state folks.

Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects, but no president, republican or democrat has done this since Nixon. And people refuse to see the danger is allowing Trump a second term where he will think he has been given permission by the American people to expand his power.

"Now I am sure the excuses and lies will come from the standard suspects"
So this will be the excuse when the Barr indictments are handed down for the real deep state?
Trumps deep state going after the real deep state?
lay off the crack
If Barr had a single iota of anything, grand juries would have been convening.
News broke last night that John Durham was in the process of impaneling a grand jury after McCabe turned down his pre-indictment plea agreement offer. Be patient!
The truth will get out...but who will carry it.
/———/ “The truth will get out...but who will carry it.”

Trump: 'Don’t believe what you’re reading or seeing'

Giuliani: 'Truth isn't truth'

Kellyanne Conway : "You're saying it's a falsehood, and they're saying Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that."
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