Trump Has The Edge Because...

I really don't know how he plans on running 400 companies, doing 2 t.v. reality shows, and running the Miss Universe contest all at the same time.
Stay tuned, watch, listen, and learn.
"Trump Has The Edge Because..."

Actually Trump has no 'edge' at all, given the fact he's not a serious candidate.

Trump has managed to con about a fourth of republicans into believing he is a 'serious' candidate by playing on and exploiting their fears, ignorance, and inane, naive desire for an 'outsider' president, a manifestation of the right's contempt for sound, responsible governance.
They said similar things about Ronald Reagan (before he won 2 landslides in a row).

You're so out of touch with reality on when and how Reagan got the GOP to vote for him. You do know he ran like 3 times? :laugh2:
Link? you're delusional

1968, 1976,and1980 :cuckoo:

Thanks, forgot Bozzo ran in '68




Any questions?

Any questions?

Electoral college aside, you do know Reagan did not win a popular vote landslide in 1980? Obama did better in 2012 and with more people voting.

imagine that?

just the facts ma'am

Reagan 1980
Popular vote 43,903,230
Percentage 50.8%

Turnout 52.6%

Obama in 2012
Popular vote 65,915,796

Turnout 58.2% (voting eligible).

wikipedia linked

Any questions?

Electoral college aside, you do know Reagan did not win a popular vote landslide in 1980? Obama did better in 2012 and with more people voting.

imagine that?

just the facts ma'am

Reagan 1980
Popular vote 43,903,230
Percentage 50.8%

Turnout 52.6%

Obama in 2012
Popular vote 65,915,796

Turnout 58.2% (voting eligible).

wikipedia linked
Electoral College aside??? That's what determines the winner, in case you didn't know that, stupid. And the population grew substantially between 1980 and 2012, so naturally the numbers will be higher 32 years later. Once again, your desperation is apparent. How many electoral votes did Obama get in 2008 and 2012?
Trump doesn't have the edge.

The people who want someone other than Trump have a huge lead.
That makes no sense but most of your posts make no sense.

Trump is STUCK at somewhere around 20% or less, than means the other 80% are saying OH HELL NO to Trump. So carbineer is right, and this picture kind of proves it.

Here is Trump at a S.C rally--notice all the empty seats. Of course Trump had a fit with CNN reporting the empty seats, and called them to complain--LOL It's terrible reporting, I say, just terrible--LOL

I think the Trump honeymoon is over.

Donald Trump says he didn’t speak to a half-empty room. But he did.
Electoral College aside??? That's what determines the winner, in case you didn't know that, stupid. And the population grew substantially between 1980 and 2012, so naturally the numbers will be higher 32 years later. Once again, your desperation is apparent. How many electoral votes did Obama get in 2008 and 2012?

You confuse turnout percentages with the actual vote numbers? :cuckoo: A higher percentage of people voted for Obama. In 2008 it was huge compared to 1980

Of course electoral college aside, and Presidents have been elected without a majority of the popular vote.

The point being Reagan was not as widely popular as you attempted to portray him. You lied or are so dumb you don't know you're full of myth
Electoral College aside??? That's what determines the winner, in case you didn't know that, stupid. And the population grew substantially between 1980 and 2012, so naturally the numbers will be higher 32 years later. Once again, your desperation is apparent. How many electoral votes did Obama get in 2008 and 2012?

You confuse turnout percentages with the actual vote numbers? :cuckoo: A higher percentage of people voted for Obama. In 2008 it was huge compared to 1980

Of course electoral college aside, and Presidents have been elected without a majority of the popular vote.

The point being Reagan was not as widely popular as you attempted to portray him. You lied or are so dumb you don't know you're full of myth
Nice try, but you can't change history.
Electoral College aside??? That's what determines the winner, in case you didn't know that, stupid. And the population grew substantially between 1980 and 2012, so naturally the numbers will be higher 32 years later. Once again, your desperation is apparent. How many electoral votes did Obama get in 2008 and 2012?

You confuse turnout percentages with the actual vote numbers? :cuckoo: A higher percentage of people voted for Obama. In 2008 it was huge compared to 1980

Of course electoral college aside, and Presidents have been elected without a majority of the popular vote.

The point being Reagan was not as widely popular as you attempted to portray him. You lied or are so dumb you don't know you're full of myth
Nice try, but you can't change history.

History is that Reagan was not popular in 1980. His election in 1984 was a killer, but then ... he lied and traded weapons with the enemy
Ronald Reagan From the People’s Perspective: A Gallup Poll Review

Reagan's Ratings While He Was in Office

Reagan was not an extraordinarily well-regarded president during his eight years in office. He averaged a 53% job approval rating during his presidency, slightly below average for all U.S. presidents for which Gallup has recorded job approval ratings.
He's funding his own campaign. What makes a candidate drop out of the race is his donors. If they think he won't win, they'll stop sending him money. Trump won't run into the same problems others do when their donations start slowing down. Laying off staff, skipping smaller events (and losing those votes), being able to afford tv ads, radio ads, etc.
In addition to having unlimited funds, he has the advantage of being able to truthfully say "I'm not beholden to anybody". This will help Trump tremendously if he gets the nomination. His Democrat opponent won't be able to say the same thing, including Sanders.
Most people would agree that we need somebody like Trump who can't be bought. This will start to resonate as the field narrows and will be a major issue in the general.
What are your thoughts on this?

If Trump wins the nomination, he won't have enough time to put together the ground support that he will need to beat the Democratic nominee. In presidential elections, Dems tend to have more voters, so it's a matter of getting voters to the polls. Romney lost because Obama had a much stronger ground game. Trump will have an even weaker ground game than Romney had.

Any questions?

Electoral college aside, you do know Reagan did not win a popular vote landslide in 1980? Obama did better in 2012 and with more people voting.

imagine that?

just the facts ma'am

Reagan 1980
Popular vote 43,903,230
Percentage 50.8%

Turnout 52.6%

Obama in 2012
Popular vote 65,915,796

Turnout 58.2% (voting eligible).

wikipedia linked
Electoral College aside??? That's what determines the winner, in case you didn't know that, stupid. And the population grew substantially between 1980 and 2012, so naturally the numbers will be higher 32 years later. Once again, your desperation is apparent. How many electoral votes did Obama get in 2008 and 2012?

Dummy doesn't understand percentages? lol

"Reagan 1980

Percentage 50.8%

Turnout 52.6%

Obama in 2012


Turnout 58.2% (voting eligible)."




Any questions?


Reagan's Administration Was Among the Most Corrupt

The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any US president.

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Whose debt???

Lesson for ‘Fiscal Cliff’ negotiators: The Reagan-O’Neill tax hike
He's funding his own campaign. What makes a candidate drop out of the race is his donors. If they think he won't win, they'll stop sending him money. Trump won't run into the same problems others do when their donations start slowing down. Laying off staff, skipping smaller events (and losing those votes), being able to afford tv ads, radio ads, etc.
In addition to having unlimited funds, he has the advantage of being able to truthfully say "I'm not beholden to anybody". This will help Trump tremendously if he gets the nomination. His Democrat opponent won't be able to say the same thing, including Sanders.
Most people would agree that we need somebody like Trump who can't be bought. This will start to resonate as the field narrows and will be a major issue in the general.
What are your thoughts on this?

If Trump wins the nomination, he won't have enough time to put together the ground support that he will need to beat the Democratic nominee. In presidential elections, Dems tend to have more voters, so it's a matter of getting voters to the polls. Romney lost because Obama had a much stronger ground game. Trump will have an even weaker ground game than Romney had.

The Donald says he will take refresher courses (more like auditing new subjects for him) and will be up to speed by the time he's elected


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