Trump: "I Don't Take Responsibility At All"

So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around

uh-huh. is that why he didn't want our fellow american citizens from that ship turned petri dish to be repatriated & thereby spiking the number of COVID-19 cases because he
' liked the numbers where they were & it WASN'T OUR FAULT ' ?
Trump knew that the numbers would be waved by the lib media like a bloody shirt
The “It’s everyone else’s fault but Trump’s” excuse.
See post #3, 6, and 18
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around

uh-huh. is that why he didn't want our fellow american citizens from that ship turned petri dish to be repatriated & thereby spiking the number of COVID-19 cases because he
' liked the numbers where they were & it WASN'T OUR FAULT ' ?
Trump knew that the numbers would be waved by the lib media like a bloody shirt

truth. it's called the truth. real numbers are the truth. why is donny afraid of the truth?

this is a narrative that donny can't control.
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

the virus itself isn't his fault - but how he has handled it is. they knew about this for months & there were several meetings held at the HHS, where government EXPERTS were excluded. we are also weeks behind in testing - thereby we are completely in the dark as far as how many actual cases there are. we are woefully unprepared when we had lost weeks & weeks of preparatory actions. people WOULD have had time to slowly stock up on essentials to ride this out. the medical side WOULD have had time to stock up & acquire ventilators etc.
Calm down

whats the current body count in the US from the chinese virus?

you are totally freaked out over 50 deaths

body count? you mean american deaths? they are someone's parent, or grandparent, spouse. i am concerned about what is to come. the real numbers & the INCREASING death rate. did you know they have learned that the virus can last for up to 3 days on surfaces?

why are YOU freaked out at donny's incompetent response getting the attention it needs so we can pull thru this despite him & his fucking hunches?
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around

uh-huh. is that why he didn't want our fellow american citizens from that ship turned petri dish to be repatriated & thereby spiking the number of COVID-19 cases because he
' liked the numbers where they were & it WASN'T OUR FAULT ' ?
Trump knew that the numbers would be waved by the lib media like a bloody shirt

truth. it's called the truth. real numbers are the truth. why is donny afraid of the truth?

this is a narrative that donny can't control.
Including American deaths from outside the US are misleading about the situation inside the US
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies
Ooooh, reporters asked questions that actually required answers! Oh, God! Give me a break. You fuckers are a bunch of pathetic losers!!
My minor was journalism in college. What they do is not journalism. You can spoon that shit up all you want and eat it, but call it what it is.

So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around

uh-huh. is that why he didn't want our fellow american citizens from that ship turned petri dish to be repatriated & thereby spiking the number of COVID-19 cases because he
' liked the numbers where they were & it WASN'T OUR FAULT ' ?
Trump knew that the numbers would be waved by the lib media like a bloody shirt

truth. it's called the truth. real numbers are the truth. why is donny afraid of the truth?

this is a narrative that donny can't control.
Including American deaths from outside the US are misleading about the situation inside the US

what's misleading is the number of infectious americans who are carriers & giving it to other people who are giving it to other people.... the germ can stay active up to 3 days on surfaces. this ain't gonna end anytime soon.
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies
Ooooh, reporters asked questions that actually required answers! Oh, God! Give me a break. You fuckers are a bunch of pathetic losers!!
My minor was journalism in college. What they do is not journalism. You can spoon that shit up all you want and eat it, but call it what it is.

Many of them become journalists because they are dumb or lazy and dont want to work hard
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies
Ooooh, reporters asked questions that actually required answers! Oh, God! Give me a break. You fuckers are a bunch of pathetic losers!!
My minor was journalism in college. What they do is not journalism. You can spoon that shit up all you want and eat it, but call it what it is.

Many of them become journalists because they are dumb or lazy and dont want to work hard
A journalist does in fact work hard.

Gossip bitches, not so much.
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around

uh-huh. is that why he didn't want our fellow american citizens from that ship turned petri dish to be repatriated & thereby spiking the number of COVID-19 cases because he
' liked the numbers where they were & it WASN'T OUR FAULT ' ?
Trump knew that the numbers would be waved by the lib media like a bloody shirt

truth. it's called the truth. real numbers are the truth. why is donny afraid of the truth?

this is a narrative that donny can't control.
Including American deaths from outside the US are misleading about the situation inside the US

what's misleading is the number of infectious americans who are carriers & giving it to other people who are giving it to other people.... the germ can stay active up to 3 days on surfaces. this ain't gonna end anytime soon.
Rational people know that the world cannot stop indefinitely over a virus

millions will catch the virus

thats only common sense

but millions of Americans will not die as freaked out liberals are suggesting

Your criminal president tries "to buy" German scientists, who are successfully working on a vaccine against Corona. He offers them jobs in the USA. The same time he tries to sell patents of their research. Throw this criminal into the next hell and close it forever. He should forget the strange idea every problem needs only money to be solved. He destroys important structures of the fight against Corona, that's all. Better is to motivate your own scientists to work together with us. His war against everyone is totally mad. A psychiatrist should take a serios look at him. Specially he should learn yesterday to take responsibiliity and the day before yesterday he had to learn to be able to work together with others - specially in a dangerous situation. Who wins lor loses the next elections in the USA is not really a serios problem. Corona is.
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The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around

uh-huh. is that why he didn't want our fellow american citizens from that ship turned petri dish to be repatriated & thereby spiking the number of COVID-19 cases because he
' liked the numbers where they were & it WASN'T OUR FAULT ' ?
Trump knew that the numbers would be waved by the lib media like a bloody shirt

truth. it's called the truth. real numbers are the truth. why is donny afraid of the truth?

this is a narrative that donny can't control.
Including American deaths from outside the US are misleading about the situation inside the US

what's misleading is the number of infectious americans who are carriers & giving it to other people who are giving it to other people.... the germ can stay active up to 3 days on surfaces.

My information is 5-6 days. But smear infection is not a 100% clear way. For sure it is droplet infection. A way for infection between both ways is perhaps a way over the conjunctiva or other mucous membranes. => For example: Don't touch with the hands the own face or anyone else (no handshakes). Wash your hands as soon as possible and as often as necesserry when you touched something like door handles and other objects, which are often touched from different persons. Learn now to do so. Do not wait.

this ain't gonna end anytime soon.

The problem is to be able to help the people who will get serios problems with Corona. The slower (what also means the longer) this crisis is the better is the chance for the infected people to be able to get professional help. The psychological quality everyone needs now is patience, a sharp mind and stoicism: be calm and relaxed, even if you are under stress. Give this virus just simple not any chance to win - and be not desperated when it will win. It will win (in most cases). But the later the better. The longer the virus needs to infect someone the better is the situation for the people, who are able to help you and others, if the virus causes a serios health problem. In 80% of all cases it will not cause a serios health problem. It kills in most cases people who are old and have pre-existing problems with the own health. But this is no guarantee. It kills also young people from time to time. Fight for you yourselve and your parents and grandparents against this virus. It's war. And tell your presidential idiot Donald Trump: war knows rules. Never attack allies is for example such a rule. Perhaps he should go to the grave of John McCain and learn something from him.

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Prove it!
The lib reporter was either a liar or an incompetent slob who failed to verify his story before publishing it
It wasn't "published" anywhere, it was a twitter post just like Nazi Don's lie about what leadership is to him!
Only Lyin' Don never retracted his lie. See the difference?
Was the lying lib a journalist?
He was a twitterist just like Lyin' Don.
In fact it was more than just a tweet by the lib reporter

A Note to Our Readers
It was ONLY a tweet, and it seems the bust was removed and only put back as a result of the tweet.
Could be interesting to know how man men and women thought "shit!" when they heared Trump was tested not to have Corona. Keeps a hope: He continues to shake hands and to get and spread Corona in this way. Fortuntalely idiotic comments from him do not spread Corona - or do they? Whategre - I'm sure the virus hears hot what he says. Trump fights the wrong war - together with this virus against other human beings and against other nations. The enemy is now the virus and not any mistake from whomever in the past. What is the e54ruskl oif this words? What likes Donald Trump do now immediatelly depending on the current dynamic situation? How likes he to to coordinate the fight iof the USA against this virus with the fight of all other nations against this virus? This virus is global problem and we need global solutions.
This virus is global problem and we need global solutions

Then why dont you harass the United Nations instead of bitching at America?

The United Nations are doing a good job. The USA is a disaster.
The US has fewer deaths from the chinese virus than the UN does in its area of responsibility
Well it should. We are an entire fucking ocean away.
Then you have nothing to complain about

trump is doing a better job than the UN or WHO
Of course I do. The idiot in the WH is something everyone is complaining about.
It wasn't "published" anywhere, it was a twitter post just like Nazi Don's lie about what leadership is to him!
Only Lyin' Don never retracted his lie. See the difference?
Was the lying lib a journalist?
He was a twitterist just like Lyin' Don.
In fact it was more than just a tweet by the lib reporter

A Note to Our Readers
You're bringing this up NOW? Why?
I didnt bring it up

I am responding to a liberal
You were defending the CON who brought it up!
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

leave them alone----they are playing WORD DISSECTION
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

leave them alone----they are playing WORD DISSECTION
I thought you went to school? Taking responsibility is the definition of accepting fault. Its even in the dictionary.
uh-huh. is that why he didn't want our fellow american citizens from that ship turned petri dish to be repatriated & thereby spiking the number of COVID-19 cases because he
' liked the numbers where they were & it WASN'T OUR FAULT ' ?
Trump knew that the numbers would be waved by the lib media like a bloody shirt

truth. it's called the truth. real numbers are the truth. why is donny afraid of the truth?

this is a narrative that donny can't control.
Including American deaths from outside the US are misleading about the situation inside the US

what's misleading is the number of infectious americans who are carriers & giving it to other people who are giving it to other people.... the germ can stay active up to 3 days on surfaces. this ain't gonna end anytime soon.
Rational people know that the world cannot stop indefinitely over a virus

millions will catch the virus

thats only common sense

but millions of Americans will not die as freaked out liberals are suggesting

i haven't heard nor read any liberals 'suggesting' or otherwise that 'millions of 'mericans are gonna die'. can you source any of that? if not, i call bs on that. & i'm concerned about who can get sick from it. it's called empathy. how 'bout them links or some liberal posters' names?
The lib reporter was either a liar or an incompetent slob who failed to verify his story before publishing it
It wasn't "published" anywhere, it was a twitter post just like Nazi Don's lie about what leadership is to him!
Only Lyin' Don never retracted his lie. See the difference?
Was the lying lib a journalist?
He was a twitterist just like Lyin' Don.
In fact it was more than just a tweet by the lib reporter

A Note to Our Readers
It was ONLY a tweet, and it seems the bust was removed and only put back as a result of the tweet.
Sez who?

Time Magazine acknowledged they screwed up
Was the lying lib a journalist?
He was a twitterist just like Lyin' Don.
In fact it was more than just a tweet by the lib reporter

A Note to Our Readers
You're bringing this up NOW? Why?
I didnt bring it up

I am responding to a liberal
You were defending the CON who brought it up!
I was replying to the lib lies about the incident

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