Trump: "I support the Great Lakes. They have record deepness"

No one is hiding anything in the Mueller report. A lot of the grand jury references have to be redacted as per federal law before it is released, to protect the innocent.
no one associated with Tramp is innocent!
No one is hiding anything in the Mueller report. A lot of the grand jury references have to be redacted as per federal law before it is released, to protect the innocent.
no one associated with Tramp is innocent!

i will add that shiff, nadler, & 6 others, both (D) & (R), have TOP SECRET CLEARANCES, which is the highest level one can have. there is no difference between what barr, mueller, rosenstein & the 8 congress criitters are allowed to see or be briefed on- including any grand jury materials. nobody is thinking that 100% of the classified intel should be released to the public. but to deny those that by law can view the report in its entirety sure looks like an attempt to slow things down so a cover up can take place.

You scum bags see us as deplorable.....

We squashed your queen in the dirt...………...

& yet hillary walked away without 17 agencies investigating her. guess what? she still doesn't.

In a just world hillary and all of her comrades involved with spying

on the Trump campaign and trying to frame him with the Trumped

up FISA warrant would be in prison.....
Did anyone ever mention you have no sense of humor?

I actually have a great sense of humor.....

That’s why I like messing with you Tards....

You Tards and your banana Republic have to be stopped if America is to Survive....

^^^ :th_BlackHelicopter: ^^^


That’s Funny....

It’s you Tards that had your heads pumped full of Bull Shit by cnn and msnbctard...

Bombshell.....You and your media are full of Shit....:fu:
Trump says Great Lakes have 'record deepness'

"I support the Great Lakes. Always have," Trump said during his speech. "They're beautiful. They're big. Very deep. Record deepness."

Well, there it is.

The nihilist in me is loving this.
Yahoo, it wasn't that long ago we were told the great lakes were going to dry up because of global warming. Now they are nearing record highs.Trumps an idiot. And The "scientists" warning us about the great lakes drying up? Somehow people still believe. Yeesh. Consider thinking for yourselves. And even paying attention to reality.

Care to use more current info....


Certainly aren't drying up.

It just dawned on Me that this would fit in the list of, "Things you'd love to hear from your lover"

You had record deepness.

Can't really decide of that is frightening that she is keeping record without telling you how many are in the game, or if you should have record coverage!

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