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Trump Impeachment

People are saying the Trump impeachment is inevitable. Groups are pushing for it and articles are starting to show up about it.
How many Republican congressmen will block the effort to formally charge the new President with crimes? Will a group of elected officials go to Trump and ask him to resign the way they did with Nixon?

Comrade Trump and his supporters have made a lot of Republican enemies on the hill. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and many others that he has offended with his comments and tweets. On the house side the Reich wing even tried to primary Paul Ryan, house speaker.

Lately Trump has been trying to usurp their constitutional authority with all these executive orders, making tensions between the Senate & House worse. Primarily the wall, the sanctuary cities paying for the wall, and fraudulent vote executive order T.V. reality show, he has been putting on. Anytime there is MONEY involved it has to go through congress FIRST for approval.

If they found collusion with anyone in the Trump campaign, or anyone he is associated with regarding these Putin hackings they would have to seek impeachment. That is collusion with a foreign adversary to do a Cyber attack on the United States which would be considered TREASON. And they may already have something. This New York Times article was written prior to all Russian diplomats being thrown out of this country.

Also his conflicts of interest are everywhere, and he is being held hostage by several foreign countries, including CHINA. The Trump empire owns hotels in China. Any President has to be conflict of interest free, and Trump certainly isn't. If his kids own everything now, he is still going to protect them, no matter what.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

I really don't think they would have any problems impeaching Comrade Trump for these things to install Mike Pence as President. It's more than clear that in the 1st week of his Presidency he is unfit to be President of the United States. The longer he stays in office, the more damage he will do to the Republican party. I think they know that. They may be more than willing to let the Trump Titanic sink with his supporters on board.


The senate has announced they will be doing a thorough investigation into the Russian hacking, and they will be using subpoenas.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

The DOJ has announced it will be investigating the FBI and FBI director James Comey's unprecedented failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI


This cannot stand
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People are saying the Trump impeachment is inevitable. Groups are pushing for it and articles are starting to show up about it.
How many Republican congressmen will block the effort to formally charge the new President with crimes? Will a group of elected officials go to Trump and ask him to resign the way they did with Nixon?

^^^Troll post...level? Tenderfoot.

Let's rewrite this post...

"[Unnamed] People are saying the Camp is infected with the STD Blue Waffle Disease. [Unnamed] Groups are pushing for a quarantine and lists are showing up of prostitutes he has frequented, as he cannot have sex without an accompanying financial transaction.
How many Liberal USMB members will attempt to block the effort to quarantine Camp? Will a group of pro prostitution USMB go to Camp and ask him to quarantine himself?"

Don't bother denying it...I just typed it and that makes it fact.
See how easily that strawman was erected?
People are saying the Trump impeachment is inevitable. Groups are pushing for it and articles are starting to show up about it.
How many Republican congressmen will block the effort to formally charge the new President with crimes? Will a group of elected officials go to Trump and ask him to resign the way they did with Nixon?

^^^Troll post...level? Tenderfoot.

Let's rewrite this post...

"People are saying the Camp is infected with the STD Blue Waffle Disease. Groups are pushing for a quarantine and lists are showing up of prostitutes he has frequented, as he cannot have sex without an accompanying financial transaction.
How many Liberal USMB members will attempt to block the effort to quarantine Camp? Will a group of pro prostitution USMB go to Camp and ask him to quarantine himself?"

Don't bother denying it...I just typed it and that makes it fact.
See how easily that strawman was erected?
Now that isn't very nice. The things in my OP are based on actual news articles from Fortune Magazine, NY TIMES, NY DAILY NEWS, Huffington Post, etc., all available from a simple google search of ' trump impeachment '. That same google search links to several actual formal groups who are promoting and lobbying for impeachment. Those same articles and sites have comments from readers, hence discussions are being held. That means people are indeed saying things about the topic. Your childish rant is just you telling lies and attempting to be witty and clever. Plain and simple, your post is full of lies, not witty at all, while mine is provable objective fact. You do get some points for humor, however, that is what clowns do.
Now that isn't very nice. The things in my OP are based on actual news articles from Fortune Magazine, NY TIMES, NY DAILY NEWS, Huffington Post, etc., all available from a simple google search of ' trump impeachment '. That same google search links to several actual formal groups who are promoting and lobbying for impeachment. Those same articles and sites have comments from readers, hence discussions are being held. That means people are indeed saying things about the topic. Your childish rant o is just you telling lies and attempting to be witty and clever. Plain and simple, your post is full of lies, not witty at all while mine is provable objective fact. You do get some points for humor, however, that is what clowns do.

Are you denying the rumors you have contracted Blue Waffle Disease from have multiple relations with Haitian prostitutes?

A google search of "Camp and Blue Waffle Disease" yielded 644,000 results!

Will you self quarantine, or will it be necessary for the courts to intervene?
People are saying the Trump impeachment is inevitable. Groups are pushing for it and articles are starting to show up about it.
How many Republican congressmen will block the effort to formally charge the new President with crimes? Will a group of elected officials go to Trump and ask him to resign the way they did with Nixon?

^^^Troll post...level? Tenderfoot.

Let's rewrite this post...

"People are saying the Camp is infected with the STD Blue Waffle Disease. Groups are pushing for a quarantine and lists are showing up of prostitutes he has frequented, as he cannot have sex without an accompanying financial transaction.
How many Liberal USMB members will attempt to block the effort to quarantine Camp? Will a group of pro prostitution USMB go to Camp and ask him to quarantine himself?"

Don't bother denying it...I just typed it and that makes it fact.
See how easily that strawman was erected?
Now that isn't very nice. The things in my OP are based on actual news articles from Fortune Magazine, NY TIMES, NY DAILY NEWS, Huffington Post, etc., all available from a simple google search of ' trump impeachment '. That same google search links to several actual formal groups who are promoting and lobbying for impeachment. Those same articles and sites have comments from readers, hence discussions are being held. That means people are indeed saying things about the topic. Your childish rant is just you telling lies and attempting to be witty and clever. Plain and simple, your post is full of lies, not witty at all, while mine is provable objective fact. You do get some points for humor, however, that is what clowns do.

Believe me you'll NEVER get a Reich winger to read your links, no matter how verifiable they are. Their lives are spent in a Reich wing media bubble of FOX News, Rush Limbaugh and others who spoon fed them the news they want to hear.

They wouldn't believe impeachment is possible of Comrade Trump unless it came from one of their sources, and even if it did come out of one of their mouths, they would attack them, and make a conspiracy theory out of it.

They are the most illiterate, uninformed people on this planet because of the world they insist on living in.

Now that isn't very nice. The things in my OP are based on actual news articles from Fortune Magazine, NY TIMES, NY DAILY NEWS, Huffington Post, etc., all available from a simple google search of ' trump impeachment '. That same google search links to several actual formal groups who are promoting and lobbying for impeachment. Those same articles and sites have comments from readers, hence discussions are being held. That means people are indeed saying things about the topic. Your childish rant o is just you telling lies and attempting to be witty and clever. Plain and simple, your post is full of lies, not witty at all while mine is provable objective fact. You do get some points for humor, however, that is what clowns do.

Are you denying the rumors you have contracted Blue Waffle Disease from have multiple relations with Haitian prostitutes?

A google search of "Camp and Blue Waffle Disease" yielded 644,000 results!

Will you self quarantine, or will it be necessary for the courts to intervene?
Yes, I deny these rumors and any connection to Haitian prostitutes.
Now that isn't very nice. The things in my OP are based on actual news articles from Fortune Magazine, NY TIMES, NY DAILY NEWS, Huffington Post, etc., all available from a simple google search of ' trump impeachment '. That same google search links to several actual formal groups who are promoting and lobbying for impeachment. Those same articles and sites have comments from readers, hence discussions are being held. That means people are indeed saying things about the topic. Your childish rant o is just you telling lies and attempting to be witty and clever. Plain and simple, your post is full of lies, not witty at all while mine is provable objective fact. You do get some points for humor, however, that is what clowns do.

Are you denying the rumors you have contracted Blue Waffle Disease from have multiple relations with Haitian prostitutes?

A google search of "Camp and Blue Waffle Disease" yielded 644,000 results!

Will you self quarantine, or will it be necessary for the courts to intervene?
Yes, I deny these rumors and any connection to Haitian prostitutes.

You just proved my point in the thread above.
Good grief have you ever seen a bigger group of cry babies and sore losers? Holy shit they had ever advantage in the election. The media was nearly 100% in the tank for Hillary. She had $1.2 billion dollars to spend. A sitting Democrat president. She lost fair and square but sour grapes liberals insist on being sore losers.

Its clear liberals want their own country, they have zero tolerance for any view not their own.
Good grief have you ever seen a bigger group of cry babies and sore losers? Holy shit they had ever advantage in the election. The media was nearly 100% in the tank for Hillary. She had $1.2 billion dollars to spend. A sitting Democrat president. She lost fair and square but sour grapes liberals insist on being sore losers.

Its clear liberals want their own country, they have zero tolerance for any view not their own.

There is no one in this country that believes that Comrade Trump would be the President today without the assistance of Vladimir Putin, and FBI director James Comey.

This is unprecedented in this nations history. Where a foreign adversary was picking and choosing our President for us, by doing a cyber attack on the United States to leak information on the candidate they did NOT want, and putting out tons of FAKE NEWS on social media outlets to propaganda Trump into the Oval office.

An FBI director that ignored warnings from the DOJ to not release information within 60 days of an election, that did it anyway. Within those 7 days millions of people voted believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.

EVERYONE in this country knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

With this, and her kicking his ass by 3 million popular votes, Trump is the most Illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the oval office.

He will not be able to bridge this great divide. He's already insulted, offended and threatened to many people in this country. You have actually given more than half of the country someone they can hate.

The Republican party is going to pay for it in 2018, and again in 2020.


The Senate has announced they will be doing a thorough investigation into the Russian hacking using subpoena's.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

The DOJ has announced it is investigating the FBI & James Comey
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Good grief have you ever seen a bigger group of cry babies and sore losers? Holy shit they had ever advantage in the election. The media was nearly 100% in the tank for Hillary. She had $1.2 billion dollars to spend. A sitting Democrat president. She lost fair and square but sour grapes liberals insist on being sore losers.

Its clear liberals want their own country, they have zero tolerance for any view not their own.

There is no one in this country that believes that Comrade Trump would be the President today without the assistance of Vladimir Putin, and FBI director James Comey.

This is unprecedented in this nations history. Where a foreign adversary was picking and choosing our President for us, by doing a cyber attack on the United States to leak information on the candidate they did NOT want, and putting out tons of FAKE NEWS on social media outlets to propaganda Trump into the Oval office.

An FBI director that ignored warnings from the DOJ to not release information within 60 days of an election, that did it anyway. Within those 7 days millions of people voted believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.

EVERYONE in this country knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

With this, and her kicking his ass by 3 million popular votes, Trump is the most Illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the oval office.

He will not be able to bridge this great divide. He's already insulted, offended and threatened to many people in this country. You have actually given more than half of the country someone they can hate.

The Republican party is going to pay for it in 2018, and again in 2020.


Can you summarize your irrational manifesto?
People are saying the Trump impeachment is inevitable. Groups are pushing for it and articles are starting to show up about it.
How many Republican congressmen will block the effort to formally charge the new President with crimes? Will a group of elected officials go to Trump and ask him to resign the way they did with Nixon?

You guys really want to see President Pence, don't you?

Good grief have you ever seen a bigger group of cry babies and sore losers? Holy shit they had ever advantage in the election. The media was nearly 100% in the tank for Hillary. She had $1.2 billion dollars to spend. A sitting Democrat president. She lost fair and square but sour grapes liberals insist on being sore losers.

Its clear liberals want their own country, they have zero tolerance for any view not their own.

There is no one in this country that believes that Comrade Trump would be the President today without the assistance of Vladimir Putin, and FBI director James Comey.

This is unprecedented in this nations history. Where a foreign adversary was picking and choosing our President for us, by doing a cyber attack on the United States to leak information on the candidate they did NOT want, and putting out tons of FAKE NEWS on social media outlets to propaganda Trump into the Oval office.

An FBI director that ignored warnings from the DOJ to not release information within 60 days of an election, that did it anyway. Within those 7 days millions of people voted believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.

EVERYONE in this country knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

With this, and her kicking his ass by 3 million popular votes, Trump is the most Illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the oval office.

He will not be able to bridge this great divide. He's already insulted, offended and threatened to many people in this country. You have actually given more than half of the country someone they can hate.

The Republican party is going to pay for it in 2018, and again in 2020.


The Senate has announced they will be doing a thorough investigation into the Russian hacking using subpoena's.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

The DOJ has announced it is investigating the FBI & James Comey
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

There was no hacking on the United States. That Satan worshipping faggot and pedophile, John Podesta, was dumb enough to let his personal email get hacked. We learned the TRUTH about the DNC and their corruption, as well as CNN being colluding with the Clinton campaign by giving her the debate questions ahead of time. You leftist trash have no one to blame but yourselves.

Plus, there's no one that believes a Democrat like Hillary Clinton would have a chance in hell of winning without massive voter fraud by illegal immigrants.
That's a big reason Democrats are so in favor of third world Muslims being allowed to funnel into the country, it's their only hope of getting more voters.
People are saying the Trump impeachment is inevitable. Groups are pushing for it and articles are starting to show up about it.
How many Republican congressmen will block the effort to formally charge the new President with crimes? Will a group of elected officials go to Trump and ask him to resign the way they did with Nixon?

If Trump is impeached it will be by Republicans.
People are saying the Trump impeachment is inevitable. Groups are pushing for it and articles are starting to show up about it.
How many Republican congressmen will block the effort to formally charge the new President with crimes? Will a group of elected officials go to Trump and ask him to resign the way they did with Nixon?

Yeah? Like the shrilary's victory was "inevitable"? You people are funny.

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