Trump is going to lose in November.....

Oh look......Nostradamus is on USMB!!!!

Trump is going to lose in November.....:cuckoo: :rolleyes:

Fetal murder isn't going to be the savior for your failed Party.
The effect of Dobbs is quite the opposite. Abortions have increased. People will make their decision based on the availability of abortion not the laws surrounding it. As long as there are places they can go to get what they want nobody will be bothered by the laws. The responsibility for this particular social aberration was always a state venue..... Roe v Wade was a legal mistake and was probably doomed to be reversed from the day it was codified. I have to admit I'm quite surprised that it did get reversed. However there's no question that it was the right thing to do.
A woman is 4 months pregnant. She is no longer at 5 months. How do you propose it's determined what happened?
Did you spend your entire year of 8th grade biology smoking dope behind the gym? Do you know what forensics is? Have you ever heard the word autopsy. I bet you didn't know that a doctor can tell that you smoked a cigarette a week ago with a simple blood test either, did you. Educate yourself moron.
Did you spend your entire year of 8th grade biology smoking dope behind the gym? Do you know what forensics is? Have you ever heard the word autopsy. I bet you didn't know that a doctor can tell that you smoked a cigarette a week ago with a simple blood test either, did you. Educate yourself moron.

So you want the medical facility turn over all deceased fetuses for an autopsy?

The unfortunate couple can't have any sort of funeral until the government is done with it?
Why should they be any different than any other possible murder victim? Again, look up spontaneous abortion. I'm done attempting to rectify your ignorance. It is too late.

My question was how you plan on determining a spontaneous abortion from an non medically induced abortion.

You are arguing you want all remains sent for an autopsy.

I'm not sure why you simply couldn't have said that to start with.
Oh, this thread is about abortion, I just realized that.

I'm sure the Democrats thought slavery was a losing issue for the Republicans in the elections of 1860 and 1864.

Sometimes, one has to take a stand on injustice and not worry if it's an unpopular opinion.

Or just give it back to the States where the issue belongs.
A woman or teenage girl or a rape victim should not have to drive or fly 600 miles to get healthcare for an abortion or a miscarriage. Many people can't afford to take time away from their existing family or job or they simply can't afford the travel. Pull your head out of Trump's ass.

A miscarriage isn't an abortion.
Slavery was decided by the states for a while, but eventually that proved an unworkable solution.
You must have missed the memo. You’re supposed to just say “Give it to the states” for now until the right gets into a position of power to actually pass a federal ban. You can’t reveal the truth agenda too soon or you won’t win elections. See the game?

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