Trump is going to lose in November.....

Why should they be any different than any other possible murder victim? Again, look up spontaneous abortion. I'm done attempting to rectify your ignorance. It is too late.
Because a fetus is viewed as a part of a woman body by many… not an independent human life form
You must have missed the memo. You’re supposed to just say “Give it to the states” for now until the right gets into a position of power to actually pass a federal ban. You can’t reveal the truth agenda too soon or you won’t win elections. See the game?
I'm just one guy and I have no elections to win.
For the North, but the real threat the south saw was the end of their voting and economic power over the rapidly industrializing north.
Sure, but slavery was the main issue that caused the Southerners to rebel.
""With Trump front of mind, New Hampshire voters cite abortion and Obamacare as concerns"""

Best then not to vote for shitbags like Trump who want to take away millions of people’s health care and push nutty abortion and IVF bans then.
Calling me "homeboy" adds nothing to the discussion. I must assume you are a troll, seeking to provoke a hostile reaction from me.
Homeboy isn’t an insult… it’s equivalent to calling you dude, man, or buddy.
Sure, but slavery was the main issue that caused the Southerners to rebel.

100%. And that was fueled by their economic concerns. Slavery made their whole commodity agricultural system work.

Their whole "moral justification" for slavery came AFTER the abolitionists started calling slavery and hence slave owners evil.
No to block the dems from cheating with their illegal aliens...
Haha, you think Dems are cheating with illegal aliens?! #delusional

I remember when Trump claimed that and then start a whole commission to try and proof it and they fell completely flat. Found nothing
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Tell that to the Republican women in Kansas.

Representation Is a Re-presentation of Previous Elitist Tyranny

When citizens are given the right to vote separately on issues, they no longer resign themselves to accepting the whole agenda of their favorite Party.

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