Trump kicked Hillary's big fat ass tonight.

Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

only in rightwingnuthackworld.

poor dears. this is why reality confuses you. but no, the obese orange bigoted fascist still hasn't beaten her. he only managed not to soil himself this time.

Pumpkins are in right now..

(Witches .. they get so temperamental around Halloween)

Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

only in rightwingnuthackworld.

poor dears. this is why reality confuses you. but no, the obese orange bigoted fascist still hasn't beaten her. he only managed not to soil himself this time.

Pumpkins are in right now..

(Witches .. they get so temperamental around Halloween)

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and yet donald isn't. :thup:
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

In other news, Germany won WWII.....
He won the debate, and he needs to start hammering her on attacking rape victims. He has documentation that should be run on campaign ads. Bill Clinton's victims should tell their stories on video about how Hillary sent her goons after them. He has her on the ropes. The Trump video fizzled out and he can put her away in the third debate. She is basing her entire campaign on women's rights, let her spend the next 4 weeks defending her documented record of taking money from countries that stone rape victims, defending child rapists, and smearing Bill's victims to protect her own political ass.

You're just as bad as he is. How does it feel to be compared to one of the biggest douches on the planet. Please, stop defending the scum. When huge numbers of your own party disown you, time to call 'enough'...seriously. Somebody needs to sit down with him and tell him to hand the campaign over to Pence Believe it or not - and I'm being totally serious here - Pence actually might do the unthinkable. Outsida that? Get ready for four more years of a Clinton.
Love Trump or hate him, he won big tonight. He did a great job of learning from his running mate, Mike Pence on how to pivot from attacks. Hillary was done once she knew she couldn't get under his skin tonight, and she was completely unprepared for that tonight.

While Trump bested in her strength tonight - the town hall debate, the key point where I felt he landed a big punch was on Supreme Court Justices. While Hillary was giving her touchy feel-good horseshit; Trump said he will appoint justices who respect the Constitution.

What Trump did tonight was keep Hillary on defense, and he's left her completely at a loss how to prepare for the third debate.

only in rightwingnuthackworld.

poor dears. this is why reality confuses you. but no, the obese orange bigoted fascist still hasn't beaten her. he only managed not to soil himself this time.

Pumpkins are in right now..

(Witches .. they get so temperamental around Halloween)

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and yet donald isn't. :thup:

.. just with us lowly deplorables ... :popcorn:
I love watching the Libs squirm. Begging for Trump to stop. Pleading for him to drop out. "Please just let Hillary have the White House..." "Obama said it was her turn..." "Pleeeeeease...." Even you Libs aren't too stupid, to know your queen got bested. You're just too fearful, and proud to admit it.
He won the debate, and he needs to start hammering her on attacking rape victims. He has documentation that should be run on campaign ads. Bill Clinton's victims should tell their stories on video about how Hillary sent her goons after them. He has her on the ropes. The Trump video fizzled out and he can put her away in the third debate. She is basing her entire campaign on women's rights, let her spend the next 4 weeks defending her documented record of taking money from countries that stone rape victims, defending child rapists, and smearing Bill's victims to protect her own political ass.

You're just as bad as he is. How does it feel to be compared to one of the biggest douches on the planet. Please, stop defending the scum. When huge numbers of your own party disown you, time to call 'enough'...seriously. Somebody needs to sit down with him and tell him to hand the campaign over to Pence Believe it or not - and I'm being totally serious here - Pence actually might do the unthinkable. Outsida that? Get ready for four more years of a Clinton.
Ha ha ha, I'm sure you are, nutcase. :lol: I'm sure he's gonna hand the campaign over to Pence because Dr. Grump told him to. LMAO.
I love watching the Libs squirm. Begging for Trump to stop. Pleading for him to drop out. "Please just let Hillary have the White House..." "Obama said it was her turn..." "Pleeeeeease...." Even you Libs aren't too stupid, to know your queen got bested. You're just too fearful, and proud to admit it.

exchange, "proud" with .. dishonest and I completely agree.
.. just with us lowly deplorables ... :popcorn:

If you believe in Trump and will vote for Trumplethinskin, then deplorable is one of the nicer adjectives I can think of calling you.

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What has she done that is unethical. Take your time. What has she done that is criminal. Take your time.

If you don't know by now you're not interested, why waste my time..
Ha ha ha, I'm sure you are, nutcase. :lol: I'm sure he's gonna hand the campaign over to Pence because Dr. Grump told him to. LMAO.

Oh, God no! I'm hoping like hell he doesn't. I'm only advising he does. The only smallest, tiniest, minutest chance the GoP have of winning is IF he hands it over to Pence. Trump is a train wreck. He has absolutely no chance of winning the election. Now it's just a matter of whether his effect will fuck over the GoPers in the Senate and Congress.

No, no SJ... I'm hoping Trumplethinskin stays in the race....for all our sakes.
As usual, nutbags think being aggressive and making accusations is winning.

The man didn't gain any voters. He needs to gain voters.

Clinton didn't lose any voters.

Think about who won.

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