Trump killed the children in Syria

Trump sided with the Russian's and agreed to back off on demanding Assad be forced to step down. A week later Assad decided it was OK to go on a gas killing spree.
So you think they hesitated for a while? Doubt it. It is Putin's line to not give a fuck what US thinks and preferably to underline that with erratic behaviour.
'Trump killed the children in Syria'

This is the biggest partisan LIE you have ever told on this board, the biggest piece of propaganda BULLSHIT you have ever posted...and that is saying a lot.

Such historic, record-setting, exaggerated partisan bullshit has just cost you every bit of integrity and credibility you may have had left.

Thank you for Demonstrating how F*ed Up and how big of a LIAR snowflakes can be.
So prove him wrong.
There is nothing to PROVE wrong because there is nothing to prove Assad did it. There is no proof of any fault at this point. Just dead junior terrorists.
Yes, he does sound like a great man. With a sole right next to Russia and Iran to fly in Syria...
Your point is lost on me.
That foreigners who do not have a deal with these countries cannot fly out there dropping chemical weapons unnoticed for years.
Evading the request, I see, you don't know do you?
No, actually you have already been eviscerated with the answer.

The moment the NSA and GBI declared there to be no crime and deemed the incidental collection as having NO FOREIGN INTEL VALU the information no longer had any national security relevance and became PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION.

the ONLY reason that existed for rice to then publicly unmask those Americans, for her to pass on that information to agencies only concerned with information having Intel value, was POLITICAL. doing so for political benefit is a CRIME, as in illegal. The release of that information after that is, as deemed by the Directors of the NSA and FBI, a CRIME of FELONY ESPIONAGE.

Rice's RIGHT to do anything with that info ENDED when the NSA and FBI deemed it to expose no crime and had no intel value.

As Farkas stated in her interview, the information was intentionally illegally leaked because THEY - Obama administration / Obama administration holdovers personally believed 'not enough information was getting out there'. Her statement signifies a conscious choice to break the law to release the information that had no value other than purely PARTISAN value.

Your question has been addressed, and your argument has been leveled.
We were talking about Assad and the chemical weapons.. which is to what you were supposed to prove Trump didn't do it.

However, now that you mention it, it has been agreed she didn't commit a crime. And it is a matter of national security.
We were talking about Assad and the chemical weapons.. which is to what you were supposed to prove Trump didn't do it.

Are you still trying to suggest TRUMP used the chemical weapons to kill men, women, and children, and then bombed the base from which that attack came from? Seriously...get help.

You can thank Trump now for enforcing Obama's 'Red line'.
Evading the request, I see, you don't know do you?
You hypocritically talk of 'truth'; yet, with every post you and your fellow snowflakes falsely claim any Russia-Trump' collusion YOU LIE!

There is no evidence to support the lie.

There never was any evidence to support the lie.

Both the NSA and FBI said there was never any evidence.

The investigation of Trump after their declaration of no crime / no foreign intel value was purely partisan.

AGAIN, the FBI just last week came out a 3rd time to declare, 'There is NO EVIDENCE' to support the snowflake false claim of 'collusion'.

The FBI and NSA did say, however, that the ONLY CRIMES PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN PERPETRATED is the FELONY ESPIONAGE by Democrats - the Obama administration and Obama holdovers.

Those are the FACT right now. All else is false / fake news un-supported snowflake lies, accusations, and propaganda.

You are not interested in 'knowing' the TRUTH.
You shouldn't confuse facts with the truth. It corrupts the soul.

As soon as there is evidence that Trump isn't controlled solely by Putin I believe that. But I have the capability to think so I don't need evidence for everything. Not all evidence is concrete. Like the fact that Trump's winning was spiced up by loads and loads of Russian propaganda. That is evidence Russia affected the elections, and, technically, trying to interfere with the internal affairs of another country breaks the international law.
You shouldn't confuse facts with the truth. It corrupts the soul.

As soon as there is evidence that Trump isn't controlled solely by Putin I believe that. But I have the capability to think so I don't need evidence for everything. Not all evidence is concrete. Like the fact that Trump's winning was spiced up by loads and loads of Russian propaganda. That is evidence Russia affected the elections, and, technically, trying to interfere with the internal affairs of another country breaks the international law.
You should consider scurrying back into your hole before you get stomped on, again.
We were talking about Assad and the chemical weapons.. which is to what you were supposed to prove Trump didn't do it.

Are you still trying to suggest TRUMP used the chemical weapons to kill men, women, and children, and then bombed the base from which that attack came from? Seriously...get help.

You can thank Trump now for enforcing Obama's 'Red line'.
No, actually that was done by the op. But you wrote a very long post about how great a lie it was and I asked you to prove it since your all into proving things.
You shouldn't confuse facts with the truth. It corrupts the soul.

...says the guy defending the FAKE NEWS, MADE UP BULLSHIT thread declaring Trump killed the Syrian children with a chemical weapons attack.

No, actually that was done by the op. But you wrote a very long post about how great a lie it was and I asked you to prove it since your all into proving things.
You want proof that President Trump did not murder Syrian children with a chemical weapons attack?

You just can't fix .. or argue with .. stupid. I am going to ignore you now, as everyone should.
No, actually that was done by the op. But you wrote a very long post about how great a lie it was and I asked you to prove it since your all into proving things.
You want proof that President Trump did not murder Syrian children with a chemical weapons attack?

You just can't fix .. or argue with .. stupid. I am going to ignore you now, as everyone should.

Trump is responsible because he sent Assad the signal that regime change was off the table.
Trump is responsible because he sent Assad the signal that regime change was off the table.
Obama sent that same message when he cowardly backed down from his 'Red line'.

Obama allowed this to happen by doing nothing after the 1st 2 chemical weapons attacks.

Obama allowed the 3rd attack to happen by letting al-Assad and Putin play him, swearing Russia would confiscate all the chemical weapons. How did that work out for ya, Barry?

Trump just enforced Obama's Red Line.

You're welcome, Barry.
Trump should npt have had to do a thing in Syria. Obama should've dealt with it years ago.

In 2013 there was a nerve gas attack in Syria . Obama asked for air strikes and republicans said no.

So Barry took that as Congress giving him the authority to drag the US into an Un-Authorized war?

And you are saying the same President who did not ask for the authority earlier to launch air strikes in Libya without Congressional approval to do so would be deterred from doing so in Syria because Congress said 'No'? :p

Your argument makes no sense at all.
No, actually that was done by the op. But you wrote a very long post about how great a lie it was and I asked you to prove it since your all into proving things.
You want proof that President Trump did not murder Syrian children with a chemical weapons attack?

You just can't fix .. or argue with .. stupid. I am going to ignore you now, as everyone should.

Trump is responsible because he sent Assad the signal that regime change was off the table.

Was this an intercepted signal from Obama's evesdropping?
Facts do not matter to the trump cult. They like alternate facts.

(This coming from one of the supporters of the highly 'factual' snowflake thread, 'Trump killed children in Syria'.)


WTF are you talking about? Trump just did what Obama would not do - enforce Obama's Red line. DEMOCRATS are supporting Trump on this. The only ones NOT supporting him are Syria, Russia, Iran...and USMB Snowflakes.
No, actually that was done by the op. But you wrote a very long post about how great a lie it was and I asked you to prove it since your all into proving things.
You want proof that President Trump did not murder Syrian children with a chemical weapons attack?

You just can't fix .. or argue with .. stupid. I am going to ignore you now, as everyone should.
That's what i asked in the first post... Took you some time to learn you have none.:eusa_clap:
No, actually that was done by the op. But you wrote a very long post about how great a lie it was and I asked you to prove it since your all into proving things.
You want proof that President Trump did not murder Syrian children with a chemical weapons attack?

You just can't fix .. or argue with .. stupid. I am going to ignore you now, as everyone should.

Trump is responsible because he sent Assad the signal that regime change was off the table.

Was this an intercepted signal from Obama's evesdropping?
It was official statements from Secretary Tillerson declaring regime change in Syria was being taken off the table and ousting Assad would no longer be a focus or goal of US policy.
Notice the mental meltdown the RW'ers around here have when I occasionally put up a thread in the exact style of the RW troll army we have to endure every day?

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