Trump Meltdown: Thursday-Saturday timeline

Smiling......conservatives turning on fox. Conservatives turning on Trump. Conservatives turning on Kelly. Conservatives turning on each other.

The GOP primary grinder just got switched up to 'Frappe'.

conservatives arent turning on each other. the people who lap up the FOX vomit arent conservatives.

At some point the establishment GOP is going to show the door to the real RINO's AKA the rabid extremist rightwingers.
At some point the Koch's will destroy the monster they created. I suspect some influence from them in the Red State decision. Advertising is King and Koch's have 45 billion in confirmed funds compared to Trumps self claiming alleged 10 billion.
Will be a wonderful display and show if it gets that far.
The key to Trump is that he lets no insult or perceived insult go unnoticed.

Rather than reply with wit or tact, Trump can be counted on to take the low road. He calls it....not being PC

Most look at as not being able to control yourself

I don't think it's either.
He plays his game his way.
There is more than 1 way to skin a cat....
The key to Trump is that he lets no insult or perceived insult go unnoticed.

Rather than reply with wit or tact, Trump can be counted on to take the low road. He calls it....not being PC

Most look at as not being able to control yourself
shut the fuck up paid left wing poster

Your opinion is useless on here

You are bought and sold burn out, welfare whore
Smiling......conservatives turning on fox. Conservatives turning on Trump. Conservatives turning on Kelly. Conservatives turning on each other.

The GOP primary grinder just got switched up to 'Frappe'.

conservatives arent turning on each other. the people who lap up the FOX vomit arent conservatives.

Then your voting base just got *much* smaller. So much for the 'Big Tent Party'. Its looking more like an umbrella.
A cheap one that will blow apart as soon as the wind picks up.

There's a distinct possibility of another perot like schism among conservatives. With this playing out like a Chris Rock joke:

"Whose more politically hateful? Conservatives or Liberals?
Conservatives.... You know why? Cause conservatives hate the GOP too.
Everything Liberals don't like about the GOP,
Conservatives really don't like about the GOP.
There some shit goin on with the GOP right now
There's like a civil war goin on with conservatives.
And there two sides....
There's Conservatives, and there's Republicans.
And Republicans have got to go. "
The Civil War has been going on for a while now.............Against the Status Quo aka the RINO'S.......and more of the same..............

The Dems had a small civil war of their own............Blue Dogs........who dared to not toe the line...........not many left of them now is there........................

The Conservative movement will continue going after the RINO'S...............The Status Quo more of the same guarantees the country is fucked.
Smiling......conservatives turning on fox. Conservatives turning on Trump. Conservatives turning on Kelly. Conservatives turning on each other.

The GOP primary grinder just got switched up to 'Frappe'.

conservatives arent turning on each other. the people who lap up the FOX vomit arent conservatives.

Then your voting base just got *much* smaller. So much for the 'Big Tent Party'. Its looking more like an umbrella.
Well over a year to go and your crystal ball says so over one debate.................LOL

Too much time left for those kind of predictions.........This is just a bump in the road.

I think the most likely outcome is trump dropping out. The main question I have is how much damage will he do to the GOP brand before he goes.

I'd say plenty. As all the 'Mexicans are rapists' 'Megan Kelly is bleeding' 'she's disgusting' coming from the GOP frontrunner. And like it or hate it, the man is in many ways the face of the Republican Party.
The key to Trump is that he lets no insult or perceived insult go unnoticed.

Rather than reply with wit or tact, Trump can be counted on to take the low road. He calls it....not being PC

Most look at as not being able to control yourself
shut the fuck up paid left wing poster

Your opinion is useless on here

You are bought and sold burn out, welfare whore

Fox news is the one thats bought and sold out.
i'm glad Trump melted down; even though i'm also grateful he spoke the truth about the Pandering Progressive's atrocious sanctuary cities and race-baiting agenda. I don't know what a left-wing idiot is being smug about Trump being damaged by his own temper for, when it is the best interests of the Republican Party
No, sadly the face of the rep party are the illegal murderers and rapists they have allowed to enter and remain in the country. rubio and bush want more of them to flood in
Smiling......conservatives turning on fox. Conservatives turning on Trump. Conservatives turning on Kelly. Conservatives turning on each other.

The GOP primary grinder just got switched up to 'Frappe'.

conservatives arent turning on each other. the people who lap up the FOX vomit arent conservatives.

Then your voting base just got *much* smaller. So much for the 'Big Tent Party'. Its looking more like an umbrella.
A cheap one that will blow apart as soon as the wind picks up.

There's a distinct possibility of another perot like schism among conservatives. With this playing out like a Chris Rock joke:

"Whose more politically hateful? Conservatives or Liberals?
Conservatives.... You know why? Cause conservatives hate the GOP too.
Everything Liberals don't like about the GOP,
Conservatives really don't like about the GOP.
There some shit goin on with the GOP right now
There's like a civil war goin on with conservatives.
And there two sides....
There's Conservatives, and there's Republicans.
And Republicans have got to go. "
The Civil War has been going on for a while now.............Against the Status Quo aka the RINO'S.......and more of the same..............

The Dems had a small civil war of their own............Blue Dogs........who dared to not toe the line...........not many left of them now is there........................

There's a huge difference. In the case of Blue Dog democrats, they weren't purged from the democratic party. They just lost their elections.

The GOP is turning on itself. With conservatives defining by narrower and narrower criteria who is and isn't a conservative. With purity tests being the standard rather than the exception. You don't build coalitions with 'purity tests'. You built outliers and impotent ideologues with purity tests.
The key to Trump is that he lets no insult or perceived insult go unnoticed.

Rather than reply with wit or tact, Trump can be counted on to take the low road. He calls it....not being PC

Most look at as not being able to control yourself
shut the fuck up paid left wing poster

Your opinion is useless on here

You are bought and sold burn out, welfare whore

Fox news is the one thats bought and sold out.
Seriously kelly tells THE truth, RW on here never denies he is a paid left wing hack
Wait till his former associates and employees, maybe some of the business owners he screwed with his bankruptcies start going after some 15 minutes of fame gigs and freebie vacations to participate in talk shows in LA and NYC. Going to be a cottage industry spilling the beans on the foul crude billionaire bully thug.
Smiling......conservatives turning on fox. Conservatives turning on Trump. Conservatives turning on Kelly. Conservatives turning on each other.

The GOP primary grinder just got switched up to 'Frappe'.

conservatives arent turning on each other. the people who lap up the FOX vomit arent conservatives.

Then your voting base just got *much* smaller. So much for the 'Big Tent Party'. Its looking more like an umbrella.
Well over a year to go and your crystal ball says so over one debate.................LOL

Too much time left for those kind of predictions.........This is just a bump in the road.

I think the most likely outcome is trump dropping out. The main question I have is how much damage will he do to the GOP brand before he goes.

I'd say plenty. As all the 'Mexicans are rapists' 'Megan Kelly is bleeding' 'she's disgusting' coming from the GOP frontrunner. And like it or hate it, the man is in many ways the face of the Republican Party.
Trump is face of pissed off Americans venting off steam to a Gov't that no longer represents them from either party...........Which is why he gets traction.................He lives in the mud...........and excels there.............he is a veteran Mud Wrestler......................which is why he is flustering all sides............Both parties hate him as does the Media..............because they are used to slinging it..............and now they are getting return fire.......

I'm loving it..............I think he'll self implode or is a plant..............another Ross.................but in the meantime I'm enjoying the show..................

And I hope that he calls out both parties for what they are and shows the people in this country what is really going on up there...................Knowledge is power...........and he knows how it works............he's got ammo on the whole danged system.............The status quo is scared of that................

Is he a dancing chicken or will he spill the beans on them.................I'm hoping for the later.
The key to Trump is that he lets no insult or perceived insult go unnoticed.

Rather than reply with wit or tact, Trump can be counted on to take the low road. He calls it....not being PC

Most look at as not being able to control yourself
shut the fuck up paid left wing poster

Your opinion is useless on here

You are bought and sold burn out, welfare whore

Fox news is the one thats bought and sold out.
Seriously kelly tells THE truth, RW on here never denies he is a paid left wing hack

Pigs are never truthful
Sadly the illegals rubio and bush ass lick are the face of the rep party.

Illegal Alien Crime Accounts for over 30 of Murders in Many States - Breitbart

  • Between 2008 and 2014, 40% of all murder convictions in Florida were criminal aliens. In New York it was 34% and Arizona 17.8%.
  • During those years, criminal aliens accounted for 38% of all murder convictions in the five states of California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and New York, while illegal aliens constitute only 5.6% of the total population in those states.
  • That 38% represents 7,085 murders out of the total of 18,643.
The key to Trump is that he lets no insult or perceived insult go unnoticed.

Rather than reply with wit or tact, Trump can be counted on to take the low road. He calls it....not being PC

Most look at as not being able to control yourself
shut the fuck up paid left wing poster

Your opinion is useless on here

You are bought and sold burn out, welfare whore

Looks like I struck a nerve
conservatives arent turning on each other. the people who lap up the FOX vomit arent conservatives.

Then your voting base just got *much* smaller. So much for the 'Big Tent Party'. Its looking more like an umbrella.
A cheap one that will blow apart as soon as the wind picks up.

There's a distinct possibility of another perot like schism among conservatives. With this playing out like a Chris Rock joke:

"Whose more politically hateful? Conservatives or Liberals?
Conservatives.... You know why? Cause conservatives hate the GOP too.
Everything Liberals don't like about the GOP,
Conservatives really don't like about the GOP.
There some shit goin on with the GOP right now
There's like a civil war goin on with conservatives.
And there two sides....
There's Conservatives, and there's Republicans.
And Republicans have got to go. "
The Civil War has been going on for a while now.............Against the Status Quo aka the RINO'S.......and more of the same..............

The Dems had a small civil war of their own............Blue Dogs........who dared to not toe the line...........not many left of them now is there........................

There's a huge difference. In the case of Blue Dog democrats, they weren't purged from the democratic party. They just lost their elections.

The GOP is turning on itself. With conservatives defining by narrower and narrower criteria who is and isn't a conservative. With purity tests being the standard rather than the exception. You don't build coalitions with 'purity tests'. You built outliers and impotent ideologues with purity tests.
This Civil War has been going on for a long time..........including the last elections and the GOP has gained ground while this is going on..............

The Dems didn't go out of their way to save the Blue Dogs, and yes the Blue Dogs run in more conservative states and got the axe because of the left's policies especially Obamacare...............

The Dems toe the line and vote party line MOST OF THE TIME...........The GOP have those who cross the line more often............But the status quo holds power..........both parties.
You left out lying about where the blood was coming from. He is making a lame attempt to convince people he meant Kelly was bleeding from her nose. Only a complete fool would believe him on that lie. The guy is in a public melt down. Stupid, dishonest and wearing a sandwich board advertising himself as a jerk.
It will be a mess if the circus goes on long enough for the Koch brothers to start spending millions on negative advertising to put Trump in his place. Trump is a peasant compared to the Koch's. They can outspend Trump many times over.
After all of Obama's lies you have swallowed, you have no credibility to criticize someone else about telling the truth.
Then your voting base just got *much* smaller. So much for the 'Big Tent Party'. Its looking more like an umbrella.
A cheap one that will blow apart as soon as the wind picks up.

There's a distinct possibility of another perot like schism among conservatives. With this playing out like a Chris Rock joke:

"Whose more politically hateful? Conservatives or Liberals?
Conservatives.... You know why? Cause conservatives hate the GOP too.
Everything Liberals don't like about the GOP,
Conservatives really don't like about the GOP.
There some shit goin on with the GOP right now
There's like a civil war goin on with conservatives.
And there two sides....
There's Conservatives, and there's Republicans.
And Republicans have got to go. "
The Civil War has been going on for a while now.............Against the Status Quo aka the RINO'S.......and more of the same..............

The Dems had a small civil war of their own............Blue Dogs........who dared to not toe the line...........not many left of them now is there........................

There's a huge difference. In the case of Blue Dog democrats, they weren't purged from the democratic party. They just lost their elections.

The GOP is turning on itself. With conservatives defining by narrower and narrower criteria who is and isn't a conservative. With purity tests being the standard rather than the exception. You don't build coalitions with 'purity tests'. You built outliers and impotent ideologues with purity tests.
This Civil War has been going on for a long time..........including the last elections and the GOP has gained ground while this is going on..............

The Dems didn't go out of their way to save the Blue Dogs, and yes the Blue Dogs run in more conservative states and got the axe because of the left's policies especially Obamacare...............

Bullshit. The DNC invested heavily in those races because they were so contested. In virtually every instance, at least as much money was spent by the DNC for these Blue Dog democrats after the Obamacare vote than before. And in most cases, far more. The exceptions you could count on one hand, missing a finger or two.

That's not a 'purge'. That's blue dog democrats losing elections.

The Dems toe the line and vote party line MOST OF THE TIME...........The GOP have those who cross the line more often............But the status quo holds power..........both parties.

The Democrat discipline is the main reason that the majorities in the House and Senate haven't amounted to much for Republicans.

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