Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL
Does the NFL get money from the federal government, eh dumbass?

Free speech is still free speech

You can’t condemn it in one instance and demand it in another

Like fuck you can't. Colin Kaper-attention is an employee, and employees cannot/should not say or do anything they like, especially when they're supposed to be performing. CK was a clear disruption and disrespectful as he led his team to 1-10.

Interesting how PROGS claim to respect the first amendment , while the PC police demands everyone who crosses PROG-think be destroyed personally and economically.

Nobody employed by a football team is "performing" during the national jingoanthem. Except as marionettes.

Guess what. They're hired to play football, not to be dancing marionettes for the Pentagon Pimping.
then they're hired to play football, not pass out their political opinions.

god damn you can be really circular stupid when you want to be.
Interesting conflict between state law and personal beliefs.

Meanwhile, at lib schools when conservatives try to speak.

Sometimes it takes riots. It took riots to get blacks equal rights. It took riots to get us out of Vietnam. The founders understood that.

So, you support the use of street violence, against your political enemies.

Sometimes. Is that not what we did in Boston on December 16, 1773?

THank you for your honesty. So many of your lib buddies here, lie about that.

So, are you going to be honest enough to admit that with people like you, and mobs like Antifa, that Trump's move is completely called for?

Or is that too much even for an honest left like you?

My lib buddies? Who is it that often times notes

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.

Which is why so often the riots happen to STOP conservative speech. Because you lefties fear the Truth getting out.

Which is why this rule will not NEED to be used against conservative schools.

We are not the bad guys, you are.

I like to discuss things as it helps me keep on top of the local happenings but I certainly wish there were more people who like to do that as opposed to those like yourself who only like to lash out.

I am here to discuss issues, with people I disagree with. But unfortunately, the majority of liberals, are unable to hold civil conversations.

If you got the impression that I am only here to "lash out", then you failed your attempt at reading comprehension.
Sometimes it takes riots. It took riots to get blacks equal rights. It took riots to get us out of Vietnam. The founders understood that.

So, you support the use of street violence, against your political enemies.

Sometimes. Is that not what we did in Boston on December 16, 1773?

THank you for your honesty. So many of your lib buddies here, lie about that.

So, are you going to be honest enough to admit that with people like you, and mobs like Antifa, that Trump's move is completely called for?

Or is that too much even for an honest left like you?

My lib buddies? Who is it that often times notes

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Our Founders were honest and clear in what they were doing and why, ie fighting against tyranny.

You liberals are filthy liars fighting to impose tyranny.

Which is why so often the riots happen to STOP conservative speech. Because you lefties fear the Truth getting out.

Which is why this rule will not NEED to be used against conservative schools.

We are not the bad guys, you are.

I like to discuss things as it helps me keep on top of the local happenings but I certainly wish there were more people who like to do that as opposed to those like yourself who only like to lash out.

I am here to discuss issues, with people I disagree with. But unfortunately, the majority of liberals, are unable to hold civil conversations.

If you got the impression that I am only here to "lash out", then you failed your attempt at reading comprehension.

I was asked a question. I answered the question honestly and while no one actually disagreed with what I said, those who replied (yourself) had to go off on some irrelevant vague rant where I had no idea what you were even ranting about.

What exactly did I say that you disagreed with?
pogo is just mad cause someone shoved a pogo stick up his ass when he was a child and it could never be removed. now if you take ANY stance, he'll take the other to simply call you stupid then tigger around like he won something.

Hey, Marty's the one trying to dance around my question sooooooooooooooo................ :eusa_whistle:
sure he did. that's a fking lie. dude, you're on a message board, know someone will always look at the posts and I did, he stated with this comment: She was invited by other Students, they have the ability to do so.

What is it you read in that answer? a student invites, they are allowed on campus. question answered. you're insincere friend. what a shame. another factless poster. deceitful and a liar.

Since you obviously CAN'T READ, I'll essplain it to your illiterate ass in tiny widdle words.

I asked Marty if he --- not YOU -- HE (because I don't give a fuck what you believe, and you didn't bring it up anyway) believes that (insert speaker name here) has the inherent right to speak, at a college campus he's not even affiliated with, while the students who ARE affiliated with and in attendance at that college, DO NOT have that right.

That's what he can't answer. And you can't either because IT WASN'T YOUR FUCKING POINT IN THE FIRST PLACE you giant black hole of mental midgetry.

Also pointed out that his link claimed Murray was "forced to flee" yet the video therein showed no such fleeing.

That about cover it, Peewee? Get it now or do I have to draw fucking stick figures?

The speakers were INVITED by Students attending the university.

The video doesn't, but the story describes his car being attacked as he was leaving the venue.

Your games are old and tired. get new ones. Poo-Goo

How many times are you going to try to dance around the question without touching it?

What is it, radioactive?

I answered the question, your typical refusal to acknowledge it is part of your schtick.
sure he did. that's a fking lie. dude, you're on a message board, know someone will always look at the posts and I did, he stated with this comment: She was invited by other Students, they have the ability to do so.

What is it you read in that answer? a student invites, they are allowed on campus. question answered. you're insincere friend. what a shame. another factless poster. deceitful and a liar.

Since you obviously CAN'T READ, I'll essplain it to your illiterate ass in tiny widdle words.

I asked Marty if he --- not YOU -- HE (because I don't give a fuck what you believe, and you didn't bring it up anyway) believes that (insert speaker name here) has the inherent right to speak, at a college campus he's not even affiliated with, while the students who ARE affiliated with and in attendance at that college, DO NOT have that right.

That's what he can't answer. And you can't either because IT WASN'T YOUR FUCKING POINT IN THE FIRST PLACE you giant black hole of mental midgetry.

Also pointed out that his link claimed Murray was "forced to flee" yet the video therein showed no such fleeing.

That about cover it, Peewee? Get it now or do I have to draw fucking stick figures?

The speakers were INVITED by Students attending the university.

The video doesn't, but the story describes his car being attacked as he was leaving the venue.

Your games are old and tired. get new ones. Poo-Goo

How many times are you going to try to dance around the question without touching it?

What is it, radioactive?
dunno about radioactive but if it is YOUR question then i'm sure it's stupid.

Yet another white knight pops up like a gopher to try to get his fellow cultist off the hook.

Just let him run away on his own.

If you are going to ask a question, can you let the other person answer?

Gonna need a bigger Irony Meter.

Not going anywhere, oxygen thief.
Now you are just running out of attempted points to make.

What has been the historical argument from the right about getting into bed with the government?

Which part of the right?

LOL, fair enough. Good point. No, not all the right..........but how much of the right has supported things like the government getting involved in student loans? I'm asking.

it depends. The issue of student loans isn't the loans, its the inflationary effect it had on costs of college, and in particular the cost of degrees with no viable job market.

A problem way, way overblown.

its the crux of the issue. easy access to money leads to the universities being able to raise prices, which is matched by loan limit increases.
What has been the historical argument from the right about getting into bed with the government?

Which part of the right?

LOL, fair enough. Good point. No, not all the right..........but how much of the right has supported things like the government getting involved in student loans? I'm asking.

it depends. The issue of student loans isn't the loans, its the inflationary effect it had on costs of college, and in particular the cost of degrees with no viable job market.

A problem way, way overblown.

its the crux of the issue. easy access to money leads to the universities being able to raise prices, which is matched by loan limit increases.

That isn't what I replied about.
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL
Does the NFL get money from the federal government, eh dumbass?

Free speech is still free speech

You can’t condemn it in one instance and demand it in another

Like fuck you can't. Colin Kaper-attention is an employee, and employees cannot/should not say or do anything they like, especially when they're supposed to be performing. CK was a clear disruption and disrespectful as he led his team to 1-10.

Interesting how PROGS claim to respect the first amendment , while the PC police demands everyone who crosses PROG-think be destroyed personally and economically.
Trump wasn’t complaining about Kaep being an employee of the NFL he complained about free speech
Which part of the right?

LOL, fair enough. Good point. No, not all the right..........but how much of the right has supported things like the government getting involved in student loans? I'm asking.

it depends. The issue of student loans isn't the loans, its the inflationary effect it had on costs of college, and in particular the cost of degrees with no viable job market.

A problem way, way overblown.

its the crux of the issue. easy access to money leads to the universities being able to raise prices, which is matched by loan limit increases.

That isn't what I replied about.

What was it then? A degree in womyn's basketweaving costing $120k for four years?
LOL, fair enough. Good point. No, not all the right..........but how much of the right has supported things like the government getting involved in student loans? I'm asking.

it depends. The issue of student loans isn't the loans, its the inflationary effect it had on costs of college, and in particular the cost of degrees with no viable job market.

A problem way, way overblown.

its the crux of the issue. easy access to money leads to the universities being able to raise prices, which is matched by loan limit increases.

That isn't what I replied about.

What was it then? A degree in womyn's basketweaving costing $120k for four years?
let me be the first to tell you, that degree turned out to be useless.
LOL, fair enough. Good point. No, not all the right..........but how much of the right has supported things like the government getting involved in student loans? I'm asking.

it depends. The issue of student loans isn't the loans, its the inflationary effect it had on costs of college, and in particular the cost of degrees with no viable job market.

A problem way, way overblown.

its the crux of the issue. easy access to money leads to the universities being able to raise prices, which is matched by loan limit increases.

That isn't what I replied about.

What was it then? A degree in womyn's basketweaving costing $120k for four years?

There is no such thing. Yes that was my point. The complete misrepresentation of the issue out of people like yourself.
it depends. The issue of student loans isn't the loans, its the inflationary effect it had on costs of college, and in particular the cost of degrees with no viable job market.

A problem way, way overblown.

its the crux of the issue. easy access to money leads to the universities being able to raise prices, which is matched by loan limit increases.

That isn't what I replied about.

What was it then? A degree in womyn's basketweaving costing $120k for four years?

There is no such thing. Yes that was my point. The complete misrepresentation of the issue out of people like yourself.

Sorry, but it is not a misrepresentation, at worst it is an exaggeration to make a point. Many degrees offered have no value except to propagate the topics at the academic level. An accounting degree leads to becoming an accountant. An Engineering degree leads to becoming an Engineer. A Criminal Justice degree leads to becoming a Cop or a Lawyer. A Women's studies degree prepares you to get your doctorate and teach women's studies.

The other issue is a liberal arts degree used to teach critical thinking and rigorous questioning, now it leads to groupthink and acceptance of dogmatic rote.
A problem way, way overblown.

its the crux of the issue. easy access to money leads to the universities being able to raise prices, which is matched by loan limit increases.

That isn't what I replied about.

What was it then? A degree in womyn's basketweaving costing $120k for four years?

There is no such thing. Yes that was my point. The complete misrepresentation of the issue out of people like yourself.

Sorry, but it is not a misrepresentation, at worst it is an exaggeration to make a point.

If you have a point you don't have to "exaggerate".

Many degrees offered have no value except to propagate the topics at the academic level.

But obviously you will continue to.

An accounting degree leads to becoming an accountant. An Engineering degree leads to becoming an Engineer. A Criminal Justice degree leads to becoming a Cop or a Lawyer. A Women's studies degree prepares you to get your doctorate and teach women's studies.

The other issue is a liberal arts degree used to teach critical thinking and rigorous questioning, now it leads to groupthink and acceptance of dogmatic rote.

You simply no longer like the questions being asked.
its the crux of the issue. easy access to money leads to the universities being able to raise prices, which is matched by loan limit increases.

That isn't what I replied about.

What was it then? A degree in womyn's basketweaving costing $120k for four years?

There is no such thing. Yes that was my point. The complete misrepresentation of the issue out of people like yourself.

Sorry, but it is not a misrepresentation, at worst it is an exaggeration to make a point.

If you have a point you don't have to "exaggerate".

Many degrees offered have no value except to propagate the topics at the academic level.

But obviously you will continue to.

An accounting degree leads to becoming an accountant. An Engineering degree leads to becoming an Engineer. A Criminal Justice degree leads to becoming a Cop or a Lawyer. A Women's studies degree prepares you to get your doctorate and teach women's studies.

The other issue is a liberal arts degree used to teach critical thinking and rigorous questioning, now it leads to groupthink and acceptance of dogmatic rote.

You simply no longer like the questions being asked.

You ignore my statement because it goes against your cherished world view.

And a little hyperbole can go a long way, look where it took Trump.
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

The president's criticism of race-baiting, leftist swine like Kaepernick in no way, shape or form constitutes a violation of anyone's rights, you drooling retard, let alone the suppression of free speech.

its the crux of the issue. easy access to money leads to the universities being able to raise prices, which is matched by loan limit increases.

That isn't what I replied about.

What was it then? A degree in womyn's basketweaving costing $120k for four years?

There is no such thing. Yes that was my point. The complete misrepresentation of the issue out of people like yourself.

Sorry, but it is not a misrepresentation, at worst it is an exaggeration to make a point.

If you have a point you don't have to "exaggerate".

Many degrees offered have no value except to propagate the topics at the academic level.

But obviously you will continue to.

An accounting degree leads to becoming an accountant. An Engineering degree leads to becoming an Engineer. A Criminal Justice degree leads to becoming a Cop or a Lawyer. A Women's studies degree prepares you to get your doctorate and teach women's studies.

The other issue is a liberal arts degree used to teach critical thinking and rigorous questioning, now it leads to groupthink and acceptance of dogmatic rote.

You simply no longer like the questions being asked.
It is a common dodge of conservatives. They pretend that most college students get worthless degrees. It supports their claim that college is a waste of time.

But most college degrees are in Business, Education, Healthcare, Liberal Arts and STEM
That isn't what I replied about.

What was it then? A degree in womyn's basketweaving costing $120k for four years?

There is no such thing. Yes that was my point. The complete misrepresentation of the issue out of people like yourself.

Sorry, but it is not a misrepresentation, at worst it is an exaggeration to make a point.

If you have a point you don't have to "exaggerate".

Many degrees offered have no value except to propagate the topics at the academic level.

But obviously you will continue to.

An accounting degree leads to becoming an accountant. An Engineering degree leads to becoming an Engineer. A Criminal Justice degree leads to becoming a Cop or a Lawyer. A Women's studies degree prepares you to get your doctorate and teach women's studies.

The other issue is a liberal arts degree used to teach critical thinking and rigorous questioning, now it leads to groupthink and acceptance of dogmatic rote.

You simply no longer like the questions being asked.
It is a common dodge of conservatives. They pretend that most college students get worthless degrees. It supports their claim that college is a waste of time.

But most college degrees are in Business, Education, Healthcare, Liberal Arts and STEM

Liberal arts includes women's studies.

It's not Republicans complaining about it, its the people getting the degrees and finding out business owners don't want them, or at least don't want them at the salary they are expecting.
That isn't what I replied about.

What was it then? A degree in womyn's basketweaving costing $120k for four years?

There is no such thing. Yes that was my point. The complete misrepresentation of the issue out of people like yourself.

Sorry, but it is not a misrepresentation, at worst it is an exaggeration to make a point.

If you have a point you don't have to "exaggerate".

Many degrees offered have no value except to propagate the topics at the academic level.

But obviously you will continue to.

An accounting degree leads to becoming an accountant. An Engineering degree leads to becoming an Engineer. A Criminal Justice degree leads to becoming a Cop or a Lawyer. A Women's studies degree prepares you to get your doctorate and teach women's studies.

The other issue is a liberal arts degree used to teach critical thinking and rigorous questioning, now it leads to groupthink and acceptance of dogmatic rote.

You simply no longer like the questions being asked.

You ignore my statement because it goes against your cherished world view.

And a little hyperbole can go a long way, look where it took Trump.

I didn't ignore your statement. I accurately addressed it. But it's nice that you note that Trump is little more than hyperbole. We should expect better out of a president.
What was it then? A degree in womyn's basketweaving costing $120k for four years?

There is no such thing. Yes that was my point. The complete misrepresentation of the issue out of people like yourself.

Sorry, but it is not a misrepresentation, at worst it is an exaggeration to make a point.

If you have a point you don't have to "exaggerate".

Many degrees offered have no value except to propagate the topics at the academic level.

But obviously you will continue to.

An accounting degree leads to becoming an accountant. An Engineering degree leads to becoming an Engineer. A Criminal Justice degree leads to becoming a Cop or a Lawyer. A Women's studies degree prepares you to get your doctorate and teach women's studies.

The other issue is a liberal arts degree used to teach critical thinking and rigorous questioning, now it leads to groupthink and acceptance of dogmatic rote.

You simply no longer like the questions being asked.

You ignore my statement because it goes against your cherished world view.

And a little hyperbole can go a long way, look where it took Trump.

I didn't ignore your statement. I accurately addressed it. But it's nice that you note that Trump is little more than hyperbole. We should expect better out of a president.

I find it refreshing.

You didn't address it, you ignored it and claimed i didn't answer your points.

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