Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

Nope and nope. The federal government sets standards for what qualifies. They could set standards that say federal student loans can only be spent a schools that support freedom of speech.
they could, but they didn't.

Correct. Because Trump doesn’t actually want freedom of speech.


Okay, pay attention this time.
Freedom of speech isn't the ability to lie about people

True. That's called mendacity.

What's your point?
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

If the NFL and it’s teams were receiving Federal funding like the colleges that obstruct free speech, then you would have a point. The NFL is a private enterprise and can control speech just like a private college, but all that changes when you take money from Uncle Sam.

No, while the 1st amendment originally was just a restriction on the federal government from infringing upon freedom of political speech, after the 14th amendment, all the restrictions in the Bill of Rights were considered to also protect individual rights from anyone and everyone, including private companies like the NFL.
It is absolutely illegal for the NFL or any of its teams, to force anyone to stand, sing the anthem, salute the flag, put your hand over your heart, or anything else with any political connotation at all.

Does that imply the NFL then also can not stop people from kneeling?
I think so.
I think it is illegal to even play the anthem at a public events like sports.
It does not belong there.
It is intrusive, and requires an individual response.
We play the national anthem and salute the flag because we love America and appreciate Americas positive contribution to world history

when the black players stupidly began taking a knee it was an insult to the flag and most Americans, which in turn harmed attendance and revenues to pay the players salary
So do conservative Christians care about free speech or not?
We do

at least in the public square

if you come to my home be careful what you say or I might ask you to leave

just as you would me in your home
But this isn’t your home, it’s a university with students paying to attend.

This shows that it isn’t actually about constitutional rights or promoting academic diversity.
State funded universities are in the public square just as we are walking around on the streets

but a private Christian university that receives no federal or state subsidies is just that - private

the same we are in our homes

Is a private research university such as, say, Harvard the public square?

State Universities already have an obligation to uphold freedom of speech regardless of his executive order.
To the extent that it receives federal research grants it is in the public square

So why differentiate a college receiving research grants or federally subsidized tuition?
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Does the NFL get federal funding? Does the NFL purport to be open spaces for the free exchange of ideas?
What right does Trump have to condemn free speech in the NFL while condemning colleges for doing the same?

A speaker spews hate about Muslims, Mexicans and Gays and a College says he is not welcome

A football player silently protests police killings of African Americans and the President is outraged

Because the two situations are in no way related?

And it isn't speakers spewing hate, and even if it was, let them speak. the best disinfectant is sunlight, not shadows.

The speakers being denied are being CALLED fascists, but are in no way, shape, or form, fascist.
no, it's irony. they are pushing fascism to disallow another from speaking. they are exactly what they yell.

Coulter is an agent provocateur, well paid to rile up both supporters and detractors of trumpism. Neo fascists and Antifa - most of whom are not and never have been students in a U. or 4-year college - will promote unrest and create violence on campuses. The last thing a community in a college city needs are riots.

I get that you're a leftist, and that means that freedom of speech for everyone and personal responsibility are alien concepts for you, so I'll try to explain this as clearly as I can.

Ann Coulter is a commentator, who has opinions and ways of expressing them which people want to hear. However much you want to sneer at and dismiss her as "well paid to rile up", she actually has every right to speak her mind, and get paid for it commensurate with how much people want to hear her. And unless you are leveling the same criticisms at literally every public figure on the left, you are a hypocrite without a leg to stand on. Her right to speak, and the rights of others to listen if they choose, are NOT cancelled out by the fact that her turn of phrase punctures your unearned self-esteem and makes you cry.

On the personal responsibility front, just as "guns don't kill people, people do", speakers you disagree with don't create violence, sniveling dipshits who can't tolerate disagreement do.
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Disrespecting the US flag and National Anthem isn't free speech, its an insult to those who died in-service to the country.
It has nothing to do with BLM.
Neither is antifa rioting "free speech"
Nor is hitting conservatives with pies "free speech"
Nor is indoctrinating college kids into liberalism using grades as leverage "free speech"
Why do you have a problem presenting both liberalism and conservatism fairly, since tax dollars are involved?

when you salute the flag,you are saluting the CIA and our corrupt government who is out to kiss us all.:abgg2q.jpg:

I tip my hat off the NFL players who kneel.i ALWAYS leave to go to the restroom when they play the national anthem,i am not about to salute our corrupt government and CIA that starts wars around the world.LAND OF THE FREE? Uh this is no free country,its th eland of the OPPRESSED.

From that dumbass statement I can tell that you've never served your country.
Saluting the flag has not one damn thing to do with the CIA but everything to do with the constitution, our history and all of those who've sacrificed and given their all to keep this nation free.
Maybe if you had served you would'nt be so damned clueless and stupid today.

Duckworth on NFL anthem policy: I fought to defend right to take a knee in protest
Those Spoiled Bossy Brats Earned No Rights at All, So They Had None

That is really insulting. We were forced to listen to the same nonsense in Vietnam about "fighting for their right to call us 'baby-killers'.'' Only a wimp would agree to submit to that, especially since anyone who is ordered to kill enemies 10,000 miles away certainly has a right to kill the enemies at home even more.

Really, that nonsense about defending traitors' civil rights was a test of how much pride we would surrender to the spoiled cowards who desperately needed to claim we weren't heroes at all. We failed their test because the handcuffing ROEs took all the fight out of us before we could come home and take revenge.
So do conservative Christians care about free speech or not?
We do

at least in the public square

if you come to my home be careful what you say or I might ask you to leave

just as you would me in your home
But this isn’t your home, it’s a university with students paying to attend.

This shows that it isn’t actually about constitutional rights or promoting academic diversity.
State funded universities are in the public square just as we are walking around on the streets

but a private Christian university that receives no federal or state subsidies is just that - private

the same we are in our homes

Is a private research university such as, say, Harvard the public square?

State Universities already have an obligation to uphold freedom of speech regardless of his executive order.

. .. and yet, they clearly haven't been. When they do not secure the safety of speaker which have been invited to speak, forcing those speakers to cancel? :dunno:
The lib colleges let the students run wild on campus

non students who are caught rioting on university grounds should be arrested, booked and prosecuted

students should be treated the same way and then expelled
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL
we don't fund the NFL now do we?

god damn you're just a terminal trollboy.

We DO FUND THE NFL. Cities across the country use PUBLIC MONEY to finance and subsidize their new stadiums all the time.

You know the difference between local governments and the federal government, right?

You know that the Federal government heavily subsidizes Cities right? In a previous life I worked in Public Sector Economic Development. About half the loan programs we had were FEDERALLY FUNDED for projects just like these. These type of projects get Fed, State, Local and private financing. I know because I was the one that packaged them.

Interesting conflict between state law and personal beliefs.

Meanwhile, at lib schools when conservatives try to speak.

Sometimes it takes riots. It took riots to get blacks equal rights. It took riots to get us out of Vietnam. The founders understood that.

Perhaps over some things. . .

So really, your argument should have stopped right there.

but we are not talking about real oppression here, we are talking about a philosophical disagreement on how to organize an economy. This does not necessitate riots. If you think it does, then I am sad to say, as soon as you have picked up the club, it is YOU that have become the monster. YOU have become the oppressor in this scenario.

If you need violence to win in a war of ideas, you clearly have weaker ideas. :71:

I was asked if I supported violence against your political opponents. I said I could support that and noted when and gave some examples. Your generalizations have added nothing.

But to note, the Boston Tea Party was over the philosophical disagreements on how to organize the economy.

The political violence on those campuses was to PREVENT their opponents from speaking.

If you want an opinion of a specific instance you have to ask me about that specific instance. I was asked a general question and I answered it.

All of the other instances of political violence, INCLUDING the tea party, that you are highlighting is for political groups to have the chance to be represented in the first place.

You really do not get what is going on at all.

Bite me. I was asked a general question. I answered it. I didn't even address any specific issues.
I keep forgetting.

Cons only believe what they WANT to believe and truth, facts or reality have nothing to do with it.


why don't YOU see if YOU can find any data suggesting that liberty did NOT get any federal funds.
I read every link and all of them are for student loans and grants to students not the university

Which then goes to the University. Yes there are different rules whether the aide is direct or not. All the same they are benefiting greatly.

if you want to hurt Liberty you could do so by not giving the kids any money for education

is that what liberals plan to do?

No idea. I've heard nothing of the sort.
Thats what you will have to do if you want to punish Liberty - cut off education money to the students

which as it stands now is probably illegal

but if or when dems control congress and the white house anything is possible

Where did I ever say I wanted to punish Liberty?
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

If the NFL and it’s teams were receiving Federal funding like the colleges that obstruct free speech, then you would have a point. The NFL is a private enterprise and can control speech just like a private college, but all that changes when you take money from Uncle Sam.

No, while the 1st amendment originally was just a restriction on the federal government from infringing upon freedom of political speech, after the 14th amendment, all the restrictions in the Bill of Rights were considered to also protect individual rights from anyone and everyone, including private companies like the NFL.
It is absolutely illegal for the NFL or any of its teams, to force anyone to stand, sing the anthem, salute the flag, put your hand over your heart, or anything else with any political connotation at all.

Does that imply the NFL then also can not stop people from kneeling?
I think so.
I think it is illegal to even play the anthem at a public events like sports.
It does not belong there.
It is intrusive, and requires an individual response.
We play the national anthem and salute the flag because we love America and appreciate Americas positive contribution to world history

when the black players stupidly began taking a knee it was an insult to the flag and most Americans, which in turn harmed attendance and revenues to pay the players salary

Bullshit. What you're trying to say is that you're butthurt that uppity black people dared to stand up to your little puppet jingo dance and that's an 'insult' to your klan. And it " harmed" nothing ---- those national anthems aren't even broadcast on TV anyway. If you didn't have moles ordering your fake outrage you wouldn't even have a cue.
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL

Disrespecting the US flag and National Anthem isn't free speech, its an insult to those who died in-service to the country.
It has nothing to do with BLM.
Neither is antifa rioting "free speech"
Nor is hitting conservatives with pies "free speech"
Nor is indoctrinating college kids into liberalism using grades as leverage "free speech"
Why do you have a problem presenting both liberalism and conservatism fairly, since tax dollars are involved?

when you salute the flag,you are saluting the CIA and our corrupt government who is out to kiss us all.:abgg2q.jpg:

I tip my hat off the NFL players who kneel.i ALWAYS leave to go to the restroom when they play the national anthem,i am not about to salute our corrupt government and CIA that starts wars around the world.LAND OF THE FREE? Uh this is no free country,its th eland of the OPPRESSED.

From that dumbass statement I can tell that you've never served your country.
Saluting the flag has not one damn thing to do with the CIA but everything to do with the constitution, our history and all of those who've sacrificed and given their all to keep this nation free.
Maybe if you had served you would'nt be so damned clueless and stupid today.

Duckworth on NFL anthem policy: I fought to defend right to take a knee in protest
Those Spoiled Bossy Brats Earned No Rights at All, So They Had None

That is really insulting. We were forced to listen to the same nonsense in Vietnam about "fighting for their right to call us 'baby-killers'.'' Only a wimp would agree to submit to that, especially since anyone who is ordered to kill enemies 10,000 miles away certainly has a right to kill the enemies at home even more.

Really, that nonsense about defending traitors' civil rights was a test of how much pride we would surrender to the spoiled cowards who desperately needed to claim we weren't heroes at all. We failed their test because the handcuffing ROEs took all the fight out of us before we could come home and take revenge.

"Spoiled cowards" mean those who were rich enough to get fake bone spur exemptions from the draft?
I'm all for promoting free speech but Trump's approach seems to me a bit of cut off one's nose to spite one's face. If any money is doled out it should go to where it will produce the most bang for the buck. A school that receives a lot of federal government dough is John Hopkins,

With $2.0 billion in federal R&D funding in 2015, Johns Hopkins University is the largest university research partner of the federal government. One of the major centers of innovation on campus is the Applied Physics Laboratory. Established in 1942, the APL has provided the Department of Defense with research in missile defense, space, and weapons systems. The DOD funds 40% of Johns Hopkins annual R&D spending, compared to the 14% average for all universities. NASA funds account for 11% of the school’s R&D expenditure, compared to the 4% average. Among the school's many research accomplishments, Johns Hopkins was responsible for the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid and helped develop the first effective treatment for sickle cell anemia.

The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government

Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL
we don't fund the NFL now do we?

god damn you're just a terminal trollboy.

We DO FUND THE NFL. Cities across the country use PUBLIC MONEY to finance and subsidize their new stadiums all the time.

You know the difference between local governments and the federal government, right?

You know that the Federal government heavily subsidizes Cities right? In a previous life I worked in Public Sector Economic Development. About half the loan programs we had were FEDERALLY FUNDED for projects just like these. These type of projects get Fed, State, Local and private financing. I know because I was the one that packaged them.
Were you gender fluid in a previous life also?
Welp, it beats the hell out of "allow perverts in the little girls bathroom or lose federal funding".
Guess Trump gets to decide what speech he will protect

He didn’t protect free speech in the NFL
we don't fund the NFL now do we?

god damn you're just a terminal trollboy.

We DO FUND THE NFL. Cities across the country use PUBLIC MONEY to finance and subsidize their new stadiums all the time.

You know the difference between local governments and the federal government, right?

You know that the Federal government heavily subsidizes Cities right? In a previous life I worked in Public Sector Economic Development. About half the loan programs we had were FEDERALLY FUNDED for projects just like these. These type of projects get Fed, State, Local and private financing. I know because I was the one that packaged them.
Were you gender fluid in a previous life also?

No after that I've spent the rest of my career in Private Sector commercial real estate development and management.
It's a good argument. The government isn't telling colleges what to say, it is ordering them to allow everyone the freedom to exercise their 1st Amendment right to free speech without recrimination. The colleges have a right not to comply with a presidential mandate but they risk the lucrative funding that keeps radical professors in a new Lexus every year.
Best damn thing he has ever done since being president. the million dollar question is though will be a hypocrite and reverse himself when colleges protest against Israel whom he worships and puts the interests of first instead of America?
When has any college ever prevented a protest against Israel?
We do

at least in the public square

if you come to my home be careful what you say or I might ask you to leave

just as you would me in your home
But this isn’t your home, it’s a university with students paying to attend.

This shows that it isn’t actually about constitutional rights or promoting academic diversity.
State funded universities are in the public square just as we are walking around on the streets

but a private Christian university that receives no federal or state subsidies is just that - private

the same we are in our homes

Is a private research university such as, say, Harvard the public square?

State Universities already have an obligation to uphold freedom of speech regardless of his executive order.
To the extent that it receives federal research grants it is in the public square

So why differentiate a college receiving research grants or federally subsidized tuition?
They all do except one. Here's the answer: because he can.
Evangelical Liberty University received half a billion dollars in federal aid money

Evangelical Liberty University received half a billion dollars in federal aid money
One conservative college got more government cash than NPR last year

Alex Pareene
April 5, 2011 7:45PM (UTC)

Liberty University, the evangelical private Christian school founded by dead apartheid-supporting bigot Jerry Falwell, received $445 million in federal financial aid last year. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, by the way, received $420 million from the federal government.
Just because a lib editor lies in a headline it does not become a fact

Liberty receive ZERO dollars from the federal government

that money went to students

I keep forgetting.

Cons only believe what they WANT to believe and truth, facts or reality have nothing to do with it.


why don't YOU see if YOU can find any data suggesting that liberty did NOT get any federal funds.
I read every link and all of them are for student loans and grants to students not the university

Which then goes to the University. Yes there are different rules whether the aide is direct or not. All the same they are benefiting greatly.

if you want to hurt Liberty you could do so by not giving the kids any money for education

is that what liberals plan to do?

and that is why you are conservative....because you are an idiot!

NOBODY said anything about HURTING liberty.


we are all merely wondering if the rule will apply to ALL institutions.....


If that is the rule then it should be applied to ALL institutions.

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