Trump Owns the Left

We aren't in court genius, we are in reality, well some of us are here. I use references to things that actually happened or things that were actually said. You can play the "Fake News" game all you want, it just proves your a Trump puppet. But even in biased or fake news articles the information can be fact checked and challenged. The is what debate is about, but you seem to prefer to take the lazy approach and not even engage as you hide behind the "fake news" claim. It doesn't get much weaker than that
Trump impeached yet?

Oh wait, not even leaks of wrong doing.

Nothing burger.

The left were sure Hillary would win, when the unfathomable happened and Trump won it was such a shock to their system its like they have PTSD. Then Trump openly mocked them and called them names, it was too much for the snowflakes to handle.
Ok, that may have happened to some... Wasn't my reality nor the reality of anybody that I personally know. But who gives a shit? Its been 9 months and you are still reveling in this over dramatized victory? Whats the point of statements like you just made? Grow up.

To rub salt in the left's wounds as punishment for 8 years of Obama.

I guess you right wingers love mediocrity and sorry governance because Obama was a great president.

Americans in 30 states chose not to continue Obama's policies, guess he wasn't that great.
We aren't in court genius, we are in reality, well some of us are here. I use references to things that actually happened or things that were actually said. You can play the "Fake News" game all you want, it just proves your a Trump puppet. But even in biased or fake news articles the information can be fact checked and challenged. The is what debate is about, but you seem to prefer to take the lazy approach and not even engage as you hide behind the "fake news" claim. It doesn't get much weaker than that
if you're gonna bitch about fake news, please tell me where the RUSSIA investigation against trump is these days.

seems like they've given up on that pile of shit and moved onto calling shrinks.
Well there is an investigation, there were hearings, there were lies told by campaign members, there were resignations, firings, recusals, covered up meetings... I don't know what you think was fake about those reports... Perhaps some overblown analysis and presumptions by pundits but that's not fake news... I don't recall any major media organization present false evidence of collusion. If they did then please point to it.
there was also some key members who WANTED to testify in the open, on record, who were not allowed to do that. seems they were blocking him the whole time. so if this person in question (i'll bet you know who i'm talking about) had such vital info, why has it been so hard for him to provide it to the very committee looking for the *cough cough* truth?

CNN makes shit up daily so i don't trust much of what they say or do anymore. if you need the list of CNN fake news, let me know. as far as i'm concerned, once you have quotes from people who admit that russia was a fake story that i'm sure you will call "fake news" because it's not "bad trump!". or that admit they helped hillary all they could, now what? are their stories FAKE NEWS but all BAD TRUMP is not? i find it very difficult to believe only 1 side would resort to using FAKE NEWS so you tell me who i'm supposed to believe and why?

i take my emotions out of this anymore and look at facts. i use my longstanding judgement for right and wrong and when people break the law, i don't give a rats unholy ass which "side" they are on - that needs to stop.

WE THE PEOPLE need to stop both sides from breaking the law and not show apathy when we hate the other side.

so to me the entire RUSSIA stance is fake news. no one gave a shit about russia until the democrats lost. kinda odd to me when i take my dogs out of the race.
To say there is no politics being played with the Russia story would not be honest. To say there is no story with the Russia situation would also not be honest.
again - since no one cared until they lost - i question whether or not there *IS* a story.

but if we must look at russia, fine. look away and dig deep. ANY ONE AT ANY TIME having questionable dealings with them - bring 'em out and let's look. i will not subscribe to a 1 sided vendetta against 1 person that hides behind the guise of someone doing something wrong that as of yet we have zero physical evidence of it.

yet when we have it for the liberal side, deflect, diminish and deny.
Of course the dems jumped on the Russia story because it worked to their advantage. That doesn't mean there was nothing there. You can't deny that there were several lies and cover ups coming from the Trump campaign about this issue. Either they all lied and jeopardized their careers and credibility to cover for Trump and save him from bad press or there was more there. Thats being exposed and investigated. I agree it is way overblown. But im not naive enough to say that there is nothing going on.
We aren't in court genius, we are in reality, well some of us are here. I use references to things that actually happened or things that were actually said. You can play the "Fake News" game all you want, it just proves your a Trump puppet. But even in biased or fake news articles the information can be fact checked and challenged. The is what debate is about, but you seem to prefer to take the lazy approach and not even engage as you hide behind the "fake news" claim. It doesn't get much weaker than that
Trump impeached yet?

Oh wait, not even leaks of wrong doing.

Nothing burger.

The left were sure Hillary would win, when the unfathomable happened and Trump won it was such a shock to their system its like they have PTSD. Then Trump openly mocked them and called them names, it was too much for the snowflakes to handle.
Ok, that may have happened to some... Wasn't my reality nor the reality of anybody that I personally know. But who gives a shit? Its been 9 months and you are still reveling in this over dramatized victory? Whats the point of statements like you just made? Grow up.

To rub salt in the left's wounds as punishment for 8 years of Obama.
Easy answer to that statement... Grow up

Hey now that Dem's have a lot of time on their hands, you know after losing the House, Senate, and White House they can focus on women's issues...oh wait WeinStein. :eusa_think: Dem's just can't catch a break lately.
other people don't dictate my actions regardless of what they do.

i own them.

i will not blame the boogie man, russians or trump for actions *i* take.

can you own that?
Thats fine, but doesn't have anything to do with what we are talking about...
sure it does.

i don't care what trump says or does, i consider it cop out to say "well trump did this so i had to do..."

you don't HAVE to do anything there. you CHOOSE to do that. the florida senator CHOSE to make an issue where it just wasn't there. MANY on the left use trump as a crutch to be assholes figuring if trump is a bigger asshole it's ok.

it's not. it doesn't help, it's jr high bullshit to use someone else to "ok" your bad behavior, and adults really need to get over that shit.
I actually specifically said that what Wilson did was not OK. That was my very first point. If you want to discuss it further then no problem. But there is nothing wrong with also pointing out Trumps hand in this situation and what responsibility he as our POTUS owns.

There really was nothing wrong with what Wilson did.
I disagree. I think there was an an inappropriate step to politicize this in the public when it could have been handled in a much more discrete and professional way

We will agree to disagree because if Trump had shown the proper empathy, it would not have been a thing. I think the issue was in the tone Trump used and in the general attitude he seemed to display in that conversation.
Trump impeached yet?

Oh wait, not even leaks of wrong doing.

Nothing burger.

The left were sure Hillary would win, when the unfathomable happened and Trump won it was such a shock to their system its like they have PTSD. Then Trump openly mocked them and called them names, it was too much for the snowflakes to handle.
Ok, that may have happened to some... Wasn't my reality nor the reality of anybody that I personally know. But who gives a shit? Its been 9 months and you are still reveling in this over dramatized victory? Whats the point of statements like you just made? Grow up.

To rub salt in the left's wounds as punishment for 8 years of Obama.

I guess you right wingers love mediocrity and sorry governance because Obama was a great president.

Americans in 30 states chose not to continue Obama's policies, guess he wasn't that great.
They decided not to vote for Hillary... Saying it was all a rebuke of Obama is a stretch... He was elected for two terms and ended his presidency with a pretty high approval rate.
You mean media links you call facts? Has your delusion became that powerful so that you really believe it now? None of the SHIT you say, "prove" or post would stand in court.
We aren't in court genius, we are in reality, well some of us are here. I use references to things that actually happened or things that were actually said. You can play the "Fake News" game all you want, it just proves your a Trump puppet. But even in biased or fake news articles the information can be fact checked and challenged. The is what debate is about, but you seem to prefer to take the lazy approach and not even engage as you hide behind the "fake news" claim. It doesn't get much weaker than that

The liberal media threw away their credibility trying to take Trump out, that people now would doubt everything the media reports well that's on them.
Thats how Trump has been trying to brand them. Fact is people have been skeptical of the media even before Trump, he is just going all in with the "Fake News" narrative so he can hide behind it when his bullshit gets exposed. And people like you are falling for it, hook line and sinker... I take everything that I hear from the media with a grain of salt, but in between the bias pundit analysis (which is being incorrectly called "fake news") there are facts, there are interviews, there are videos, speeches, statements, reporting on actual events. If you aren't able to discern your own truth and reality from new reports then that speaks volumes to your cognitive ability. But if you think you are getting it by only listening to Trump then that is even more pathetic. Can you admit that he is all smoke and mirrors, speaking more half truths and outright lies than any of the major media companies.

This is the liberal media's own doing, they have been lying, twisting, and spinning for decades now well its caught up to them. The boy who cried wolf lesson.
"liberal media" Try media dude... Both sides have been doing the exact same thing

The old 'both sides do it' deflection. Dude do you deny that the vast majority of media like 95% are not liberal? :eusa_hand:
Trump impeached yet?

Oh wait, not even leaks of wrong doing.

Nothing burger.

The left were sure Hillary would win, when the unfathomable happened and Trump won it was such a shock to their system its like they have PTSD. Then Trump openly mocked them and called them names, it was too much for the snowflakes to handle.
Ok, that may have happened to some... Wasn't my reality nor the reality of anybody that I personally know. But who gives a shit? Its been 9 months and you are still reveling in this over dramatized victory? Whats the point of statements like you just made? Grow up.

To rub salt in the left's wounds as punishment for 8 years of Obama.

I guess you right wingers love mediocrity and sorry governance because Obama was a great president.
That’s why no one can name an Obama accomplishment. His greatness.

Obamacare! Oh wait...:eusa_think:
Trump impeached yet?

Oh wait, not even leaks of wrong doing.

Nothing burger.

The left were sure Hillary would win, when the unfathomable happened and Trump won it was such a shock to their system its like they have PTSD. Then Trump openly mocked them and called them names, it was too much for the snowflakes to handle.
Ok, that may have happened to some... Wasn't my reality nor the reality of anybody that I personally know. But who gives a shit? Its been 9 months and you are still reveling in this over dramatized victory? Whats the point of statements like you just made? Grow up.

To rub salt in the left's wounds as punishment for 8 years of Obama.
Easy answer to that statement... Grow up

Hey now that Dem's have a lot of time on their hands, you know after losing the House, Senate, and White House they can focus on women's issues...oh wait WeinStein. :eusa_think: Dem's just can't catch a break lately.
Do you really think you are making an intelligent argument? Like a rich liberal hollywood donor has anything to do with people who fight for legislation that will help women? again, i'll say... grow up
if you're gonna bitch about fake news, please tell me where the RUSSIA investigation against trump is these days.

seems like they've given up on that pile of shit and moved onto calling shrinks.
Well there is an investigation, there were hearings, there were lies told by campaign members, there were resignations, firings, recusals, covered up meetings... I don't know what you think was fake about those reports... Perhaps some overblown analysis and presumptions by pundits but that's not fake news... I don't recall any major media organization present false evidence of collusion. If they did then please point to it.
there was also some key members who WANTED to testify in the open, on record, who were not allowed to do that. seems they were blocking him the whole time. so if this person in question (i'll bet you know who i'm talking about) had such vital info, why has it been so hard for him to provide it to the very committee looking for the *cough cough* truth?

CNN makes shit up daily so i don't trust much of what they say or do anymore. if you need the list of CNN fake news, let me know. as far as i'm concerned, once you have quotes from people who admit that russia was a fake story that i'm sure you will call "fake news" because it's not "bad trump!". or that admit they helped hillary all they could, now what? are their stories FAKE NEWS but all BAD TRUMP is not? i find it very difficult to believe only 1 side would resort to using FAKE NEWS so you tell me who i'm supposed to believe and why?

i take my emotions out of this anymore and look at facts. i use my longstanding judgement for right and wrong and when people break the law, i don't give a rats unholy ass which "side" they are on - that needs to stop.

WE THE PEOPLE need to stop both sides from breaking the law and not show apathy when we hate the other side.

so to me the entire RUSSIA stance is fake news. no one gave a shit about russia until the democrats lost. kinda odd to me when i take my dogs out of the race.
To say there is no politics being played with the Russia story would not be honest. To say there is no story with the Russia situation would also not be honest.
again - since no one cared until they lost - i question whether or not there *IS* a story.

but if we must look at russia, fine. look away and dig deep. ANY ONE AT ANY TIME having questionable dealings with them - bring 'em out and let's look. i will not subscribe to a 1 sided vendetta against 1 person that hides behind the guise of someone doing something wrong that as of yet we have zero physical evidence of it.

yet when we have it for the liberal side, deflect, diminish and deny.
Of course the dems jumped on the Russia story because it worked to their advantage. That doesn't mean there was nothing there. You can't deny that there were several lies and cover ups coming from the Trump campaign about this issue. Either they all lied and jeopardized their careers and credibility to cover for Trump and save him from bad press or there was more there. Thats being exposed and investigated. I agree it is way overblown. But im not naive enough to say that there is nothing going on.

I don't really know if we can say that actual foreign interference in our election is a small matter regardless of whether there was collusion or not.
The left were sure Hillary would win, when the unfathomable happened and Trump won it was such a shock to their system its like they have PTSD. Then Trump openly mocked them and called them names, it was too much for the snowflakes to handle.
Ok, that may have happened to some... Wasn't my reality nor the reality of anybody that I personally know. But who gives a shit? Its been 9 months and you are still reveling in this over dramatized victory? Whats the point of statements like you just made? Grow up.

To rub salt in the left's wounds as punishment for 8 years of Obama.

I guess you right wingers love mediocrity and sorry governance because Obama was a great president.

Americans in 30 states chose not to continue Obama's policies, guess he wasn't that great.
They decided not to vote for Hillary... Saying it was all a rebuke of Obama is a stretch... He was elected for two terms and ended his presidency with a pretty high approval rate.

Tell Obama, he was the one who went on national TV and told the American people his policies and legacy was on the line.
We aren't in court genius, we are in reality, well some of us are here. I use references to things that actually happened or things that were actually said. You can play the "Fake News" game all you want, it just proves your a Trump puppet. But even in biased or fake news articles the information can be fact checked and challenged. The is what debate is about, but you seem to prefer to take the lazy approach and not even engage as you hide behind the "fake news" claim. It doesn't get much weaker than that

The liberal media threw away their credibility trying to take Trump out, that people now would doubt everything the media reports well that's on them.
Thats how Trump has been trying to brand them. Fact is people have been skeptical of the media even before Trump, he is just going all in with the "Fake News" narrative so he can hide behind it when his bullshit gets exposed. And people like you are falling for it, hook line and sinker... I take everything that I hear from the media with a grain of salt, but in between the bias pundit analysis (which is being incorrectly called "fake news") there are facts, there are interviews, there are videos, speeches, statements, reporting on actual events. If you aren't able to discern your own truth and reality from new reports then that speaks volumes to your cognitive ability. But if you think you are getting it by only listening to Trump then that is even more pathetic. Can you admit that he is all smoke and mirrors, speaking more half truths and outright lies than any of the major media companies.

This is the liberal media's own doing, they have been lying, twisting, and spinning for decades now well its caught up to them. The boy who cried wolf lesson.
"liberal media" Try media dude... Both sides have been doing the exact same thing

The old 'both sides do it' deflection. Dude do you deny that the vast majority of media like 95% are not liberal? :eusa_hand:
I think it is the nature of media who thrive off ratings, advertising $$, and conflict. Whether it is liberal or conservative that is the nature of the business... And yes the majority of the media personalities lean liberal. There is a bias in the media that focus in opposition of Trump. Being overwhelmingly critical of the administration in power is not the same as FAKE. I'm actually fine with our media being critical of those in power. We don't need a bunch of Hannities kissing Trumps ass. Thats not real news either
The left were sure Hillary would win, when the unfathomable happened and Trump won it was such a shock to their system its like they have PTSD. Then Trump openly mocked them and called them names, it was too much for the snowflakes to handle.
Ok, that may have happened to some... Wasn't my reality nor the reality of anybody that I personally know. But who gives a shit? Its been 9 months and you are still reveling in this over dramatized victory? Whats the point of statements like you just made? Grow up.

To rub salt in the left's wounds as punishment for 8 years of Obama.
Easy answer to that statement... Grow up

Hey now that Dem's have a lot of time on their hands, you know after losing the House, Senate, and White House they can focus on women's issues...oh wait WeinStein. :eusa_think: Dem's just can't catch a break lately.
Do you really think you are making an intelligent argument? Like a rich liberal hollywood donor has anything to do with people who fight for legislation that will help women? again, i'll say... grow up

Which one, it seems like some new liberal women abuser surfaces every other day. Rush commented this morning that now liberals are accusing Weinstein of being a racist because he never abused any black women, man the left have come unglued. :laugh:
Trump impeached yet?

Oh wait, not even leaks of wrong doing.

Nothing burger.

The left were sure Hillary would win, when the unfathomable happened and Trump won it was such a shock to their system its like they have PTSD. Then Trump openly mocked them and called them names, it was too much for the snowflakes to handle.
Ok, that may have happened to some... Wasn't my reality nor the reality of anybody that I personally know. But who gives a shit? Its been 9 months and you are still reveling in this over dramatized victory? Whats the point of statements like you just made? Grow up.

To rub salt in the left's wounds as punishment for 8 years of Obama.

I guess you right wingers love mediocrity and sorry governance because Obama was a great president.

Americans in 30 states chose not to continue Obama's policies, guess he wasn't that great.

No, more than 63 million Americans chose to continue Obamas polices and 60 million did not. Had Obama been able to run for a third term, he would have won in a landslide.
Trump impeached yet?

Oh wait, not even leaks of wrong doing.

Nothing burger.

The left were sure Hillary would win, when the unfathomable happened and Trump won it was such a shock to their system its like they have PTSD. Then Trump openly mocked them and called them names, it was too much for the snowflakes to handle.
Ok, that may have happened to some... Wasn't my reality nor the reality of anybody that I personally know. But who gives a shit? Its been 9 months and you are still reveling in this over dramatized victory? Whats the point of statements like you just made? Grow up.

To rub salt in the left's wounds as punishment for 8 years of Obama.

I guess you right wingers love mediocrity and sorry governance because Obama was a great president.

Americans in 30 states chose not to continue Obama's policies, guess he wasn't that great.
Now Flake joins McCain and Corker giving Trump the bashing of a lifetime in front of the senate Music to my ears
Ok, that may have happened to some... Wasn't my reality nor the reality of anybody that I personally know. But who gives a shit? Its been 9 months and you are still reveling in this over dramatized victory? Whats the point of statements like you just made? Grow up.

To rub salt in the left's wounds as punishment for 8 years of Obama.
Easy answer to that statement... Grow up

Hey now that Dem's have a lot of time on their hands, you know after losing the House, Senate, and White House they can focus on women's issues...oh wait WeinStein. :eusa_think: Dem's just can't catch a break lately.
Do you really think you are making an intelligent argument? Like a rich liberal hollywood donor has anything to do with people who fight for legislation that will help women? again, i'll say... grow up

Which one, it seems like some new liberal women abuser surfaces every other day. Rush commented this morning that now liberals are accusing Weinstein of being a racist because he never abused any black women, man the left have come unglued. :laugh:

O'Reilly is a liberal woman abuser?
Well there is an investigation, there were hearings, there were lies told by campaign members, there were resignations, firings, recusals, covered up meetings... I don't know what you think was fake about those reports... Perhaps some overblown analysis and presumptions by pundits but that's not fake news... I don't recall any major media organization present false evidence of collusion. If they did then please point to it.
there was also some key members who WANTED to testify in the open, on record, who were not allowed to do that. seems they were blocking him the whole time. so if this person in question (i'll bet you know who i'm talking about) had such vital info, why has it been so hard for him to provide it to the very committee looking for the *cough cough* truth?

CNN makes shit up daily so i don't trust much of what they say or do anymore. if you need the list of CNN fake news, let me know. as far as i'm concerned, once you have quotes from people who admit that russia was a fake story that i'm sure you will call "fake news" because it's not "bad trump!". or that admit they helped hillary all they could, now what? are their stories FAKE NEWS but all BAD TRUMP is not? i find it very difficult to believe only 1 side would resort to using FAKE NEWS so you tell me who i'm supposed to believe and why?

i take my emotions out of this anymore and look at facts. i use my longstanding judgement for right and wrong and when people break the law, i don't give a rats unholy ass which "side" they are on - that needs to stop.

WE THE PEOPLE need to stop both sides from breaking the law and not show apathy when we hate the other side.

so to me the entire RUSSIA stance is fake news. no one gave a shit about russia until the democrats lost. kinda odd to me when i take my dogs out of the race.
To say there is no politics being played with the Russia story would not be honest. To say there is no story with the Russia situation would also not be honest.
again - since no one cared until they lost - i question whether or not there *IS* a story.

but if we must look at russia, fine. look away and dig deep. ANY ONE AT ANY TIME having questionable dealings with them - bring 'em out and let's look. i will not subscribe to a 1 sided vendetta against 1 person that hides behind the guise of someone doing something wrong that as of yet we have zero physical evidence of it.

yet when we have it for the liberal side, deflect, diminish and deny.
Of course the dems jumped on the Russia story because it worked to their advantage. That doesn't mean there was nothing there. You can't deny that there were several lies and cover ups coming from the Trump campaign about this issue. Either they all lied and jeopardized their careers and credibility to cover for Trump and save him from bad press or there was more there. Thats being exposed and investigated. I agree it is way overblown. But im not naive enough to say that there is nothing going on.

I don't really know if we can say that actual foreign interference in our election is a small matter regardless of whether there was collusion or not.
The biggest threat would be hacking and changing votes. funding facebook ad campaigns I don't think warrants an act of war. We can be grown ups and decide what ads to believe or not and we can work to expose the sources of political ads so we can gauge credibility behind the information sources.
Ok, that may have happened to some... Wasn't my reality nor the reality of anybody that I personally know. But who gives a shit? Its been 9 months and you are still reveling in this over dramatized victory? Whats the point of statements like you just made? Grow up.

To rub salt in the left's wounds as punishment for 8 years of Obama.

I guess you right wingers love mediocrity and sorry governance because Obama was a great president.

Americans in 30 states chose not to continue Obama's policies, guess he wasn't that great.
They decided not to vote for Hillary... Saying it was all a rebuke of Obama is a stretch... He was elected for two terms and ended his presidency with a pretty high approval rate.

Tell Obama, he was the one who went on national TV and told the American people his policies and legacy was on the line.

No I'm telling you because you are silly enough to think Trump got the majority of the peoples vote when he didn't.
Ok, that may have happened to some... Wasn't my reality nor the reality of anybody that I personally know. But who gives a shit? Its been 9 months and you are still reveling in this over dramatized victory? Whats the point of statements like you just made? Grow up.

To rub salt in the left's wounds as punishment for 8 years of Obama.
Easy answer to that statement... Grow up

Hey now that Dem's have a lot of time on their hands, you know after losing the House, Senate, and White House they can focus on women's issues...oh wait WeinStein. :eusa_think: Dem's just can't catch a break lately.
Do you really think you are making an intelligent argument? Like a rich liberal hollywood donor has anything to do with people who fight for legislation that will help women? again, i'll say... grow up

Which one, it seems like some new liberal women abuser surfaces every other day. Rush commented this morning that now liberals are accusing Weinstein of being a racist because he never abused any black women, man the left have come unglued. :laugh:
You are talking about one dipshit. How in the world does that encompass an entire ideology comprised of millions of people? Does Trump access hollywood video or Oreilly's antics at Fox news represent the values of all conservatives? of course not.
The liberal media threw away their credibility trying to take Trump out, that people now would doubt everything the media reports well that's on them.
Thats how Trump has been trying to brand them. Fact is people have been skeptical of the media even before Trump, he is just going all in with the "Fake News" narrative so he can hide behind it when his bullshit gets exposed. And people like you are falling for it, hook line and sinker... I take everything that I hear from the media with a grain of salt, but in between the bias pundit analysis (which is being incorrectly called "fake news") there are facts, there are interviews, there are videos, speeches, statements, reporting on actual events. If you aren't able to discern your own truth and reality from new reports then that speaks volumes to your cognitive ability. But if you think you are getting it by only listening to Trump then that is even more pathetic. Can you admit that he is all smoke and mirrors, speaking more half truths and outright lies than any of the major media companies.

This is the liberal media's own doing, they have been lying, twisting, and spinning for decades now well its caught up to them. The boy who cried wolf lesson.
"liberal media" Try media dude... Both sides have been doing the exact same thing

The old 'both sides do it' deflection. Dude do you deny that the vast majority of media like 95% are not liberal? :eusa_hand:
I think it is the nature of media who thrive off ratings, advertising $$, and conflict. Whether it is liberal or conservative that is the nature of the business... And yes the majority of the media personalities lean liberal. There is a bias in the media that focus in opposition of Trump. Being overwhelmingly critical of the administration in power is not the same as FAKE. I'm actually fine with our media being critical of those in power. We don't need a bunch of Hannities kissing Trumps ass. Thats not real news either

Don't make the mistake of assuming most Americans are as well informed as you or I they are not. Most Americans are too busy with their jobs and families to pay much attention, the liberal media takes advantage of this. They spew twisted half truths which many Americans just assumed were true because they heard it on the news, they continue to spew the talking point until its debunked but by then its too late, they have fooled many Americans who will never read the retraction buried on page 29.

Trump has upset this scheme, we have a POTUS who finally calls the liberal media out on this crap and the American people have begun to question anything the liberal media reports now after discovering they were being lied to.
The Left sounds as excited about Trump as the Right did about Obama.

Business as normal.

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