Trump pledges to protect Americans and end birthright citizenship by executive order on day one.

I think threatening to end birth right citizenship is going full Bingo. Messaging about the border is one thing, threatening the citizenship of all those Cuban voters in Miami and immigrants all over the country is a sure fire way to get decimated next election. I mean you still will anyway because of abortion but what little minority support you do have, even with the ultra conservative, you will lose on that issue.
Not according to the polls.
Then it becomes, probably the first amendment, that is "clear". In my youth, I worked with a municipal lawyer, I would ask him what a statute meant, and he would ask me "what do you want it to mean"?

Please point out the unclear part.
Please. There are states that don't welcome illegals, and the illegals leave. States should work to enforce federal laws.

There are no states doing that. As I noted earlier, Florida has finally made a small step in that direction but we will see if they enforce it.

Even then look at what they did. Their law does not address the illegal because they can't do anything about that. Their law fines an employer for not using e-verify. Now to see if it's enforced.
There are no states doing that. As I noted earlier, Florida has finally made a small step in that direction but we will see if they enforce it.

Even then look at what they did. Their law does not address the illegal because they can't do anything about that. Their law fines an employer for not using e-verify. Now to see if it's enforced.
I believe that would require a change in Federal law, not just an EO.
Joe Biden and Obama flung around EO’s like boogers… presidents (especially democrats) do it all the time and then it takes awhile for the courts to catch up and correct the illegal actions.

There is NO state that can restrict the Federal government from enforcing immigration. States can NOT enforce immigration. It's why Joe Arpaio was found guilty when he tried.
Wow. I didn't say now. I said in the future.
So this is fantasy you're imagining? Well that goes right back to my original point then doesn't it? Only a Simp white nationalist would imagine the capitalist solution to low birth rates would be to lock all the doors and not let any (insert your nations sacred demographics here) white people leave. 😄
So this is fantasy you're imagining? Well that goes right back to my original point then doesn't it? Only a Simp white nationalist would imagine the capitalist solution to low birth rates would be to lock all the doors and not let any (insert your nations sacred demographics here) white people leave. 😄
You really have a one track mind.
Joe Biden and Obama flung around EO’s like boogers… presidents (especially democrats) do it all the time and then it takes awhile for the courts to catch up and correct the illegal actions.
Yea, that one is going to take no time at all. It's going to be ignored. Without a law in place to determine who gets to be a citizen in the event we eliminate birth right citizenship that would be a non starter. It would be as apocalyptic as squelching on our debts.

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