Trump ponders bringing a convicted felon back in to the admin. The man is out of control.

Trump's top priority is keeping his base happy. He'll do pretty much anything towards that end.
In Trump World, the way to approach a problem is to grab a rock and pound on it like a frustrated three year old.

In Normal World, there are other more intelligent, thoughtful and pragmatic approaches.

There has never been a person in the White House like this person.

But I realize we're in the Era of Trump. You're getting your way. I'll continue to believe that we'll be better than this one day.
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Trump's top priority is keeping his base happy. He'll do pretty much anything towards that end.

He didn't do anything wrong.
Really? Then why did he plead guilty?
maybe he pleaded guilty sarcastically, to trigger da libs.

You do realize that these people, railroaded into jail, on bullshit charges, to justify the witchhunt,

these people are/were political prisoners.

And I mean that literally. THey were victims of a legalistic coup attempt by rogue political factions in the intelligence and law enforcement forces of the federal government, working with a major political party, ie the Democrats.

If this were done by a right wing government against a brown person, you people would be wearing their faces on t-shirts for the next 5 generations.
Trump's top priority is keeping his base happy. He'll do pretty much anything towards that end.
In Trump World, the way to approach a problem is to grab a rock and pound on it like a frustrated three year old.

In Normal World, there are other more intelligent, thoughtful and pragmatic approaches.

There has never been a person in the White House like this person.

But I realize we're in the Era of Trump. You're getting your way. I'll continue to believe that we'll be better than this one day.

You realize that these people, jailed using ginned up process "crimes" are literally political prisoners, right?
Trump says he would ‘certainly consider’ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would “certainly consider” bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trump’s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

“I think he’s a fine man, I think it’s terrible would they did to him,” Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
He didn't do anything. I say make him in charge of the fbi and round up all you traitor scum and lock you away forever.
You just love some authoritarianism, don’t you, coward?
Trump's top priority is keeping his base happy. He'll do pretty much anything towards that end.
In Trump World, the way to approach a problem is to grab a rock and pound on it like a frustrated three year old.

In Normal World, there are other more intelligent, thoughtful and pragmatic approaches.

There has never been a person in the White House like this person.

But I realize we're in the Era of Trump. You're getting your way. I'll continue to believe that we'll be better than this one day.

You realize that these people, jailed using ginned up process "crimes" are literally political prisoners, right?
Sure, why not.
Trump says he would ‘certainly consider’ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would “certainly consider” bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trump’s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

“I think he’s a fine man, I think it’s terrible would they did to him,” Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
He didn't do anything. I say make him in charge of the fbi and round up all you traitor scum and lock you away forever.
You just love some authoritarianism, don’t you, coward?

This has nothing to do with "authoritarianism" at all. It has to do with the idea of the worm turning, and what goes around comes around.

Gen. Flynn could get his chance to get back at his tormenters like Jim Fucking Comey. Comey laughed when he was able to lock his political enemies in solitary confinement and worse, and now he'll understand how it feels to be in torments.
Trump says he would ‘certainly consider’ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would “certainly consider” bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trump’s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

“I think he’s a fine man, I think it’s terrible would they did to him,” Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
General Flynn will replace Wray as head of fbi! It’s going to be amazing.
Trump says he would ‘certainly consider’ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would “certainly consider” bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trump’s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

“I think he’s a fine man, I think it’s terrible would they did to him,” Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
Flynn, A war hero falsely accused and setup...Mean while the democrats wanted a a self avowed communist in the White House so go fuck yourself
Trump says he would ‘certainly consider’ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would “certainly consider” bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trump’s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

“I think he’s a fine man, I think it’s terrible would they did to him,” Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.

Every FBI Agent involved with the Flynn interview / case stated THEY did not believe Flynn lied. The only one who thought so and made the decision to charge him with lying to the FBI was FBI deputy Director of Counter Intelligence Peter Strzok, the proven criminal conspirator who is ass-deep in Obama's failed coup attempt.

As the US IG pointed out, the FBI broke a lot of protocols (and laws) in the Flynn investigation.

The latest official document release on Wednesday proved the FBI did not have a legitimate legal reason for investigating Flynn (sounds familiar).

The FBI Deputy Director of Counter Intelligence being involved in an interview is highly irregular, as interviews are routinely handled by FIELD AGENTS, not Deputy Directors. Strzok's involvement immediately flags the Flynn investigation / interview as a high0level FBI set-up.

The FBI sought to take advantage of the new administration's disorganization as it settled into the WH by intentionally side-stepping proper protocol which required the FBI to notify the WH and WH Counsel of a desire / intent to interview an administration member / the National Security Advisor. Had they notified the WH no interview would have been granted / conducted without Flynn having legal Counsel present, something Comey himself stated they sought to avoid.

Former FBI leaders, agents, and legal experts have stated that for any common person or criminal the Agents would have informed Flynn what they were doing was conducting an interview, that he had a right to Counsel, that he did not have to say anything, and warn him what he stated could be used against him - THEY DID NOT. That would have alerted Flynn to the true purpose of why they were there.

A stated, the FBI agents involved stated they do not believe Flynn lied...all except for Strzok. It was Strzok who pushed for Flynn to be charged with ling to the FBI.
--- It was also Strzok who helped NSA Director Clapper and CIA Director Comey to write the Intel Community Assessment and Report, based on the RIS propaganda the FBI had already assessed to be propaganda already being used by the Russians against Foreign Policy elsewhere, that was briefed to Congress and used to initiate the pre-coordinated launching of the official investigation of Trump and his team and used to appoint Mueller as Special Counsel, which had also already been planned.

Recently released documents, testimony from FBI Agents and the FBI's legal Counsel (James Baker, who is now cooperating with Durham), etc....prove what was done to Flynn - to include prosecutorial misconduct by blackmailing Flynn into giving a 'Guilty' plea by threatening to ut his son in prison if he (Flynn) did not do so - has been proven to be a high-level FBI leadership set-up, part of Barry's failed coup attempt.
Trump says he would ‘certainly consider’ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would “certainly consider” bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trump’s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

“I think he’s a fine man, I think it’s terrible would they did to him,” Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
He didn't do anything. I say make him in charge of the fbi and round up all you traitor scum and lock you away forever.
You just love some authoritarianism, don’t you, coward?

This has nothing to do with "authoritarianism" at all. It has to do with the idea of the worm turning, and what goes around comes around.

Gen. Flynn could get his chance to get back at his tormenters like Jim Fucking Comey. Comey laughed when he was able to lock his political enemies in solitary confinement and worse, and now he'll understand how it feels to be in torments.
Ok, bootlicker
General Flynn will replace Wray as head of fbi! It’s going to be amazing.
A convicted felon as head of the FBI. Yea...amazing
Every FBI Agent involved with the Flynn interview / case stated THEY did not believe Flynn lied. The only one who thought so and made the decision to charge him with lying to the FBI was FBI deputy Director of Counter Intelligence Peter Strzok, the proven criminal conspirator who is ass-deep in Obama's failed coup attempt.

Post a link
General Flynn will replace Wray as head of fbi! It’s going to be amazing.
A convicted felon as head of the FBI. Yea...amazing
Every FBI Agent involved with the Flynn interview / case stated THEY did not believe Flynn lied. The only one who thought so and made the decision to charge him with lying to the FBI was FBI deputy Director of Counter Intelligence Peter Strzok, the proven criminal conspirator who is ass-deep in Obama's failed coup attempt.

Post a link

The amazing part is that Gen. Flynn's good name is being cleared, and now he will be in a position to deliver righteous vengeance against his tormentors. I'd be concerned if I was Comey or Mueller or Strzok or McCabe.

It would be great to see these usurpers get their comeuppance.
Trump's top priority is keeping his base happy. He'll do pretty much anything towards that end.

He didn't do anything wrong.
Really? Then why did he plead guilty?
maybe he pleaded guilty sarcastically, to trigger da libs.

You do realize that these people, railroaded into jail, on bullshit charges, to justify the witchhunt,

these people are/were political prisoners.

And I mean that literally. THey were victims of a legalistic coup attempt by rogue political factions in the intelligence and law enforcement forces of the federal government, working with a major political party, ie the Democrats.

If this were done by a right wing government against a brown person, you people would be wearing their faces on t-shirts for the next 5 generations.
In Trump World, the way to approach a problem is to grab a rock and pound on it like a frustrated three year old.
The other way is to blithely state the opposite of the truth. Because in President Shithole's experience he understands he has the power to alter reality in the mind's of Trumpleheads with mere words.

Yesterday I heard him say he is happy with his admin's response to the virus. So.................despite overwhelming evidence the response has been a disaster................the minions believe it was awesome.

Regarding Flynn, it isn't enough to bitch and moan about how the Orange Fraud thinks the system treated Flynn unfairly. No. He has to take it a step further by proclaiming Flynn fit to serve in the admin again.................................turning reality on its head.
The amazing part is that Gen. Flynn's good name is being cleared isn't. Not in the real world at least. However, in Trumpworld, everything is up for grabs.

Why do you hate Veterans who fought for your freedom? Gen. Flynn is a tremendous military man, and the disrespect shown by Leftard Comey toward him shows the hatred libs have toward REAL veterans.
Trump says he would ‘certainly consider’ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would “certainly consider” bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trump’s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

“I think he’s a fine man, I think it’s terrible would they did to him,” Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
He didn't do anything. I say make him in charge of the fbi and round up all you traitor scum and lock you away forever.
You just love some authoritarianism, don’t you, coward?

This has nothing to do with "authoritarianism" at all. It has to do with the idea of the worm turning, and what goes around comes around.

Gen. Flynn could get his chance to get back at his tormenters like Jim Fucking Comey. Comey laughed when he was able to lock his political enemies in solitary confinement and worse, and now he'll understand how it feels to be in torments.

Comey needs 18th Century justice

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