Trump Prosecutions Backfiring?

It has been rightly suggested that the "charges" are bogus and (let's be honest) since at least Bush Baby Junior's lies about WMDs there have been no shortages of "bogus" accusations.

So ..... you don't believe a "deep state" exists, is that right?

I'm 76 and I spent 7 years of my life traveling overland around the world. How old are you and where have you been outside of your granny's wood shed? :auiqs.jpg:
"deep state" only exists in the minds of crazy people. It`s been rightly suggested that the 91 charges are bogus by whom? The Klan and their sister organization, Nation`s Real Ayeholes, aka NRA.
As I said elsewhere, I think the "cult devotion" thing misses the point. They don't love and revere Trump. They hate and fear Democrats. As long as they perceive Trump to be fighting Democrats, they'll support him.
I accept that as a rational way to explain irrational behavior. But what I think is really going on is Trump is a human wrecking ball bashing the crap out of the institutional norms holding our republic together. The Following has been convinced that is a good thing. In your explanation, Dems serve as a metaphor for "the establishment." The Following sees Trump as their champion against all they think has gone wrong with the country and their own lives. Sadly, he doesn't give a shit about them. He only sees them as the means to achieve he own ends.
I accept that as a rational way to explain irrational behavior. But what I think is really going on is Trump is a human wrecking ball bashing the crap out of the institutional norms holding our republic together. The Following has been convinced that is a good thing. In your explanation, Dems serve as a metaphor for "the establishment." The Following sees Trump as their champion against all they think has gone wrong with the country and their own lives. Sadly, he doesn't give a shit about them. He only sees them as the means to achieve he own ends.

The institutional norms are corrupt. They are now a weapon to be used against anyone who isn't part of the "elite".
Amazing, how much they choose to ignore and minimize.

"Gosh, he's only wondering if the vote was counted right! Gee whiz! What's the big deal!"

Fucking incredible.

forging signatures on elector certificates is just peachy.
Why do you think people like Assange and Trump should go to prison for telling the truth?
Trump isn't going to prison for anything he said. He is going to prison for criminal acts.

This has been explained to you many times. You're experiencing some sort of mental block or break.
What does that have to do with my point? It seems that you are reinforcing it.
I'm saying that the premise is off. Hardcore MAGA people back him for the same reason his more reluctant voters do, not because they worship him, but because he fights Democrats - in their eyes more effectively than the "Bush republicans" ever did. These prosecutions will be framed to make Democrats seem like even more of a threat to these people. And possibly even more of a threat to independents trying to decide which is the "lesser evil".

I sincerely hope you're right, and that these prosecutions convince people to not vote for him. If we can also convince them to not vote for Biden, we might have an outside shot at getting someone decent in there. But I'm not optimistic. It's going to take one party, or the other, making a firm commitment to represent the entire country, and dropping all the culture war nonsense. I think whoever does it first will win in a landslide.
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