Trump Prosecutions Backfiring?

My point is that Trump's accomplishments are irrelevant if he alienates half the country and provokes a passionate backlash that ushers in another round of radical leftists. So, yes, you did ignore it.

Interesting concept, blaming someone else for the fact that radical leftists choose to be radical leftists.

Way to be whiney bitches who refuse to be accountable for your bad behavior.


I think TDS refers to all those jerks who don't like grifters. Shame on them.

Or to you morons who can't seem to shut up about him. Face it, clown, were it not for you twats he would never have run.

You goaded him into it, and you keep him going.

You truly are a dumbass.
I don't really buy into the cult characterization. It's too easy and misses the point. The reason Trump supporters seem to support him despite his offensive persona isn't because they worship him. It's because he "fights back" against Democrats. They hate Democrats and as long as Trump is flipping them the bird, the details won't matter.
What does that have to do with my point? It seems that you are reinforcing it.

His supporters are going to go with it as we both agree and if they are doing it out of 'worship,' and I am using the term here really loosely to be fair, or because he pisses democrats off. This is not the issue, they are the ones I was referring to that would take any position at any time to continue supporting Trump. The issue is weather the people that do not make up that 20% that really support Trump, the other 30% he needs to actually win, are going to take it. I do not see them as being drawn to Trump because he is being paraded around in court for some pretty shitty crimes. It will bring back Jan 6th over and over again, something NOT seen as acceptable by anyone but the 20% he will always have. It will bring up him openly talking about showing classified documents to random people to stroke his own ego.

He may still get them to support him BUT the contention here is not that he will gain or lose supporters before the election. The contention is that the prosecutions themselves will 'backfire.' IOW gain him supporters. I contend that they will absolutely not, the only people that will see this as galvanizing already support him and will do so no matter what. Others will not be convinced by this even if they may be convinced by other things.
Regardless of his guilt or innocence, how do you think it will play out politically? Do you think his supporters will reconsider? Do you think some independents might see the situation as political persecution and shift support to Trump for that reason?
His supporters don`t care about his guilt or innocence. They`ll still want to bear his child. The Independents will see him in 3 different court rooms between now and 2024. I think that his supporters are unaware that he`s facing 91 (ninety-one) felony charges.
If you want a pristine '55 Chevy you will most likely have to find one in fair shape and get to work. Buying a Datusn ain't gonna' get the result you're looking for no matter what you do with it. Drop Biden off at Ajax Scrap Yard and get ya' a Trump. Now that is something worth having even if you need to make some improvements. :thup:
How many posts of offtpic whining from you now? I will let the readers decide.
You're the one carrying it further. I am contributing to a valid comment made by another member about your own OP. All you are doing is licking the wounds of your damaged ego and whining about it. Now ........ here's another chance for you to end it. Let's see how well you do. I will let the readers decide. :)
Your orange god isn't going to prison for just saying the election was stolen.
Why do you think people like Assange and Trump should go to prison for telling the truth? Is there some kind of law against truth-telling? "Draining the swamp" isn't something Trump invented, he only coined the phrase. He is on the same side as Assange, Snowden, Manning, and many, many more but as they have only been able to tell the truth Trump has been in a position to do something about it. If Americans are smart (I think they are) and serious control of fake voting is implemented then Trump can back to work. But he'll have to work overtime to make up for all the damage the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex managed to coerce Creepy Joe into perpetrating. Do you know what the first three letters of MAGA mean? "Make America Great". Why are you against that? Are you an anti-American? Maybe you can apply for residency in North Korea. :heehee:
Why do you think people like Assange and Trump should go to prison for telling the truth? Is there some kind of law against truth-telling? "Draining the swamp" isn't something Trump invented, he only coined the phrase. He is on the same side as Assange, Snowden, Manning, and many, many more but as they have only been able to tell the truth Trump has been in a position to do something about it. If Americans are smart (I think they are) and serious control of fake voting is implemented then Trump can back to work. But he'll have to work overtime to make up for all the damage the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex managed to coerce Creepy Joe into perpetrating. Do you know what the first three letters of MAGA mean? "Make America Great". Why are you against that? Are you an anti-American? Maybe you can apply for residency in North Korea. :heehee:
With Trump facing 91 (ninety-one) felony charges, it`s highly unlikely that "telling the truth" is what could put him in jail. It`s the crazy people that say crazy things like "deep state". Is that the grown-up's version of the bogeyman? :icon_rolleyes:
With Trump facing 91 (ninety-one) felony charges, it`s highly unlikely that "telling the truth" is what could put him in jail.
It has been rightly suggested that the "charges" are bogus and (let's be honest) since at least Bush Baby Junior's lies about WMDs there have been no shortages of "bogus" accusations.
It`s the crazy people that say crazy things like "deep state".
So ..... you don't believe a "deep state" exists, is that right?
Is that the grown-up's version of the bogeyman?
I'm 76 and I spent 7 years of my life traveling overland around the world. How old are you and where have you been outside of your granny's wood shed? :auiqs.jpg:

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