Trump Prosecutions Backfiring?

I don't follow it. I'm a car racing enthusiast. Mainly F1 and WRC.
It's just a metaphor for the insane mindset you guys are in. I'm always reminded of arguing with classmates in grade school who were wrestling fans. They were utterly convinced the over the top screeching of their heroes was real, and they'd become angry and violent toward anyone who suggested otherwise.
Did you think anything else would happen when you indict him on transparently political and ridiculous charges?
Nope. I've predicted this since the outset. Regardless of the validity of the indictments, it will be seen as political persecution and fuel Trump's martyr narrative.
What in the fuck is wrong with you? You're so steepd in the two-party horseshit you literally can't imagine that everyone else isn't in there with you.
The first People's President who was for the people, and he exposed the swamp creatures of Washington DC. There is nothing wrong with me, i served my country and know when someone loves this country and those that dont....You definately dont.
I could easily go for term limits.
Continued denial of the results in order to justify overthrowing the results, including trying to coerce his VP into disregarding his oath to the constitution. The dude lost. Overthrowing the results by attacking state governors, attorneys general (including Republicans) and backing the use of fake electors is a non-starter. Anybody that would do that is unfit for the Presidency of the United States. It is as simple as that.
Too bad you feel that way and mischaracterize his efforts. Plenty of evidence of the cheating in the election by Dems, making them all unfit for anything. Very simple choices now, remove the evil or let it continue.
I could easily go for term limits.
Continued denial of the results in order to justify overthrowing the results, including trying to coerce his VP into disregarding his oath to the constitution. The dude lost. Overthrowing the results by attacking state governors, attorneys general (including Republicans) and backing the use of fake electors is a non-starter. Anybody that would do that is unfit for the Presidency of the United States. It is as simple as that.

No, the evidence is very clear that he in fact won. The fact is the deep state launched a soft coup against him within minutes of being sworn in. We now all KNOW that.

So the subversives are YOUR people.
The first People's President who was for the people, and he exposed the swamp creatures of Washington DC. There is nothing wrong with me, i served my country and know when someone loves this country and those that dont....You definately dont.
If you think I'm a marxist, you've never actually read any of my posts. Or you have and your posts are merely propaganda. Either way, I can't take your nonsense seriously.
It's just a metaphor for the insane mindset you guys are in. I'm always reminded of arguing with classmates in grade school who were wrestling fans. They were utterly convinced the over the top screeching of their heroes was real, and they'd become angry and violent toward anyone who suggested otherwise.

Insane? YOU are the people declaring you want to fundamentally change America.

Into what?

The third world shit holes that democrat cities have become?

And you think we're crazy?

Go see a psychiatrist.
If you think that just throwing any charge at a US citizen, hoping it will stick, is the way justice should be, you better hope that it doesnt happen to President Trump. If he can be convicted on any charge, while being innocent, then this government can do it to you, me, anyone else who doesnt suck the governments dicks...

Are you gay?
That's it. The never Trumpers, anti-Trump people and of course ALL the Marxist minded left rejoice every time Trump is hit with some new allegation most especially when a militarized government via a corrupt court system is pushing indictment, talking prison, most especially getting Trump off the ballot for 2024. And despite the 100% UNPRECEDENTED politically motivated prosecutions, fabricated 'evidence', lack of due process, they hate that we all won't jump on their 'lock him up' bandwagon.

Every single one of them, including the OP, would be strongly protesting similar treatment of ANYBODY they like. And I would like to think the still sane and rational Patriots who recognize this for the vicious, malicious, weaponized prosecution that it is, would join them in the protest even if they didn't like the person.

Politics brings out the worst in some and definitely reveals the lack of integrity in many.
Who already have gone full fascist trying to destroy this country.

You bet we are going to reverse that shit.

Benedict Donald's Neo-GOP is following the Fascist play book for overthrowing a Constitutional Republic. MAGA MOB intimidation of Congress with the intent to suspend the Constitution along with delegitimizing the courts and suspending law and order for the Party Faithful.

Patriotic Americans will prevail over these terrible Americans of Benedict's cult.
Insane? YOU are the people declaring you want to fundamentally change America.
Quote it. Seriously, find one post where I'm doing anything but speaking out AGAINST the Dem's campaign to transform America. If you really believe that I have, quote it. Or go on making a fool of yourself.
Quote it. Seriously, find one post where I'm doing anything but speaking out AGAINST the Dem's campaign to transform America. If you really believe that I have, quote it. Or go on making a fool of yourself.

Post one of your links decrying what the dems are doing.

Should be easy if you are telling the truth.
Wasn't the FBI sitting on the laptop before the last election not letting the content be known. There was a lot of negative
data of the "Big Guy".

Why aren't these scumbags in front a Judge and Jury right now?

The dishonor of our intelligence community, and most of the media, is now complete.

It turns out the “51 intel experts” letter implying Hunter Biden’s 100% authentic laptop was a Russian fake, and the ensuing efforts to kill Post reporting on it, were the actual disinfo operation.

Veteran spook and former acting CIA Director Mike Morrell masterminded it, as he swore under oath, to “help Vice President Biden … because I wanted him to win the election” — at the behest of campaign flunky (now Secretary of State) Antony Blinken.

And Morell plainly also did it in hopes a victorious Biden would hand him the top CIA job.

dimocraps are scum
Too bad you feel that way and mischaracterize his efforts. Plenty of evidence of the cheating in the election by Dems, making them all unfit for anything. Very simple choices now, remove the evil or let it continue.
Not enough cheating by either side to change a single state. He wasn't robbed. He lost, just refused to accept it and tried to change it, after the fact. Anyone that would try to change the results of an election (at the cost of the constitution and rule of law) is definitively evil and dangerous to the country, in my opinion. There is no justification for it. The man disregarded his oath, but then, he always has disregarded oaths, even before God. Ask any of his wives, for that matter. The man is without principles.
Not enough cheating by either side to change a single state. He wasn't robbed. He lost, just refused to accept it and tried to change it, after the fact. Anyone that would try to change the results of an election (at the cost of the constitution and rule of law) is definitively evil and dangerous to the country, in my opinion. There is no justification for it. The man disregarded his oath, but then, he always has disregarded oaths, even before God. Ask any of his wives, for that matter. The man is without principles.
Complete baloney. Dems invented the declaration that they won the elections they lost long before Trump. And if you don't see the true evil, and think it is Trump who is, you are truly blind. Hard to believe your views can be so wrongly skewed. As I said earlier, simple choices now. Remove the America destroyer or keep voting for the Dem ilk.
I don't really buy into the cult characterization. It's too easy and misses the point. The reason Trump supporters seem to support him despite his offensive persona isn't because they worship him. It's because he "fights back" against Democrats. They hate Democrats and as long as Trump is flipping them the bird, the details won't matter.
The reason I and everybody I know who supports Trump is not because he is likable or revered--many of us find him often offputting--but we support him because he is the ONLY President of our lifetime who actually cared whether he kept his campaign promises and had the courage to try and try again to accomplish them. All others if they failed once, put it on the shelf, shrugged, and said "I tried."

He delivered on the economy producing an economy that was lifting all boats in ALL demographics, even the hardcore unemployed.

He delivered on fighting back against the hordes of migrants invading our country and had that slowed to a trickle. If the feckless never Trumpers in the GOP and Democrats had given a rat's ass about that and given him any help at all, he would have had it completely under control.

He had all our allies understanding that they couldn't count on the USA being their ATM or sugar daddy any more and would have to hold up their end. They hated him for that but they respected him. In the process he pulled us out of one sided, unwise agreements and revamped trade policies to put America on equal footing again instead of being the world's patsy.

North Korea stopped firing provocative missiles over South Korea and Japan, China, Russia, Iran all stopped saber rattling, the war in Syria ended, the war in Afghanistan was being carefully and wisely wound down with the Taliban no problem to anybody, and three Arab nations normalized trade relations with Israel. We had the closest thing to world peace any of us had ever experienced.

Biden has reversed almost all of that, wars raging and we're teetering on the brink of WWII, family wealth and buying power has taken a severe hit, the economic benefits still in place will go away in 2025 if we do not put a savvy Republican into office, and the vast majority of the country thinks we're headed in the wrong direction.

Those who vote for a personality will continue to malign and hate Trump. Those of us who vote for good results and effects will vote for him again.
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