Trump Prosecutions Backfiring?

All of your tds, all of your whining about the Republicans, all of your posts defending the left while using the right as your excuse for the left, all of your votes for leftist politicians.

You can run your mouth 24/7 about your supposed centrist views but your history here as well as your admitted voting history betrays your mouth.

They're known as macistas.
All I see is our nation going down the shitter, primarily because of the two party fear mongering and the hatred it engenders.
All I see is the nation going down the shitter because of politically blind people who refuse to see what is actually happening and speak out against it instead of blaming it on the two party system.
All I see is our nation going down the shitter, primarily because of the two party fear mongering and the hatred it engenders.

Are your boots nailed down?

Get the hell out.

Or at least STFU and stay out of the way while we fix it.

All I see is the nation going down the shitter because of politically blind people who refuse to see what is actually happening and speak out against it instead of blaming it on the two party system.
Do you really think that Biden and Trump are the best we can do??? Even close???

This is what I've been expecting. Trump is building his martyr narrative and his supporters will eat it up.
The fact you all don't get that it's all campaign publicity that he's not having to pay for, and everyone has eyes and ears and sees it as a kangaroo court interfering in the election process by sore losing demofks. It is what it is.

Fk, Trump is on the telly everyday all day.
The fact you all don't get that it's all campaign publicity that he's not having to pay for ..
You all??? I've been screaming this since 2016. Democrats are directly responsible for the rise of Donald Trump.
The fact you all don't get that it's all campaign publicity that he's not having to pay for, and everyone has eyes and ears and sees it as a kangaroo court interfering in the election process by sore losing demofks. It is what it is.

Fk, Trump is on the telly everyday all day.

Brilliant marketing.


This is what I've been expecting. Trump is building his martyr narrative and his supporters will eat it up.
Among the many counterintuitive reactions Trump cultists exhibit is the increase of their fawning devotion each time he steps closer to prison. It's like a perverse version of Stockholm syndrome. That which repulses most people makes The Following love him all the more.

I heard Steve Bannon described the cult as the Trump Davidians.
Among the many counterintuitive reactions Trump cultists exhibit is the increase of their fawning devotion each time he steps closer to prison. It's like a perverse version of Stockholm syndrome. That which repulses most people makes The Following love him all the more.

I heard Steve Bannon described the cult as the Trump Davidians.
As I said elsewhere, I think the "cult devotion" thing misses the point. They don't love and revere Trump. They hate and fear Democrats. As long as they perceive Trump to be fighting Democrats, they'll support him.
That's it. The never Trumpers, anti-Trump people and of course ALL the Marxist minded left rejoice every time Trump is hit with some new allegation most especially when a militarized government via a corrupt court system is pushing indictment, talking prison, most especially getting Trump off the ballot for 2024. And despite the 100% UNPRECEDENTED politically motivated prosecutions, fabricated 'evidence', lack of due process, they hate that we all won't jump on their 'lock him up' bandwagon.

Every single one of them, including the OP, would be strongly protesting similar treatment of ANYBODY they like. And I would like to think the still sane and rational Patriots who recognize this for the vicious, malicious, weaponized prosecution that it is, would join them in the protest even if they didn't like the person.

Politics brings out the worst in some and definitely reveals the lack of integrity in many.
Just look what Nancy Piglosi did to US citizens, by subversion of people, into coming into the capitol at the behest of the capitol police, and then charge them with bogus counts, and hold them without due process. Think about that, when President Trump gets back in office, he can charge any Democrat voter he wants, put them in jail, and throw away the key, because of the precedence the Democrats have set. This is why the Marxist have to destroy President Trump or else...
Do you really think that Biden and Trump are the best we can do??? Even close???
I think Trump is the best we've ever had to address, figure out solutions for, and fix real problems and accomplish real good. I don't know another out there who has EVER been able to accomplish what he did in three short years before COVID shut him down and even there he performed magnificently despite the haters and corrupt media misrepresenting everything he did.

You talk about consensus. Take personalities out of it entirely for a minute.

--Is there American consensus for a strong economy that benefits everybody?
--Is there American consensus for not continuing to throw money down ratholes around the world and getting no benefit?
--Is there American consensus for everybody paying their fair share for mutual defense instead of the USA paying pretty much all of it?
--Is there American consensus for trade that benefits us as much as everybody else, that stops the bleeding of American manufacturing jobs etc. being outsourced over seas, that brings American businesses and jobs back home?
--Is there American consensus for stopping hordes of migrants from all over the world, many of whom are very bad actors, flooding over an open border, consuming massive resources and endangering American citizens?
--Is there American consensus for ending useless regulations that accomplish little or nothing but restrict American liberties and cost them a lot of money?
--Is there American consensus for energy independence and being strong in other areas that improve quality of life for all Americans?
--Is there American consensus for a court system that uses the Constitution for the basis of its rulings instead of political correctness or political partisanship/ideology?
--Is there American consensus for moving our embassy to Jerusalem? (Clinton, Bush 41, Obama all campaigned on doing it but Trump was the only one to do it.)
--Is there American consensus for ending endless wars, not getting embroiled in endless wars, for world peace?

In every one of those issues offered separately from any candidate or political party, a majority or strong plurality of people polled did indicate consensus.

Trump accomplished or was in the process of accomplishing all. He has not changed his position on any of them.
But. . .but. . .mean tweets . . .
Not enough cheating by either side to change a single state. He wasn't robbed. He lost, just refused to accept it and tried to change it, after the fact. Anyone that would try to change the results of an election (at the cost of the constitution and rule of law) is definitively evil and dangerous to the country, in my opinion. There is no justification for it. The man disregarded his oath, but then, he always has disregarded oaths, even before God. Ask any of his wives, for that matter. The man is without principles.
Marxists walk around all day, with "Eyes Wide Shut". Or full of shit....

Among the many counterintuitive reactions Trump cultists exhibit is the increase of their fawning devotion each time he steps closer to prison. It's like a perverse version of Stockholm syndrome. That which repulses most people makes The Following love him all the more.

I heard Steve Bannon described the cult as the Trump Davidians.
THen there are the Joe Biden dick suckers, like you.


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