Trump rally in Youngstown

Yeah, ok. Whatever you need to tell yourself is cool with me

Very ture, but those of you that worship Trump and think he walks on the water as he is turning it to wine are cultists

No one thinks the Trumpster "walks on water" at all. They just recognize the path we're on now isn't working out and organizing a Le Resistance to Biden is the key.

BTW, nevertrumper Republicans like Liz have done nothing to denouncing the Bidenist Reign of Error and have yet to demand his removal.
Dude, if you would look behind you the NAZI's are there.
Go ahead Otter, explain to the class what makes those who support the Constitution "Nazis?"

You can't - you're just bleating "Nuhn uhn yooo"
  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
    • Republicans judge people by the content of their Character
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
    • Republicans support free people trading freely with each other
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
    • Republicans promote individual liberty
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
    • Republicans support rights for all
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
    • Capricious and arbitrary rule by dictators runs against the concepts of liberty
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
    • The state is the god of the democrats
  • democrats crush freedom of speech
    • Hate speech laws, political correctness, cancel culture
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror
    • Adolf Biden sent his Gestapo goons to kick the door in of the opposition candidate for the 2024 presidential election
You'll need new ways to cheat in November.

Dozens of states have closed off the fraud you used last time.
My state's a clean one. No cheating here. Must have ID. Paper ballots only on election day or, in a few cases, the day before.

Makes me feel pure and pristine. None of that filthy cheating here where I live.
Dude, your position has been laughed out of court, refuted at every state and sweated off the the head of Rudy guiroony.


Non sequitur

You're jacking off to the denial of justice by our non-functional courts.

This is recently exposed tampering by the FBI, which they acknowledged.

It's always amusing to see you Nazi goons keep lying - weeks after the FBI acknowledged they did it..

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