Trump Says He Will Be Filing a “Major Motion” Soon in Response to FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

Watch you video clip very closely. NOT ONCE EVER did Jim Comey say that Hillary Clinton lied. Trey Gowdy "weasel worded" his questions to make it appear that Comey was saying Clinton lied, but that's not what Comey said at all.

You need to learn the language, stupid foreign commie. When Gowdy asked, "is that true" and Comey says "no", that means the bitch lied.

You need to learn the language, stupid foreign commie. When Gowdy asked, "is that true" and Comey says "no", that means the bitch lied.


That does not mean she lied. A lie is an intentional deception. Just because something Hillary believed to be true, was found to be incorrect, doesn't mean she lied. I lie is an "intentional deception". Unless she set out to tell you something she knew to be false, she's not "lying". You can be mistaken, hence what she told him was not true, but that's because she was mistaken, not because she was lying.

If she instructed her staff to turn over all documents, and they told her they had done so, she rightfully believed that all documents had been turned over. That a handful of documents were classified after the fact is irrelevant. Her actions, in instructing her staff to turn over all documents indicates her intent, and the basis of her belief that her orders had been carried out.

That whole clip is Trey Gowdy weasel wording his questions, to make it appear that Comey said she was lying, and Comey being equally careful in not calling Clinton's statements "lies".

This is where "intent" comes in. Even if GSA workers packed the boxes and shipped them to Florida, Trump KNEW what he had, and refused to return them. It's clear, he intended to keep them. He refused to give the stuff back, lied about having it, and then ignored a subpoena. There's a whole truck load of "intent" in his actions.
That does not mean she lied. A lie is an intentional deception. Just because something Hillary believed to be true, was found to be incorrect, doesn't mean she lied. I lie is an "intentional deception". Unless she set out to tell you something she knew to be false, she's not "lying". You can be mistaken, hence what she told him was not true, but that's because she was mistaken, not because she was lying.

If she instructed her staff to turn over all documents, and they told her they had done so, she rightfully believed that all documents had been turned over. That a handful of documents were classified after the fact is irrelevant. Her actions, in instructing her staff to turn over all documents indicates her intent, and the basis of her belief that her orders had been carried out.

That whole clip is Trey Gowdy weasel wording his questions, to make it appear that Comey said she was lying, and Comey being equally careful in not calling Clinton's statements "lies".

This is where "intent" comes in. Even if GSA workers packed the boxes and shipped them to Florida, Trump KNEW what he had, and refused to return them. It's clear, he intended to keep them. He refused to give the stuff back, lied about having it, and then ignored a subpoena. There's a whole truck load of "intent" in his actions.

Oh STFU, I guess you didn't watch the video and the discussion of FALSE EXCULPATORY STATEMENTS ie LIES.

Oh STFU, I guess you didn't watch the video and the discussion of FALSE EXCULPATORY STATEMENTS ie LIES.


I watched Gowdy's artful attempt to get a sound bite on TV live as it happened, and I've watched it several times since then because it really is one of the most skillful attempts to mislead the audience, I've ever seen. But it's still a lawyer pulling a parlour trick, and you're still falling for it.
Covid wasn't Trump's fault, but letting half a million people die as a result of covid is definitely Trump's fault. More disease and death than ANYWHERE else in the world.
I just wonder did you find the Covid raw data yourself or did you only believe what MSM told you? BTW, do you have the latest COVID data?
I would like to add that I think what Trump is asking for is a no brainer. I cannot think of a single legit reason the DOJ should object to this.
Covid wasn't Trump's fault, but letting half a million people die as a result of covid is definitely Trump's fault. More disease and death than ANYWHERE else in the world.
More deaths on your Vegetable Messiah's watch, Simp.
Maybe you should watch something else, something with actual news and not lies and propaganda.

The case isn't even at the Circuit Court level you idiot
The judge reviewing the affidavit. Stop playing semantics, fuckhead!
Oh and you cared soo much when it was Hillary. Perhaps he should have burned it, bleached bit it, used a hammer on it, or lost it like your side does all the time.
"Your side?"
See, that's the problem with you Trumptards.
You think this is all a game...
like a Friday night high school football game.
But this is not a game.
Your democracy is under attack by an incompetent, wanna-be tyrant and his republican lap dogs in Congress.
There has been a bit of study done on the personality traits of the type of people who support autocratic, populist "leaders" like Trump.
Adolph Hitler also comes to mind.
It's pretty pathetic that ANY of the basket of deplorables is entrusted with something as sacred as the vote.

"Your side?"
See, that's the problem with you Trumptards.
You think this is all a game...
like a Friday night high school football game.
But this is not a game.
Your democracy is under attack by an incompetent, wanna-be tyrant and his republican lap dogs in Congress.
There has been a bit of study done on the personality traits of the type of people who support autocratic, populist "leaders" like Trump.
Adolph Hitler also comes to mind.
It's pretty pathetic that ANY of the basket of deplorables is entrusted with something as sacred as the vote.

What are they going to do to democracy? How exactly are they attacking it? Be specific, blowhole.

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